I am trying to model a state space process using the MARSS package. My model has two unobservable states and 5 observable time series along with external covariates in the observation process only. None of the coefficients in either of the two processes are time varying. After running my setup and then fitting with MARSS with the fit=FALSE option turned on I get the following outputs. Model Structure is m: 2 state process(es) n: 5 observation time series Z : unconstrained A : time-varying R : unconstrained B : unconstrained U : unconstrained Q : unconstrained x0 : fixed V0 : identity Obviously I have no idea why A has been classfied as time varying. Can anyone help me as to how to do this correctly ? A is initialized like this A1 <- "zero" The full code has been copied below #For two states B1 <- matrix(c("b1","b2","b3","b4"),2,2) #For 2 states U1 <- matrix(c("u1","u2"),2,1) #For 2 states Q1 <- "unconstrained" Z1 <- matrix(c("z1","z2","z3","z4","z5","z6","z7","z8","z9","z10"),5,2) #For 2 states #Initial Parameters pi1 <- matrix(c(1,2),2,1) V1 <- diag(1,2) A1 <- "zero" R1 <- matrix(list("r11","r12","r13","r14","r15", "r12","r22","r23","r24","r25", "r13","r23","r33","r34","r35", "r14","r24","r34","r44","r45", "r15","r25","r35","r45","r55", "r16","r26","r36","r46","r56") ,5,5) D <- "unconstrained" d <- covariate.data rownames(d) <- rownames(covariate.data) model.list <- list(B=B1,U=U1,Q=Q1,Z=Z1,A=A1,R=R1,D=D,d=d,x0=pi1,V0=V1,tinitx=0) fit <- MARSS(yt,model=model.list,control=list(maxit=10000,trace=0),fit=FALSE) Regards The woods are lovely, dark and deep But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep ----- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]