On 12-09-30 2:18 PM, Andras Farkas wrote:> Dear All,
> I have reviewed some examples over the net on this issue, but still not
getting the results. I have the following text and code i would like to place
into a pdf with sweave, but I would like to change the margins on the produced
document. The options(width=60) I guess should do this but when I put it to wok,
it is not functioning. perhaps my calling of commands is off?
The command options(width=60) affects the display of R output. It
doesn't affect the margins of other text in the document. You need to
use LaTeX commands to change those, e.g.
to set the text width to 3 inches. See a LaTeX manual for other
margins. (The left, top and bottom margins will also affect R output.)
Duncan Murdoch
> I would apreciate the help. Here is the code as I have it now:
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
> \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}
> <<echo=FALSE>>> options(width=60)
> @
> There is a considerable departure between the English and the American
conventions of using the raised commas. This departure is specifically in where
other punctuation marks are placed in relation to the closing raised comma.
> \end{document}
> Andras
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> This body part will be downloaded on demand.