As the footer says, "provide commented, _minimal_, self-contained,
reproducible code."
This is hardly "minimal" or reproducible.
Anyway, this probably ought to qualify as a plyr FAQ of some sort: don't use
the summarise function as the FUN argument within a function. Define a named or
anonymous function of your own as the help page for ddply describes. Too many
layers of syntactic sugar are involved for summarise to work within a function.
Jeff Newmiller The ..... ..... Go Live...
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
Franckx Laurent <laurent.franckx at> wrote:
>Dear all,
>I am encountering problems with the application of ddply within the
>body of a self-defined function.
>The script is the following:
>moncostcarmoto <- function(costtype){
> costaux_result <- data.frame()
> for (purp in PURPcount){for (per in PERcount){
> costcarin =
> costmotoin =
> browser()
>COSTaux <-
> COSTaux[ ,"PURP"] <-
> COSTaux[ ,"PER"] <-
> costaux_result <- rbind(costaux_result,COSTaux)
> }}
> return(costaux_result)
>Summarizing what it is supposed to do:
>* In previous step of our analysis, we have constructed a
>dataframe, CARaux. CARaux represents different cost categories (fuel
>prices, taxes, maintenance) etc for cars and motorcycles. The costs are
>differentiated according to the projection year ("YEAR")
>the policy scenario considered ("SC") and the car type considered.
>* The function moncostcarmoto takes as only argument one of
>four possible aggregate cost types: "MONCOST_EXCLTAX",
>"TAX",""FUELCOST" and
>* The output of the function is a summary of the costs per
>YEAR and SCENARIO, represented for all possible trip purposes
>(enumerated in PURPcount) and period of the day (enumerated in
>PERcount). Note that these costs do not depend on PURP and PER in the
>base scenario, but this is something I may want to modify in the future
>(and which explains why I iterate over these categories).
>The function fails in the following line:
>With the following error message:
>Error in (function(x, i, exact) if (is.matrix(i)) as.matrix(x)[[i]]
>else .subset2(x, :
> object 'costcarin' not found
>When I debugged the function, I found the following:
>Browse[1]> costcarin
>Browse[1]> summary(CARaux[[costcarin]])
> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
>0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0001605 0.0166700 0.0048570 0.1633000
>Browse[1]> COSTaux_AVCAR <-
>Browse[1]> summary(COSTaux_AVCAR)
> SC YEAR costcsolo
> BAU:31 Min. :2000 Min. :6.202
> 1st Qu.:2008 1st Qu.:6.202
> Median :2015 Median :6.202
> Mean :2015 Mean :6.202
> 3rd Qu.:2022 3rd Qu.:6.202
> Max. :2030 Max. :6.202
>Browse[1]> COSTaux_AVCAR <-
>Error in (function(x, i, exact) if (is.matrix(i)) as.matrix(x)[[i]]
>else .subset2(x, :
> object 'costcarin' not found
>Thus, providing CARaux[["CS_MONCOST_EXCLTAXCAR"]] as an argument
>ddply() works, but CARaux[[costcarin]] does not, although costcarin
>Best regards
>VITO Disclaimer:
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>PLEASE do read the posting guide
>and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.