R help - Aug 2013

Saturday August 31 2013
6:18PM 1 Trouble with Slidify and Latex
5:57PM 1 To represent on the same plot the relation (y1, x) and (y2, x)
5:31PM 1 Accessing standard errors for coefficients in nlme
4:37PM 0 Error
4:20PM 0 R help again..SORRY!
11:33AM 0 R-help Digest, Vol 126, Issue 34
10:35AM 4 Issue with R libraries
9:29AM 2 How to plot a pretty heatmap with uneven distributed data?
6:37AM 1 how to generate graphs for multiple regressions
1:41AM 2 Basic Error I'm sure
1:33AM 0 delete repeated values in array
Friday August 30 2013
9:40PM 0 Error: XML content does not seem to be XML: ''
9:11PM 0 ddply for comparing simulation results
4:57PM 1 for loop of a geometric sequence
4:41PM 2 does rstudio-server support named configuration
2:50PM 1 https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/20
1:27PM 1 Ordering a matrix (and not losing the rownames)
1:27PM 3 (no subject)
1:25PM 0 Fwd: ddply for comparing simulation results
1:12PM 3 strange conversion char to date
1:01PM 0 Sensitivy / Specificity and nulls
12:18PM 4 mean
11:24AM 3 Memory usage bar plot
9:59AM 2 Changing string to date
9:23AM 1 package seriation- how to manage font size and label margin
8:37AM 2 create new column to combine 2 data.frames
8:13AM 1 Outliers Help
7:44AM 1 problem in while loop?
7:13AM 2 Packaging
5:58AM 0 Problems in setting up in MARSS package
3:29AM 3 Validating data type
Thursday August 29 2013
10:36PM 1 Vectorized version of colMeans/rowMeans for higher dimension arrays?
9:23PM 1 Omitted/blank variables in R function
7:19PM 2 calculate with different columns from different datasets
5:52PM 4 Add new calculated column to data frame
5:52PM 1 Missing value handling for felm function in lfe package
5:37PM 1 A question about multivariate normal distribution with a diagonal covariance matrix
3:16PM 1 Problem with "Peaks" package - followup…
2:33PM 2 Running pre R.14 version of R with R3.0.0
1:49PM 2 Help R
1:36PM 1 Calculation with Times Series
1:29PM 0 Few doubts about R
12:23PM 1 Unsuccessful beginner's struggle with lm
10:27AM 1 Few doubts about ANOVA
10:08AM 1 XLSX package + Excel creation question
8:16AM 3 Help If
4:19AM 0 Can not install rCharts
Wednesday August 28 2013
9:32PM 1 new.env() and attach for write?
9:09PM 1 Legend formatting (ggplot2)
8:56PM 3 why is this a factor?
8:26PM 1 Assessing temporal correlation in GAM with irregular time steps
6:52PM 1 Welcome to the "R-help" mailing list
6:24PM 1 Parallel version of Map(rather, mapply)
5:16PM 1 Problem with "Peaks" package
5:07PM 1 list to data frame
5:02PM 1 Max/min problems in multivariate calculus
4:52PM 3 scale breaks
4:10PM 1 Help with data frame conversion to contingency table
4:09PM 1 break on yaxis of boxplot
3:34PM 1 Stepwise selection with qAIC and qBIC
3:21PM 0 glmmPQL: how to get std error of fitted values?
3:14PM 1 can you please give guidance for generating future prediction values from existing heart disease data
2:20PM 0 behaviour of .cbind.ts
2:18PM 2 Sensitivy / Specificity and nulls
1:36PM 1 correlation between rows of different data frames
1:20PM 0 Keep a record of the observations deleted because of missing
12:05PM 3 SPI package error
11:52AM 1 calendar axis for forecasts
11:45AM 2 Plotting time vs number
11:04AM 1 named lmer.models in do.call(anova,models)
6:38AM 2 netlogo r-extension loadlibrary() failures
3:00AM 1 Making predictions from a linear model
Tuesday August 27 2013
11:19PM 2 mcapply not using more than 1 core
10:18PM 1 R Language Newbie
9:13PM 1 the inverse of assign()
8:33PM 1 error installing ggm package
8:27PM 0 problem with package doMC: ignoring SIGPIPE signal
7:34PM 2 transform row name in first column variable
7:29PM 1 Iterate over rows and update values based on condition
5:24PM 5 find row name with specific value
2:56PM 0 lattice graph/ panel.superpose / groups
1:17PM 1 [plyr] Moving average filter with plyr
1:11PM 0 PubChem Request Search Script
12:09PM 0 rJava segmentation fault
7:58AM 6 Scale of axis for two data sets
5:12AM 1 return the name of source.
4:44AM 1 Storing Big Matrix in R memory
3:46AM 1 predict.glm with constant non-zero response intercept
1:03AM 1 Mapping help
Monday August 26 2013
10:35PM 1 matrix into vector with vertex names - shortestpath reshape2
9:42PM 3 Naming columns
7:56PM 2 Citing Package Contributing Authors
7:06PM 1 Loop for converting character columns to Numeric
6:28PM 0 Bivariate skew normal cdf; very slow
6:13PM 0 factor() without abstract types
6:01PM 1 SimpleR
4:27PM 1 plot categorical variable with percentage infomation
4:06PM 2 Pasting excell spreedsheet into notepad for R
11:04AM 4 transform variables
10:05AM 1 Questions before installation
9:40AM 1 arbitrary subset of dataframe
5:51AM 1 Get Index of variables from stepAIC
5:50AM 1 Analogues to my data and prediction problem
4:18AM 2 Partial correlation test
2:35AM 1 Daily Time series setting
1:31AM 2 If else loop problem: the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
1:20AM 1 Sorting data
Sunday August 25 2013
8:12PM 0 Incorporating a dataset only package
8:08PM 0 (no subject)
6:21PM 3 POSIXct bug for conversion of specific combinations of date and time
5:58PM 1 centering text across panels of an annotated lattice figure
5:55PM 2 Installing package from website
5:54PM 0 caTools AUC different between mutli-class and subset binary
5:28PM 1 sbusetting data by rows (every 69 rows)
3:23PM 0 how to combine apply and which or alternative ways to, do so
3:09PM 3 Time axis formatting.
11:24AM 0 "block incomplete" error when compiling R
6:01AM 2 RCurl cookiejar
2:45AM 1 Capturing the whole output using R
Saturday August 24 2013
10:41PM 3 Parts of Speach Tagging
6:23PM 0 How to shape the dataframe for mlogit function
4:48PM 1 Selection of regressors
4:09PM 1 just a small variable-naming question
3:44PM 1 Divide the data into sub data on a particular condition
3:15PM 0 'plm' package problem
1:43PM 2 fitted
1:37PM 2 how to apply summation sign formula to R
11:50AM 1 EdgeR annotation
Friday August 23 2013
11:43PM 2 hide unused labels and resize panels in lattice barchart
10:42PM 0 Avoiding copies in list assignments
9:37PM 2 how to combine apply and which or alternative ways to do so
8:33PM 2 Replace two nested loop with an apply kind of function
6:30PM 0 Simulated mixed distribution multivariate data
6:16PM 1 lags of a variable, with a factor
3:00PM 1 Unexpected behaviour with seq() and %in%
2:54PM 1 Creating a Plot in R Commander
2:05PM 0 greek symbols to postscript
2:03PM 2 Randomization
1:14PM 1 Summation sign
12:59PM 3 Combining two tables without going through lot of ifelse statement
12:52PM 1 RSM
10:17AM 3 (no subject)
8:05AM 1 Setting up 3D tensor product interactions in mgcv
7:07AM 0 Track Starting Row number for Continuos Increment
5:40AM 1 How to view the source of code?
3:01AM 0 ANOVA nested model with random and fixed effects
1:29AM 2 how to use a column name from the data frame in the function
1:13AM 1 A couple of questions regarding the survival:::cch function
Thursday August 22 2013
10:43PM 0 Rcmdr version 2.0-0 now on CRAN
10:43PM 0 Rcmdr version 2.0-0 now on CRAN
8:26PM 0 Rexcel macro query
8:04PM 2 labcurve - use of putKey function
7:28PM 1 varpart
6:35PM 0 Close with a ggplot chart but need a little assistance
6:32PM 2 graph related question
4:23PM 1 Quanteg problem in R
4:08PM 1 converting a summary table to survey database form
3:43PM 1 Rexcel
3:08PM 1 corrgram (package corrgram): how to plot multiple correlograms in the same page?
3:07PM 0 Usage of ETS R codes through RExcel macros in VBA
1:25PM 1 filtering out replicate (duplicate) observations under special conditions
1:22PM 1 From POSIXct to numeric and back with time zone
11:39AM 1 Error: cannot allocate vector of size 18.4 Gb (NbClust)
8:24AM 1 stepAIC problem
6:29AM 0 R-3.0.2 on September 25
6:29AM 0 R-3.0.2 on September 25
2:49AM 0 R will not find certain entries in an array created by an interval
2:34AM 0 Replacing data values from ref table
2:21AM 0 Lag selection in Unit Root Test
2:05AM 1 Interpreting the result of 'cutree' from hclust/heatmap.2
1:36AM 1 cross-sectional analysis of a financial time series
Wednesday August 21 2013
9:56PM 2 X axis label as months
9:47PM 2 R.oo in R-3.0.1
8:35PM 1 download.file error - corrupt: Can't read SAT; charset=binary'
5:30PM 1 Coordinate scales for pairs plot
2:35PM 3 data import: strange experience
1:50PM 3 Narrowing values collected from .txt file
12:18PM 1 Rmpi unable to load
8:42AM 1 lattice: bwplot: getting two plots into one.
8:12AM 0 bootstrap from binary confidence intervals (Hmisc binconf)
Tuesday August 20 2013
9:39PM 3 how to code y~x/(x+a) in lm() function
9:28PM 1 alignment problem for italicised legend text in pdf output from a barplot
9:10PM 0 Problems about nonparametric regression with multivariate dependent variables
7:06PM 2 italic(mu)
7:05PM 1 multiple core
6:04PM 1 R code queries
5:53PM 0 Generating random values from zero inflated negative binomial distribution with rZINBI {gamlss.dist}
5:52PM 2 rcode problem
5:49PM 0 R HELP! How to create a matrix consisting of several matrices in R?
4:43PM 2 How to apply a function to every element of a dataframe, when the function uses for each colummn and row different values to calculate with?
3:30PM 1 igraph vertex.label.font sans serif
2:51PM 1 using functions from other packages in own package
2:04PM 1 Confidence Intervals for survreg (survival)
1:24PM 0 The easi Package - incorporating panel data?
9:07AM 1 Problems installing FAME package on Windows 7.
8:58AM 2 Change number of rows in console
8:18AM 1 Visualising SOM as hexagonal heatmaps
7:34AM 2 function on columns of two arrays
3:04AM 1 Creating the Spatial Weights
2:35AM 2 can I calculate density for only non-negative value?
12:47AM 0 arules LHS & RHS AND Condition Filtering
Monday August 19 2013
10:47PM 1 Interpreting lmp() results
8:25PM 1 How to rebuild an R package that has been removed from CRAN?
7:06PM 1 Windows "The system cannot find the path specified" error when submitting R in batch mode
6:00PM 1 lasso cross-validation
5:18PM 0 Why the bdiag code doesn't work?
4:45PM 2 model syntax processed --- probably common
11:33AM 1 problems with constrained optimization
9:28AM 1 How can I make my functions run faster
Sunday August 18 2013
7:55PM 0 How can I do nonparametric regression with multivariate dependent variables.
11:57AM 1 escaping % in Rd files
Saturday August 17 2013
11:33PM 2 First time r user
11:05PM 2 A function taken out of its original environment performs more slowly.
9:27PM 2 remove from list
7:56PM 1 Runtime error using ncdf
7:48PM 2 Appropriateness of R functions for multicore
11:37AM 2 Amelia, Zelig and latex in R
3:59AM 0 R strucplot residuals legend font
3:13AM 1 is there anything wrong with doing a multinomial logistic like it is a binary logistic regression?
2:35AM 1 Error in Corpus() in tm package
Friday August 16 2013
11:39PM 0 bySum error in ffbase package ?
9:19PM 0 Which skewness does pelpe3() from package "lmom" use?
7:55PM 0 Multi Correspondence Analysis
7:02PM 1 Randomly drop a percent of data from a data.frame
5:35PM 0 Envelope curve for scatterplot
4:48PM 2 about plantbreeding library
4:16PM 1 Is it possible to avoid copying arrays when calling list()?
10:17AM 0 Error in cmp function, COMPoissonReg package
9:45AM 2 Adding additional points to ggplot2
9:32AM 1 GUI tools for R
8:29AM 1 problem installing RDCOMEvents
7:50AM 1 คำถาม
2:40AM 0 Collecting children from mclapply
Thursday August 15 2013
8:16PM 3 How can I create a data_table with 1000 variables (Var1:Var1000)
8:11PM 1 initializing timeseries with ts()
6:54PM 1 Issue installing Packages
6:45PM 1 Datamatrix in R - extracting data from scatterplot
5:23PM 1 ASA Conference on Statistical Practice
5:13PM 1 XML package installation -- an old question
5:03PM 0 Modifying the internals of mgcv's G object to program a within estimator
4:51PM 2 Plotting Multiple Factors By Dates With Lattice
4:31PM 1 to match samples by minute
4:29PM 0 sendmail -- issue with mime_part
2:50PM 0 Create Data Frame From Loop
1:42PM 0 prediction of time series with nearest neighbor
1:22PM 2 Create new records based on event dates in a data frame
9:56AM 1 parcor package example for adalasso.net fails.
9:23AM 1 Plotting GAM fit using RGL
9:20AM 2 Temporal clustering of factors
8:32AM 2 Biomod model access
7:59AM 0 FEAR package installation failure
7:29AM 1 how to retain dimension when selecting one row from a matrix?
3:13AM 7 regex challenge
3:01AM 2 why Vectorize conjures a list, not a vector?
1:11AM 2 A question about using delayedAssign
Wednesday August 14 2013
7:56PM 1 How to extract last value in each group
7:43PM 2 condense repetitive code for read.csv and rename.vars
6:56PM 2 changing colnames
6:37PM 0 R: recommended linux version for R user
6:22PM 0 recommended linux version for R user
6:08PM 1 Modifying a design matrix in mgcv
5:41PM 2 convert delimited strings with ranges to numeric
4:38PM 0 Negative page rank values
4:15PM 1 Week number for a given date
3:40PM 3 Matrix Multiplication using R.
3:23PM 1 Producing multiple analyses (histograms/kernel densities) of network timings between groups
3:16PM 1 barplot: add an image in each bar
2:26PM 0 ggplot
2:23PM 2 Double return statement
1:57PM 0 Comparing two columns in an Excel file
1:40PM 0 [optim/bbmle] function returns NA
12:40PM 2 Barplots
12:20PM 2 How to "vectorize" subsetting
12:14PM 2 Grabbing numbers inside a character string
10:23AM 2 force pdf()
9:52AM 2 storing multidimensional arrays - save and load -
9:26AM 0 step() and multicore
6:45AM 0 What is “Proportion of trace” in lda (MASS)
5:34AM 1 Grap Element from Web Page
4:10AM 3 grImport/ghostscript problems
Tuesday August 13 2013
9:45PM 1 Regression of categorical data
9:35PM 1 Runtime error in R
7:32PM 0 post-hoc test for aovp() function
7:09PM 2 Convert list with missing values to dataFrame
5:47PM 1 internal error -3 in R_decompress1
5:46PM 2 ave function
5:40PM 1 latin1 encoding in WriteXLS
4:46PM 3 Regular repeats
4:17PM 2 How to store and manipulate survey data like this?
4:15PM 1 getting rid of .Rhistory and .RData
3:28PM 1 Outliers and overdispersion
3:06PM 1 Problem with zero-inflated negative binomial model in sediment river dynamics
2:08PM 1 Basic problem in R
2:00PM 2 Lattice: bwplot - changing box colors in legend and plot when using panel.groups = function... and panel = panel.superpose
1:16PM 0 Faster R algorithms than AlgDesign?
1:08PM 2 Understanding S4 method dispatch
12:40PM 0 [optim/bbmle] function returns NA at
11:36AM 1 F-test question
11:29AM 1 Hungarian R User's Group (Gergely Dar?czi)
10:44AM 1 Lme4 and syntax of random factors
9:46AM 1 Create rows for columns in dataframe
9:36AM 1 Rmpi installs before R-3.0.0 but not since
9:26AM 0 How-to add to LDA ggplot axes the Percentage of variance explained
8:38AM 0 [optim/bbmle] function returns NA at ... distance from x
Monday August 12 2013
10:59PM 1 pulling out pairs from data frame
10:31PM 2 Making Sure your matrices are even
8:23PM 2 combine all data frame columns into a vector.
4:44PM 2 function closure
4:36PM 0 SVM differences between R, Weka, Python
3:55PM 1 SEM polychoric lavaan
2:54PM 1 nls max iterations reached, but parameter estimates are correct
2:18PM 3 Memory limit on Linux?
1:15PM 1 extracting x and y coordinates from rnorm
12:41PM 1 help with adding SD to graph
10:47AM 0 issue 11 1nd 13 vol 126
10:08AM 0 Hungarian R User's Group
9:55AM 0 degrees of freedom in custom contrasts ananlysis
9:45AM 3 Problems with displaying Regression Results
6:01AM 0 Help in running meboot package in R
1:37AM 1 SEM polychoric
Sunday August 11 2013
9:05PM 0 Plotting multivariate time-series with ggplot2
8:18PM 2 ifelse() applied on function
7:43PM 2 RWeb Server
6:10PM 0 Adding negative values with mean of positive values
6:03PM 2 Off-topic? Linux laptop for R
12:39PM 2 Working with string
11:47AM 4 Advice on use of R for Generalised Linear Modelling
11:00AM 0 pls 2.4-3 released
11:00AM 0 [R-pkgs] pls 2.4-3 released
6:02AM 1 question for diallel analysis
4:27AM 0 Column names shifted
4:14AM 3 coxph diagnostics
Saturday August 10 2013
9:27AM 1 reactive load of .rdata in shinyapp
2:05AM 1 easiest way to put italics words in sentences plotted with text()?
Friday August 9 2013
8:11PM 0 Can ODBC or JDBC calls R?
5:37PM 2 The time unit of strptime() after performing arithmetic calculation
4:23PM 1 linking to help pages in other packages
3:27PM 0 help about diallel analysis
2:10PM 1 Splitting a categorical variable into multiple variables
2:05PM 0 Flexmix and variance of error terms
1:44PM 2 glmnet inclusion / exclusion of categorical variables
12:42PM 0 iterating missing() over function arguments
12:13PM 0 Calculate McDonald's Omega
10:58AM 1 errors with hurdle negative binomial mixed effect models
10:40AM 1 Automatic formula creation
10:31AM 1 cat(summary(lm(Y~x, dat = data))) cannot handle lists; dput writes too much...
10:19AM 1 decimal separator from comma to dot
10:08AM 1 Plotting zoo objects with chron axis
9:54AM 1 Data corruption with big numbers.
6:14AM 0 cross-nested random structure in glmmPQL
1:09AM 1 t.test error
Thursday August 8 2013
6:01PM 2 Creating new vectors from other dataFrames
5:37PM 1 matrix with standard errors of lm model
5:11PM 0 WriteXLS version 3.2.1 - Bug Fix Release
5:11PM 0 [R-pkgs] WriteXLS version 3.2.1 - Bug Fix Release
3:05PM 4 For loop output
2:58PM 0 mgcv predict.bam strange results
2:51PM 1 Mac Os X 10.6.8, R and edit/vi
2:23PM 1 Reason for difference in singular value decomposition produced by function La.svd (via prcomp)?
2:12PM 0 Revolutions blog roundup: July 2013
1:15PM 1 cbind with headers
12:15PM 0 Lack of catalog number referencing for statistical objects
11:00AM 1 Why is mclappy slower than apply in this case?
10:56AM 0 gnls() and "L-BFGS-B" in library(nlme)
10:43AM 3 Varying statistical significance in estimates of linear model
9:41AM 0 Numercial evaluation of intgral with different bounds
9:33AM 3 Add column to dataframe based on code in other column
8:19AM 1 Problem with na.action within own function
8:07AM 1 Upgrading to R and keeping packages
7:48AM 0 Explaining variance in a univariate time series
7:21AM 0 diallel analysis question
5:37AM 1 Extracting only multiple occurrences
4:08AM 1 Running time complexity of Seasonal ARIMA model (forecast package)
Wednesday August 7 2013
10:10PM 1 bbmle: mle2: initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite
8:47PM 0 stepAIC with logistf function
7:44PM 0 IRanges::unlist in package
7:01PM 2 p values for partial correlations
6:31PM 1 need held to build a loop for reading multiple datasets
4:58PM 1 MOB (party package) Question - Variable Selection
4:01PM 1 lmer( ) parameter estimates changing depending on dummy-coded reference level
2:35PM 0 [R-pkgs] New package about migration indices
2:35PM 0 New package about migration indices
11:55AM 0 help f0r R
10:13AM 2 How is a file descriptor stored ?
9:59AM 1 Stuck in size when looping
9:45AM 0 Help with unzip error -1
9:36AM 1 CFA and Factor scores from ordered Likert scale items using SEM and Lavaan packages
6:32AM 0 Demographic Analytics in R
3:30AM 0 Problem when running an SVAR-AB model in vars package
Tuesday August 6 2013
7:45PM 0 Problem with t-test
7:28PM 0 model.frame.default variable length differ in coxph
6:20PM 2 odfWeave post processing error
5:59PM 1 How to retrieve pairwise distances between clusters after cutting the tree?
5:17PM 1 creating a quantile variable based on subsets of a dataframe
4:51PM 1 Structural equation models (SEM) for count data / poisson distribution
4:09PM 1 lattice yscale.components: use multiple convenience functions
2:40PM 1 help.start
1:55PM 0 Temporal Correlation in Logistic Regression
11:27AM 1 breaks argument in heatmap.2 doesn't do what it should I think
10:50AM 2 problem with mahal function Package dismo
10:35AM 2 laf_open_fwf
9:14AM 1 Compiling a C++ file in RStudio?
8:47AM 2 read.table.ffdf and fixed width files
7:51AM 1 MDA
7:43AM 2 R plot
Monday August 5 2013
8:40PM 0 FOAS
8:11PM 2 Horizontal bar plot for lengthy data
6:27PM 1 timereg
6:18PM 1 How to auto adjust panel width according to number of box plots in bwplot
5:55PM 1 Distribution Fitting with R
5:04PM 1 R help: My calculation is different than the one in R with ARIMA(2, 3, 0) model
4:07PM 1 eliminating outliers
3:36PM 0 Problem with the number of function arguments when compiling inline functions
3:31PM 2 can't read a file
3:06PM 1 BRugs: error when compiling model
2:41PM 3 Grep functions output
2:20PM 0 alter table and sqldf assistance
2:11PM 1 problem installing RDCOMClient on Windows 7
12:42PM 0 SIAR does not recognise the groups in my data
12:31PM 1 Removing the rows where all the elements are 0
11:11AM 2 Function read.table(…) reads in only 40% of a my table's lines
11:00AM 1 Apriori probabilities in naiveBayes function
8:17AM 1 When scale is applied in heatmap
7:26AM 2 Retreiving correct data from combining two datasets
6:45AM 1 Kite Diagrams
6:39AM 2 Avoiding slow for-loops (once again)
6:26AM 2 obtain triplets from Data Frame columns
5:47AM 2 Having problem with forecast.Arima() function
Sunday August 4 2013
10:01PM 2 Variable panel sizes in box plot
10:00PM 0 R-help Digest, Vol 126, Issue 6
8:38PM 2 fortran random number
5:19PM 1 why my R^2 is so small while there do seem to be a dependency there?
3:34PM 2 Converting string to date
12:49PM 2 question: data.frame data conversion
8:34AM 3 Display plot in Browser
7:51AM 2 Simulation in R
2:40AM 0 add diagonal to matrix (sorry for having a little bug in last email)
12:11AM 1 Group by a data frame with multiple columns
Saturday August 3 2013
8:27PM 4 import function without overwriting function with the same name
7:43PM 1 Method dispatch in S4
6:54PM 4 add diagonal to matrix
3:47PM 2 How to create a dendrogram with colored branches
3:42PM 1 subselecting on Data frame
3:25PM 2 (nonparametric) Copula density estimation
2:32PM 2 Junk mail
11:27AM 2 Manipulations of a data frame or list -- rename or re-assign?
9:01AM 1 descriptive stats by cells in factorial design
7:50AM 1 Forest plot not dispalying
7:47AM 2 Accidentally replacing core R functions
Friday August 2 2013
11:44PM 0 Singular fit error with R rlm function
9:54PM 4 Internalization of help pages
9:42PM 1 How to download this data?
9:02PM 0 access the tcl history stream in tcltk
8:14PM 2 R Job taking longer in Linux than in Windows
7:04PM 1 Error executing R CMD check --as-cran caused by missing Maintainer field
6:56PM 0 How to index each loop results
5:54PM 1 Removing null vector that is not in .csv file data
4:48PM 0 CSPADE error: system invocation error
3:18PM 1 Creating a model with fixed and random variables
3:16PM 2 Regression Column names instead of numbers
2:34PM 0 Editing code in a function? related to allowing zero weights in lmer()
1:35PM 0 verbose=1 setting in lmer gives no iteration results
12:45PM 2 lme: object is not a matrix
10:20AM 1 Write-table and dynamic access path
9:26AM 2 could I remove or move points in locator() based on plot()?
9:11AM 1 VAR function in vars package: find the standard deviation of the error
8:45AM 1 Forest plot with sub group analyses
8:37AM 1 HiPLARb installation failed when magma-lib included
8:10AM 2 optim with(out) box constraints!
6:53AM 1 cannot base64decode string which is base64encode in R
5:54AM 1 X11 and printing/copying graphics from mac
3:54AM 1 Editing code in a function?
3:29AM 2 (no subject)
1:58AM 3 GO TO function in R
1:43AM 1 install-packages
1:24AM 1 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Thursday August 1 2013
8:06PM 1 rms plot.Predict when type="p"
7:30PM 1 Tracing the top border of a histogram
6:39PM 1 R runs on Windows Server 2012?
5:56PM 1 Bayesian Variance Components Estimation
5:22PM 0 R-Help
5:19PM 1 Forest plot with sub-group analyses
4:51PM 0 Replicate an SAS/SQL request
4:38PM 1 use Vectorized function as range of for statement
4:00PM 2 algorithm for clustering categorical data
3:48PM 2 Conversion of matrix in r to integer
1:18PM 1 Error Help: duplicate?
10:57AM 1 GARCH Optimization Problems
10:10AM 1 Use of Bonferroni correction on a set of paired vectors?
8:36AM 2 readBin into a data frame
8:02AM 1 Issue when using a coxph + summary function in R while using a pspline-transformed covariate
7:45AM 1 EMMIX
5:56AM 1 R Help.
12:23AM 1 ggplot2: color histograms by quintile
12:11AM 0 R and S+ Courses: Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney in Aug and Sep.
12:11AM 0 R and S+ Courses: Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney in Aug and Sep.