hello i'm trying the script of gstat course of munich "Spatial and spacetime classes in R " in http://geostat-course.org/Topic_Bivand_2012 the code is follow ... but a in timeIsInterval(dts) the script failed.... the message is "timeIsInterval function not found" i'm updated R and package spacetime but has not worked any suggestions? thanks setwd("C:/Documents and Settings/bob/Documenti/tuesday") library(rgdal) dts0 <- c("19980401", "19980701", "19981001", "19990101") fn <- "_Gambia__the_Extract.tif" ndv_gambia <- readGDAL(paste("NDV_", dts0[1], fn, sep="")) for (i in dts0[2:4]) ndv_gambia <- cbind(ndv_gambia, readGDAL(paste("NDV_", i, fn, sep=""))) names(ndv_gambia) <- paste("ndv", dts0, sep="_") dts <- as.Date(dts0, "%Y%m%d") #dal testo della data tiri fuori la data vera e propria dims <- dim(ndv_gambia) #le dimesioni dello spatial griddtaframe tot celle X 4 strati ndvi ds <- slot(ndv_gambia, "data")#per estrarre il dataframe che sta sotto data@ ed ? uno spatial grid dataframe ################################################### ### code chunk number 23: tuesday_slidesB.Rnw:306-312 ################################################### df <- reshape(ds, varying=list(1:4), v.names="ndv", direction="long", times=dts, ids=1:dims[1])#traspone le misure in colonne separate dello stesso record in misure ripeture in record diversi library(spacetime) timeIsInterval(dts) <- TRUE stNDVF <- STFDF(as(ndv_gambia, "SpatialPixels"), dts, df) library(RColorBrewer) Grns <- brewer.pal(7, "Greens") -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/timeIsInterval-function-not-found-tp4643906.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.