Marc Mamin
2003-Oct-17 08:11 UTC
[R] plot with dates on x axis, how to fix the number of days betwenn tick marks ?
Hi, Following plot is displaying fine, (starting arount the 10. september), except that the xaxp parameter has no effect. I'd like to have a tickmark every 7 days... plot(timeline, subset(myd, TYPE=="A")$list1, ylim=c(100*floor(min(subset(myd, TYPE=="A")$list1)/100-1), 100*ceiling(max(subset(myd, TYPE=="A")$list1)/100+1)), xlim=c(1063500000, Sys.time()), xaxp=c(1063500000, Sys.time(),7*24*3600), type="o", col="blue",ylab="") Thanks for your hints. Marc Mamin