Le 25/09/12 05:35, Tjun Kiat Teo a ?crit :> Does the function parallel work for windows ?
> Tjun Kiat
Try to reproduce these exemples and you will have your answer:
Marc Girondot
Marc Girondot, Pr
Laboratoire Ecologie, Syst?matique et Evolution
Equipe de Conservation des Populations et des Communaut?s
CNRS, AgroParisTech et Universit? Paris-Sud 11 , UMR 8079
B?timent 362
91405 Orsay Cedex, France
Tel: 33 1 (0) Fax: 33 1 (0)
e-mail: marc.girondot at u-psud.fr
Web: http://www.ese.u-psud.fr/epc/conservation/Marc.html
Skype: girondot