Sunday September 30 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
6:38PM |
2 |
adjust font in ggplot2 to LaTeX document |
6:18PM |
1 |
Please help on Sweave question |
3:22PM |
1 |
Strategy for building a robust rare event logistic model - Questions. |
8:54AM |
0 |
New package: logmult (log-multiplicative models) |
6:15AM |
1 |
Query |
2:28AM |
2 |
modified Ward method |
Saturday September 29 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
8:36PM |
1 |
norm tables |
5:23PM |
3 |
Removing lower whisker in boxplot to see the effects of the high values |
5:23PM |
5 |
Generating by inverting function |
2:10PM |
1 |
Unexpected behavior with weights in binomial glm() |
1:33PM |
3 |
plot selected scales on +/- axes |
7:36AM |
1 |
Problems with stepAIC |
7:17AM |
1 |
Optim() |
3:51AM |
1 |
About the scope of a variable and the save() method |
Friday September 28 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
10:59PM |
2 |
Converting array to matrix |
10:16PM |
1 |
Heatmap Colors |
9:51PM |
4 |
Merging multiple columns into one column |
8:11PM |
1 |
Select Original and Duplicates |
7:57PM |
0 |
Text mining? Text manipulation? Both? Predicting KRAS test results in cancer patients |
6:59PM |
3 |
Better way of Grouping? |
4:14PM |
2 |
max & summary contradict each other |
2:49PM |
1 |
Lattice bwplot(): Conditioning on one factor |
10:13AM |
0 |
Is it possible to enter in a function wich is within a library ? |
10:10AM |
1 |
Crosstable-like analysis (ks test) of dataframe |
9:41AM |
1 |
Anova and tukey-grouping |
8:41AM |
1 |
blank plot----how do I make symbols appear |
6:13AM |
3 |
Simple Question |
4:07AM |
1 |
Annotate a segmented linear regression plot |
2:48AM |
2 |
changing outlier shapes of boxplots using lattice |
1:59AM |
0 |
Questions about the functions ar.ols and auto.arima when fitting an AR model |
1:23AM |
1 |
z-score to percentile, and back again (Normal) |
Thursday September 27 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:48PM |
0 |
problems with mle2 convergence and with writing gradient function |
10:26PM |
1 |
List of Variables in Original Order |
9:15PM |
2 |
How to write R package |
9:00PM |
6 |
How to test if there is a subvector in a longer vector |
8:48PM |
1 |
What to use for ti in back-transforming summary statistics from F-T double square-root transformation in 'metafor' |
8:26PM |
2 |
Generating an autocorrelated binary variable |
8:20PM |
0 |
Autocorrelated binary variable |
8:16PM |
0 |
Paired -test in NADA package |
8:03PM |
0 |
the mice pool function and aov() |
7:46PM |
3 |
Keep rows in a dataset if one value in a column is duplicated |
7:02PM |
1 |
PLS-DA and LV variance with mixOmics |
6:53PM |
1 |
install.packages on windows |
5:43PM |
3 |
problem with nls starting values |
5:24PM |
1 |
Speeding up time conversion |
4:57PM |
0 |
SURVREG Function |
4:49PM |
1 |
Guideline |
4:39PM |
1 |
Problem with grid.rect |
4:13PM |
2 |
equivalent of Stata "by construct" |
12:44PM |
0 |
error while estimating spatial Durbin (mixed) model |
12:36PM |
1 |
erasing a polygon |
12:21PM |
2 |
Start and End day of a month |
11:25AM |
4 |
Colsplit, removing parts of a string |
10:59AM |
3 |
Drawing asymmetric error bars |
10:41AM |
0 |
Conference: useR! 2013, 10-12 July 2013, Albacete, Spain |
8:43AM |
2 |
Is there a function that runs AR model with Schwarz Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC)? |
5:16AM |
3 |
Calculating number of elapsed days from starting date |
4:03AM |
1 |
Package ‘orcutt’ bug? |
3:03AM |
1 |
How does "apply.monthly" function works (xts package) |
1:05AM |
1 |
Random Forest - Extract |
12:53AM |
3 |
Comparing density plots using same axes or same axes scale |
12:48AM |
6 |
Mac Text editors |
12:25AM |
1 |
Is there a way to source from a specific Git repository without hardcoding the location everywhere? |
Wednesday September 26 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
9:11PM |
3 |
Simple Question About Exporting Back to Excel |
7:52PM |
3 |
replace string values with numbers |
7:24PM |
2 |
R and sell buy stock |
6:39PM |
1 |
how to know where you've been sourced from |
6:14PM |
0 |
lme(y ~ ns(x, df=splineDF)) error |
6:05PM |
0 |
Help with invoking R |
5:06PM |
1 |
Specifying a response variable in a Bayesian network |
4:56PM |
0 |
Create an error logging text file |
3:56PM |
2 |
specifying arguments in functions and calling functions, within functions |
3:38PM |
2 |
averageif and looping |
3:20PM |
3 |
rows extraction |
3:19PM |
0 |
Submit a new script after all parallel jobs have completed |
3:19PM |
3 |
Removing duplicates without a for loop |
3:03PM |
1 |
Help with R invoking |
2:39PM |
2 |
Retrieve regression summary results after rq |
2:11PM |
3 |
Reading multiple files |
1:45PM |
1 |
Interaction scatterplots in ggplot with multiple regression lines |
12:07PM |
1 |
RCURL ftp upload - ASCII or Binary type? |
11:28AM |
0 |
RV: problems for making grids from lmer models |
11:26AM |
0 |
Jointly distributed random variables in R |
11:24AM |
2 |
gbinom function |
10:53AM |
2 |
average environmental data if AnimalID and Time is duplicated |
10:49AM |
5 |
create new column in a DF according to values from another column |
9:04AM |
3 |
map two names into one |
8:56AM |
3 |
Broken Links on |
8:55AM |
1 |
Change in order of names after applying "plyr" package |
7:59AM |
1 |
Creating x*y different contigency tables |
7:34AM |
1 |
Help needed on parallel processing |
7:08AM |
1 |
Running different Regressions using for loops |
6:43AM |
1 |
Ask for help - how to change WHIRR.117.csv to WHIRR_117.csv |
2:17AM |
0 |
error about xtable and addmargins |
2:16AM |
1 |
Simulating from probit |
12:55AM |
1 |
Write table with data in other .csv template |
Tuesday September 25 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:39PM |
2 |
small negative values instead of zeros in nested loop |
9:32PM |
1 |
mean-aggregate – but use unique for factor variables |
6:54PM |
1 |
Extrapolating Cox predicted risk |
3:52PM |
1 |
nlme function examples for dose-respone |
3:24PM |
3 |
(core) designation on Task View |
3:07PM |
1 |
RGL plot : cex and zlim arguments do not work |
3:03PM |
3 |
Plotting of regsubsets adjr2 values not correct |
2:44PM |
3 |
add a data frame to my data frame |
2:37PM |
1 |
Mean calculation of groups |
2:29PM |
2 |
extract all data frames from a list & remove NAs |
1:22PM |
2 |
Recategorizing Nominal variable |
1:07PM |
1 |
geom_line: How to plot two data sets having different maximum X-axis values in a single plot? |
12:50PM |
1 |
REML - quasipoisson |
12:45PM |
1 |
Three Stage Sampling of categorical variable using 'survey' in R |
12:28PM |
1 |
how to pass a function to a function inside a function |
12:22PM |
2 |
Regsubsets model selection |
12:20PM |
0 |
Error in Johnson Fit |
10:45AM |
1 |
Bug or misunderstanding of par(pin)? |
9:54AM |
1 |
calculation of diversity confidence interval |
9:18AM |
0 |
how to specify the multinomial distribution in R |
8:08AM |
1 |
boxplot names italic |
7:04AM |
1 |
Add-on Package |
5:22AM |
2 |
Strange data frame behavior |
4:28AM |
1 |
appropriate test in glm when the family is Gamma |
3:46AM |
0 |
boxplot of multi box color |
3:35AM |
1 |
parallel |
2:05AM |
1 |
mapping data from table to .csv template |
Monday September 24 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:29PM |
5 |
Memory usage in R grows considerably while calculating word frequencies |
10:31PM |
0 |
Comparing x-intercepts between linear regression lines |
10:23PM |
3 |
boxplot of different colors |
10:03PM |
1 |
passing a matrix from R to C code |
9:14PM |
2 |
Install of R-2.15.1 for Windows (64 bit) on application server |
8:10PM |
0 |
Deldir() Thiessen Polygons Problem |
5:08PM |
1 |
[ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 138 rows] |
4:40PM |
1 |
knnFinder Package |
3:20PM |
0 |
Rolling Correlations with Multiple Data Points per Month |
3:02PM |
2 |
Latitude Longitude to SPDF |
2:36PM |
0 |
problems with function geese in geepack |
2:30PM |
0 |
R Interview Request |
2:21PM |
1 |
R for commercial use |
1:15PM |
1 |
Problem with R script |
12:27PM |
0 |
R on a cluster head node and memory limits |
12:00PM |
0 |
Estimated covariance matrix with tgp package |
11:47AM |
6 |
Script to count unique values from two linked matricies |
11:20AM |
3 |
List creation based on matrix |
11:00AM |
4 |
serial subtraction within a vector |
10:38AM |
0 |
stop on rows where !$ti_all) |
9:35AM |
1 |
Adding textbox to multiple panels in lattice |
8:58AM |
2 |
add lowess predicted line to scatter plot |
8:27AM |
1 |
eval and tcltk : target of assignment expands to non-language object |
8:06AM |
1 |
POSIXct coerced into numeric when filling a data frame |
6:26AM |
0 |
GGally diagonal axis: changing font size |
5:55AM |
2 |
Regression Problem |
3:22AM |
2 |
Rows not common in dataframes |
12:09AM |
0 |
Tinn-R released |
Sunday September 23 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
9:36PM |
1 |
Background color in a grid plot seems to interfere with plot() |
9:26PM |
1 |
How to Write a Model in R that has the Log taken of the Intercept |
9:10PM |
1 |
Vegan vegdist Jaccard matrix problem |
8:52PM |
3 |
Confused by code? |
7:59PM |
0 |
problems with function geese() in geepack |
8:41AM |
1 |
grid: How to merge cells in grid.layout? |
3:48AM |
2 |
If Command in Plot |
Saturday September 22 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
10:38PM |
1 |
Creating multiple maps so points don't overlap |
5:32PM |
1 |
How to determine R version? |
4:19PM |
0 |
timeIsInterval function not found |
1:57AM |
2 |
Change boxplot color |
Friday September 21 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:11PM |
2 |
efficient overlapping average curve on original curves |
11:02PM |
1 |
New Submission to CRAN note |
7:48PM |
1 |
7:32PM |
1 |
translating SAS proc mixed into R lme() |
7:27PM |
1 |
__FILE__ object in R |
7:02PM |
2 |
reading mzxml files |
6:00PM |
1 |
BRugs has a bug to use "OpenBUGS_PATH" |
3:04PM |
2 |
Math expression in R plot |
2:51PM |
1 |
Exactly Replicating Stata's Survey Data Confidence Intervals in R |
2:17PM |
3 |
Return level plots |
1:53PM |
0 |
--enable-R-shlib and external BLAS/LAPACK libraries |
1:31PM |
0 |
using neural network in R (nnet) |
10:09AM |
1 |
Malmquist-Luenberger Productivity Index programmed in R? |
9:49AM |
1 |
prune in rpart: choose number terminal nodes |
7:22AM |
2 |
Inclusion of a countdown tool of remaining calculation time possible? |
4:43AM |
2 |
Parallel Programming |
3:03AM |
0 |
Axis annotation using lattice spplot |
Thursday September 20 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
9:48PM |
1 |
question on assigning an argument in a function that is create by the function itself |
9:13PM |
1 |
creating new variable |
7:34PM |
2 |
VarBrul in R |
6:22PM |
0 |
ES with time varying (GARCH model) under nonnormal (using cornish fisher expansion) |
6:06PM |
1 |
aggregate help |
6:04PM |
1 |
SQL query with Multicore option on R -linux |
5:47PM |
0 |
Plot to tiff, font size problem in multiple plot figures |
4:08PM |
1 |
Fortune nomination |
3:41PM |
1 |
fourier series for finding average values |
2:57PM |
3 |
(no subject) |
2:18PM |
3 |
lattice dotplot reorder contiguous levels |
1:55PM |
3 |
Applying glm coefficients (Beginner Question) |
1:41PM |
3 |
Line over Boxplot |
1:30PM |
0 |
stats q: median regression and using ln(y+1) |
12:52PM |
2 |
Variance Inflation Factor VIC() with a matrix |
12:47PM |
2 |
Sweave - if \Sexpr{} than \SweaveInput{"my.Rnw"} |
12:09PM |
0 |
Quantile regression with large number of fixed effects |
11:46AM |
3 |
Problem with Newton_Raphson |
9:51AM |
0 |
filtering out known instrumental error from time series |
9:19AM |
1 |
R/C++ interfaces: crashes when using .c(), followed by correct results when R restarted |
9:13AM |
1 |
Gummy Variable : Doubt |
8:24AM |
1 |
optim and "the function should not" advice |
6:33AM |
1 |
validate.lrm - confidence interval for boostrap-corrected AUC ? |
2:48AM |
2 |
how can I give same name to column and row? |
Wednesday September 19 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:08PM |
0 |
Lowest AIC after stepAIC can be lowered by manual reduction of variables (Florian Moser) |
9:54PM |
2 |
Data Frame (Very Simple Problem) |
7:08PM |
3 |
Merging two or more frequency tables |
6:56PM |
4 |
correlating matrices |
6:19PM |
1 |
issue accessing help files |
5:51PM |
1 |
histogram plot spacing problem |
5:50PM |
4 |
where are these NAs coming from? |
5:46PM |
1 |
Wilcoxon Test and Mean Ratios |
5:41PM |
0 |
Multi lines in R plot |
5:18PM |
0 |
FASTA annot issue |
4:40PM |
2 |
Warning Message: In if (deparse(params[[nm]][[3]]) != "1") |
4:29PM |
0 |
export date field using sqlSave |
4:12PM |
2 |
write.table: strange output has been produced |
3:55PM |
2 |
Help reproducing a contour plot |
3:51PM |
2 |
drop zero slots from table? |
3:48PM |
3 |
R package for dashboard |
2:20PM |
3 |
effective way to return only the first argument of "which()" |
1:01PM |
0 |
Discrepancies in weighted nonlinear least squares |
11:32AM |
0 |
problem in displaying image in browser using Rook |
10:30AM |
1 |
Setting library path (again) |
8:54AM |
2 |
Importing a CSV file |
7:01AM |
2 |
invalid labels; length 2 should be 1 or 0 |
5:57AM |
1 |
How to convert a graph into an image in R |
12:57AM |
1 |
scraping with session cookies |
12:10AM |
2 |
Trap an error from a function |
Tuesday September 18 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
10:02PM |
1 |
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test |
7:50PM |
2 |
Estimating the ECDF |
7:08PM |
3 |
ommoting rows |
6:21PM |
1 |
Contradictory results between different heteroskedasticity tests |
5:20PM |
0 |
Determine Threshold value in Extreme Value Theory |
5:19PM |
1 |
Expected Shortfall using cornish fisher expansion |
4:35PM |
1 |
Simple String Operation. |
3:12PM |
1 |
Error_Unlogit |
2:55PM |
2 |
extracting column and regular interval in R |
2:41PM |
4 |
Conditional operations in R |
2:08PM |
0 |
[Re] add reference lines (or grid) in background |
1:52PM |
0 |
Appending many different and separate Excel files using R |
1:39PM |
0 |
New Package 'JMbayes' for the Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data under a Bayesian approach |
1:27PM |
1 |
Lowest AIC after stepAIC can be lowered by manual reduction of variables |
1:16PM |
0 |
"rugarch" package |
12:04PM |
0 |
Comparing rqpd() and rq() |
11:17AM |
2 |
Data frame divison by another data frame with common groups and different length |
9:40AM |
4 |
Why x[1] is not getting substituted? |
8:35AM |
4 |
add reference lines (or grid) in background |
6:12AM |
1 |
creating graphs using Rook |
5:19AM |
0 |
S4, polymorphism, and parallelization |
4:48AM |
2 |
Formula in a data-frame |
3:23AM |
1 |
How to convert R script to standalone executable? |
1:27AM |
1 |
chunk row to new table/file |
1:18AM |
1 |
extracting values |
Monday September 17 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:15PM |
6 |
help with calculation from dataframe with multiple entries per sample |
10:26PM |
2 |
"eval" inside a function call in connection with updating the data slot in the call of lmer |
9:51PM |
1 |
Compiling R2.15.1 on ubuntu with x86-64 architecture and shared library |
7:10PM |
0 |
Question about R performance on UNIX/LINUX with, different memory/swap configurations |
7:06PM |
1 |
loglogistic survreg |
6:54PM |
0 |
arima forecast without the first order of auto-regressor |
6:32PM |
2 |
Creating missingness in repeated measurement data |
6:30PM |
1 |
other files in \inst\doc |
5:11PM |
2 |
Constraint Optimization with constrOptim |
1:42PM |
2 |
Problem with Stationary Bootstrap |
12:13PM |
3 |
I want to send the vector a into the Object A....... |
10:25AM |
0 |
lqmm package 1.02 |
10:03AM |
6 |
count NAs per week |
9:47AM |
3 |
Can anyone help why the errors are coming and rectify it? |
9:21AM |
1 |
download truncating large files |
9:04AM |
1 |
Adding legends on plots using Lattice package |
7:56AM |
1 |
LoadLibrary failure: : %1 is not a valid Win32 application although arch x64 has been specified |
6:27AM |
3 |
eval(parse(...)) only once in a function |
4:50AM |
2 |
How to divide each column with its own value |
4:04AM |
4 |
Using paste to create and evaluate a variable expression |
3:43AM |
0 |
variance of yBar.. for unbalanced a random effects model |
3:30AM |
1 |
memory leak using XML readHTMLTable |
2:41AM |
0 |
How to use tune.svm or tune(svm...) for regression |
2:30AM |
1 |
How to filter information from a big .csv table into a new table |
12:02AM |
1 |
self defined distance matrix in NbClust |
Sunday September 16 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
10:51PM |
1 |
Possible Improvement of the R code |
10:18PM |
1 |
trying to obtain same nls parameters as in example |
8:42PM |
1 |
Server R |
6:47PM |
2 |
Where is the R configuration file or how to override R compilers |
6:34PM |
1 |
sum(table(v)) == length(v) |
6:30PM |
2 |
Question about R performance on UNIX/LINUX with different memory/swap configurations |
5:59PM |
1 |
possible TZ bug in parseISO8601 - "Error in if (length(c(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)) == 6 && c(year, : [...]" |
4:46PM |
2 |
multi-column factor |
3:01PM |
0 |
Usage of trim in mean() |
2:35PM |
4 |
two questions about character manipulation |
10:41AM |
5 |
Count based on 2 conditions [Beginner Question] |
8:06AM |
1 |
How to plot two lines, and only one line with errorbar by qqplots of R |
2:17AM |
1 |
Post by non-member to a members-only list |
2:15AM |
1 |
Sub- or superscript in factorial variable - possible? |
Saturday September 15 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
10:09PM |
1 |
equivalent or "rowspan" in R |
8:36PM |
5 |
create new variable with ifelse? (reproducible example) |
8:18PM |
0 |
Dimension Reduction Using MCA |
7:56PM |
2 |
R CMD check and browser |
6:07PM |
2 |
How to convert the output of tapply() so that it has the same order as the input? |
5:48PM |
1 |
Interpretation of result in R |
4:39PM |
2 |
qplot: plotting precipitation data |
10:33AM |
1 |
lmPerm p-values and multiple testing |
9:52AM |
1 |
p-values in agricolae pearson correlation |
9:22AM |
4 |
how to view only readings of a selected data from a column while the other columns remain |
6:29AM |
1 |
Error when using Bagplot function |
1:27AM |
1 |
tail a file in R |
12:19AM |
0 |
Random Forest and Correlated Fields |
Friday September 14 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
10:18PM |
1 |
Plotting DMAs (Direct Marketing Areas) |
9:27PM |
0 |
Forcing a reference category in logistic model |
9:11PM |
0 |
htmlParse pop ups over web pages |
9:00PM |
0 |
SQL query with multicore option |
7:26PM |
3 |
aggregate() runs out of memory |
6:33PM |
1 |
$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors |
6:03PM |
1 |
parallel version of tapply() or table()? |
5:41PM |
2 |
plotting points on a map, assigning vectors to values from dataset |
5:00PM |
1 |
Parallel R |
4:30PM |
1 |
please comment on my function |
4:30PM |
1 |
Any way to get read.table.ffdf() (in the ff package) to pass colClasses or comment.char parameters through to read.fwf() ? |
4:09PM |
1 |
modified ward's method |
3:33PM |
2 |
Creation of text files for use with UCODE_2005 |
2:44PM |
2 |
ctrl+r does not work sometimes |
2:22PM |
1 |
USCensus2000 package |
1:58PM |
0 |
problem with user defined panel function in xyplot |
1:41PM |
0 |
rcdk package, fingerprint without name? |
1:17PM |
0 |
Luis Miguel Delgado Gomez/BBK está ausente de la oficina. |
12:54PM |
4 |
concatenating two vectors |
11:33AM |
1 |
swap hist() colours |
11:07AM |
1 |
Printing localized pdf file from Sweave snippets |
9:44AM |
2 |
compare different data-formats |
9:37AM |
1 |
Boxplot lattice vs standard graphics |
9:32AM |
1 |
How to specify minimum and maximum x-axis value in logi.hist.plot? |
9:19AM |
1 |
linear mixed-effects models with two random variables? |
8:46AM |
1 |
Problem in installing "quantreg" package |
7:41AM |
2 |
when to use "I", "as is" caret |
3:05AM |
1 |
tcltk installation problem in R (Mac OS X version) |
2:04AM |
1 |
Adding annotations to qplot from a data frame |
12:35AM |
2 |
calculate within-day correlations |
12:04AM |
1 |
Correlation between random effects in the package coxme |
Thursday September 13 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
10:04PM |
1 |
problem creating an array |
9:02PM |
2 |
simulate from conditional distribution |
7:41PM |
2 |
Missing Values |
7:29PM |
0 |
cforest and cforest_unbiased for testing and training datasets |
7:19PM |
0 |
Keeping R active when launching external application |
6:56PM |
0 |
split plot experiment with a repeated measure |
6:53PM |
3 |
Cannot install package xlsx |
5:49PM |
1 |
remove all terms with interaction factor in formula |
5:44PM |
1 |
Namespaces without packages? |
5:42PM |
1 |
cannot read iso639 table |
5:37PM |
1 |
Auomatic Download of climate netcdf4 files from the Climate Explorer Website |
5:01PM |
1 |
list of funtions |
4:03PM |
0 |
gee() and geeglm() errors |
3:54PM |
1 |
Paasing values to sqlQuery like SAS macro |
2:40PM |
1 |
Package for comparing sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy? |
1:36PM |
6 |
[newbie] aggregating table() results and simplifying code with loop |
12:52PM |
1 |
AICcmodavg |
12:10PM |
2 |
Zip a file |
12:01PM |
0 |
bigmatrix and irlba |
11:35AM |
1 |
package installation problem. |
11:19AM |
1 |
how to find end of a FASTA file |
9:20AM |
2 |
rstudio client on the i-pad |
9:15AM |
1 |
Inaccurate prediction in R |
9:01AM |
0 |
I need help for svm package kernlab in R |
8:42AM |
5 |
random sampling inside a dataset |
8:18AM |
0 |
A problem of impulse response function about S-VAR |
7:47AM |
2 |
Remove serial number column in a Dataframe into CSV |
7:44AM |
1 |
fractional balanced design conjoint analysis |
6:41AM |
0 |
problematic p values for Dixon Q test |
5:38AM |
2 |
Shading in prediction intervals |
5:03AM |
1 |
Error during matrix multiplication |
1:03AM |
0 |
Time Series Analyses of Left-Censored Data |
12:21AM |
1 |
Parsing "back" to API strcuture |
Wednesday September 12 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
10:21PM |
1 |
unzipping with ff |
8:45PM |
3 |
how to create a substraction matrix (subtract a row of every column from the same row in other columns) |
6:56PM |
3 |
Need help |
6:39PM |
1 |
digit precision in p value of rcorr |
6:05PM |
3 |
Constraining parameters using tag() in SUR model - ZELIG |
6:05PM |
2 |
help server slow |
5:43PM |
2 |
Help on converting a Sweave document to PDF |
5:40PM |
4 |
Trying to use pipes in R |
3:59PM |
0 |
R-help Digest, Vol 115, Issue 12 |
3:38PM |
1 |
Plotting US States: Issue with filled colors cycling |
3:04PM |
2 |
How to resolve the following error: (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double' |
2:35PM |
1 |
Contrasts in mixed effects model: difference between differences |
2:16PM |
1 |
factor expansion |
12:37PM |
1 |
SNPRelate package error |
12:31PM |
0 |
help on "plotfit" function in package "nlstools" |
7:47AM |
7 |
multinomial MCMCglmm |
6:51AM |
6 |
How to append the random no.s for different variables in the same data.frame |
1:29AM |
1 |
CairoWin on Windows 7 doesn't refresh |
Tuesday September 11 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:29PM |
2 |
how to qplot two x-axis x1:Farenheit x2:Celsius |
11:16PM |
1 |
Plotting every probability curve |
11:00PM |
2 |
R equivalent of python module structure and functionality? |
10:18PM |
2 |
splines package |
9:41PM |
1 |
using alternative models in glmulti |
8:58PM |
1 |
Panels of Geographical Maps |
7:01PM |
1 |
Strange result from GAMLSS |
6:56PM |
0 |
balanced two-way crossed balanced random effects analysis of variance |
6:54PM |
0 |
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (fractal pkg) troubleshooting |
6:44PM |
1 |
lapply with different size lists? |
6:40PM |
1 |
how can I get a layout like in pairs()? |
5:52PM |
4 |
Maintaining specific order when using aggregate or change order on axis |
3:52PM |
1 |
Animation Problem |
3:08PM |
1 |
How to get curve information from a gam model |
2:57PM |
3 |
Combine two variables |
2:37PM |
1 |
boot() with glm/gnm on a contingency table |
2:23PM |
4 |
R calculates small numbers, where the result should be zero |
2:17PM |
3 |
creating several different matrices |
1:56PM |
1 |
Find correlation in Clmm? |
1:50PM |
0 |
Setwd to a directory that requires authentication |
1:36PM |
2 |
problem while installing packages in r |
1:22PM |
1 |
plot dataframe with inconsistently relations |
1:15PM |
0 |
Question about logistic regression with ordered factor variable using the rms package (prev.Design) |
12:39PM |
0 |
how to perform multiple comparisons with anova.glm significant interactions? |
11:51AM |
5 |
R on Android |
11:13AM |
2 |
Sort or Permutate |
9:07AM |
1 |
plotting smoother function on raw data |
8:47AM |
4 |
how to make a folder as package in R |
7:30AM |
1 |
Integration between R and Microsoft SQL Server? |
7:11AM |
5 |
Searching from Dataframe. |
6:07AM |
1 |
CRAN, install packages problem on networked PC |
3:48AM |
1 |
help in running r query in pre defined time intervals |
1:21AM |
2 |
.NAME in .Fortran |
Monday September 10 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
10:00PM |
0 |
predict pixels of raster using caret-derived models |
9:43PM |
1 |
Memory errors using lmer |
9:18PM |
1 |
Calculating Linkage Disequilibrium for Microsatellite Markers? |
9:04PM |
0 |
Reading Iowa Test of Basic Skills file |
8:43PM |
1 |
lowess regression |
8:29PM |
1 |
history ?? |
8:23PM |
1 |
Zero inflated Models- pscl package |
6:35PM |
1 |
bwplot(): Can Panel Heading Span Two Lines? |
6:23PM |
4 |
Identifying duplicate rows? |
4:59PM |
2 |
how to create a segplot in black and white? |
4:14PM |
3 |
plot: x and y chromosomes are missing |
3:13PM |
1 |
memory use problem. |
2:51PM |
2 |
predict arima |
2:19PM |
0 |
More help need on Von Bertalanffy Growth Curves |
2:00PM |
2 |
pairwise comparisions |
12:22PM |
1 |
E-mail # 2 / attachments matrix test cases |
8:28AM |
0 |
How to calculate the number of points that fall inside each cell of a given raster using R |
8:14AM |
3 |
Plot not too dense line plot |
7:28AM |
1 |
Sweave Error: c("'...Rnw'", "'...Rnw'") is not ASCII and does not declare an encoding |
6:03AM |
1 |
Rscript installing packages |
12:29AM |
1 |
R- merging two matrix |
Sunday September 9 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:22PM |
1 |
Solving a system of two equations |
11:18PM |
5 |
qplot with many files (each one curve) |
7:50PM |
0 |
psych 1.2.8 has been released |
6:58PM |
1 |
Sum of column from another df based of row values of df1 |
6:37PM |
1 |
PCA legend outside of PCA plot |
3:13PM |
2 |
use subset to trim data but include last per category |
2:04PM |
3 |
how to save a heatmap.2 in png /jpeg /tiff |
12:55PM |
1 |
Error msg in rpanel |
Saturday September 8 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
7:47PM |
1 |
Using predict() After Adding a Factor to a glm.nb() Model |
7:45PM |
3 |
Apply a function to columns of a matrix |
7:42PM |
0 |
Help: a matrix exponential |
6:51PM |
0 |
calculate svd of a matrix larger then memory |
3:41PM |
1 |
How to insert vertical space between lines of tables created with the R package 'tables'? |
3:26PM |
0 |
Help on calculating AUC with caTools trapz(a,b) command |
2:21PM |
0 |
Grid package: how to customize cell spacing? |
2:14PM |
4 |
method or package to make special boxplot |
1:34PM |
1 |
calcular SVD de una matriz que no entra en memoria |
9:47AM |
1 |
Thanks for helping - back to the community? |
3:17AM |
3 |
Can I make spss.get reencode from Windows-1252? |
2:54AM |
2 |
How to Rename Column Labels? |
1:11AM |
0 |
reshape and geeglm problem |
Friday September 7 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
8:49PM |
7 |
Producing a table with mean values |
7:33PM |
0 |
Closing WinBugs 14 window |
6:46PM |
2 |
Contrasts for 2x4 interaction in mixed effects model |
6:12PM |
6 |
splitting character vectors into multiple vectors using strsplit |
6:00PM |
4 |
Trying to learn how to write a function... can't define a variable?? |
4:04PM |
3 |
Problem with duplicates in row.names |
4:04PM |
3 |
Is something wrong wiht |
3:57PM |
0 |
Predictions of every individual tree in Cforest |
2:49PM |
0 |
Error when using s.multinom() of the ade4 package - %PCA and MCOA |
2:02PM |
2 |
metafor package: study level variation |
11:05AM |
3 |
error: in catg (xi, name=nam, label=lab): "LO2" has <2 category levels |
10:16AM |
0 |
regions in Gabriel graph |
8:26AM |
4 |
Month Difference |
6:37AM |
0 |
Quiry regardig the interpretation of graph |
1:11AM |
2 |
creating a symmetric matrix |
Thursday September 6 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:27PM |
1 |
[Rscript] difficulty passing named arguments from commandline |
8:24PM |
1 |
Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic (weak instruments) |
8:20PM |
1 |
FF package & downloading a large file using sqlQuery |
6:58PM |
1 |
Package installation errors |
6:26PM |
0 |
Revolutions blog: August round-up |
6:22PM |
3 |
Help! Weird behavioral difference between R interactive and command-line? |
6:09PM |
2 |
choose() function returning anomalous results (zero instead of one) |
6:03PM |
2 |
Lattice bwplot(): Changing Orientation of Plots in Multipanel Display |
6:03PM |
2 |
No room for labels in barplot |
6:01PM |
0 |
lme( y ~ ns(x, df=splineDF)) error |
5:40PM |
1 |
Change margin size of complex barplot |
4:48PM |
0 |
mvpart - legend help |
4:03PM |
2 |
How can I improve an ugly, dumb hack |
4:00PM |
1 |
draw.key; getting grobWidth to respect fontfamily="mono" |
2:50PM |
2 |
efficient way to do 2-level loops |
1:53PM |
0 |
p value from lmekin() |
12:42PM |
0 |
11:50AM |
2 |
Generalized additive models: Plots for Qualitative Data |
10:48AM |
3 |
unique with tolerance |
9:08AM |
1 |
use of ddply() within function |
8:40AM |
3 |
How to find the non matching vectors among these five, if so how we can find the non matching element of that vectors? |
8:37AM |
0 |
Logit regression, I observed different results for glm or lrm (Design) for ordered factor variables |
7:33AM |
0 |
Are any R packages available for Multi class Multi Label SVM? |
6:55AM |
1 |
Interaction plot glm? |
6:54AM |
4 |
Why the error is coming, can anyone help? |
3:51AM |
2 |
merge a list of data frames |
1:16AM |
1 |
How to extract p value from the lmekin object obtained by fitting mixed model with function lmekin() in package coxme? |
1:16AM |
1 |
Maximum likelihood fitting of a functional relationship (MLFR) |
Wednesday September 5 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:57PM |
4 |
Summarizing data containing data/time information (as factor) |
10:14PM |
0 |
Maximum-likelihood fitting of a functional relationship(Ripley & Thompson) type analysis |
9:31PM |
2 |
using sqldf's read.csv.sql to read a file with "NA" for missing |
9:09PM |
1 |
analysis of bitmaps |
9:05PM |
1 |
showing ticks for censored data in survfit() in the rms package |
8:58PM |
1 |
Model Description |
7:50PM |
0 |
help w/ uploading table frm R to green plump |
7:42PM |
1 |
Outliers in Binary Logistic Regressions |
7:14PM |
2 |
Recoding categorical gender variable into numeric factors |
6:56PM |
1 |
Simulating key-press or keyword events on a Mac |
5:23PM |
0 |
model.table (anova) |
3:50PM |
2 |
how to visualise the smoothers of a model averaged GAM ? |
3:06PM |
2 |
cex.lab ignored in plot.zoo for multiple plots |
2:54PM |
2 |
Improvement of Regression Model |
1:57PM |
1 |
Smooth contour of a matrix |
9:48AM |
3 |
linking HTML with R |
9:41AM |
2 |
Installing lumi and hdrcde |
7:40AM |
1 |
How to effectively remove Outliers from a binary logistic regression in R |
6:34AM |
1 |
run EGARCH package on REXCEl |
2:12AM |
2 |
POSIXlt and daylight savings time |
12:02AM |
1 |
Sweave encoding option |
Tuesday September 4 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:53PM |
1 |
Revolution Analytics |
11:39PM |
2 |
Read data from .csv file as a matrix and compare the different between two matrix |
11:14PM |
1 |
cenboxplot(): Reporting Limit Twice Correct Concentration |
10:58PM |
1 |
repace values in raster based on values in another raster |
8:52PM |
2 |
How can I export a big data.frame to excel 2010 - file.xlsx? |
7:57PM |
0 |
AFTREG weights |
7:10PM |
1 |
what package does the mesh function need |
6:43PM |
3 |
Comparing Von Bertalanffy Growth Curves |
6:34PM |
3 |
Ryacas |
4:44PM |
1 |
ADMB error- function maximizer failed (couldnt find STD file) |
4:00PM |
0 |
Calculate a minimum-variance portfolio with fPortfolio |
2:40PM |
1 |
tapply to data.frame or matrix |
2:33PM |
0 |
Help about rugarch |
12:55PM |
3 |
Tendonitis and R users |
11:44AM |
0 |
prune rpart - select option with less splits when 2 cp's are the same |
11:24AM |
3 |
unexpected (?) behavior of sort=TRUE in merge function |
10:16AM |
1 |
predict rpart newdata - introduce only values variables used in the tree |
8:47AM |
0 |
boxplot of hierachical cluster |
8:18AM |
1 |
binary data |
5:49AM |
0 |
get only little part of html with htmlParse |
3:23AM |
1 |
Producing a SMA signal when closing price is above the moving average for 3 days |
1:35AM |
0 |
Skew Normal CDF using psn (package sn) |
Monday September 3 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:58PM |
2 |
adding points to a point pattern |
10:25PM |
2 |
Adding summary title to table |
7:12PM |
3 |
Horizontal grid in background of barplot |
6:46PM |
1 |
Time Series filter help? |
5:33PM |
1 |
Scatter plot from tapply output, labels of data |
5:18PM |
0 |
Fwd: I need help with package RANDFORESTGUI |
4:06PM |
1 |
combing list objects |
3:34PM |
2 |
boxplot - bclust |
11:13AM |
1 |
select specific rows from regression output |
10:52AM |
0 |
Call for contribution: the RDataMining package - an R package for data mining |
2:40AM |
2 |
Coxph not converging with continuous variable |
2:32AM |
0 |
Skew-Normal CDF using psn |
2:15AM |
1 |
R suitability for development project |
Sunday September 2 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
11:05PM |
1 |
Common elements in columns |
10:44PM |
2 |
a newbie seeking for a simple problem |
8:42PM |
5 |
[newbie] scripting remote check for R package |
6:24PM |
1 |
why variations in accuracy between R to ARCGIS for the same point reprojection? |
5:40PM |
2 |
Impact of cex changing as a function of mfrow |
4:41PM |
3 |
Loading Chess Data |
4:22PM |
0 |
Simulation of genetic data |
2:47PM |
0 |
most efficient plyr solution |
11:40AM |
0 |
aov(rt~(F1*F2*F3)+Error(s/(F1*F2*F3)), three_way) question + data |
10:23AM |
1 |
glmulti runs indefinitely when using genetic algorithm with lme4 |
9:49AM |
3 |
Help on finding specific columns in matrix |
7:16AM |
1 |
for help post-hoc comparisons |
Saturday September 1 2012 |
Time | Replies | Subject |
10:52PM |
2 |
Computing 'exp(1e3)*0' correctly.... |
9:39PM |
2 |
(Newbie) help cannot find chrome |
5:10PM |
5 |
R_closest date |
1:48PM |
1 |
Vectorial analogue of all.equal()? |
10:16AM |
1 |
Query in Taylor Diagram |
9:29AM |
2 |
help on setting boundaries for generating random numbers |