R help - Oct 2003

Friday October 31 2003
9:09PM 1 help with constrOptim function
9:05PM 3 Problems with help.start()
8:50PM 4 Array Dimension Names
8:32PM 1 problem with tune.svm
7:40PM 4 dnorm() lead to a probability >1
7:39PM 1 strange sprintf() behaviour ?
7:34PM 1 question about optim
7:16PM 2 Summing elements in a list
6:48PM 0 Fatal error in SJava.
4:27PM 1 constrained nonlinear optimisation in R?
3:47PM 3 print(), cat() and simple I/O in R
2:50PM 2 Creating packages in 1.8
12:57PM 2 How to grow an R object from C (.Call Interface)
12:18PM 0 strange logLik results in gls (nlme)
11:29AM 0 A package for spatial data classes: request for comments
10:26AM 1 too long
10:10AM 1 Optimization of objective function with generic number of arguments (R-Extension with C code)
9:17AM 0 weighted rank correlation test?
8:11AM 2 Therotical basis of Kriging
6:46AM 0 which argument is missing from my boot...
6:03AM 1 cross-classified random factors in lme without blocking
1:39AM 1 inverse function for positive definite matrix
Thursday October 30 2003
9:34PM 7 Weird problem with median on a factor
8:23PM 1 Finding common sets
7:49PM 0 Variance of a non-linear combination of the coefficient e stiamtes
7:10PM 0 Transformed predictor in linear model
7:01PM 3 Change in 'solve' for r-patched
6:19PM 0 Variance of a non-linear combination of the coefficient estiamtes
5:51PM 0 spatial outliers
5:16PM 3 How to Extract Std.Error
4:54PM 1 RMySQL and '_' character in column names
2:58PM 1 Difference between CRAN.packages() and whats on CRAN package source
2:54PM 2 'nls' and its arguments
1:21PM 0 Linking R with C or WEB
12:27PM 2 conflicts(detail=TRUE)
8:35AM 0 R News Volume 3/2
4:28AM 1 legend over-prints barplot bar
4:27AM 1 Trouble reshaping some data
2:31AM 0 A Question for Statisticians about SCHWARZ, SHIBATA, RICE ...
1:56AM 0 loglm() uses only a reference to data, and not data itsel f - is that on purpose??
12:49AM 0 Release of Bioconductor 1.3
12:46AM 4 packaging a package addon
Wednesday October 29 2003
10:33PM 1 svm from e1071 package
10:11PM 1 restarting split.screen
10:10PM 0 loglm() uses only a reference to data, and not data itself - is that on purpose??
7:10PM 2 constrained OLS on coefficient
7:05PM 0 constrained OLS
5:44PM 0 test for connectedness
4:41PM 1 constrOptim doesn´t send arguments to optim!(?)
4:19PM 0 rmutil located
3:54PM 2 importing SAS data
3:54PM 1 evaluating expression within nls()
3:49PM 2 Where is rmutil package?
3:36PM 1 grid: dividing units by numbers
3:22PM 2 /usr/lib/R/library vs /usr/local/lib/R/site-library
3:12PM 1 One inflated Poisson or Negative Binomal regression
1:57PM 0 add and drop methods for mlm objects
1:14PM 1 I have a problem with the log2 function
1:08PM 0 stacked histogram
11:48AM 0 rank function
11:16AM 0 P-values in ncf package
8:17AM 1 automate save.image
8:15AM 0 Kendall rank correlation
8:12AM 3 long algo
12:08AM 1 lm.fit glitch
Tuesday October 28 2003
11:28PM 3 ts vs. POSIX
11:08PM 3 R with C code
10:48PM 1 POSIX
8:36PM 1 ifelse with a factor variable
8:10PM 2 R performance on Unix
8:04PM 1 strptime command in R
6:57PM 2 Confidence ellipse for correlation
6:23PM 1 Loading a "sub-package"
5:43PM 0 problem with the installed R script
5:43PM 1 'levelplot' with an option 'at'
4:31PM 1 setting up complicated ANOVA in R
4:01PM 1 presentation of software
3:40PM 0 Re : Hello
3:28PM 1 error message in simulation
2:57PM 2 Visualising Moving Vectors
2:16PM 1 Summary : Whitehead's group sequential procedures
11:31AM 1 ESS windows/linux
9:34AM 0 Octave scale transformation
8:38AM 4 random number generation
8:30AM 0 New version of R-WinEdt (for Windows)
6:17AM 2 formula parsing, using parts ...
3:34AM 2 outer function problems
2:33AM 1 stacking histograms
Monday October 27 2003
10:27PM 0 Error in validityMethod(object): No slot of name "phenoLabels" for this object o
9:05PM 4 how to set missing values in R
5:59PM 3 expanding factor with NA
4:42PM 3 assign a constant to a different column for each row
3:37PM 2 problem using do.call and substitute for predict.glm using poly()
3:25PM 2 how to select random rows ?
3:05PM 1 Starting and Terminating the JVM for package SJava
2:57PM 1 Rpy Import Error
1:47PM 1 Bioassays Yielding concentration-Mortality data
1:41PM 0 AW: Query: IRR Confidence Intervals
1:02PM 0 Query: IRR Confidence Intervals
12:36PM 0 I am looking for the barplot version of histbackback( Hmisc library ) TIA
11:23AM 0 Whitehead's group sequential procedures
10:55AM 1 using variables in obj$model
10:36AM 0 (on) first value from nlm (non-finit value supplied by nlm)
9:56AM 3 Lattice: no grid name space
9:50AM 1 How can strheight be calculated in lattice/grid?
6:09AM 2 variance component analysis for nested model
3:47AM 0 R windows development environment via Novel Application Launcher
12:55AM 1 Difficulties with R.oo (static fields, etc.)
Sunday October 26 2003
4:49AM 1 commenting demos
Saturday October 25 2003
5:24PM 0 compiling documentation into dvi form
4:48PM 0 memory optimization and use of recursion
2:26PM 1 Whats wrong with NextMethod("[[<-")?
Friday October 24 2003
9:14PM 2 possible win.metafile( ) problem?
9:13PM 1 Dataframes of marginal summaries
7:15PM 1 How to avoid converting "_" to "." ?
6:23PM 2 Oracle fetch problems
6:03PM 0 Ooops, apologies, it was my error re predict with subset
5:45PM 5 how to remove NaN columns ?
4:40PM 2 predict for a model with a subset
4:22PM 1 gee and geepack: different results?
4:15PM 1 MANOVA with random factor
2:18PM 1 NLS estimation: Starting values
2:17PM 1 error in documentation
2:16PM 0 [summary] genetic algorithm
1:55PM 2 problems with Affy
12:17PM 0 CRAN down on Sunday, 26.10.2003
11:37AM 2 questions please
11:22AM 1 first value from nlm (non-finite value supplied by nlm)
11:12AM 0 validation for GLM/GAM
10:27AM 1 \mathcal symbols in R?
10:13AM 1 installing packages not on CRAN
9:50AM 0 Nonlinear model Parameter estimation
9:18AM 2 x[c(1,2,1)] <- 1:3
4:24AM 1 Searching a Table
4:22AM 1 R -- for help
4:21AM 1 Scan() question
12:40AM 0 linear discriminant analysis
Thursday October 23 2003
10:09PM 2 Generating Data Sets -- Each with a Different Name
6:19PM 6 repeating colors in graph 2
6:07PM 0 What is the definition of curve continuity and smoothness
4:58PM 3 what's going on here with substitute() ?
4:52PM 0 installation problems Rgraphviz
4:48PM 0 Problem w/ SJava package
4:42PM 3 List of lm objects
4:15PM 1 Variance-covariance matrix for beta hat and b hat from lme
4:09PM 0 getAttrib segfaults in Windows
3:03PM 0 estimating probit models
2:51PM 1 disappointed (card model)
2:51PM 7 generic algorithm
2:19PM 2 Quantreg Package
2:14PM 0 Stochastic dynamic programming
1:47PM 2 repeating colors in graph
1:29PM 3 Writing and running a R program
12:29PM 0 R command for input/output with parallel port
11:47AM 2 OOP like handling of lists?
11:36AM 2 GIS re-mapping / polygon overlap
9:04AM 2 multivariate ARMA analysis with R
6:38AM 1 Can you create a MySQL database with RMySQL?
6:00AM 0 anova model refinement/clustering question
Wednesday October 22 2003
9:40PM 1 2 D non-parametric density estimation
7:05PM 1 How to reformat data from database into data.frame?
5:49PM 1 passing a variable (containing the value of the argument) to a function
5:35PM 1 INDEX file building packages?
5:31PM 2 providing a variable as a parameter in a function
4:37PM 1 Scheme and R
4:33PM 2 Weighted Clustering
4:19PM 2 output in a list
3:59PM 1 comments and Sweave
2:09PM 1 0-only-rows in correspondence analysis
1:09PM 2 High frequency time-series
11:41AM 0 Latex and R
11:08AM 1 Help with STL function in R compared to S-Plus
10:57AM 4 adjacency matrix
9:59AM 2 non linear regression with R
9:50AM 2 plotmath question: y'
8:52AM 0 RSPerl on Windows
8:22AM 1 : Prediction interval for a Gaussian family log-link model
7:18AM 2 Automatically updating GLM object
6:37AM 1 questions about axis
1:29AM 1 R-help login page error
12:31AM 2 Excel to R
Tuesday October 21 2003
11:19PM 1 Custom Device
9:32PM 1 Patches for DBI/RMySQL "valueClass" problem?
8:42PM 2 Denominator Degrees of Freedom in lme() -- Adjusting and Understanding Them
7:05PM 0 lme mildly blowing up
6:48PM 0 summary of "explaining curious results of aov"
3:58PM 3 explaining curious result of aov
3:48PM 5 do.call() and aperm()
3:44PM 0 summary - controling x-labels in xyplot (lattice) when x is POSIX object
3:22PM 2 code efficiency, extr. info from list
1:52PM 1 Lines between coordinates
1:35PM 1 Indicator Kriging
12:53PM 1 R and Arcgis through VBA
12:01PM 1 Type III Sum of Squares Calculation
11:04AM 2 png() and/or jpeg(): line missing by using box(which="outer")
10:55AM 2 report generator a la epiinfo
10:22AM 2 Graphics overview
9:23AM 3 BEGINNER: please help me to write my VERY simple function
8:58AM 0 weighted correlations and NAs
8:22AM 1 Jarque-Bera Test
6:47AM 4 interactive prompts
4:33AM 5 run R under linux
1:29AM 2 Polynomial lags
1:12AM 1 memory error / iterative procedure
12:02AM 4 select text using only the keyboard
Monday October 20 2003
11:50PM 0 compiling R 1.8.0 on Mandrake 9.2
11:31PM 0 aliases
9:17PM 2 nnet behaving oddly
8:23PM 1 win.metafile() problem -- possible bug?
7:38PM 2 "aliases" for R constructs?
7:02PM 1 Matrix of Index Variables
6:36PM 2 changing the the column header in a data.frame
6:10PM 3 'optim' and extra argument to the objective function
6:09PM 0 Search for a text string and write position related data to a
5:41PM 4 selecting subsets of data from matrix
5:35PM 1 controling x-labels in xyplot (lattice) when x is POSIX object
4:31PM 3 R 1.8 for debian
3:57PM 0 Request for introductory document
2:04PM 0 MRPP
1:08PM 0 calculating K-function (Kest) in spatstat
12:57PM 0 Re: win.metafiles in linux and R
12:48PM 0 interpolation of the vector
12:35PM 1 presentation of spatial-temporal point processes
12:03PM 3 R - S compatibility table
10:55AM 2 dev.print in R 1.7.1
10:40AM 1 Re: win.metafiles in linux and R
9:49AM 3 How to upgrade R
7:26AM 2 win.metafile and Linux
12:24AM 4 Processing logic for Huge Data set
12:00AM 1 Fitting a Weibull/NaNs
Sunday October 19 2003
10:28PM 1 Running RMySQL with SuSE 8.2?
9:31PM 2 lattice error
9:13PM 0 Oceanographic lattice plots
4:49PM 2 problem with win.metafile( ): traceback()
4:28PM 0 problem with win.metafile( )
1:20AM 2 Bagplot
Saturday October 18 2003
9:16PM 0 (no subject)
6:14PM 2 Oceanographic lattice plots?
3:57PM 2 integer notation 1,000,000 instead of 1000000
10:33AM 1 why does data frame subset return vector
12:53AM 1 cor function in R 1.8.0
Friday October 17 2003
11:54PM 2 nlm, hessian, and derivatives in obj function?
8:08PM 3 don't display rulers in image() command and script file input
7:23PM 2 Someone just searched for word-of-mouth information about: r-help@lists.r-project.org
7:07PM 1 gcc for SuSE
5:59PM 3 Lilliefors Test
4:59PM 0 Opening - Director Biostatistics - Cambridge MA
4:50PM 1 Modifying dim attribute of elements of a list
4:30PM 2 Behavior of [[ in S vs. R
4:09PM 0 about parameter fitting of Gld(Generalized Lambda Distribution)
4:04PM 0 Updated package: g.data v1.4
3:43PM 2 environments
2:36PM 1 correlation matrix in Hmisc
1:21PM 7 datetime data and plotting
12:45PM 1 RE: [S] Dynamic Memory Allocation in R
10:21AM 3 Strange behaviour
10:11AM 4 sub data frame by expression
9:32AM 1 heatmap function
8:54AM 1 sort charcters in W2K and NT
8:53AM 1 Query: colouring graph
8:11AM 0 plot with dates on x axis, how to fix the number of days betwenn tick marks ?
7:11AM 2 Problems with crossprod
12:23AM 1 as.matrix does not turn data frame into character matrix
Thursday October 16 2003
11:09PM 1 Improving efficiency in "outer"-like calculation
10:59PM 4 R memory and CPU requirements
5:31PM 0 Too long to open a socket connection
5:02PM 0 AW: summary with names
4:10PM 1 Calling R from C/C++
4:02PM 2 returning dynamic variable names from function
3:55PM 1 retrieving coefficients from nls() when it fails to converge
3:11PM 2 How to flip image?
3:03PM 1 tick marks and barchart
2:13PM 2 .Random.seed
2:02PM 0 make error R-1.8.0 on SuSE Linux 7.3 (i386)
1:54PM 0 monitoring a real-time event stream in R
1:21PM 1 A data frame of data frames
12:53PM 4 apply() question
11:42AM 0 Statisticians - Genome Institute of Singapore
11:31AM 4 summary with names
11:03AM 0 ROracle Win2K
10:32AM 0 [OFF] a data game
10:15AM 1 plot discrimnant analysis
9:14AM 1 princomp with more coloumns than rows: why not?
8:46AM 1 Cbind warning message
7:38AM 2 Managing memory on R
7:18AM 2 Interpolation of azimuth values
5:43AM 0 fit.contrast and groupedData-derived lme-objects: inheritance problem
3:58AM 3 indexing a particular element in a list of vectors
Wednesday October 15 2003
11:50PM 3 Strange scope problem
9:35PM 1 nnet: Too many weights?
8:11PM 2 Solaris 2.9
7:27PM 1 Windows binaries for DCluster updated
7:20PM 5 Problems Building RMySQL in Windows
7:09PM 1 help with legend()
6:49PM 0 (no subject)
5:10PM 1 help with aggregate.survey.design
4:52PM 2 SOM library for R
4:47PM 2 Subseting in a 3D array
4:32PM 2 aov and non-categorical variables
4:02PM 2 R-WinEdt, 1.8, deprecating warning
3:28PM 0 nlme and multinomial choice
3:10PM 0 tkcanvas/bitmap for Turtle World
2:04PM 1 RODBC on Mac OSX pointers?
1:40PM 2 Example of cell means model
12:57PM 3 Design and Hmisc
10:46AM 3 Fw: SIMCA algorithm implementation
9:08AM 1 is.na(v)<-b (was: Re: Beginner's query - segmentation fault)
9:06AM 3 r-ish ? how can i improve my code?
12:33AM 0 (no subject)
Tuesday October 14 2003
9:40PM 0 Job notice at the University of Washington
8:29PM 0 Trouble installing RandomFields package
8:08PM 0 64-bit R on AIX?
6:25PM 2 Trasparent graphs?
5:42PM 0 Updated package: Boolean v1.03
3:41PM 1 Naive Q re applying AR(p) models to matrix data
3:40PM 3 mapply() gives seg fault
2:47PM 1 Web Site Suggestion Regarding R Source
12:46PM 1 [OFF] Dataset for extra Crawley Chapter
10:51AM 1 "Turtle world" graphics in R
9:14AM 2 different results depending of variable position.
8:56AM 3 Number Format
7:20AM 5 Organized examples for newbyes
6:00AM 0 RPy for windows and python 2.3
Monday October 13 2003
10:19PM 1 opening a WinZip file
7:58PM 2 contigency tables
7:03PM 4 conditional less than
7:02PM 1 extracting quoted text from character string
4:22PM 2 colnames from submatrix?
3:50PM 0 Setting PNG sizes
3:30PM 1 NA's from GRASS-package
3:11PM 1 Rotate a plot, and subplot
2:41PM 0 Initial Simplex in Nelder-Mead algorithm
2:30PM 4 help with gsub and grep functions
2:18PM 0 R & html & "template approach"
12:40PM 2 inverse sinus in degrees
12:12PM 4 DBI Interface broken (revisited)
12:01PM 1 Pre-release of package DCluster available
1:45AM 1 regression
1:36AM 1 Use of outer
Sunday October 12 2003
9:25PM 1 plot/ layout/ overlay problem
3:04PM 2 R graphics + non-R langs
1:55PM 6 Rd problems
1:55PM 1 Rd problems --- followup
7:19AM 7 Integration between R & latex
Saturday October 11 2003
9:27PM 1 evaluating R expressions from C
8:31PM 0 multiple character matching within a string
7:49PM 1 boot statictic fn for dual estimation of 2 stats?
6:35PM 2 how to seperate R's input and output screen?
5:43PM 1 Subclassing lm
5:28PM 1 interpolation methods
4:50PM 0 Some R-related teaching/training materials (ESS/ESS-Noweb-Sweave/SNOW)
4:38PM 0 Some teaching/training materials (ESS/ESS-Noweb-Sweave/SNOW)
8:21AM 1 image usage
4:26AM 1 DBI Interface broken
4:15AM 1 Simplex "Out of Bounds" Error
Friday October 10 2003
6:37PM 1 Multiple plots?
5:09PM 1 length() of vector after using strptime()
5:03PM 0 Debian (testing) packages for R-1.8.0
4:19PM 0 general genetic algorithm / simulated annealing framework
3:11PM 1 R sometimes dies from within Perl
2:52PM 0 interpretation of contr.poly coefficients?
2:46PM 1 predicted values from rq
2:34PM 0 fit a normal distribution?
11:57AM 1 R(D)-COM stat conenctor for ArcGIS
11:43AM 0 fractal gallery
9:08AM 0 Lattice cloud() funtion bug Solved in Final version
7:49AM 0 Previous Commands, Summary
4:49AM 3 command line limit under unix?
1:23AM 1 R 1.8.0 Windows binaries uploaded
Thursday October 9 2003
9:46PM 1 RWinEdt patch
8:53PM 0 Scoping Rules: Summary
8:34PM 1 detecting singular matrices
8:06PM 1 subsetting objects
6:31PM 2 Indexing Question
6:04PM 3 Specifying suitable PC to run R
6:02PM 0 New Department of Biostatistics, Multiple Job Openings
5:03PM 4 Automatic re-looping after error
4:58PM 1 R-OpenOffice.org Calc
4:29PM 2 AW: Getting rows from a dataframe
4:05PM 1 Fitting AR(p) models
4:02PM 4 Getting rows from a dataframe
3:42PM 0 curious mistake in tkradiobutton
3:39PM 1 plotting graphs with Rterm
3:37PM 2 upgrading R
2:52PM 1 dyn.load error with C file
2:39PM 2 startup file and lambda
1:32PM 0 anonymous access to the R CVS archive
1:11PM 0 Partly successful build on Alpha/Tru64 UNIX 5.1
11:26AM 1 robust standard error
10:58AM 0 robust regression and poisson errors
10:51AM 3 Source package installation for WinXPpro
10:40AM 1 lattice/levelplot: panels with values can be empty
10:34AM 1 polygon border
10:26AM 1 is.na(v)<-b (was: Re: Beginner's query - segmentation fault)
9:38AM 3 simulate binary data from a logistic regression model
9:12AM 1 Correlations
8:10AM 4 Previous Commands
7:52AM 0 new package: segmented
7:36AM 0 SuSE rpms for R-1.8.0 available
5:21AM 2 run R under unix
3:16AM 0 residual lag scatter plot
2:51AM 1 nlme & lme for complex mixed ANOVAs
1:32AM 1 double precision
12:32AM 1 Scoping rules
12:03AM 0 Debian packages of 1.8.0 available
Wednesday October 8 2003
10:13PM 0 Sorry! Previous subject was cell means model in LME
10:09PM 0 (no subject)
9:49PM 0 (no subject)
9:36PM 1 is.na(v)<-b (was: Re: Beginner's query - segmentation fault)
9:22PM 0 is.na(v)<-b (was: Re: Beginner's query - segmentation fault)
8:02PM 1 winedt or another editor for linux
7:39PM 3 2 questions regarding base-n and identifing digits
5:05PM 1 Installing GLMMGibbs problems
4:28PM 1 using split.screen() in Sweave
3:47PM 2 binomial glm warnings revisited
3:40PM 1 Lattice cloud() funtion bug in R1.8.0beta
3:40PM 0 R-1.8.0 sources available via rsync
3:13PM 0 Rdinfo verbosity increased in 1.8.0?
2:54PM 0 is.na(v)<-b (was: Re: Beginner's query - segmentation fault)
2:25PM 3 updating via CRAN and http
2:13PM 0 Bootstrap Question
1:14PM 1 New R - recompiling all packages
12:28PM 1 R-1.8.0 is released
12:19PM 1 Contrast specified with C() - R vs S-Plus problem
11:48AM 0 is.na(v)<-b (was: Re: Beginner's query - segmentation fault)
10:08AM 1 is.na(v)<-b (was: Re: Beginner's query - segmentation fault)
10:05AM 2 Generating automatic plots
9:27AM 6 Why does a[which(b == c[d])] not work?
9:21AM 1 plotting results from leaps library
8:25AM 0 SIMCA algorithm implementation
3:28AM 0 Getting alternative editor to stay as a foreground task
12:00AM 1 Saving workspace image
Tuesday October 7 2003
10:27PM 1 is.na(v)<-b (was: Re: Beginner's query - segmentation fault)
10:21PM 0 C dynamic library error on Solaris 7
9:27PM 1 persp or scatterplot3d?
8:00PM 0 Still Cannot Install rimage in R-1.7.1 (RH 9.0) Even With fftwInstalled
7:58PM 0 Compiling/using R on IBM AIX
7:39PM 1 Still Cannot Install rimage in R-1.7.1 (RH 9.0) Even With fftw Installed
5:19PM 1 plot width in Sweave
4:05PM 1 multiple comparisons
2:50PM 2 R-1.8.0 memory.limit()
2:41PM 2 Sorting matrix or data frame
2:25PM 1 .First.lib doesn't appear to be running after calling lib rary()
1:59PM 1 .First.lib doesn't appear to be running after calling library()
12:03PM 4 Beginner's query - segmentation fault
11:07AM 1 Adjusting for within-cluster correlation: robcov() in Design-package and 'ids' in survey-package
10:40AM 4 If I produce lots of figures at one time, how can I make R graphics keep all the figures already made?
9:43AM 3 FW: Optimising code
9:37AM 2 I need your help....
8:56AM 1 Optimising code
8:27AM 4 Installing R with all packages
7:30AM 1 use of glm and cubic splines
5:37AM 0 Automatic differentiation of compiled code.
2:19AM 0 NaN values returned by cmdscale
1:52AM 3 Problem getting an ifelse statment to work
1:17AM 0 Data Mining Contest, $1500 Grand Prize, Please forward to students and professors.
Monday October 6 2003
11:06PM 0 randomizing within factors and combining unequal-sized arrays
10:36PM 1 Installing R in Linux 8.0
10:24PM 0 Fw: Re: Point and click
10:16PM 0 Log transformed values and contrasts in LME
9:35PM 2 installation of R
9:08PM 1 Cannot Install rimage in R-1.7.1 (RH 9.0)
9:03PM 1 vif() from Design and car
8:27PM 0 [Help] relative error in rpart() (classification)
7:38PM 1 Re: Use of the Foreign package to import Stata files
6:40PM 1 visualizing transition probability matrices
5:20PM 0 bioconductor installation problem
3:54PM 3 tick marks: 0, 12, 24, 36 ...
2:59PM 3 prcomp or princomp
2:50PM 2 Selecting a random sample for lmList()
2:37PM 0 convolution question
2:31PM 0 documentation typo in coxph?
11:28AM 4 Apply and its friends
11:25AM 2 polynomial fit
9:17AM 0 conversion of some lines of matlab code to R
8:19AM 1 auto.key = TRUE in xyplot() draws max. 7 groups
Sunday October 5 2003
8:15PM 1 clicking on a point on a plot
6:16PM 1 Creating survival object
12:51PM 2 Jonckheere-Terpstra test
12:46PM 3 stepAIC problem
10:03AM 0 R maps now for Windows
10:00AM 3 please help me on this problem
1:38AM 3 Placing legends
Saturday October 4 2003
5:42PM 4 Point and click
3:29PM 1 subset VAR time series models
1:39PM 2 (no subject)
11:52AM 1 How to use panel.qqmathline?
6:18AM 2 mixed effects with nlme
4:51AM 3 More questions about R extension programming
12:10AM 0 allocating memory in a C module (fwd)
Friday October 3 2003
9:03PM 1 allocating memory in a C module
7:27PM 0 R: r editors
5:17PM 0 "deriv" and chain rule and matrix derivatives
1:16PM 0 Stat. Computing and Stat. Graphics 2004 Chambers Award competition
11:38AM 4 foo.RData or foo.r?
9:26AM 2 how to get condition number from lm output
Thursday October 2 2003
11:21PM 1 serializing R objects
11:09PM 2 Plot can't forget bad parameters
7:57PM 1 Search for a text string and write position related data to a file
7:55PM 0 Re: [S] lme vs. aov with Error term
6:54PM 0 RE: [S] lme vs. aov with Error term
6:40PM 1 combination levels
6:22PM 0 Help with ANOVA
5:40PM 3 indexing a vector
5:01PM 0 R] Re: Mandelbrot set and C code --
4:42PM 0 lme vs. aov with Error term
4:30PM 3 EMACS/ESS problems
4:14PM 0 R] Re: Mandelbrot set and C code --
3:58PM 1 (no subject)
3:20PM 4 using a string as the formula in rlm
2:56PM 3 Query: weighting cells in histogram
1:46PM 0 Power calculation
1:16PM 0 Doubly Multivariate LME
11:30AM 1 "[[<-","[[" default?
11:17AM 1 multi-dimensional hash
10:50AM 2 Query: What is 'Trellis'?
10:41AM 2 var on a vector
9:56AM 8 r editors
9:19AM 0 AW: pmatch questions
9:03AM 2 pmatch questions
7:58AM 0 trouble with R com and python
1:15AM 6 how calculate mean for each group
Wednesday October 1 2003
10:34PM 1 install from source again
9:36PM 5 lda source code
9:17PM 1 R on fairly large machines
8:30PM 0 curious error with tkcheckbutton
6:02PM 3 sas.get problem
4:56PM 1 hypergeometric & population estimates
4:55PM 1 question about predictions with linear models
4:49PM 0 Power computation
4:42PM 1 Macintosh binaries; was: Rcmdr and Macintosh
4:41PM 0 lme vs. aov with Error term again
3:25PM 0 SOS Cor
3:14PM 3 fitting Markov chains
2:17PM 1 Acces violation ???
12:56PM 4 Solving a tridiagonal system
11:08AM 1 Simulation of Levy Processes and Fractional Brownian motion
10:40AM 1 Text cutoff in legends
10:10AM 0 Evaluating outer, numeric, variables in an lme object.
10:01AM 1 R-1.7.1 for Redhat 9
8:08AM 1 installing DBI_0.1-6.tar.gz
7:04AM 1 permission problem on R install
6:31AM 3 problem downloading Red Hat R-1.7.1-1.i386.rpm