Hello, I want to draw a boxplot using 13 colors for 13 boxes. Each box represents a type of diet of birds. Y axis is the breeding range of the birds. I checked the previous r-help and found a possible solution. However, it did not work by showing "error in ncol(Diet_B)," Diet_B not found. Please kindly help with modification and thank you. Also, if anything is unclear, please let me know. code # data input dataN <-read.csv("H:/Mig_bird_586_20120925.csv",header=T, row.names=1) dataN$Diet_B <-factor(dataN$Diet_B) # graph par(mai=c(1,1.03,0.4,0.4)) boxplot(GE_distance~Diet_B, data=dataN, col = rep(seq(ncol(Diet_B)) + 1, each = 1)) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]