Dear all, I'm writing my manuscript to publish after analysis my final data with ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANCOVA. In a section of my result, I did correlation of my data (2 categirical factors with 2 levels: Quantity & Quality; 2 dependent var: Irid.area & Casa.PC1, and 1 co-var: SL). But as some traits (here Irid.area) are significantly influenced by the covariate (standard length, SL), I need to use the partial correlation. I know how to calculate it with JMP, but as I used R to analyse all of my data (first time in my life) for this manuscript, can anyone help me to find a solution for this problem? I got some libraries to calculate it (e.g. ppcor, ggm, etc.), but none of them fit to my required analysis (fitting covariate and subset group) in the model. Any help will be very much appreciated. > ### Datafrmame> data1 <- read.csv(file.choose(),header=TRUE) #Partial correlation.csv> data1 Quantity Quality SL Irid.area Casa.PC1 1 High Low 16.38 10.31 1.711739555 2 High High 15.95 16.52 0.013383537 3 High High 15.69 12.74 2.228490878 4 High Low 14.76 9.80 1.554975833 5 High Low 14.63 12.95 1.823767970 6 High High 14.32 14.21 3.152059841 7 High High 14.95 12.57 2.069265040 8 High Low 15.37 13.55 1.886027422 9 High Low 14.73 14.18 1.127440602 10 High High 16.08 15.98 1.435563307 11 High High 15.78 16.76 2.433261686 12 High Low 15.22 12.12 0.927454986 13 High Low 14.22 10.91 2.328899576 14 High High 14.47 11.03 1.522923487 15 High Low 13.98 10.03 2.342535074 16 High Low 14.99 11.44 0.749529924 17 High High 16.51 20.16 2.993905677 18 High High 14.83 16.82 2.227315597 19 High Low 15.17 19.21 1.685063793 20 High Low 16.29 20.31 1.551704440 21 High High 16.23 15.03 1.982319336 22 High High 14.18 14.80 1.839910851 23 High Low 16.11 12.92 1.443240647 24 High Low 13.95 7.60 2.034192171 25 High High 17.54 17.80 2.188306237 26 High Low 16.24 19.29 1.531264746 27 High High 14.79 12.98 1.465644134 28 High Low 15.87 14.85 1.372494892 29 High High 16.09 13.71 1.462037152 30 High Low 14.34 13.53 1.365588960 31 High High 14.93 12.91 0.729212386 32 High High 15.89 16.98 0.136175317 33 High Low 16.11 11.93 1.442761666 34 High Low 15.25 15.49 0.834442777 35 High High 15.84 17.65 1.471713978 36 High High 15.61 18.00 1.949457500 37 High Low 15.42 13.87 0.200098471 38 High Low 14.91 11.23 0.981988071 39 High High 15.69 5.74 -0.445941360 40 High High 15.13 9.07 1.387947896 41 High Low 15.04 15.87 1.480980400 42 High Low 17.08 17.24 2.620029423 43 High High 15.85 12.47 0.027278890 44 High High 15.35 10.44 2.597373230 45 High Low 15.62 12.11 0.030653396 46 High High 17.96 17.50 1.544922124 47 High Low 17.25 17.87 1.705053951 48 High Low 15.56 19.72 1.688867665 49 High High 16.27 13.15 0.111371757 50 High Low 16.68 15.43 1.538012366 51 High High 15.78 15.07 0.744555741 52 Low High 14.72 13.34 -0.682505420 53 Low Low 14.93 14.07 -1.641494605 54 Low High 13.94 13.22 -1.172268647 55 Low High 14.01 18.65 -0.996656064 56 Low Low 14.33 17.16 -1.789728167 57 Low Low 14.57 12.43 -0.827526343 58 Low High 14.01 15.29 -1.350691602 59 Low Low 14.22 16.98 -1.688278221 60 Low High 13.45 14.40 -1.182117327 61 Low High 13.44 16.57 -1.358976542 62 Low Low 14.76 15.58 0.334534454 63 Low Low 14.85 17.65 0.251766383 64 Low High 13.42 10.99 -0.526634460 65 Low High 14.07 16.88 -1.112579922 66 Low Low 14.15 16.41 -0.971918177 67 Low Low 14.78 11.95 -1.179074800 68 Low High 14.84 17.62 -0.777057705 69 Low High 15.16 14.09 -1.224388816 70 Low Low 14.60 15.03 -0.775478528 71 Low High 13.74 10.01 -0.917153842 72 Low High 13.54 12.34 -0.822895877 73 Low Low 14.04 11.86 0.002789116 74 Low High 15.73 18.50 -1.209469875 75 Low Low 15.14 16.85 -0.479090055 76 Low Low 14.86 17.32 -1.897204235 77 Low High 14.43 11.20 0.469569392 78 Low Low 14.01 15.55 -1.025059269 79 Low High 14.20 11.67 -0.770451072 80 Low High 16.16 17.34 -0.274527631 81 Low Low 14.63 13.52 -1.070187945 82 Low Low 15.83 14.85 -1.627211162 83 Low High 14.70 14.81 -1.694118608 84 Low High 13.91 14.48 -1.635459183 85 Low Low 13.95 16.05 -1.449612666 86 Low Low 14.03 12.58 -1.685968841 87 Low High 14.82 13.57 -0.097426417 88 Low High 14.32 12.16 -1.403512009 89 Low Low 14.33 7.66 -1.336654713 90 Low Low 15.01 10.15 -1.257019268 91 Low High 14.01 9.79 -0.715404495 92 Low Low 14.25 17.38 -1.296954022 93 Low High 14.55 16.11 -0.616895943 94 Low High 13.98 11.49 -0.654017365 95 Low Low 15.59 8.43 -1.708330027 96 Low Low 15.02 16.88 -1.352913634 97 Low High 13.99 9.64 -0.499793618 98 Low Low 13.98 12.25 -1.265336955 99 Low High 13.94 13.79 -0.263925513 100 Low Low 15.03 20.39 -0.720121308 101 Low Low 13.93 14.63 -0.908570400> ### COrrelation test according to group> library("MASS")> with(data1, cor.test(~ Irid.area + Casa.PC1, subset=(Quantity=="High")))# gives cor, df+2, p-values Pearson's product-moment correlation data: Irid.area and Casa.PC1 t = 1.5795, df = 49, p-value = 0.1206 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.05905155 0.46734855 sample estimates: cor 0.2201142> with(data1, cor.test(~ Irid.area + Casa.PC1, subset=(Quantity=="Low")))# gives cor, df+2, p-valuesPearson's product-moment correlation data: Irid.area and Casa.PC1 t = -0.4275, df = 48, p-value = 0.6709 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.3342116 0.2205349 sample estimates: cor -0.06159377> #### Effect size from two-way ANOVA ####> anova<- aov(Irid.area ~ Quantity*Quality+SL, data=data1)> summary(anova) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)Quantity 1 0.0 0.04 0.004 0.947 Quality 1 0.3 0.26 0.032 0.859 SL 1 149.5 149.49 18.027 5.03e-05 *** Quantity:Quality 1 0.2 0.18 0.022 0.883 Residuals 96 796.1 8.29 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 > etaSquared( anova ) # effect size eta.sq eta.sq.part Quantity 5.682119e-02 0.0632542041 Quality 6.577118e-05 0.0000781554 SL 1.510031e-01 0.1521470868 Quantity:Quality 1.922552e-04 0.0002284211> ### partial correlation (pcor) tests:> library(ggm)Loading required package: graphError in loadNamespace(i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths())) : there is no package called ‘BiocGenerics’In addition: Warning messages:1: package ‘ggm’ was built under R version 2.15.3 2: package ‘graph’ was built under R version 3.0.1 Error: package ‘graph’ could not be loaded> data2<- data1[, c("Irid.area", "Casa.PC1", "SL"), Quantity == "High"]> pcor(c("Irid.area", "Casa.PC1", "SL"),var(data2))Error in match.arg(method) : 'arg' must be NULL or a character vector> pc<-pcor(data2)> pc$estimate Irid.area Casa.PC1 SL Irid.area 1.0000000 -0.1313475 0.3387663 Casa.PC1 -0.1313475 1.0000000 0.5061438 SL 0.3387663 0.5061438 1.0000000 $p.value Irid.area Casa.PC1 SL Irid.area 0.0000000000 1.896426e-01 3.647247e-04 Casa.PC1 0.1896425857 0.000000e+00 6.258573e-09 SL 0.0003647247 6.258573e-09 0.000000e+00 $statistic Irid.area Casa.PC1 SL Irid.area 0.000000 -1.311637 3.564375 Casa.PC1 -1.311637 0.000000 5.809698 SL 3.564375 5.809698 0.000000 $n [1] 101 $gp [1] 1 $method [1] "pearson" Cheers, -- MD. MOSHIUR RAHMAN PhD Candidate School of Animal Biology/Zoology (M092) University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA, 6009 Australia. Mob.: 061-425205507 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Please don't cross post [1]. Please post minimal example data only. You should not be trying to (or appearing to) use us to get your work done. [1] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Newmiller The ..... ..... Go Live... DCN:<jdnewmil at> Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O#. #.O#. with /Software/Embedded Controllers) .OO#. .OO#. rocks...1k --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. Moshiur Rahman <mrahmankufmrt at> wrote:>Dear all, > >I'm writing my manuscript to publish after analysis my final data with >ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANCOVA. In a section of my result, I did correlation of >my >data (2 categirical factors with 2 levels: Quantity & Quality; 2 >dependent >var: Irid.area & Casa.PC1, and 1 co-var: SL). But as some traits (here >Irid.area) are significantly influenced by the covariate (standard >length, >SL), I need to use the partial correlation. I know how to calculate it >with >JMP, but as I used R to analyse all of my data (first time in my life) >for >this manuscript, can anyone help me to find a solution for this >problem? I >got some libraries to calculate it (e.g. ppcor, ggm, etc.), but none of >them fit to my required analysis (fitting covariate and subset group) >in >the model. > >Any help will be very much appreciated. > > > ### Datafrmame> data1 <- read.csv(file.choose(),header=TRUE) >#Partial correlation.csv> data1 Quantity Quality SL Irid.area > Casa.PC1 >1 High Low 16.38 10.31 1.711739555 >2 High High 15.95 16.52 0.013383537 >3 High High 15.69 12.74 2.228490878 >4 High Low 14.76 9.80 1.554975833 >5 High Low 14.63 12.95 1.823767970 >6 High High 14.32 14.21 3.152059841 >7 High High 14.95 12.57 2.069265040 >8 High Low 15.37 13.55 1.886027422 >9 High Low 14.73 14.18 1.127440602 >10 High High 16.08 15.98 1.435563307 >11 High High 15.78 16.76 2.433261686 >12 High Low 15.22 12.12 0.927454986 >13 High Low 14.22 10.91 2.328899576 >14 High High 14.47 11.03 1.522923487 >15 High Low 13.98 10.03 2.342535074 >16 High Low 14.99 11.44 0.749529924 >17 High High 16.51 20.16 2.993905677 >18 High High 14.83 16.82 2.227315597 >19 High Low 15.17 19.21 1.685063793 >20 High Low 16.29 20.31 1.551704440 >21 High High 16.23 15.03 1.982319336 >22 High High 14.18 14.80 1.839910851 >23 High Low 16.11 12.92 1.443240647 >24 High Low 13.95 7.60 2.034192171 >25 High High 17.54 17.80 2.188306237 >26 High Low 16.24 19.29 1.531264746 >27 High High 14.79 12.98 1.465644134 >28 High Low 15.87 14.85 1.372494892 >29 High High 16.09 13.71 1.462037152 >30 High Low 14.34 13.53 1.365588960 >31 High High 14.93 12.91 0.729212386 >32 High High 15.89 16.98 0.136175317 >33 High Low 16.11 11.93 1.442761666 >34 High Low 15.25 15.49 0.834442777 >35 High High 15.84 17.65 1.471713978 >36 High High 15.61 18.00 1.949457500 >37 High Low 15.42 13.87 0.200098471 >38 High Low 14.91 11.23 0.981988071 >39 High High 15.69 5.74 -0.445941360 >40 High High 15.13 9.07 1.387947896 >41 High Low 15.04 15.87 1.480980400 >42 High Low 17.08 17.24 2.620029423 >43 High High 15.85 12.47 0.027278890 >44 High High 15.35 10.44 2.597373230 >45 High Low 15.62 12.11 0.030653396 >46 High High 17.96 17.50 1.544922124 >47 High Low 17.25 17.87 1.705053951 >48 High Low 15.56 19.72 1.688867665 >49 High High 16.27 13.15 0.111371757 >50 High Low 16.68 15.43 1.538012366 >51 High High 15.78 15.07 0.744555741 >52 Low High 14.72 13.34 -0.682505420 >53 Low Low 14.93 14.07 -1.641494605 >54 Low High 13.94 13.22 -1.172268647 >55 Low High 14.01 18.65 -0.996656064 >56 Low Low 14.33 17.16 -1.789728167 >57 Low Low 14.57 12.43 -0.827526343 >58 Low High 14.01 15.29 -1.350691602 >59 Low Low 14.22 16.98 -1.688278221 >60 Low High 13.45 14.40 -1.182117327 >61 Low High 13.44 16.57 -1.358976542 >62 Low Low 14.76 15.58 0.334534454 >63 Low Low 14.85 17.65 0.251766383 >64 Low High 13.42 10.99 -0.526634460 >65 Low High 14.07 16.88 -1.112579922 >66 Low Low 14.15 16.41 -0.971918177 >67 Low Low 14.78 11.95 -1.179074800 >68 Low High 14.84 17.62 -0.777057705 >69 Low High 15.16 14.09 -1.224388816 >70 Low Low 14.60 15.03 -0.775478528 >71 Low High 13.74 10.01 -0.917153842 >72 Low High 13.54 12.34 -0.822895877 >73 Low Low 14.04 11.86 0.002789116 >74 Low High 15.73 18.50 -1.209469875 >75 Low Low 15.14 16.85 -0.479090055 >76 Low Low 14.86 17.32 -1.897204235 >77 Low High 14.43 11.20 0.469569392 >78 Low Low 14.01 15.55 -1.025059269 >79 Low High 14.20 11.67 -0.770451072 >80 Low High 16.16 17.34 -0.274527631 >81 Low Low 14.63 13.52 -1.070187945 >82 Low Low 15.83 14.85 -1.627211162 >83 Low High 14.70 14.81 -1.694118608 >84 Low High 13.91 14.48 -1.635459183 >85 Low Low 13.95 16.05 -1.449612666 >86 Low Low 14.03 12.58 -1.685968841 >87 Low High 14.82 13.57 -0.097426417 >88 Low High 14.32 12.16 -1.403512009 >89 Low Low 14.33 7.66 -1.336654713 >90 Low Low 15.01 10.15 -1.257019268 >91 Low High 14.01 9.79 -0.715404495 >92 Low Low 14.25 17.38 -1.296954022 >93 Low High 14.55 16.11 -0.616895943 >94 Low High 13.98 11.49 -0.654017365 >95 Low Low 15.59 8.43 -1.708330027 >96 Low Low 15.02 16.88 -1.352913634 >97 Low High 13.99 9.64 -0.499793618 >98 Low Low 13.98 12.25 -1.265336955 >99 Low High 13.94 13.79 -0.263925513 >100 Low Low 15.03 20.39 -0.720121308 >101 Low Low 13.93 14.63 -0.908570400> ### COrrelation >test according to group> library("MASS")> with(data1, cor.test(~ >Irid.area + Casa.PC1, subset=(Quantity=="High")))# gives cor, df+2, >p-values > Pearson's product-moment correlation > >data: Irid.area and Casa.PC1 >t = 1.5795, df = 49, p-value = 0.1206 >alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 >95 percent confidence interval: > -0.05905155 0.46734855 >sample estimates: > cor >0.2201142 >> with(data1, cor.test(~ Irid.area + Casa.PC1, >subset=(Quantity=="Low")))# gives cor, df+2, p-values > Pearson's product-moment correlation > >data: Irid.area and Casa.PC1 >t = -0.4275, df = 48, p-value = 0.6709 >alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 >95 percent confidence interval: > -0.3342116 0.2205349 >sample estimates: > cor >-0.06159377 >> #### Effect size from two-way ANOVA ####> anova<- aov(Irid.area ~ >Quantity*Quality+SL, data=data1)> summary(anova) Df Sum >Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) >Quantity 1 0.0 0.04 0.004 0.947 >Quality 1 0.3 0.26 0.032 0.859 >SL 1 149.5 149.49 18.027 5.03e-05 *** >Quantity:Quality 1 0.2 0.18 0.022 0.883 >Residuals 96 796.1 8.29 >--- >Signif. codes: 0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1 > >etaSquared( anova ) # effect size eta.sq >eta.sq.part >Quantity 5.682119e-02 0.0632542041 >Quality 6.577118e-05 0.0000781554 >SL 1.510031e-01 0.1521470868 >Quantity:Quality 1.922552e-04 0.0002284211> ### partial correlation >(pcor) tests:> library(ggm)Loading required package: graphError in >loadNamespace(i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths())) : > there is no package called ?BiocGenerics?In addition: Warning >messages:1: package ?ggm? was built under R version 2.15.3 2: package >?graph? was built under R version 3.0.1 Error: package ?graph? could >not be loaded> data2<- data1[, c("Irid.area", "Casa.PC1", "SL"), >Quantity == "High"]> pcor(c("Irid.area", "Casa.PC1", >"SL"),var(data2))Error in match.arg(method) : 'arg' must be NULL or a >character vector> pc<-pcor(data2)> pc$estimate > Irid.area Casa.PC1 SL >Irid.area 1.0000000 -0.1313475 0.3387663 >Casa.PC1 -0.1313475 1.0000000 0.5061438 >SL 0.3387663 0.5061438 1.0000000 > >$p.value > Irid.area Casa.PC1 SL >Irid.area 0.0000000000 1.896426e-01 3.647247e-04 >Casa.PC1 0.1896425857 0.000000e+00 6.258573e-09 >SL 0.0003647247 6.258573e-09 0.000000e+00 > >$statistic > Irid.area Casa.PC1 SL >Irid.area 0.000000 -1.311637 3.564375 >Casa.PC1 -1.311637 0.000000 5.809698 >SL 3.564375 5.809698 0.000000 > >$n >[1] 101 > >$gp >[1] 1 > >$method >[1] "pearson" > > > > >Cheers,
Dear All, Sorry to bother you again. As my previous mail was messy to understand, please find it again to give me a solution. I'd like to do a partial correaltion test ['pcor.test ()' or 'parcor()'] between Irid.area and Casa.PC1 variables controlling the influence of SL (co-variate) according to categorical group factors (Quantity or Quality group). Can anyone give me any example or source of package that will be appreciated. I already tried with "ggm" (doesn't work in R now), "ppcor", but failed to modify or adjust with my data to anlyse as I want. My effort:> data1 Quantity Quality SL Irid.area Casa.PC11 High Low 16.38 10.31 1.71173956 2 High High 15.95 16.52 0.01338354 3 High High 15.69 12.74 2.22849088 4 High Low 14.76 9.80 1.55497583 5 High Low 14.63 12.95 1.82376797 6 High High 14.32 14.21 3.15205984 7 High High 14.95 12.57 2.06926504 8 High Low 15.37 13.55 1.88602742 9 High Low 14.73 14.18 1.12744060 10 High High 16.08 15.98 1.43556331 11 Low Low 13.95 16.05 -1.44961267 12 Low Low 14.03 12.58 -1.68596884 13 Low High 14.82 13.57 -0.09742642 14 Low High 14.32 12.16 -1.40351201 15 Low Low 14.33 7.66 -1.33665471 16 Low Low 15.01 10.15 -1.25701927 17 Low High 14.01 9.79 -0.71540450 18 Low Low 14.25 17.38 -1.29695402 19 Low High 14.55 16.11 -0.61689594 20 Low High 13.98 11.49 -0.65401736> ### Correlation test according to group> library("MASS")> with(data1, cor.test(~ Irid.area + Casa.PC1, subset=(Quantity=="High")))# gives cor, df+2, p-valuesPearson's product-moment correlation data: Irid.area and Casa.PC1 t = -1.0507, df = 8, p-value = 0.3241 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.8020154 0.3604104 sample estimates: cor -0.3482398> with(data1, cor.test(~ Irid.area + Casa.PC1, subset=(Quantity=="Low")))# gives cor, df+2, p-valuesPearson's product-moment correlation data: Irid.area and Casa.PC1 t = 0.1209, df = 8, p-value = 0.9068 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.6031431 0.6547228 sample estimates: cor 0.04269795> ### ppcor tests:> <- data.frame(+ v1=data1$Irid.area,+ v2=data1$Casa.PC1,+ f1=data1$Quantity,+ f2=data1$Quality)> library(ppcor)> pcor( in pcor( : 'x' must be numeric ## I also tried it with numeric values, but didn't give me the results same as JMP> # partial correlation between "v1" and "v2" given "f1" and "f2"> pcor.test($v1,$v2,[,c("f1","f2")])Error: is.numeric(y) || is.logical(y) is not TRUE???Then I tried with> #####pcor with ggm#####> library(ggm)# suggested by Andy Field et al. on their book "Discovering statistics using R".Loading required package: graphError: package ‘graph’ could not be loaded> examData2<- data1[, c("Irid.area", "Casa.PC1", "SL")]> maleExam<-subset(data1, Quantity == "High", select= c("Irid.area", "Casa.PC1"))> femaleExam<-subset(data1, Quantity == "Low", select= c("Irid.area", "Casa.PC1"))> cor(maleExam) Irid.area Casa.PC1Irid.area 1.0000000 -0.3482398 Casa.PC1 -0.3482398 1.0000000> cor(femaleExam) Irid.area Casa.PC1 Irid.area 1.00000000 0.04269795 Casa.PC1 0.04269795 1.00000000> # partial correlation between two var.> pcor.test(examData2$Irid.area, examData2$Casa.PC1, examData2$SL..COVARIATE.,Quantity == "High")Error in pcor.test(examData2$Irid.area, examData2$Casa.PC1, examData2$SL..COVARIATE., : 'use' should be either "rec" or "mat"!In addition: Warning messages:1: In if (use == "mat") { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used2: In if (use == "rec") { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used So, again can anyone help me to find out the solution, and sorry in advance to disturb you with the same issue. Cheers, Jewel g-mail: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]