>>>>> "AlesSem" == AlessandroSemeria
<AlessandroSemeria at cramont.it>
>>>>> on Wed, 22 Jan 2003 11:22:35 +0100 writes:
AlesSem> Hello! I would plot more than 10 (this number is
AlesSem> always different) graphics on a figure with layout
AlesSem> like 'mfrow=c(4,2)'. There is some existing
AlesSem> function able to open the right number of device if
AlesSem> number of graphics is done or I have to build it
AlesSem> myself with some 'IF.....ELSE.....'?
If you must use the (4,2) layout, you have to do it yourself,
starting a new device {x11() works on Windows and Unix) every 8th plot.
I'm not sure I'd want that for interactive usage.
If you use a non-interactive graphics device such as
postscript() or pdf() or ...,
a new page is started automatically anyway when the layout is full.
The other approach is to determine the layout automatically from
the number of plots, and there's n2mfrow() since R 1.2.0.
?n2mfrow starts as
>> Compute Default mfrow From Number of Plots
>> Description:
>> Easy Setup for plotting multiple figures (in a rectangular layout)
>> on one page. It allows to specify a main title and uses smart
>> defaults for several `par' calls.
>> Usage:
>> n2mfrow(nr.plots)
>> Arguments:
>> nr.plots: integer; the number of plot figures you'll want to draw.
I also attach a utility function mult.fig() using n2mfrow()
that I've also been using for years.
The main extra thing is the easy way using (... main = ..)
for an overall title.
[ Yes, this is in a package; no, the package is not yet on CRAN
since it contains too many other undocumented and partly
outdated functions ..]
mult.fig <-
function(nr.plots, mfrow, mfcol,
marP = rep(0, 4), mgp = c(1.5, 0.6, 0),
mar = marP + 0.1 + c(4,4,2,1), oma = c(0,0, tit.wid, 0),
main = NULL, tit.wid = if (is.null(main)) 0 else 1 + 1.5*cex.main,
quiet = .Device == "postscript",
cex.main = par("cex.main"), line.main = cex.main - 1/2,
col.main = par("col.main"),
font.main = par("font.main"),
## Purpose: 'MULTiple FIGures' incl. title and other good defaults
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: -- Either ONE of the first 3 arguments --
### =========> help(mult.fig)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Martin Maechler, 1990 (UW, Seattle) -- 1995
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
use.row <- missing(mfcol)
if (use.row)
if (missing(mfrow)) {
if (missing(nr.plots))
stop("must either specify 'nr.plots', 'mfrow' or
'mfcol' !")
else mfrow <- n2mfrow (nr.plots)
old.par <<-
if(use.row) par(mfrow = mfrow, oma= oma, mar = mar, mgp= mgp)
else par(mfcol = mfcol, oma= oma, mar = mar, mgp= mgp)
if(!quiet) cat("Execute\n\t par(old.par) \n later to restore graphical
##---- now go ahead :
if (!is.null(main)) {# Do title *before* first plot!
if(is.R()) plot.new()
mtext(main, side = 3, outer = TRUE,
line = line.main,
cex = cex.main,
font = font.main, col = col.main, ...)
if(is.R()) par(new=TRUE)# reverse `plot.new()' above
invisible(list(new.par =
old.par = old.par))