Dear R What does NaN mean? I recently did a correlation on a batch of data for some reason it didn't like one column cor(sleep,use="complete.obs") BodyWt BrainWt SlowSleep ParaSleep TotalSleep BodyWt 1.00000000 0.95584875 -0.3936373 -0.07488845 -0.3428373 BrainWt 0.95584875 1.00000000 -0.3867947 -0.07427740 -0.3370815 SlowSleep -0.39363729 -0.38679474 1.0000000 0.51824287 0.9676730 ParaSleep -0.07488845 -0.07427740 0.5182429 1.00000000 0.7171864 TotalSleep -0.34283732 -0.33708151 0.9676730 0.71718643 1.0000000 Lifespan 0.46982146 0.62938940 -0.3722345 -0.26834006 -0.3824462 Gestation 0.71434413 0.73353206 -0.6061048 -0.40893177 -0.6144743 PredIndex 0.09588524 -0.01538017 -0.3526558 -0.39795310 -0.4047155 ExposeIndex 0.40563880 0.32318968 -0.5802789 -0.50363338 -0.6213578 DangerIndex 0.25932512 0.15093686 -0.5346247 -0.57194862 -0.6043029 logbrw 0.47461094 0.53992522 -0.6302266 -0.36884187 -0.6223073 loglife 0.37351520 0.45819097 -0.3549184 -0.38521174 -0.4028017 loggest 0.41308558 0.45045240 -0.5754478 -0.57234786 -0.6376850 logbw 0.50905390 0.52255094 -0.6603217 -0.26930774 -0.6174775 logpara NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Lifespan Gestation PredIndex ExposeIndex DangerIndex BodyWt 0.46982146 0.71434413 0.09588524 0.4056388 0.25932512 BrainWt 0.62938940 0.73353206 -0.01538017 0.3231897 0.15093686 SlowSleep -0.37223446 -0.60610477 -0.35265576 -0.5802789 -0.53462471 ParaSleep -0.26834006 -0.40893177 -0.39795310 -0.5036334 -0.57194862 TotalSleep -0.38244618 -0.61447431 -0.40471545 -0.6213578 -0.60430286 Lifespan 1.00000000 0.64638866 -0.16973575 0.3157456 0.01468596 Gestation 0.64638866 1.00000000 0.09079823 0.5734727 0.30623551 PredIndex -0.16973575 0.09079823 1.00000000 0.6256876 0.92731729 ExposeIndex 0.31574564 0.57347265 0.62568764 1.0000000 0.78980702 DangerIndex 0.01468596 0.30623551 0.92731729 0.7898070 1.00000000 logbrw 0.73584286 0.78178948 0.07112786 0.6132218 0.28600619 loglife 0.87677362 0.63260838 -0.09023386 0.5042496 0.14082719 loggest 0.56014783 0.88539870 0.09040680 0.5830778 0.30998808 logbw 0.64683285 0.75938272 0.13046983 0.6473671 0.33957121 logpara NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN logbrw loglife loggest logbw logpara BodyWt 0.47461094 0.37351520 0.4130856 0.5090539 NaN BrainWt 0.53992522 0.45819097 0.4504524 0.5225509 NaN SlowSleep -0.63022657 -0.35491836 -0.5754478 -0.6603217 NaN ParaSleep -0.36884187 -0.38521174 -0.5723479 -0.2693077 NaN TotalSleep -0.62230729 -0.40280169 -0.6376850 -0.6174775 NaN Lifespan 0.73584286 0.87677362 0.5601478 0.6468328 NaN Gestation 0.78178948 0.63260838 0.8853987 0.7593827 NaN PredIndex 0.07112786 -0.09023386 0.0904068 0.1304698 NaN ExposeIndex 0.61322176 0.50424965 0.5830778 0.6473671 NaN DangerIndex 0.28600619 0.14082719 0.3099881 0.3395712 NaN logbrw 1.00000000 0.79233406 0.7771888 0.9514144 NaN loglife 0.79233406 1.00000000 0.6417551 0.7079108 NaN loggest 0.77718882 0.64175514 1.0000000 0.7069276 NaN logbw 0.95141435 0.70791078 0.7069276 1.0000000 NaN logpara NaN NaN NaN NaN 1 for some reason log para has this NaN symbol come up
type ?NaN and the help will tell you.> -----Original Message----- > From: Brett Stansfield [mailto:brett at] > Sent: Monday, 21 March 2005 12:10 PM > To: R help (E-mail) > Subject: [R] NaN > > > Dear R > What does NaN mean? > I recently did a correlation on a batch of data for some > reason it didn't > like one column > cor(sleep,use="complete.obs") > BodyWt BrainWt SlowSleep ParaSleep TotalSleep > BodyWt 1.00000000 0.95584875 -0.3936373 -0.07488845 -0.3428373 > BrainWt 0.95584875 1.00000000 -0.3867947 -0.07427740 -0.3370815 > SlowSleep -0.39363729 -0.38679474 1.0000000 0.51824287 0.9676730 > ParaSleep -0.07488845 -0.07427740 0.5182429 1.00000000 0.7171864 > TotalSleep -0.34283732 -0.33708151 0.9676730 0.71718643 1.0000000 > Lifespan 0.46982146 0.62938940 -0.3722345 -0.26834006 -0.3824462 > Gestation 0.71434413 0.73353206 -0.6061048 -0.40893177 -0.6144743 > PredIndex 0.09588524 -0.01538017 -0.3526558 -0.39795310 -0.4047155 > ExposeIndex 0.40563880 0.32318968 -0.5802789 -0.50363338 -0.6213578 > DangerIndex 0.25932512 0.15093686 -0.5346247 -0.57194862 -0.6043029 > logbrw 0.47461094 0.53992522 -0.6302266 -0.36884187 -0.6223073 > loglife 0.37351520 0.45819097 -0.3549184 -0.38521174 -0.4028017 > loggest 0.41308558 0.45045240 -0.5754478 -0.57234786 -0.6376850 > logbw 0.50905390 0.52255094 -0.6603217 -0.26930774 -0.6174775 > logpara NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN > Lifespan Gestation PredIndex ExposeIndex > DangerIndex > BodyWt 0.46982146 0.71434413 0.09588524 0.4056388 > 0.25932512 > BrainWt 0.62938940 0.73353206 -0.01538017 0.3231897 > 0.15093686 > SlowSleep -0.37223446 -0.60610477 -0.35265576 -0.5802789 > -0.53462471 > ParaSleep -0.26834006 -0.40893177 -0.39795310 -0.5036334 > -0.57194862 > TotalSleep -0.38244618 -0.61447431 -0.40471545 -0.6213578 > -0.60430286 > Lifespan 1.00000000 0.64638866 -0.16973575 0.3157456 > 0.01468596 > Gestation 0.64638866 1.00000000 0.09079823 0.5734727 > 0.30623551 > PredIndex -0.16973575 0.09079823 1.00000000 0.6256876 > 0.92731729 > ExposeIndex 0.31574564 0.57347265 0.62568764 1.0000000 > 0.78980702 > DangerIndex 0.01468596 0.30623551 0.92731729 0.7898070 > 1.00000000 > logbrw 0.73584286 0.78178948 0.07112786 0.6132218 > 0.28600619 > loglife 0.87677362 0.63260838 -0.09023386 0.5042496 > 0.14082719 > loggest 0.56014783 0.88539870 0.09040680 0.5830778 > 0.30998808 > logbw 0.64683285 0.75938272 0.13046983 0.6473671 > 0.33957121 > logpara NaN NaN NaN NaN > NaN > logbrw loglife loggest logbw logpara > BodyWt 0.47461094 0.37351520 0.4130856 0.5090539 NaN > BrainWt 0.53992522 0.45819097 0.4504524 0.5225509 NaN > SlowSleep -0.63022657 -0.35491836 -0.5754478 -0.6603217 NaN > ParaSleep -0.36884187 -0.38521174 -0.5723479 -0.2693077 NaN > TotalSleep -0.62230729 -0.40280169 -0.6376850 -0.6174775 NaN > Lifespan 0.73584286 0.87677362 0.5601478 0.6468328 NaN > Gestation 0.78178948 0.63260838 0.8853987 0.7593827 NaN > PredIndex 0.07112786 -0.09023386 0.0904068 0.1304698 NaN > ExposeIndex 0.61322176 0.50424965 0.5830778 0.6473671 NaN > DangerIndex 0.28600619 0.14082719 0.3099881 0.3395712 NaN > logbrw 1.00000000 0.79233406 0.7771888 0.9514144 NaN > loglife 0.79233406 1.00000000 0.6417551 0.7079108 NaN > loggest 0.77718882 0.64175514 1.0000000 0.7069276 NaN > logbw 0.95141435 0.70791078 0.7069276 1.0000000 NaN > logpara NaN NaN NaN NaN 1 > > for some reason log para has this NaN symbol come up > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at mailing list > > PLEASE do read the posting guide! > >
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Brett Stansfield wrote:> Dear R > What does NaN mean?Not a Number. It is the result of improper mathematical expressions such as 0/0, Inf/Inf, logarithms of negative numbers, and so on. Might you have some zeros in `para' giving -Inf logpara? -thomas> I recently did a correlation on a batch of data for some reason it didn't > like one column > cor(sleep,use="complete.obs") > BodyWt BrainWt SlowSleep ParaSleep TotalSleep > BodyWt 1.00000000 0.95584875 -0.3936373 -0.07488845 -0.3428373 > BrainWt 0.95584875 1.00000000 -0.3867947 -0.07427740 -0.3370815 > SlowSleep -0.39363729 -0.38679474 1.0000000 0.51824287 0.9676730 > ParaSleep -0.07488845 -0.07427740 0.5182429 1.00000000 0.7171864 > TotalSleep -0.34283732 -0.33708151 0.9676730 0.71718643 1.0000000 > Lifespan 0.46982146 0.62938940 -0.3722345 -0.26834006 -0.3824462 > Gestation 0.71434413 0.73353206 -0.6061048 -0.40893177 -0.6144743 > PredIndex 0.09588524 -0.01538017 -0.3526558 -0.39795310 -0.4047155 > ExposeIndex 0.40563880 0.32318968 -0.5802789 -0.50363338 -0.6213578 > DangerIndex 0.25932512 0.15093686 -0.5346247 -0.57194862 -0.6043029 > logbrw 0.47461094 0.53992522 -0.6302266 -0.36884187 -0.6223073 > loglife 0.37351520 0.45819097 -0.3549184 -0.38521174 -0.4028017 > loggest 0.41308558 0.45045240 -0.5754478 -0.57234786 -0.6376850 > logbw 0.50905390 0.52255094 -0.6603217 -0.26930774 -0.6174775 > logpara NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN > Lifespan Gestation PredIndex ExposeIndex DangerIndex > BodyWt 0.46982146 0.71434413 0.09588524 0.4056388 0.25932512 > BrainWt 0.62938940 0.73353206 -0.01538017 0.3231897 0.15093686 > SlowSleep -0.37223446 -0.60610477 -0.35265576 -0.5802789 -0.53462471 > ParaSleep -0.26834006 -0.40893177 -0.39795310 -0.5036334 -0.57194862 > TotalSleep -0.38244618 -0.61447431 -0.40471545 -0.6213578 -0.60430286 > Lifespan 1.00000000 0.64638866 -0.16973575 0.3157456 0.01468596 > Gestation 0.64638866 1.00000000 0.09079823 0.5734727 0.30623551 > PredIndex -0.16973575 0.09079823 1.00000000 0.6256876 0.92731729 > ExposeIndex 0.31574564 0.57347265 0.62568764 1.0000000 0.78980702 > DangerIndex 0.01468596 0.30623551 0.92731729 0.7898070 1.00000000 > logbrw 0.73584286 0.78178948 0.07112786 0.6132218 0.28600619 > loglife 0.87677362 0.63260838 -0.09023386 0.5042496 0.14082719 > loggest 0.56014783 0.88539870 0.09040680 0.5830778 0.30998808 > logbw 0.64683285 0.75938272 0.13046983 0.6473671 0.33957121 > logpara NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN > logbrw loglife loggest logbw logpara > BodyWt 0.47461094 0.37351520 0.4130856 0.5090539 NaN > BrainWt 0.53992522 0.45819097 0.4504524 0.5225509 NaN > SlowSleep -0.63022657 -0.35491836 -0.5754478 -0.6603217 NaN > ParaSleep -0.36884187 -0.38521174 -0.5723479 -0.2693077 NaN > TotalSleep -0.62230729 -0.40280169 -0.6376850 -0.6174775 NaN > Lifespan 0.73584286 0.87677362 0.5601478 0.6468328 NaN > Gestation 0.78178948 0.63260838 0.8853987 0.7593827 NaN > PredIndex 0.07112786 -0.09023386 0.0904068 0.1304698 NaN > ExposeIndex 0.61322176 0.50424965 0.5830778 0.6473671 NaN > DangerIndex 0.28600619 0.14082719 0.3099881 0.3395712 NaN > logbrw 1.00000000 0.79233406 0.7771888 0.9514144 NaN > loglife 0.79233406 1.00000000 0.6417551 0.7079108 NaN > loggest 0.77718882 0.64175514 1.0000000 0.7069276 NaN > logbw 0.95141435 0.70791078 0.7069276 1.0000000 NaN > logpara NaN NaN NaN NaN 1 > > for some reason log para has this NaN symbol come up > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at mailing list > > PLEASE do read the posting guide! >Thomas Lumley Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics tlumley at University of Washington, Seattle