On 26/09/2012 11:03 AM, Li, Jianying (NIH/NIEHS) [C]
wrote:> Hi,
> I encountered a very strange error with R (2.14.1).
> I tried to build an R package and eventually worked (passing all the checks
etc.). Then, I tried this command "R CMD INSTALL --binary pkg", which
supposedly "installs and produce a binary source archive (*.zip) for use on
Windows only."
> Nothing happened, but I could not run "R CMD check pkg" anymore.
Further, when I tried to invoke R, I had \
> Warning message:
> In normalizePath(c(new, .Library.site, .Library), "/") :
> path[1]="": No such file or directory
> I looked through all the document but could not find an answer.
> Could you please provide some hint?
Please try to put together a reproducible example. It looks sort of
like symptoms of having a bad package name in your DESCRIPTION file,
which was fixed quite recently (after 2.15.1):
* A malformed package name could cause |R CMD INSTALL| to write
outside the target library.
You can try a nightly build of R-patched if you can make the problem
reproducible. If it's not fixed yet, please send me instructions on how
to reproduce. (That probably means sending me a copy of your pkg source.)
Duncan Murdoch