R help - Jan 2003

Friday January 31 2003
11:15PM 0 find max of implicit function OR inversion of 2D mappings.
10:43PM 2 Testing ``<=" in R
10:22PM 0 Lyapunov - time series
9:53PM 0 Version 0.8.0 of the gregmisc package is now available
9:13PM 2 png()/jpeg()
8:15PM 2 floating point question
7:11PM 1 Problems with boot package (empinf returns NA)
6:55PM 1 Fonts in expression(paste)
6:51PM 3 Multiple xyplot on a page
6:25PM 1 Scientific Notation on tick marks
5:45PM 0 Slavic characters
4:06PM 1 r-bugs web site temporarily down
3:50PM 1 TukeyHSD
3:39PM 1 svm regression in R
3:07PM 2 Library for GUI?
3:03PM 0 RODBC & Sys.sleep
2:46PM 3 Decreasing my personal entropy ...
2:34PM 2 Varying texts in expression(paste())
3:48AM 1 Help on Scatte Plot Matrix
2:43AM 1 Question about trellis graphs
12:20AM 2 (no subject)
Thursday January 30 2003
11:37PM 2 Double Exponential
11:29PM 0 Re: Regarding Installation
7:32PM 3 Regarding Installation of R
5:53PM 1 multiple scatterplots
4:44PM 0 a question about spline A(ns or bs)
4:36PM 2 Regarding R
3:55PM 2 nearest neighbour interpolation
3:39PM 1 Plotting
3:06PM 2 mgcv, gam
2:48PM 2 Validation of clustering
1:45PM 1 Heckman's method?
1:41PM 0 My apologies: user caused error (was RE: browser() misbehavior ?)
12:23PM 0 Short Course in R: University of Hertfordshire
12:17PM 4 Downloading Package
11:33AM 0 S4 method dispatch fails R check
9:41AM 1 as.formula(string) and augPred in lme
7:44AM 1 Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman tests and Tukey HSD
6:04AM 1 TukeyHSD and BIBD
5:08AM 0 tkmenu question
4:50AM 3 Principal comp. scores in R
12:29AM 2 Weird options(digits=n) behaviour
Wednesday January 29 2003
11:34PM 1 RODBC sqlSave Error
11:03PM 0 Error using read.pnm() of pixmap
10:28PM 2 problems with by()
10:24PM 0 Course***R/Splus Fundamentals and Programming Techniques***February 2003
9:14PM 0 Statistical Tables and Plots using S and LaTeX
9:01PM 3 multinomial conditional logit models
8:33PM 1 Error
8:09PM 2 browser() misbehavior ?
7:37PM 3 na.rm in sd()
6:11PM 1 Two y-axes for a plot
5:37PM 2 help on cut?
4:47PM 1 string to number conversion
12:24PM 2 substitute, eval and hastables
12:19PM 1 Scoping rule problem -- solved
12:12PM 2 Array of 3D
11:13AM 0 CGIwithR version 0.40
11:02AM 3 Analyzing an unbalanced AB/BA cross-over design
10:55AM 0 Scoping rule problem?!? step does not work in function
9:31AM 1 printing reals from C with digits
6:52AM 0 very large data set: min, max works but range fails
6:40AM 1 How to run the simulations in the background
4:09AM 0 Finding inflexion points from data
2:13AM 2 calling sweave function from latex
12:40AM 2 Curve Fitting Question - Newbie
12:23AM 1 dyn.load warning message in R1.6.2 on Windows XP
Tuesday January 28 2003
11:47PM 1 Help to make a function
11:28PM 0 Newbie graphics question
9:34PM 0 Good advices or books on estimating the SPE?
8:19PM 1 (off-topic) Mingwin and cygwin
8:15PM 5 random number generator?
6:25PM 1 Plot to postscript in function
5:28PM 1 symbol ok colors?
4:43PM 2 symbol
4:04PM 6 reading non-existent files
3:58PM 1 gray color in trellis xyplot
10:07AM 2 Error from StructTS
1:04AM 1 iterative proportional fitting in R?
Monday January 27 2003
11:52PM 1 Greenhouse-Geisser correction
10:46PM 2 Irregular time series
10:14PM 0 Please begin a new subject if your post isn't a response to a previous one
8:38PM 1 Conditioned file Import?
4:20PM 1 seMethod for tkpack and tkgrid
2:53PM 0 boot error message
1:04PM 1 [off] Statistical list
6:57AM 1 google
Sunday January 26 2003
8:25PM 0 gradient vector
2:28PM 1 R2HTML
Saturday January 25 2003
10:22PM 7 Plotting coloured histograms...
9:33PM 1 survey package
6:40PM 1 plotting primatives, ellipses, dots, radial coordinates etc.
4:11PM 1 plot/screen
4:38AM 0 Distributions
Friday January 24 2003
9:52PM 1 different plot symbols according to a factor
9:13PM 1 (no subject)
8:11PM 0 The other type of relative frequency for hist()
8:03PM 0 multiple series conditioning plot
6:37PM 1 problem with srt vector in xyplot {lattice}
5:33PM 1 RMySQL performance over RODBC
4:44PM 0 A stepfun question
2:55PM 0 Recall:
2:32PM 4 Problems for 13 year old
1:23PM 3 Multinomial Logit Models
1:00PM 4 memory problems
6:44AM 1 link function for gaussian family
2:00AM 1 model.tables and NA?
Thursday January 23 2003
11:49PM 1 subset dataframe based on rows
10:56PM 0 A stupid question on F-statistics
8:28PM 1 loading functions from files
8:18PM 0 Summary: Warnings with no INDEX file in a package
6:03PM 0 RLS Algorithm adaptive filtering?
3:14PM 2 Exporting graphics window
2:13PM 2 Profile on optim/nlm
1:41PM 3 mann-whitney u test
10:24AM 0 conversion of a list of matrices into a dataframe
10:19AM 0 Re: R-help digest, Vol 1 #51 - 13 msgs
3:24AM 1 order() on vector with Inf's
3:14AM 0 thanks!
1:29AM 1 spearman rank correlation
Wednesday January 22 2003
11:56PM 1 Convert numeric value to POSIXct
11:06PM 1 dataframe subsetting behaviour
8:08PM 1 Using Internet proxies
7:07PM 1 negative multinomial regression models
6:25PM 1 Intercept in model formulae
4:37PM 1 : Trellis plot
4:30PM 1 Performance
2:12PM 1 Maximum likelihood estimation of a mixture of two weibull distribution
1:54PM 2 date
12:15PM 1 something wrong when using pspline in clogit?
11:18AM 1 self-split plot on multiple device
10:57AM 1 re: box counting method and other landscape ecology measures
10:03AM 3 Error when using polr() in MASS
9:17AM 2 small bug in binom.test?
6:11AM 4 Read.table for macs
1:35AM 1 lists to arrays
Tuesday January 21 2003
10:48PM 2 newbie: data frame to vector
10:24PM 0 Question regarding sequencial clustering
9:20PM 2 Graphics related questions
6:14PM 2 books on categorical data analyses
4:45PM 0 FW: Contour Plots
4:35PM 1 Modified F-test for heterogeneous error variances
4:25PM 1 rpart help
1:25PM 2 Plot using different symbols depending on value.
10:49AM 0 2-dimensional probability density surface using thin-plate spline
9:51AM 0 Summary: problems when compiling package 'norm'
9:14AM 1 problems when compiling package 'norm'
7:27AM 1 bayesian text classification...
4:20AM 2 key in margin area
3:56AM 2 running R inside of e-macs
3:50AM 1 (v2) quadratic trends and changes in slopes (R-help digest, Vol 1 #52 - 16 msgs)
3:29AM 1 Logistic regression: At times correlation matrix of coefficients gets messed up
1:48AM 1 Starting values for glm fits
12:52AM 1 Orders of terms in formulae
Monday January 20 2003
10:28PM 2 ave across columns
9:38PM 2 Adding reference lines to xyplot
6:18PM 1 Command History
5:20PM 1 dimnames and solve
4:35PM 0 quadratic trends and changes in slopes (R-help digest, Vol 1 #52 - 16 msgs)
3:49PM 2 read.table(file="clipboard",...) for R?
3:38PM 2 Too many e-mails
2:43PM 0 New package on CRAN
2:38PM 0 Tcl/Tk and mouse
2:17PM 1 R and gdb
2:00PM 1 R analogue
12:44PM 0 getting attributes of graphics objects
11:51AM 3 Plotting w/multiple y-axes?
9:06AM 1 curious code mistakes
6:42AM 1 make check for R-1.6.2 on IBM AIX
2:09AM 2 Fortran linking problems
1:12AM 1 quadratic trends and changes in slopes
Sunday January 19 2003
1:03PM 1 Re: check variables: a Q from a beginner
12:17PM 1 proxy connection
8:16AM 0 Rearranging subtrees and Eisen Cluster
2:08AM 0 Question on running tseries::garch on Mac OSX
Saturday January 18 2003
7:03PM 0 SAS/SPSS - R migration
4:07PM 1 SAS transport files and the foreign package
3:45PM 2 (no subject)
Friday January 17 2003
10:57PM 0 .Fortran error
9:58PM 0 Re: check variables: a Q from a beginner
7:45PM 2 contour plot
6:31PM 1 Survr error
5:00PM 2 Negative Binomial modelling
4:11PM 1 Arguments of R- and C-side of internal functions
3:10PM 1 DBI/ROracle for remote database connection ?
2:36PM 1 problems writing graphics
1:56PM 1 difference between "external pointer" and "weak reference"
1:49PM 0 Re: Universal legend in plot
1:39PM 1 More info - S-Plus compatability
1:29PM 2 Re: Universal legend in plot
11:05AM 0 Using R to analyze chromatograms
7:16AM 2 nls
6:43AM 2 barplot plotting problem
6:07AM 3 kriging in R
1:53AM 0 C++ and R
12:31AM 1 (no subject)
12:12AM 1 (no subject)
Thursday January 16 2003
11:53PM 0 controlling number of iterations in avas
11:20PM 2 polynomial contrasts in R
11:08PM 1 help.start() setup with netscape
10:26PM 1 installing the XML package
9:18PM 1 Help!!
6:57PM 3 Announce: pmg -- menu driven GUI using RGtk
6:51PM 1 graphics
6:47PM 1 problem with as.data.frame.table
5:28PM 0 hlep needed regarding acf
5:10PM 1 Plotting Question
5:00PM 1 help drawing kaplan-meier plot starting from 0
4:53PM 3 Overdispersed poisson - negative observation
4:27PM 1 Multivariate regression in R
4:12PM 1 Calling R function from within C code
4:08PM 0 Summary: Faster way for weighted matching
3:47PM 2 Problem using outer()
2:44PM 2 Built-in R GUI type features
2:30PM 1 write.table() with "numeric" and "complex" data
1:43PM 1 bootstraping lm
12:14PM 0 help.search("tree")
6:19AM 0 extracting data.frame names for list
2:36AM 7 X11 device now needs to be explicitly started?
Wednesday January 15 2003
10:19PM 0 Faster way for weighted matching?
7:25PM 1 Random or fixed factors
6:20PM 1 Least Absolute Deviation
5:57PM 0 Mandrake packages for R-1.6.2
5:35PM 0 construction of a 4 dimensions binary file
5:19PM 2 Contour Plots
5:06PM 1 S-Plus compatability...
4:57PM 2 Bug or Feature? LogLik.nls and non-central F distribution.
4:43PM 2 [lattice] lines for stripplot (like dotplot) or jitter for dotplot?
4:36PM 2 Exception Handling
3:55PM 2 how to record the CPU time
3:19PM 2 compile problems on solairs 8
2:43PM 2 Updating R
2:21PM 1 Tobit regression
1:32PM 1 multiply matrix by a scalar
12:13PM 1 lattice: cloud: aspect ratio, labels, vertical lines
11:07AM 1 ts.union and tsp
4:21AM 1 Why are default sizes of plotting characters different?
12:51AM 1 Is R really an open source S+ ?
Tuesday January 14 2003
11:36PM 1 How to change the label position in axis() ?
10:47PM 0 Re: R-help digest, Vol 1 #45 - 24 msgs
10:16PM 1 comparing class() -- R=NULL and S+=numeric
9:39PM 0 export result files (loop problem?)
9:13PM 0 PLS code for classification
8:53PM 0 call R form perl
7:36PM 1 install problem: gpclib
7:20PM 2 Universal legend for graph...
7:12PM 1 glmmPQL and anova
6:16PM 1 residuals() with missing data, alignment to original data set
5:39PM 0 more efficient code possible?
5:35PM 1 Problem with pdf()
5:02PM 2 graphics landscape orientation
4:38PM 0 data import (on macintosh)
3:58PM 1 Random number generator in R compared to S
3:38PM 3 PLS regression?
2:24PM 0 ineq
1:08PM 0 Arithmetic operator from within C code
11:14AM 0 make check errors
10:45AM 1 R-release.diff.gz: "patch detected! Assume -R? [n]"
10:10AM 2 building R1.6.2 from source (windows2k)
1:56AM 0 a fit method for gls?
12:23AM 4 density plot - beginner's question
Monday January 13 2003
10:48PM 2 Bug in boxplot(..., add=TRUE) ?
9:08PM 1 log-rank test
8:46PM 0 Cox PH model
7:00PM 3 sink() & windows printing
6:41PM 0 test version of RODBC
6:21PM 2 replace NA´s
5:15PM 1 vectorized compare
4:03PM 2 density estimation
12:24PM 0 (no subject)
11:03AM 1 Evaluating expressions from within C code
9:20AM 1 Extensively slowing for(i in 1:400) statement
5:23AM 2 summarizing dataframe
2:16AM 1 Fw: Plotting text-string real_date names at excel_date positions.
12:02AM 4 Ideas needed on automation of R
Sunday January 12 2003
11:51PM 0 Rcmd check on windows (XP)
2:57PM 0 Help with Program
1:54PM 1 Request
9:10AM 2 Problem about Rprof() (Windows build 1.6.2)
5:46AM 1 Loops Sweave and Many Figures
4:13AM 1 likelihood and score interval estimates for glms
3:56AM 0 FW: Normal Distribution Moments
Saturday January 11 2003
10:08PM 2 plotting and unplotting lines in R
9:31PM 1 Matching with the function "matchCases"
8:02PM 0 Windows build of 1.6.2 uploaded to CRAN
5:16PM 2 data import
1:21PM 2 beta-binomial
12:23PM 2 any plot ?
Friday January 10 2003
8:43PM 0 Access to R from a remote location - follow up....background processes and such...
6:01PM 1 Normal Distribution Moments
5:45PM 1 plot() and lines() multivariate problem
4:59PM 6 R-1.6.2 is released
4:19PM 0 Thanks: Re: count levels per factor level
3:26PM 1 count levels per factor level
2:38PM 1 Package cluster
2:14PM 1 Creating packages
1:50PM 1 GRASS/R interface problem
11:42AM 1 Superposed histograms
10:31AM 0 overlay a filled contour on world()
10:25AM 3 manipulate all files in folder
5:25AM 1 Mutual Information, Transfer Entropy etc
5:16AM 2 The options for device
2:08AM 0 Course***R/Splus programming III ***February 2003
1:07AM 1 tclVar Question
Thursday January 9 2003
10:08PM 2 Warnings with no INDEX file in a package.
9:52PM 2 using arima() function
7:13PM 4 Access to R from a remote location
5:27PM 0 aggregate() nlevels()
4:23PM 1 Elements of a character vector in different colours?
2:33PM 3 exporting graphs
1:20PM 0 Installing R-Excel Interface - Help requested (long)
9:51AM 2 GAM with Thin plate splines
7:09AM 2 pairs
2:34AM 1 fft(x, inv=TRUE)
12:51AM 0 substitution list for graphs
Wednesday January 8 2003
8:22PM 2 convex optimization
6:52PM 1 minor bug in lattice documentation?
6:28PM 1 lattice default theme
6:03PM 1 parameter estimates from nls
6:00PM 0 (no subject)
5:57PM 1 "methods" package changes class types?
5:36PM 0 New package: gpclib
5:17PM 0 plotting multivariate data and lm()
4:20PM 2 Rcmd.exe in R 1.6.1 for windows?
3:19PM 3 Errors running R in Batch mode under Win2000
3:16PM 2 Problem with fontsize of pie-chart in postscript file
3:06PM 1 Overplotting two series of observations in R
12:19PM 0 Fixed Correlation Matrices in gee package
10:43AM 1 Tools for tree naviguation
9:50AM 1 negatively correlated binary data
8:22AM 1 Searching for glmmNQ
5:36AM 2 Maps in R
4:46AM 1 Lattice: Plotting two densities on the same plot(s)?
3:21AM 0 FW: update.packages through proxy failing
2:48AM 1 update.packages through proxy failing
1:54AM 0 even stranger...
1:48AM 0 ack! my package is broken in win32
Tuesday January 7 2003
11:24PM 1 Namespace support?
11:05PM 1 axis() color from 1.5.1 to 1.6.1
7:50PM 1 interaction of options(error=) and try()
5:28PM 0 [off-topic] The better analysis
4:03PM 2 Generating .R and .Rd files with Sweave/noweb?
3:47PM 0 subscription of R-help digest
12:54PM 2 Extracting means for given strata from dissimilarity object
5:21AM 2 plot()
2:52AM 1 help interpreting output?
Monday January 6 2003
10:49PM 2 R and file size
7:36PM 1 how to save envir. when batch is halted
5:43PM 0 info please
2:51PM 0 Long memory ts answer
12:54PM 1 Re - segments within a lattice graph
10:18AM 2 Removing autocorrelations
10:10AM 1 segments within a lattice graph
7:09AM 0 Statistical Learning and Data Mining short course
6:23AM 1 On nlm
Sunday January 5 2003
6:39PM 1 .Rprofile problems
1:46AM 1 Long memory ts
Saturday January 4 2003
11:50PM 1 easy graphics question
6:13PM 0 factor analysis (pca): how to get the 'communal
Friday January 3 2003
9:41PM 0 Tutorials?
8:58PM 0 Re: Embedding windows in a text widget
8:46PM 1 Take care with codes()! (was type of representation)
8:41PM 0 cmeans visualisation
8:33PM 0 Re: Embedding windows in a text widget
5:40PM 0 tutorials...thanks
4:56PM 3 Packages w/ S4 classes in C?
3:43PM 4 number plot symbol in scatterplot?
3:18PM 1 help.start() directory?
3:04PM 0 RE: stange behavior of subset [] (was: lowess + turnpoints = doubling integers?)
2:52PM 1 Interfacing R and C++ under Windows
2:11PM 2 R talking to Oracle, ODBC drivers available ?
1:00PM 0 3D array display with (x,g)gobi from R
10:54AM 2 type of representation
7:57AM 4 factor analysis (pca): how to get the 'communalities'?
2:55AM 4 as.POSIXct problem?
Thursday January 2 2003
10:59PM 3 random number generation
4:02PM 0 Re: R-help digest, Vol 1 #34 - 2 msgs
3:55PM 0 Summer Internship at Merck (Domestic USA)
2:45PM 1 aggregate: "sum" not meaningful for factors
1:49PM 1 replace NA with factor class
1:40PM 2 unable to install redhat 8.0 rpm
12:58AM 2 nonparametrics databank for analisys
Wednesday January 1 2003
5:13AM 0 Updates to Hmisc and Design Libraries