Hmisc includes a latex function which typesets objects in latex. A
great time saver.
I am using it to create a large number of tables in a loop in conjuction
with prettyNum to place '000s separators in the numbers (i.e. 1,000,000
not 1000000). This converts the numbers to strings. The Hmisc/latex
default is to left justify characters - which doesn't work in this case.
Hmisc/latex seems to have lots of options, but not one that I was
expecting. I am having trouble specifying column justification. I can
specify justification for column labels, column label groups, row
labels, even table justification --- but not the justification of the
data within the table.
I am convinced that I am missing something. Am I? or this just a "yet to
be coded" feature. Thanks in advance.