On Fri, 09 Aug 2013, Manta <mantino84 at libero.it> writes:
> Dear all,
> I have a problem which I'm not to fix. I have the following two series:
> a=structure(c(33242.5196150509, 34905.8434338503, 38490.6957848689,
> 38747.0287172129, 38919.1028597142, 39026.3956586941, 38705.5344288997,
> 38545.6274379387, 38651.2079354205, 38748.2769580121), index >
> 14032, 14033, 14034, 14035, 14036, 14039, 14040, 14041, 14042
> ), class = "Date"), class = "zoo")
> b=structure(c(53337.7643740991, 52210.2079727035, 50235.4480363949,
> 50667.1147389469, 50796.5403152116, 51113.5420947436, 51003.3603311344,
> 50654.0539778796, 49927.5267060329, 49320.1813921822), index >
> 14032, 14033, 14034, 14035, 14036, 14039, 14040, 14041, 14042
> ), class = "Date"), class = "zoo")
> I want to plot them on the same chart, with the x-axis the Date, and the
> y-axis the time in format %H:%M. At the moment, the y series is expressed
> seconds from midnight. I am confused with the as.POSIXct conversion.
>> hours(min(rollrep))
> [1] 9
>> minutes(min(rollrep))
> [1] 34
>> seconds(min(rollrep))
> [1] 27
> however, by doing the following it seems the minimum time is 11:09, which
> not true.
> as.POSIXct(round(min(rollrep)),origin=Sys.Date())
> [1] "2013-08-09 11:09:14 CEST"
> Do you have any advice? Is there a way to plot only the hours and minutes,
> without having to go to the Sys.Date?
> Thank you,
> Marco
Please provide a *reproducible* example. (What is 'rollrep'?
from midnight' may be ambiguous when there was a change to/from
summertime or when time zones are relevant.)
Perhaps something like this:
plot(merge(a, b), plot.type = "single", yaxt = "n")
midnight <- ISOdatetime(2013, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, "GMT")
sq <- seq(0, 86400, by = 300)
axis(2, at = sq, labels = format(midnight + sq, "%H:%M"))
Enrico Schumann
Lucerne, Switzerland