Suppose the wide dataframe is dat.w, and variable ID is a unique
id for each row. Something like the following may work:
dat.l <- reshape(dat.w, idvar="ID",
varying=list(c("Day1", "Day2",
"Day3")), v.names="Response", timevar="Day",
Notice here, I assumed Day1, Day2, and Day3 are variable Response at
different days. So I named the new variable "Response", and the new
variable "Day".
On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, DAVID JENSEN wrote:
> Can someone help me with the proper usage of the
> reshape function?
> Let's say I have a dataset with columns like this
> (wide format):
> Id Sex Group Test Day1 Day 2 Day 3...
> And I want to transpose this into something like this
> (thin):
> Id Sex Group Test Time
> Where the new column labeled time contains all the
> time variables (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3...) that were in
> the wide format. I just cannot get it to work right
> using the reshape function. I'm sure there is
> something that I'm missing. I just can't get a handle
> on how to use this reshape function.
> Thanks so much in advance for any help.
> Dave
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