Wollenberg, Kurt R wrote:
> Hello all:
> I have written a few R scripts and am trying to turn them into a package
> submission to CRAN. All of these scripts are R code only, no C or C++ or
> anything else. I'm working with R 2.0.1 running on a Windows XP
machine. So
> far running ">rcmd install --build --docs=normal mypkge" seems
to work
> (i.e., the library "mypkge" is installed in R\rw2001\library and
the library
> loads and the scripts do what I have written them to do).
You are talking about your *package* and your *functions*, I think.
> While this is all well and good I have two (hopefully small) problems.
> First, running ">rcmd check mypkge" on R\rw2001\bin\mypkg (
Does not need to be in ...../bin
> not
> R\rw2001\library\mtpkge) returns the error "\bin\mypkge is not a
> package."
So your source package is broken somehow. Please check the DESCRIPTION file.
> Have I got something very wrong or am I misunderstanding which
> directory contains the "source" package? Second, I've
included some
> equations in the Details section of one of my .Rd files and would like to
> check that I've coded them correctly in the documentation before
> So far, my html and latex docs don't contain a details section, even
> they contain all other recent changes. My detail section looks like this:
> \details{blah blah blah
> \deqn{blah = Blah}{%
> blah = Blah}
> where \eqn{blah}{%blah} = frequency of \emph{b} in Blah.
The "%" above seem to be dangerous (without having tested) ...
Uwe Ligges
> Blah blah blah.
> }
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Kurt Wollenberg, PhD
> Tufts Center for Vision Research
> New England Medical Center
> 750 Washington St, Box 450
> Boston, MA, USA
> kwollenberg at tufts-nemc.org
> 617-636-8945 (Fax)
> 617-636-9028 (Lab)
> The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
> discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's
funny ..."
> --Isaac Asimov
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