R help - Mar 2005

Thursday March 31 2005
10:17PM 1 R code for testing the equality of two independent Binomial Populations
10:16PM 0 perturb package for evaluating collinearity
9:46PM 1 hexbin and grid - input data values as coordinates
9:45PM 0 version 1.5 of package "distr" available
9:14PM 0 Bloomberg data import SOLVED
8:14PM 0 question about plot.acf
6:43PM 0 Partial Mantel Test
6:29PM 2 pictex graphics device and color
6:14PM 0 Unable to start R due to error with tempdir()
5:17PM 1 aggregate question...
3:50PM 1 Surface plot for polynomial regression
3:46PM 1 loadings or summary in Principal components
3:17PM 2 how to simulate a time series
12:33PM 2 question
11:44AM 1 multinom function
10:57AM 0 Weighted median for matrices
9:21AM 1 help im lme()
6:18AM 1 Can I extract result row of table()?
3:33AM 2 Using kmeans given cluster centroids and data with NAs
1:42AM 4 NA's?
1:29AM 1 Contingency table: logistic regression
Wednesday March 30 2005
11:04PM 1 Cox model qustion in R
8:27PM 6 French Curve
7:43PM 2 PDF and PS output
6:56PM 0 compute adjusted mean
6:24PM 2 Step error
6:05PM 1 [BioC] Follow-up to: Annotation metadata "kills" help.search
5:10PM 1 Installing GO 1.7.0
3:11PM 0 R --max-vsize=4000M --max-nsize=4000M
2:47PM 2 Re:Plotting to A4 and replacing x-axis with actual years.
2:34PM 0 A question about multiple comparison of analysis of covariance using SPSS
1:36PM 1 fastbw question
12:34PM 1 error messages on R CMD check
12:06PM 1 Habituation model
10:36AM 2 about memory
10:16AM 1 Problems with lpSolve/Memory ? R crashes
10:06AM 1 Finding the "height of a line of text" for axis
10:02AM 0 locfit
8:28AM 3 Recall() and sapply()
6:20AM 5 2d plotting and colours
6:11AM 4 how i can get input from "user input"
4:32AM 1 Base and lattice graphics on the same graphics page
1:16AM 1 help with plotting a grid on levelplot
12:32AM 1 discriminant function analysis in R
12:21AM 1 Is there a convenient function that can check if a vector is a subset of another one?
Tuesday March 29 2005
10:40PM 3 From FAQ 7.21 to a command like apply(sapply(list(f1,f2,f3),is.na),2,sum)
9:35PM 1 Mosaicplot with different colors
8:54PM 4 slide show with R
8:47PM 2 matching vectors against vectors
8:17PM 1 Lattice - parallel: xlim and adding lines
7:27PM 2 dependency help for FC2 rpm
7:18PM 1 final stages of installing R - please help?
6:10PM 0 Re: follow up on "pairewise plots"
5:10PM 1 regression tree xerror
4:31PM 1 Problem installing packages and weird R site behaviour
2:58PM 5 pairewise plots
2:25PM 0 Help about PLS
10:24AM 1 strange result of acos
9:57AM 0 Plot Moran's I
8:56AM 2 R-squared in Logistic Regression
3:08AM 2 Annotation metadata "kills" help.search
1:15AM 6 Aggregating data (with more than one function)
Monday March 28 2005
11:20PM 1 a cox model question
11:20PM 2 Generating list of vector coordinates
8:40PM 1 Reading data from "clipboard"
8:06PM 1 mixed model question
7:29PM 0 online course: Modeling in R
6:32PM 0 RODBC and OS X
5:39PM 0 Model Selection and Data
5:37PM 1 gnuclient problems witrh R/ESS in linux
4:31PM 0 A question regarding stratified bootstrap
11:06AM 1 glmmPQL questions
2:59AM 2 Can I use a variable to pass a file name to scan() ?
Sunday March 27 2005
11:38PM 2 Applying function to multiple input vectors
5:18PM 2 "Fold" in R?
4:27PM 0 netcdf
12:13PM 0 Time varying coefficients with Kalman
8:10AM 0 RE: [Rd] F90
3:42AM 2 Where can I found the package "ordinal" ?
3:26AM 3 F90
2:51AM 0 question about predict.princomp
2:36AM 1 Subject [applying labels to a scatter plot matrix]
1:36AM 1 p values when using rlm
Saturday March 26 2005
11:01PM 0 LAST CHANCE: Data Mining Conference in NEW YORK CITY: Two full-days of Case Study Presentations
10:59PM 2 Is there a diferent way to do this?
8:43PM 1 Function Arguments
8:27PM 1 does lmRobMM or an equivalent exist in R
5:44PM 3 Multi-plot figures with different numbers of plots in different rows
5:22PM 1 how does predict.princomp work?
3:42PM 1 "which" is wrong?
2:34PM 5 PCA - princomp can only be used with more units than variables
9:22AM 0 about prcomp's result
9:20AM 1 lme: random effects of a quadratic term
6:23AM 0 learning networks with a large number of variables andpre-set parents.
3:23AM 1 trouble with help.start()
2:26AM 1 Trouble with expression() in R-win 2.0.1
Friday March 25 2005
10:09PM 3 Stratified bootstrap question
7:34PM 0 gam in library(gam)
7:25PM 0 Fwd: Re: Prediction using GAM
6:35PM 0 if..else.. need help
6:31PM 4 Gmail invitation
5:21PM 1 home and search buttons in help files?
4:06PM 2 Casting in R
3:12PM 2 How to split a single vector into a multiple-column and multiple-row matrix
1:11PM 1 newbie's question about dataframe
12:00PM 0 R:var models
11:48AM 0 R: VAR package
9:35AM 2 tapply and NA value
8:32AM 0 Re: Cross-building R packages
2:36AM 0 Does R work in 64 bit on apple G5
12:29AM 0 questions on ARMA and KPSS
Thursday March 24 2005
10:22PM 1 Has the add parameter of plot commands been deprecated?
9:15PM 3 help.start search
9:01PM 2 Bivariate lognormal distribution
8:48PM 1 OS X, exporting graphics, postscript()
7:38PM 1 How to stop the minimization when the condition does not hold
6:14PM 5 Bloomberg data import
4:38PM 1 Histogram over times (without dates)
4:12PM 3 summing values by group
3:32PM 1 Unexpected error "subset assignment" (bug?)
3:05PM 0 critical value for HEGY test in uroot
2:57PM 1 Rggobi package
2:27PM 3 client-server setup for R
2:23PM 1 (no subject)
2:21PM 1 Error bars for Lattice Plots
11:05AM 0 Endmemlber selection of a cloud
10:40AM 1 Books on survival analysis and R/S
10:01AM 2 Problem loading library Design
8:43AM 2 problem with pdf() on Mac Os X
8:11AM 2 build failed of package
8:01AM 0 Sorry everyone
7:19AM 1 Robust multivariate regression with rlm
4:31AM 1 Prediction using GAM
3:42AM 2 font sizes for row.names of dendograms
1:07AM 0 summing values as image
12:27AM 0 parallel r job on sun gridengine
12:09AM 0 Mapping actual to expected columns for princomp object
Wednesday March 23 2005
10:49PM 4 non-derivative based optimization and standard errors.
10:25PM 1 Complete Linkage Clustering techniques
9:46PM 1 Error in unitrootTest (fSeries)
9:03PM 0 Courses***April R/Splus Advanced and Intermediate level courses by XLSolutions
8:58PM 1 Gini's Importance Value Variable = Inf
8:58PM 1 R on red hat 2.1 problem while trying to generate image
8:09PM 0 Looking for function for Double to raw to double conversions
7:25PM 0 go to msn!!!!
5:31PM 2 Does R work in 64 bit on apple G5?
4:58PM 3 nested random effects
3:31PM 0 Question on class 1, 2 output for RandomForest
3:28PM 1 nl regression with 8 parameters, help!
3:00PM 1 Negative binomial GLMMs in R
2:19PM 2 Will "R" work on this 64 bit machine?...
2:14PM 2 replace values in a matrix subject to boolean condition
1:53PM 4 sampling from a mixture distribution
1:37PM 0 how to test for equality of covariance Matrices in lda
12:54PM 3 extracting numerical data from text field
12:31PM 0 manova and contrasts, again
11:44AM 2 Browser to replace the internal browser?
11:24AM 0 R on SuSe 9.2 AMD 64 bit: Solved
10:58AM 1 smallest/biggest number
10:17AM 1 more classes to one class in one dataset
9:21AM 3 Question on statistics
9:03AM 2 R accuracy
8:05AM 0 Adding a "We think R rocks" page
6:32AM 2 Problem encounter during graphics device driver
6:10AM 2 alternative to 'groups' for lattice bwplot()
5:12AM 5 Tool for update
12:25AM 0 Error: Can not handle categorical predictors with more th an 32 categories.
12:23AM 1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Non-Normal case
Tuesday March 22 2005
11:26PM 1 Installation Error
11:14PM 2 Error: Can not handle categorical predictors with more than 32 categories.
11:11PM 3 mixtures as outcome variables
10:19PM 1 root authorization
9:02PM 1 sub('^','var',1:3) produces unexpected results
8:52PM 0 DCOM - RODBC/RMySQL problem
5:23PM 1 Package vignette and build
5:20PM 1 Confidence interval for Tau-a or c-index to compare logistic lrm (binary) models with each other.
5:20PM 2 LME correlation structures: user defined
4:31PM 1 OS X proxy question
4:26PM 1 Question with lattice xyplot
4:20PM 5 Convert timeseries to transition matrix
3:11PM 0 Re:xyplot
3:07PM 0 Re: xyplot
2:53PM 3 Lattice : factor levels in the margins
2:34PM 0 R on SuSe 9.2 AMD 64 bit
2:11PM 2 Is it too big for R?
1:45PM 1 nls() and "singular grandient"
12:57PM 0 setAs between a new S4 class and "POSIXlt"
10:59AM 5 r under linux: creating high quality bmp's for win users
10:26AM 3 Newbie: Matrix indexing
8:49AM 0 Index of dispersion for counts
5:59AM 2 lattice xyplot() postscript (?) problem in R 2.0.0
5:34AM 1 List of tables rather than an extra dimension in the table or (l)apply(xtabs)
3:50AM 1 I modify my question in "textconnection output"
2:58AM 2 problem in textConnection function
1:43AM 1 error with polr()
Monday March 21 2005
10:08PM 2 Highlighting points in a scatter plot matrix
9:57PM 1 working with tables
9:44PM 3 flatten a matrix and unflatten it
8:42PM 1 Numeric prediction
8:04PM 2 Hazard function or cumulative Hazard function in R
5:41PM 5 Read a dataset with different lengths
5:11PM 0 NEXT WEEK: New York City Data Mining Conference: Two full-days of Case Study Presentations
4:17PM 1 How to do knn regression
4:13PM 1 rpart memory problem
4:12PM 1 Maximum amount of memory
3:15PM 1 Bug on the stem function or in my brain ?
3:05PM 1 Convert numeric to class
1:33PM 1 type=raw vs type=class
11:43AM 0 Training data
11:29AM 1 How to do such MDS in R
11:25AM 3 Remove "save workspace image?" window when exit R
11:09AM 2 X11 Fonts sizes
11:07AM 2 Count missing variables in dataset
11:05AM 0 menu() and continue a repeat loop without executing the code that follows the loop!!?
10:59AM 1 classes of data (with a variable size)
10:25AM 1 menu() and commands assigned to choices ->break out a repeat loop so that the next code lines to be read
10:12AM 1 Remove columns from data-frame
10:10AM 2 Violin plot for discrete variables.
9:59AM 1 Median in Classes
9:05AM 1 Sv: Using locator() to digitise
6:43AM 1 install problem
6:12AM 1 reading in vectors from text files
5:21AM 1 anomalous result for wilcox.exact in exactRankTests
4:15AM 3 Force labelling of x-axis
4:10AM 2 NaN
3:15AM 2 newbie question about beta distribution
Sunday March 20 2005
10:25PM 1 install package on windows
10:23PM 2 Generating Interaction Factors (combinations of Data Frame columns)
6:32PM 2 Interaction term in anova - how it should be written in a manuscript table?
4:09PM 2 Using locator() to digitise
3:46PM 1 "Graphics (for goodness of fit)" Question
Saturday March 19 2005
5:03PM 2 simple problem, but not for me
10:37AM 4 How I calculate nCr with R ? (Como calculo nCr con R? )
6:52AM 1 the number of cluster
Friday March 18 2005
10:18PM 1 Count all dataset
9:49PM 4 Sweave/margin
9:41PM 3 plotmath question
9:41PM 4 Is a .R script file name available inside the script?
9:37PM 1 Is there such a function that can sort a table according to one column?
7:46PM 0 Hmisc & latex
5:51PM 1 How to show which variables include in plot of classification tree
5:45PM 2 RSPython
5:27PM 0 lme user-defined correlation structures??
4:57PM 6 Basic questions about RMySQL
4:36PM 1 Pb with ks.test pvalue
4:32PM 1 Bivariate normal distribution and correlation
4:10PM 1 slow computation of mixed ANOVA using aov
3:18PM 2 How to create a 'fit' plot
2:18PM 0 Re: non-linear model
1:56PM 3 Non linear modeling
1:25PM 0 Changing label size in plot.dendrogram
12:57PM 1 RE: problem with Dates
11:40AM 4 passing arguments to FUN in lapply
11:16AM 2 Installation problem MacOS X
10:49AM 2 creating functions in R
10:40AM 2 multiple graphs
10:15AM 1 Date conversion problem using "as.Date"
4:59AM 2 logistic model cross validation resolved
2:15AM 1 Constrained Nelder-Mead
2:11AM 3 extract rows in dataframe with duplicated column values
2:09AM 3 (no subject)
Thursday March 17 2005
11:22PM 1 glm - poisson
11:00PM 1 TD Matrix
9:35PM 0 short course - modeling in R
9:07PM 1 "RMySQL for R 2.0.1"
9:02PM 1 exact p-value for Spearman, with ties
8:56PM 0 RODBC and portability issue
7:41PM 1 Ideal Computer and Software (A bit off topic)
7:25PM 1 Line plot using xyplot function in lattice package
6:30PM 1 Binding one column of characters into a dataframe factors other numeric columns
6:27PM 1 png device & videos
6:20PM 0 Links between R and Matlab
5:39PM 0 Function match.call or saving all initial parameters
5:24PM 4 beginner question: how to sort out distinct values from a vector
3:29PM 3 how to close trellis.device?
2:31PM 1 problem with plot
2:13PM 1 Optimization of constrained linear least-squares problem
2:03PM 2 Repeated Measures, groupedData and lme
12:41PM 1 Legend positioning in scaled survival plot
12:20PM 2 R equivalent to funcall?
10:46AM 1 error in solve_technical question
10:30AM 0 xyplot w/ panel.lmline "solution"
10:19AM 1 Question about hist
9:39AM 1 kernlab sigest
9:06AM 1 Compiling "embedding R" examples
9:05AM 0 Landscape indeces analysis methods as an R package!?
8:25AM 2 Moving form Windows XP to Linux (Ubuntu 4 / debian)
7:42AM 3 Quantiles of data in a contingency table
6:46AM 0 Questions on the typical algorithms or solution in most scientific computation area
6:24AM 0 (no subject)
5:15AM 1 help for matrix formation.
2:17AM 2 (no subject)
12:59AM 1 Cross validation, one more time (hopefully the last)
12:48AM 1 Varying grid.rect in different panels of a Lattice plot
Wednesday March 16 2005
11:55PM 0 decision values and probability in SVM
10:00PM 1 Code to replace nested for loops
9:54PM 2 (no subject)
9:24PM 0 OPG variance estimate
8:06PM 0 mixture model of binned data
7:52PM 1 working with pairlists imported from HDF5, converting to data frames?
7:29PM 0 user-defined correlation structure in NLME
7:20PM 0 Time Series
7:01PM 0 Help regarding persp
6:02PM 1 Help in persp (VERY URGENT ASSISTANCE)
4:21PM 8 Summing up matrices in a list
4:07PM 2 how to draw xyplot figure like figure 4.18 of MASS (4th) ?
3:35PM 0 Are there any R packages that can deduce causal relationship between variables?
3:05PM 1 problem solved and new insight
1:36PM 0 X11 Protocol error : BadWindow
1:01PM 0 Insightful Financial Time Series Modelling in S-PLUS - April course dates
11:16AM 1 Note: "The default device has been opened to honour attempt to modify trellis settings"
11:02AM 0 use of covariates with nlmeODE
10:58AM 1 Fitting mixed proportional odds model in R?
9:35AM 2 How to concatenate time series?
5:31AM 0 Fixed/ trellis/ panel.superpose/ passing in superscripts/ groups
4:43AM 1 Write.table query
2:27AM 1 workload of R
1:53AM 0 Log-linear model with correlation structure
12:02AM 1 Adobe Reader V7.0 for Unix/Linux Available
Tuesday March 15 2005
11:18PM 1 Control of vertical spacing in Lattice key text?
11:16PM 0 Fwd: RODBC, sqlSave and sqlAppend
10:54PM 2 How to plot points as numbers/strings in lattice
8:37PM 0 How do I call a masked function in a package without a na mespace?
7:26PM 2 missing sh.exe file when running "R CMD INSTALL test"
7:26PM 0 Dispersion factor in GLM
7:11PM 1 z and p
6:58PM 1 question on xyplot
6:20PM 1 How do I call a masked function in a package without a namespace?
5:59PM 4 How to extract x rows to get x pvalues using t.test
5:18PM 1 help w/ xyplot and panel.lmline
3:51PM 1 font sizes
3:19PM 1 RODBC, sqlSave and sqlAppend
3:13PM 1 gR - installation and computation
1:47PM 0 New package for latent trait models
1:42PM 0 predict.glm and continous variables
12:59PM 1 KNN one factor predicting problem
12:41PM 0 need help with plot.rpart and text.rpart
12:11PM 0 Packages for multi-class classification with boosting
11:00AM 0 Exploratory data analysis on several samples of same population and of different populations
4:29AM 2 cv.glm {boot}
4:14AM 0 trellis/ panel.superpose/ passing in superscripts/ groups
Monday March 14 2005
9:10PM 2 Install the RMySQL
9:00PM 1 calling objects in a foreloop
8:55PM 1 Legend Line Size
6:21PM 5 Mandrake 10.1
6:13PM 2 par(new=TRUE) vs par(new=FALSE)
5:57PM 4 The corresponding Fortran77 codes for R function pt()
5:36PM 2 confidence level of kpss test
5:32PM 1 Significance of Principal Coordinates
3:54PM 2 Bug on MWC1019?
3:16PM 1 postscript rotation (bug?)
2:42PM 1 using postgresql with R/RODBC
2:08PM 2 Question about Tukey HSD (stat package)
12:22PM 0 Parameters of Weibull regression
11:44AM 0 AR-ARCH specification and forecast
11:05AM 2 Problem updating mgcv package
10:59AM 1 r: eviews and r // eigen analysis
10:37AM 1 'pch' plot symbol with more than one character
8:48AM 0 CDISC tools for R?
7:29AM 0 polymars
12:28AM 0 fixed/ initialising trellis device {lattice}/ postscript
12:13AM 1 initialising trellis device {lattice}/ postscript
Sunday March 13 2005
11:25PM 1 iterations of nnet training
10:28PM 1 cross-validation
7:26PM 4 Output a dataframe from R to excel
7:11PM 0 any book and tutorial about how to manipulate data with R /S+
3:26PM 0 Big databases
2:51PM 0 Objet: New user of R on Mac OS X - Please help
12:23PM 1 how to draw the data set processed by hclust?
3:10AM 1 How to get object value in R Active memory
Saturday March 12 2005
11:25PM 1 generalized negative binomial
10:21PM 2 RODBC, IODBC and Mac OS X
8:12PM 1 Multiple histograms in one chart
4:48PM 1 MLE for two random variables
2:44PM 1 New user of R on Mac OS X - Please help
2:08PM 2 any book and tutorial about how to manipulate data with R/S+
12:29PM 2 data frame excerption
11:15AM 1 Database reorganization
3:49AM 1 pretty print of summary
Friday March 11 2005
11:06PM 0 Negative binomial regression for count data,
5:55PM 1 warning message when using anova
5:47PM 2 Lattice bwplot error
5:39PM 1 difficulties with the save.image() function
5:20PM 1 dates and graphic
5:09PM 1 Simplex(boot) returning invalid answer
4:18PM 0 Re: [S] Looking for advanced R/S+ programming course in bay area
3:21PM 3 aov or t-test applied on all variables of a data.frame
2:01PM 0 mgcv 1.2-0
1:40PM 1 reading in data problems
12:47PM 2 R: generating independent vectors
11:07AM 2 Calculating lengths of runs of 0 or 1 sequences in meteorological data
9:53AM 2 RODBC Package
9:00AM 1 name of object from character vector
7:35AM 1 xlab cex bug in Lattice/grid and multipage-output (Windows only?)
6:43AM 2 howto: plot location, web search
6:39AM 0 help on warning message when using anova
2:54AM 5 sample function
2:47AM 0 How to reply to a posting if I subscribe to the digest version of R-help?
2:19AM 3 XML to data frame or list
1:40AM 2 Bonferroni simultaneous confidence intervals for multiple regression
12:52AM 1 trouble loading R function code
12:52AM 1 Ploting a function of two arguments
Thursday March 10 2005
11:50PM 1 Setting variable main in plot-function
11:43PM 0 Any upcoming R Advanced Programming in Bay area?
9:06PM 2 Logistic regression goodness of fit tests
8:56PM 2 Question regarding mosaicplot
8:14PM 1 Transparent colors OR two series on one histogram
7:29PM 0 RODBC autocommit
7:28PM 1 how to view the syntax of a method which is not a generic method
7:00PM 1 about R CMD check
5:23PM 0 Online short course: Advanced Resampling Methods
5:04PM 4 dealing with package bundles (was RE: Gregmisc)
3:30PM 0 Vogelsang test? RATS? Time series analysis.
1:44PM 4 Gregmisc
1:00PM 0 Gap statistic
12:27PM 1 R-help:loading data from text file and viewing it in persp
11:34AM 0 Re: plotting several series on the sames axes
9:40AM 2 Interval censoring in Survival analysis
8:16AM 1 R: LIST function and LOOPS
7:25AM 0 Help :plotting 3d images
6:37AM 1 How could I catch the R data-output stream and presented by other software func
5:22AM 3 two-dimensional integration?
4:26AM 0 urgent request
12:19AM 1 Help with lme Random Factor
12:17AM 1 install R redhat rpm as a normal user
12:03AM 1 contrast matrix for aov
Wednesday March 9 2005
11:54PM 2 How to use a R package with C code
9:02PM 2 Dropping coloumns while redaing dtaa from text file.
8:45PM 0 need help getting started writing a new varFunc class for lme()
8:07PM 1 Flattening a list of data frames
7:49PM 4 How to get standard deviation of rows in a matrix
7:24PM 1 matrix program
7:19PM 4 Lattice device page options-margins
7:17PM 1 Aid with 3-D scatterplots
6:31PM 1 about kpss.test()
6:28PM 2 plotting
5:44PM 0 about create a R package
5:39PM 0 function in order to plot the same graph to postscript an d pdf
4:27PM 3 problem using uniroot with integrate
4:12PM 1 R CMD check errors
4:07PM 1 Encodebuf? yet another memory question
2:52PM 2 Structural equation models with R
1:57PM 3 function in order to plot the same graph to postscript and pdf
1:46PM 3 Decimal point as a comma in postcript and pdf graphics
1:30PM 2 Question about biasing in sd()???
1:14PM 1 multiple comparisons for lme using multcomp
1:02PM 1 nnet abstol
12:31PM 1 Trouble with mixreg
11:21AM 3 Plotting several series on one set of axes
10:48AM 0 msm version 0.5 released
10:36AM 1 plot(bclust) what is the 2nd plot?
8:48AM 1 RMySQL installed but not availalable
8:24AM 0 Using RCC (R to C Compiler)
8:09AM 3 R-2.0.1 Gentoo g77 problem
5:20AM 3 from long/lat to UTM
Tuesday March 8 2005
11:36PM 4 how modify object in parent.env
10:00PM 2 generically setting attributes of a function
8:51PM 5 removing message: [Previously saved workspace restored]
5:51PM 2 The null hypothesis in kpss test (kpss.test())
5:43PM 1 Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) in R
4:57PM 1 Pattern recognition
4:43PM 0 Job: Life Sciences Statistical Computing, Insightful Corp. Seattle
3:44PM 1 Dataframe modification
1:23PM 4 Non-linear minimization
1:21PM 0 Quantian
11:29AM 1 To convert an adjacency list model into a nested set model
9:03AM 2 a==0 vs as.integer(a)==0 vs all.equal(a,0)
7:50AM 1 3D plot not working as desired!
3:42AM 1 coefficient of partial determination...partial r square [ redux]
1:17AM 1 One mixed effects model for two variables
12:56AM 1 lazy blighter
Monday March 7 2005
8:42PM 0 Questions about glmms.
5:51PM 1 generalised linear models
5:49PM 1 Density estimation when an end may not go to zero?
5:02PM 2 Writing to a file
4:39PM 1 ismev package
4:37PM 1 Faster way of binding multiple rows of data than rbind?
4:31PM 2 How can we ring a bell in Windows?
4:07PM 0 gbm (Kelvin Lam)
3:53PM 0 Need your help on R & BioC exploration
3:28PM 1 plot gam object
3:16PM 4 simple if...else causes syntax error
2:10PM 1 simple problem
12:27PM 1 show time?
9:54AM 1 information on maximum likelihood
9:14AM 2 cl$cluster of kmeans
Sunday March 6 2005
6:29PM 0 Communication with R and mod perl
5:23PM 4 error when when making package tcltk from source (R.0.1)
7:40AM 1 I modified my question in "search and convert string function "
2:11AM 3 Search and convert string function
Saturday March 5 2005
6:07PM 1 Reverse plot axes with xlim=rev(range(x)) fails with asp=1
6:02PM 2 maptools, filename writing shapefiles
4:42PM 1 Problem with plotting size/location on variation of star/segment plot
4:14PM 4 How to use "lag"?
2:08PM 1 partial r2 using PLS
10:09AM 1 Object containing different classes
7:56AM 1 S-code for piecewise regression
1:07AM 0 Gap plots
12:58AM 1 Emacs keystroke to toggle T/F for setting logical values
12:08AM 1 vector memory allocation?
Friday March 4 2005
10:39PM 0 here's why it make s sense
9:58PM 1 R: Moran's I
9:52PM 1 R-2.01 and RSPerl-0.6.2
8:43PM 0 MGCV-confidence interval
8:21PM 0 Need suggestions for finding dose response using nls
7:06PM 1 image size
6:49PM 0 test of significance for nlme coefficients
2:54PM 0 Multilevel modeling of animal behavior
2:51PM 2 Clustering of Binary data in R
2:06PM 1 Farey sequences
1:10PM 1 lm and time series
12:42PM 1 Concatenate vector into string
11:54AM 1 R 2.0.1 installation
11:16AM 0 reproducibility of the loess function
11:14AM 5 bayesmix - What is or where can I find JAGS executable?
11:07AM 11 R: simulation
10:49AM 2 how to draw graphs within clickable hyperlink
8:39AM 1 Basic stratification calculations
7:46AM 0 Is aggregate() what I need here?
4:08AM 1 (no subject)
2:44AM 1 fitting pareto to data?
1:48AM 1 Question about density()
12:15AM 1 Rconsole wishlist
Thursday March 3 2005
11:17PM 1 how to capture a series of plots
10:57PM 5 ESS
10:22PM 3 Rank-based p-value on large dataset
10:15PM 2 regression on a matrix
9:35PM 1 German Map Data?
9:22PM 2 reading row vectors from file
7:04PM 3 3d plot of regression squared error
6:03PM 3 Need suggestions for plotting 3D plot
5:45PM 1 Plotting of 3D Point Sets
5:42PM 1 image() z-values beyond zlim
4:29PM 4 plot question
4:27PM 0 Hot to _set_ an xmlAttr XML xmlAttr set
3:28PM 3 creating a formula on-the-fly inside a function
3:07PM 0 Baffled by drop1: Please ignore previous request!
2:46PM 0 Baffled by drop1
1:20PM 1 calculating of linkage-disequilibrium measures?
12:09PM 1 minimizing multivariate functions
11:49AM 1 R Site Search Firefox Plugin
10:00AM 2 Putting different colors on labels in plot (hclust)
9:56AM 1 Negative binomial regression for count data
9:54AM 1 Simple suggestion for improvement
9:31AM 0 new package: ResistorArray
12:25AM 1 total variation penalty
Wednesday March 2 2005
11:57PM 1 power law distribution; making new distributions
10:24PM 1 Graphing question/possibly lattice/xyplot
10:14PM 2 Suppressing observation numbers
9:42PM 2 apply a function to a rolling subset of a vector
9:02PM 1 Using varPower in gnls, an answer of sorts.
8:56PM 0 overlapping/interleaved histogram help
8:15PM 2 wilcox.test statistics
7:01PM 1 Rounding parameter values in genoud(), Rgenoud package
6:58PM 1 Warning: number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
6:10PM 2 .ps and .pdf page size differences in FC vs. Debian
5:44PM 1 data.frame, data types, and apply
5:18PM 0 R/S course in New York city***April, 2005
5:16PM 1 Applying a function to all combinations of factors
4:38PM 0 OT: Looking for freely available medical data
3:29PM 1 Text in lattice Graphics outside plot area
1:44PM 3 orientation of eps files
1:42PM 5 Differences between package and library terminology
11:33AM 2 subset selection for logistic regression
11:02AM 2 Problems with the "tseries" package
9:44AM 1 barchart error (invalid line type) maybe caused by mangled data frame, & fix() resolving the problem
7:56AM 1 Leaps & regsubsets
3:43AM 0 How to force specific variables in all the models using regsubsets
12:44AM 0 Re: R-help Digest, Vol 25, Issue 1
Tuesday March 1 2005
9:52PM 0 Fun and games with lowess()
9:48PM 1 looking for 3D plotting with real-time rotation
9:19PM 1 AIX 5.1
8:30PM 3 Reconstructing Datasets
8:30PM 3 Users in Ukraine & cyrillic support
7:53PM 0 start values for random effects in nlme
7:42PM 0 R with C#
7:32PM 0 Data in an object = Existing Objects??
7:01PM 0 Schedule Published for Data Mining Conference: New York City, March 28-30, Two full-days of Case Study Presentations
6:43PM 1 na.strings in readLines or is.na?
6:38PM 2 almost lower triangular matrices
5:34PM 0 Atkinson's score
4:47PM 1 constraining initial slope in smoother.spline
4:08PM 1 Two problems building a package
3:23PM 4 write a library under 2.0.1 version
2:50PM 6 lattice -- panel order display
2:42PM 2 altering legend with plot(density(..))
2:29PM 2 GARCH
2:10PM 2 Negative intercept in glm poisson model
2:04PM 6 Help : delete at random
12:36PM 2 part of name to Date
10:14AM 1 Variogram with time series
8:25AM 1 Beginner - simple simulation
7:02AM 3 Anova with Scheffe Tests
6:16AM 0 Creating matrices for Mantel test
4:19AM 1 Problems Building Ron AIX (Solved)
4:18AM 0 variable importance in random forest
2:14AM 3 packages masking other objects