Well, the xtable package is at fault. One really should not assume an
object has no class, and should only check inheritance.
That function should have
if(is.null(class(x))) class(x) <- data.class(x)
switch(class(x), ....)
On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Nunoo, Paa K wrote:
> Hi,
> Loading the "methods" package into R seems to change the class of
> character vector from NULL to "character":
> > class("abcd")
> > library("methods")
> > class("abcd")
> [1] "character"
> This can lead to problems. For example the "as.string" function
in the
> "xtable" package
> assumes that the class of a character vector is NULL. However this changes
> when the methods
> package is loaded.
> Here is a code snippet of the as.string function in the xtable package:
> > library(xtable)
> > as.string
> function (x, file = "", append = FALSE)
> {
> if (is.null(class(x)))
> switch(data.class(x), character = return(string(x, file,
> append)), numeric = return(string(as.character(x),
> file, append)), stop("Cannot coerse argument to a
> if (class(x) == "string")
> return(x)
> stop("Cannot coerse argument to a string")
> }
> Why does the methods package change the class of character vectors?
Because it implements the Green Book (JMC, 1998) where every object has a
class. It just ensures that: it does not change the class of objects
which already have a class (as far as I know).
> Is there a way around this behavior?
Don't use the methods package? More seriously, write and use correct
code which handles classing properly.
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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