I'm afraid I missed the start of this due to the rather general subject
line, but I think that you wanted an interaction of a smooth and a factor
variable, is that right? Also, I'm not sure whether my suggestion will be
any use given your survival analysis context, but anyway...
If I understand your code (below) correctly then you are trying to produce
an interaction of a smooth with a factor by setting the argument of the
smooth to zero if the corresponding factor dummy variables are zero. I
don't think this is quite right since s(0) is not generally zero. If you
want to do this properly, then you can use the `by' variable mechanism
provided in package mgcv. The final example in the ?gam.models help file
produces an interaction of a smooth with a factor correctly.
I think that package gss also allows interactions of smooths and factors,
but I don't actually know how I'm afraid.
_____________________________________________________________________> Simon Wood simon at stats.gla.ac.uk ruwpa.st-and.ac.uk/simon.html
>> Department of Statistics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ
>>> Direct telephone: (0)141 330 4530 Fax: (0)141 330 4814
On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Vumani Dlamini wrote:
> Dear R users:
> I am not entirely convinced that clogit gives me the correct result when I
> use pspline() and maybe you could help correct me here.
> When I add a constant to my covariate I expect only the intercept to
> but not the coefficients. This is true (in clogit) when I assume a linear
> the logit model, but the same does not happen when I use pspline().
> If I did something similar to what "na.gam.replace" in S+ does,
the pspline
> coefficients are the same, leading me to believe that
"na.gam.replace" is
> doing the right thing (I may be wrong).
> The strange thing here is that even the intercepts are the same. Lastly,
> these coefficients are the same as using clogit before adding the constant,
> but the intercept are different.
> I have attached my code for all this, maybe I messed it somewhere.
> Vumani
> ##########################
> xvar<-rnorm(100,0,1)
> library(Nnet)
> mult.fit<-multinom(data.mult~xvar)
> coef(mult.fit)
> library(survival)
> temp<-list(time=2-choice,
> status=choice,
> stratum=rep(1:length(data.mult),4))
> # Used to check whether my data matrix is setup correctly
> # This fits a category one baseline category logit model
> # Compare with multinom
> coef(totalmodel)
> # Use smooth term, "pspline"
> coef(totalmodel)
> # Collect indices where variable is not equal to zero
> indices<-list(var1=NULL,var2=NULL,var3=NULL)
> indices$var1<-temp$xvar1==0
> indices$var2<-temp$xvar2==0
> indices$var3<-temp$xvar3==0
> # Add 10 to covariate
> temp$xvar1[!indices$var1]<-xvar+10
> temp$xvar2[!indices$var2]<-xvar+10
> temp$xvar3[!indices$var3]<-xvar+10
> # First fit linear-in-the-logit model, to check what happens to
> coef(totalmodel)
> # Fit a smooth model, and compare with smooth model above
> coef(totalmodel)
> # Doing something similar to what na.gam.replace() in S+ does
> temp$xvar1[indices$var1]<-mean(xvar+10)
> temp$xvar2[indices$var2]<-mean(xvar+10)
> temp$xvar3[indices$var3]<-mean(xvar+10)
> # Fit spline model
> coef(totalmodel)
> # Remove 10 and substitute with mean
> # Covariate are like in the beginning
> temp$xvar1[!indices$var1]<-xvar
> temp$xvar2[!indices$var2]<-xvar
> temp$xvar3[!indices$var3]<-xvar
> # Doing something like na.gam.replace()
> temp$xvar1[indices$var1]<-mean(xvar)
> temp$xvar2[indices$var2]<-mean(xvar)
> temp$xvar3[indices$var3]<-mean(xvar)
> coef(totalmodel)
> >From: ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
> >To: Vumani Dlamini <dvumani at hotmail.com>
> >CC: R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> >Subject: Re: [R] R analogue
> >Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 13:17:02 +0000 (GMT)
> >
> >On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Vumani Dlamini wrote:
> >
> > > Is there any R analogue for the S+ function
> >
> >No, for it is tailored for use by S's gam.
> >
> >Some of the things it does are positively undesirable! It uses mean
> >imputation for continuous variables, but for factors it makes NA into
> >another level, which silently assumes that all missing values are
> >and that they are going to occur with sufficient frequency in the
> >training data (and they may not occur at all).
> >
> > > I would like
> > > to make an interaction of a categorical and smooth continuous
> >
> >You can do that without na.gam.replace: there is an example in the MASS
> >scripts for the low-birth-weight data.
> >
> >
> >--
> >Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
> >Professor of Applied Statistics, stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley
> >University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
> >1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
> >Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595
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