One of the good thing about R (and S in general, I guess) is that if a
function does mostly what you want, except for some small things, you can
just make another copy of it, change the name, and make the desired changes
to the new function (provided the changes you need to make isn't in the
compiled code, but R is Open Source...).
In this case, you should be able to strip out the code in heatmap() that
plot the top dendrogram w/o much problem. While your at it, you might want
to change the layout() so as not to leave the blank space on top.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Olivier [mailto:martinol at]
> Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 5:32 AM
> To: r-help
> Subject: [R] heatmap function
> Hi all,
> By default, the heatmap function gives an image with a
> dendrogram added
> to the
> left side and to the top. Is it possible to only add the
> dendrogram to
> the left side
> and let the order of the columns unchanged ?
> I tried
> heatmap(mat, col=rbg,Rowv=res.hclust$order,Colv=1:dim(mat)[[2]]).
> In this case, the order of the columns are unchanged but a
> dendrogram is added to the top. How can I avoid it?
> Thanks,
> Oiliver
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Martin Olivier
> INRA - Unit? prot?omique LIRMM - IFA/MAB
> 2, Place Viala 161, rue Ada
> 34060 Montpellier C?dex 1 34392 Montpellier C?dex 5
> Tel : 04 99 61 27 01 Tel : O4 67 41 86 71
> martinol at martin at
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