Dear R users, At present I have 22 files with girded data in 3-Dimensions (longitude, latitude, time), each file being one level of the atmosphere. I would like to compact these 22 levels into a unique and big file. If you know how to do such an operation please fill free to contact me. P.S.: Here is the beginning of my programme: ########### #Dimension# ########## nlon<-25; londeb<-1 ; lonfin<-25 nlat<-25; latdeb<-1; latfin<-25 nb<-122; tdeb<-1; tfin<-122 tsel<-tfin-tdeb+1 lonsel<-lonfin-londeb+1 latsel<-latfin-latdeb+1 hgt <- array(0,dim=c(nlon,nlat,nb)) # ############# #file openning# ############ andeb <- 1 ; anfin <- 22 an <- c("1979","1980","1981","1982","1983","1984","1985","1986","1987","1988" ,"1989","1990","1991","1992","1993","1994","1995","1996","1997","1998","1999","2000") andeb <- 1 ; anfin <- 4 ;nan<-anfin-andeb+1 path <- "/ws/mounier/Info./Grads/OLR/data" deb<-"/olr." ext <- ".dat" for (o in andeb:anfin) {a <-file (paste(path,deb,an[o],ext,sep=""),"rb") hgt[1:nlon,1:nlat,1:nb] <- readBin(a,real(),size=4,nb*nlon*nlat) ############# #NEW FILE # ########### c<-file("/ws/mounier/Info./Grads/OLR/data/olr.79_00.test.dat","wb") for (k in 1:tsel) for (j in 1:latsel) { {writeBin(hgt[1:lonsel,j,k],c,size=4, endian="little")}} close(a)} close(c) Than you in advance for any advice., Flore -- Flore MOUNIER Laboratoire de M?t?orologie Dynamique Ecole Polytechnique F 91128 Palaiseau Cedex T?l: 01-69-33-36-19 Fax: 01-69-33-30-49 e-mail : mounier at