Rails - Apr 2008

Wednesday April 30 2008
11:35PM 2 trouble with slow rubygems
11:19PM 0 Setting up SSL with Rails, and Apache 2 on Ubuntu
9:00PM 0 Ruby Developer Needed for Position in Bethpage NY
8:50PM 2 Launching server from Aptana....
8:06PM 7 Why doesn't my user-entered data persist after validation/preview in my multi-model form?
8:03PM 2 Best Practice For Background Processes
7:57PM 5 Quick Submit Button Question...
7:44PM 17 Help me clean up UGLY code...
7:25PM 4 what is .....undefined method `authenticate'
6:45PM 2 weird foreign key constraint failure in transaction
6:14PM 1 Change log directory from default "log"?
5:55PM 1 setter method for forms in multiple models
5:44PM 2 newbie - trouble with acts_as_taggable_on_steroids
5:43PM 1 My fresh ruby-on-rails News Digest application
5:21PM 6 best practice for object transaction?
5:01PM 3 Forms Collecting data and basic ruby concept
4:43PM 14 auto_complete never completes, does nothing.
4:42PM 0 The "Cannot map ... to SOAP/OM" error
4:33PM 1 NoMethodError in AdminController#index
2:45PM 12 Strange memory issue
2:27PM 0 RAM saving plugins
2:25PM 1 Developing a tutorial.
2:14PM 0 [OT] Before thinking on my startup... what elements would I need?
1:54PM 2 Remembering where you came from...
1:52PM 0 Wish to import .csv files for processing and then throw away?
1:38PM 2 Form resubmit on refresh page
1:04PM 8 Listing actions of the controller
12:28PM 2 Where do I place uploaded files?
12:27PM 1 Admin namespace not working with duplicated action
12:13PM 3 connecting with mysql
11:46AM 1 Google Ajax Search API - UTF-8 encoded response
11:14AM 3 pretty url
10:33AM 0 can't get drop_receiving_element to work
10:05AM 2 To call a modal window before executing link_to_remote
8:55AM 2 adding new a new font
8:39AM 3 no such file to load -- sqlite3
7:12AM 0 RubyOnRails Plugin: Auto Tags
7:12AM 3 flash notice
6:19AM 7 rescue_from issue with AWS - uninitialized constant
5:59AM 5 how to set cgi temp directory for uploads?
5:48AM 1 rails array to javascript
5:15AM 1 Beginner mysql problem involving Rake
5:04AM 2 Question on Model v Observer
4:31AM 4 Beginner mysql problem
3:58AM 2 complex search query
1:09AM 1 Reading files in a Dir
Tuesday April 29 2008
11:52PM 0 rake build_postgres_databases fails on edge... How to use the new schema.rb system?
11:48PM 6 loading libraries and passing objects between actions
11:42PM 1 Every interaction with my app gives me this message. Why?
10:44PM 14 rails' bottleneck
10:16PM 4 rails wish list
9:50PM 10 Get ID before save
9:49PM 14 serializing a non-form input for a link_to_remote call--how to do it?
9:44PM 10 Better way to remove value from list??
9:26PM 5 User registration with email confirmation
9:16PM 2 RESTful route for member action
8:26PM 4 Default values for belongs_to and has_one
7:27PM 12 Models without primary key; n-ary associations
7:24PM 0 get_text with safe_erb on Rails 2
7:00PM 0 Rendering partials that need a FormBuilder local
6:55PM 1 RadRails now defaults to Edge!
6:20PM 18 Returning to multiple controllers from a single view.
5:50PM 1 Webistrano recipes association (was: [Capistrano] Webistrano 1.3 released)
5:26PM 1 how to create text_field for has_many form
5:04PM 0 Webistrano 1.3 released
4:25PM 1 validates_presence_of , unless.....
3:37PM 1 Rails Routes: Creating a reserved url list
3:21PM 0 Latest news about using Bind variables with oracle.
3:19PM 3 RESTful mass deletion?
2:42PM 7 .css.erb files ?
2:38PM 1 ActiveRecord::Rollback not found?
2:32PM 2 auto_completer how to make a summary line not selectable
2:27PM 14 Restricting Download of Files
1:58PM 4 layouts and partials
1:38PM 3 Do you prefer JQuery or Prototype? Why?
1:27PM 3 single table inheritance: declare non-shared attributes
12:35PM 1 Code in install.rb
12:18PM 3 Getting Quicktime movie size with Ruby
11:22AM 2 acts_as_tree help
11:09AM 3 syntax error
11:06AM 3 syntax errors
10:49AM 1 How to apply the :group_by option in ferret search
10:20AM 5 visual_effect
10:15AM 1 Passing a value from form to a model ?
9:00AM 4 Books on Ajax Design
8:48AM 2 Errno::EBADF Bad file descriptor - connect(2)
8:16AM 5 Displaying/running ruby tags in static HTML
7:28AM 2 running single migration file
7:10AM 2 sorting columns in my view
4:27AM 6 how to test Rails apps without model?
3:52AM 3 Netbeans 6 and 6.1 on the same machine.. Possible..?
3:24AM 4 Adding a bit of ajax to rails question
2:30AM 0 Senior Developer Position
2:20AM 0 Hiring Ruby On Rails developer
1:37AM 1 Differentiating computers on same network
12:18AM 0 [OT] Issues with ZF
Monday April 28 2008
9:32PM 0 validation across multiple models
9:31PM 3 multiple toggle divs
9:28PM 1 ActiveResource tutorial?
9:25PM 0 ROR project
9:11PM 2 attr_accessor nil on assocation
8:54PM 1 [HUMOR] Clinton just needs Ruby...
8:54PM 2 The name/id of the select tag generated by rails
8:48PM 1 Determining if array elements are in a range
8:32PM 6 Stack visual_effect - possible?
8:04PM 8 NoMethodError
8:03PM 4 Failed upgrade to Rails 2.0.2
7:34PM 3 how to create simple login form
7:06PM 4 Render partial from model?
7:06PM 11 routes.rb question
7:01PM 6 how can i make ruby line comments
6:33PM 2 Need help expressing a double filtered selection in a pagination statement
6:27PM 3 Passing multiple table IDs between views
5:05PM 16 GiT and Edge/Trunk Rails
4:57PM 0 Loading a Google map in a partial via Ajax
4:44PM 4 Both records must have an id in order to create the has_many
4:40PM 2 Custom Route Required?
4:06PM 2 How is scaffold used?
3:57PM 1 Nested resource without an explicit has_many relationship
3:30PM 2 Find find company name and user name
3:05PM 2 creating and naming variables dynamic
1:57PM 5 Feed an .csv file up to server for importing data, then throw away?
1:44PM 5 Migrations in plugin
1:35PM 9 2.0 Upgrade Woes
12:42PM 0 strip duplicates href tags
12:23PM 1 render :inline expectation in controller spec
10:59AM 2 High CPU usage problem.
10:26AM 1 Magic to pass reference to a controller
10:16AM 1 select date
10:09AM 1 un know action
9:38AM 5 internationalise field in model (maybe with globalite)
9:33AM 8 select_tag and selected value again
9:16AM 3 connecting database with railo
8:32AM 3 Is there any Tree Control for RoR?
8:20AM 3 Multiple submit buttons for one form
7:40AM 5 Can't get v. 1.0.0 of SQLServer ActiveRecord adapter
7:39AM 2 Copying RoR Session Data Into Oracle v$session
7:03AM 0 How to send and Recieve SMS using textmarks
6:37AM 0 This Week in Ruby (April 28, 2008)
5:43AM 1 How to send SMS using textmarks
5:33AM 2 Beginner on Rails: need help urgent
5:21AM 4 model concept
4:49AM 0 Lone Star Rubyconf 2008 - 6 Days Left to Submit a Proposal
4:48AM 3 ruby/mysql "incorrect db" error on Mac OSX (Leopard)
3:20AM 3 How do you populate a collection in a form from a dependent table?
2:44AM 1 method redefined errors from many core ruby libs
Sunday April 27 2008
10:37PM 1 Cell GPS / cell tower information in Rails app
9:59PM 4 how do you get the base url of the HTTP request?
9:37PM 6 First time user- making forms that create pages?
8:31PM 4 what is a partial
7:58PM 1 STI has_many :through problem
7:36PM 4 Where to put my Member.find(:all)
6:22PM 3 Relations in models problem
6:05PM 1 Pass an Array of Arrays from view to controller
4:54PM 5 Importing many 'dirty' .csv records..what approach is best?
4:10PM 1 Odd fixtures behaviour
3:37PM 2 helper method placement advice
2:13PM 0 Page expires when using back button
1:38PM 10 "Talkative Rails"
11:08AM 0 RESTful links in Facebooker
11:03AM 5 Refactoring to RESTful
9:25AM 1 undefined method `session='+??
6:24AM 1 problem with script generate scaffolding
5:09AM 3 need advice for non-ActiveRecord processing
2:21AM 1 How to get web server to display the server logs
Saturday April 26 2008
11:51PM 0 Stage 0.3.0
11:38PM 1 Categorizing by created_at
10:52PM 0 Self-Referential Many-To_many help
10:03PM 2 Rails Tasks
9:26PM 3 has_many :through 2 models
9:07PM 0 Spool Email - Time out error
7:00PM 1 gem fetching error
6:56PM 0 ActiveRecord Session Handling - rails 2.0.2
5:52PM 0 Routing: Language as first part of path, for just about everything
5:44PM 8 Online credit card processing
4:33PM 0 Session in layout
3:54PM 4 How to store lots of GPS data in database?
3:44PM 0 actionmailer configuration slows page loading and then error
3:29PM 5 need help sorting results using select_tag
11:29AM 2 link_to and image_tag
11:28AM 0 Transactions (commit and rollback)
11:22AM 0 >>>mysql and php >>>
9:42AM 0 moving pagination code to model
9:24AM 1 Uptime
9:18AM 1 script/generate builtin commands
8:49AM 3 Only get, head, post, put, and delete requests are allowed.
8:39AM 1 Best cron job method for email notifications?
8:20AM 0 cheap AF1 shoes,dunk shoes,evisu jean,lrg jean
8:17AM 1 array problem
7:16AM 2 Page not found
3:33AM 4 Net:: SSH slowness issues
Friday April 25 2008
11:55PM 2 Can't Understand Why This Works
11:09PM 0 Does anyone know ROR Developers looking for work?
11:08PM 0 Ruby starting / stopping a windows service?
10:27PM 2 form_for name
10:24PM 1 bug?
9:22PM 3 params not available w form_remote_tag call
9:17PM 2 Iterating over a hash map
8:58PM 1 newbies: rubystack or leopard?
8:49PM 4 Got a Mac with Leopard and asking for some help
8:11PM 5 Best way to pass ID variable to partials - global var??
8:02PM 2 Best practice for starting for building your DB?
7:57PM 2 Schema.rb SVN or not?
7:48PM 2 Why is Rails making 2 SELECT queries when updating user info
7:29PM 1 Where did CGIMethods go in Rails 2?
7:26PM 7 How to save data in database.......
6:58PM 2 amount of sql queries
6:58PM 0 Can we execute a saved request..?
6:53PM 3 Authentication (restful, etc)
6:49PM 0 Execute a saved request..?
6:47PM 1 Ajax Sort of Working. Model being saved but view not being updated.
6:25PM 3 Self-referencing relationships
5:30PM 1 Rails 2.0 localization
4:48PM 7 Noob ? - Diff Between "action => :index" and "action => 'index'" ?
4:41PM 1 before_save and create
2:39PM 2 PG_Namespace cartesian join in postgresql_adapter.rb
2:29PM 9 fill pdf with data
2:21PM 0 Learn DB2 Today
1:21PM 0 New to Ruby and Rails and Such
12:00PM 2 using rails helpers in pdf-writer
11:55AM 6 Simple html link from URL variable call
11:36AM 2 json => hash in Ruby
11:19AM 1 How can I limit the <td> characters?
11:12AM 0 How to implement blog trackbacks?
9:17AM 2 Can't start script/console, but can start webrick
8:03AM 2 how to edit my message
6:20AM 2 multipart form_tag
5:01AM 0 exceptionlogger
4:25AM 6 ActionMailer
3:55AM 0 Date validation :before -1 day
2:36AM 4 db/schema.rb not preserving constraints...
2:18AM 1 attachment_fu and mime type issues
1:24AM 10 How to reference view helpers from another controller?
12:24AM 5 Rendering an html partial from the js block in action.respond_to--possible?
Thursday April 24 2008
11:35PM 15 Dynamic dropdowns using just Ruby
11:28PM 4 CruiseControl.rb 1.3.0
11:27PM 0 Capistrano
10:46PM 1 [ADV] Rails Kits
10:41PM 1 sending multiple emails
10:22PM 0 check_box validation error_message div/span tag problem
10:15PM 3 Dynamically Naming a Variable
9:42PM 3 DRYing up controllers
8:58PM 7 gem install rails
8:29PM 2 Mongrel Woes
8:05PM 5 cross referenced tables
8:01PM 2 Custom mail templates
8:00PM 1 Example of using "sortable-element" with nested lists?
7:10PM 0 [Fwd: Setting rails root]
6:48PM 2 Avoiding duplicate inserts?
5:52PM 1 Adding a counter after the fact
5:27PM 0 Bug or intended behavior when using respond_to?
5:18PM 2 How can I "select" a model to add to my has_many relationship?
4:41PM 2 Setting rails root
4:30PM 1 System exit by fcgi during multiple database transactions
4:12PM 0 Volunteer looking for ROR project
3:10PM 0 has_many_polymorphs + has_many_through joins?
2:51PM 7 Please help. The error occurred while evaluating nil.name
2:39PM 3 Create module dynamically
2:38PM 2 Create dynamic controller????
2:28PM 1 multiple rails apps on a single host with mod_rails
1:59PM 0 can i pass parameters to has_one manually?
12:40PM 1 validates_presence_of Date with '00' year fails
12:33PM 3 if statement not working as intended?
12:06PM 2 Dynamic finders in has_many associations
11:57AM 7 You have a nil object
11:48AM 3 How to add parameter and condition in function dynamically??
11:42AM 2 Passing a value fails [when sending emails]
11:08AM 5 Help with modrails and Apache2
9:50AM 6 How to check if values of tables are within range?
9:27AM 0 Encapsulating multiple model logic and checking returns
9:16AM 0 ActiveRecord - INSERT options for MySQL
8:47AM 12 Calling Controller methods from application controllers
8:08AM 1 Rake doesn't know how to build 'db_schema_dump'
7:35AM 2 passing params with render
6:37AM 1 doubt in crud statement
6:34AM 1 Really Complex Forums
5:34AM 0 Hosting, Designing, eCommerce Development Packages
4:32AM 2 select_tag and link_to
4:06AM 0 App move to apache causing error
3:31AM 2 why the multiple web servers?
2:35AM 2 Ruby group suggestion needed
2:31AM 11 Action_mailer_tls + Gmail
1:58AM 0 another newbea question
12:55AM 7 Functional testing confusion...
12:29AM 4 accessing the join association model
Wednesday April 23 2008
11:46PM 0 affordable ruby on rails classes
10:30PM 3 Frustrrated - Simple Drop Down
10:04PM 2 Bug in eager loading and polymorphic associations?
9:13PM 2 Rake Aborted - Error Message Suggests Fix, Epic Fail
9:01PM 4 Auditing: session[:user] reference in after_save callback
8:53PM 7 More Nested Resources Questions...
8:52PM 0 SQL hints and activerecord
8:40PM 2 Newbe Install Question, rails install w/o internet.
7:56PM 4 [ADV] Announcing the Third Edition of Agile Web Development with Rails
7:52PM 6 A noob with a HABTM doubt
7:15PM 2 select_tag inside loop
7:12PM 0 Passing a hidden field to insert_html
7:07PM 5 Multi-dimensional hash/array as model attribute
6:50PM 7 No route matches
6:29PM 9 Newbie question - how do I add values to a result and save?
6:24PM 3 mysql port = rails port? localhost 3000
6:12PM 3 maintaining drop down menu selections
6:10PM 0 collection_select with an index
5:59PM 2 Web Developer Career Opportunity at Rosetta Stone in Arlington
5:30PM 0 rjs is either not ignored or not evaluated
4:50PM 0 reload render partial in production mode
4:50PM 4 syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting kEND
4:25PM 0 Flare plugin (with Ruby Solr library and acts_as_solr plugin)
3:49PM 1 Global documentation for Rails' ActionView
3:47PM 0 Web Developer
3:12PM 6 Why the class variable doesn't work correctly?
3:10PM 0 ODBC and rails 2.0
2:58PM 2 Novice: Pages not available other than server
2:54PM 1 Validation dependent on unsaved parent
2:45PM 4 RJS conditional element replacement
2:19PM 2 RESTful but use create in another controller
2:06PM 0 How to test plugins?
1:08PM 0 MYSQL, aplly sec set errors 1146 & 1045!?
1:06PM 0 how to Uninstall mysql on vista?
1:03PM 12 book recommendation?
12:40PM 6 LDAP Issues
12:22PM 2 Table Unknown - SCHEMA_INFO
12:20PM 3 Help with Apache and Production
11:53AM 1 Pagination per_page using select_box
11:07AM 1 Error in execution of rails Application using solr Search engine
11:04AM 0 ajax pagination and RJS
10:45AM 5 How do I make this controller RESTful?
10:37AM 0 self referential (n-n relationship) belongs many controller
10:34AM 4 js call with rails generated attributes (item ids)
9:59AM 4 basic mini cms
9:22AM 0 Upload a file using Net:HTTP multipart post or ActiveResource
9:10AM 2 rjs question
8:26AM 2 script/server install error on windows
6:49AM 0 How i write the respec in this situation??
6:16AM 0 Any Gem or Plugins for Rotating Banner
5:31AM 3 Errata site for David A Black's Rails Routing book?
5:14AM 1 How to make sure its Rails 1.2.4 or 2.0.2....? Tips please
5:00AM 2 HTTP Response Status
4:46AM 1 Looping in .xml.builder
3:38AM 2 updated_at not updating....
1:21AM 12 rake db:create => LIBMYSQL.DLL not found. how to solve????
1:13AM 0 associations
12:40AM 1 getting error message when starting Instant Rails
12:12AM 1 Downloadable XML Files, Named Routes and RESTful ability
12:11AM 4 database.yml, what to change?
12:05AM 3 Follow the conversation and search relevant sites with What's up in Ruby
Tuesday April 22 2008
11:50PM 3 Populate textarea with Multiple Newlines
11:31PM 2 first impressions from a newbie on setting up ruby on rails
11:16PM 18 auto_complete data and text field
11:16PM 3 Can't get form results from a mutiple select box...
10:41PM 3 javascript without rjs
10:09PM 1 Saving to a table with computed fields
9:28PM 1 Calling to_yaml on an array of ActiveRecord objects is producing TypeError: wrong argument type nil (expected Data)
9:19PM 1 why are my views being cached?
8:48PM 2 Hand Cursor disappearing.
8:43PM 5 RESTful routes: How to code the "create" form correctly
8:30PM 5 graphing - best approach? (Google Chart API, Flash, RMagick...?)
8:15PM 3 Installed Rails, problem with 1st Application
8:09PM 4 Best way to verify request method
7:55PM 0 how to show validation error msg of model in html area
7:15PM 1 wiki.rubyonrails.com spammed?
6:24PM 7 init for controller
6:06PM 0 Re: unpopulated in_place_editor_field not working [UPDATED] Easier, cleaner workaround!
5:47PM 2 Testing actions which render nothing
5:28PM 2 syntax error in runner.rb
5:27PM 2 Test Database fails to initialize
5:27PM 0 Markaby escapes special chars automatically?!
5:21PM 3 how to use link_to when inside a subdomain
4:49PM 0 callback has_many
4:42PM 0 How to automatically fetch external svn resources on update?
4:41PM 0 rspec model class methods
4:32PM 3 Drag and Drop Problems
4:20PM 0 restful scaffold for models containing "new" in the name
4:02PM 0 delete_all with include?
3:56PM 0 Overriding to_xml() - Why Does This Work?
3:45PM 1 Sub Domains using Routing?
3:31PM 1 save returns Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry
3:24PM 2 before_filter halts chain but won't perform redirect_to properly
3:16PM 0 rails developer and mentor
3:07PM 0 add_downs, plugin to help writing 'down' methods
2:53PM 0 How to implement user editable templates?
2:36PM 0 Best way to generate Feed
2:28PM 0 Problem Associating Two Models
2:27PM 0 Custom feed items
2:10PM 2 Automatic reload of plugins
2:10PM 1 dissabling cookies in webrick
11:57AM 4 ActionView::TemplateError
10:31AM 0 Rools Rule Engine???
9:44AM 2 confused about deprecation warnings in 2.0(.2)
9:43AM 2 RESTful routes: How to pass an additional value to params?!
9:26AM 0 will_paginte and ajax
8:49AM 2 error after sending email.(conection refused- connect(2))
8:06AM 2 how to model relationship for a model to itself
7:36AM 2 How to convert time from rss feed to another format ?
7:14AM 2 Login and RESTful problem
6:53AM 1 GET and POST problem in URL access
6:47AM 0 numeric (decimal) WITH precision and scale at generate scaffold time?
6:14AM 11 Can models be put in subfolders?
6:09AM 8 rake db: create fails
6:05AM 2 Custom Mysql queries slower than ActiveRecord in production
5:34AM 3 problem in form validation of input using onSubmit
5:25AM 8 How to GET/POST in Rails ?
5:10AM 4 Printing the PDF in new window
4:55AM 4 rendering and action controller in a view
4:02AM 4 Rails routes case sensitive?
3:02AM 7 Deleting records en mass from database
1:37AM 2 Job Board example application/plugin?
1:32AM 1 save checkbox checked or unchecked from previous page
12:55AM 3 Illegal instruction on FreeBSD 6.2 with Rails 2.0
12:37AM 2 windows-mysql performance
12:28AM 2 Design question - errors and exceptions
12:05AM 4 Downloading back uploaded files
Monday April 21 2008
11:49PM 3 workflow plugin?
11:43PM 0 Lost Polymorphic Associations in development environment causes delegate :blah, :to => to fail
11:11PM 1 where is activerecord-oracle-adapter ?
11:07PM 0 AWD Drag and Drop Example/Pragforms Application
9:30PM 7 undefined method `partial_updates='
9:26PM 4 HABTM setup problem?
8:37PM 1 Urgent ActiveRecord has_many Problem - Please Help
7:31PM 3 Automatically filling a text box
7:01PM 0 Force Session Reload
6:32PM 2 Best practices for multitenant application?
6:29PM 3 How detect image button clicks?
6:17PM 1 RESTful Resources and Sub-Resources
5:43PM 13 record locking
5:23PM 0 Rails XML samples
5:14PM 2 Association Field Find Caching Technique
5:09PM 1 Database design problem
3:52PM 3 translating Java encoding/hashing code to Ruby in a rails ap
3:32PM 2 Easy way to create fixtures that use betternestedset?
3:31PM 1 open-uri problem
3:22PM 0 ReSTfull route conventions
3:08PM 2 Error rendering view with number in the name
3:08PM 2 Eager Loading Polymorphic Associations
2:38PM 5 hostingrails issues
1:45PM 0 Using Growl to display not just Pass/Fail, but also Error
1:14PM 4 Simple file upload
11:43AM 7 Creating a tabbed panel
11:29AM 1 Rails application failed to start properly
11:05AM 3 Don't understand migrations
11:05AM 3 Mongrels servers sharing common memory space
10:17AM 0 This Week in Ruby (April 21, 2008)
9:15AM 8 tmp delete from activerecord
9:05AM 6 Problem with routes and scaffold
8:54AM 0 The Visual Rails Workbench
8:02AM 5 sorting helper does not work -- need help
7:28AM 7 getaddrinfo: no address associated with hostname
6:27AM 12 Simple Captcha Problem
6:26AM 0 Regarding the cookies...
6:21AM 0 Job in Melbourne, Australia - Ruby On Rails developer
6:19AM 0 Gmail Contacts "like" reference data management gui
5:19AM 2 problem on running the server
4:43AM 0 Polling system for RoR?
4:09AM 0 Ruby + ARM
3:39AM 1 link_to_remote / url path question
1:48AM 1 Is http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/ down?
1:34AM 2 Fuzzy Validation Before Adding New Record?
Sunday April 20 2008
10:16PM 1 Spammer just spammed wiki
8:41PM 3 Documentation!
8:33PM 9 rubyonrails.org domain grabbed?
8:02PM 3 Specifying class for form_remote_tag
7:45PM 1 InstantRails, Firefox, and Gmail
6:38PM 1 Why is respond_to always rending the RXML view?
5:36PM 0 Radiant 0.6.6 - Chiseled Release (bugfixes)
5:16PM 2 open_id_authentication - authenticate_with_open_id
4:59PM 5 mod_rails and long-running processes
3:51PM 2 Problem with RJS, partials, controllers and life
3:18PM 0 Autocomplete error please help
3:09PM 0 CapGun 0.0.2 released
2:41PM 1 Restful Routes Malfunction
1:57PM 1 Authentication / Roles
1:48PM 10 Actionmailer not working [no errors]
12:36PM 1 routing error
12:19PM 1 vlidations
12:04PM 2 XML into database
12:02PM 3 ActsAsOptions plugin for Rails 2.0
11:46AM 0 require in environment.rb is failing in unit test
10:22AM 2 How to get a POST data from in controller?
10:22AM 1 Liquid & Rails 2.0.2
10:08AM 2 uploadng images(needy)
8:48AM 2 mod_rails showing plain text instead of actual page
7:38AM 1 validations
7:07AM 1 polymorphism messing with me
5:07AM 0 Dream Home
1:26AM 1 Mongrel - strange start-up message
1:14AM 9 FormBuilder object in a helper?
Saturday April 19 2008
10:59PM 0 Rails Mobile App - Video Streaming
10:51PM 1 Inferred Routes plugin for Rails 2.0
10:48PM 1 Using ERB inside a controller
9:45PM 4 Thesaurus - use rails/database, or serve files via apache?
8:29PM 0 rake abort 'const_missing' occurs if I have DATE_FORMATS set in environment.rb???
7:01PM 2 Create a Plugin or a Gem? e.g. - will_paginate
5:52PM 0 Radiant CMS 0.6.5 "Chisel" Release
4:52PM 3 Question on restful_authentication
4:09PM 0 win32-service-0.6.1 using a Rails Model
3:35PM 1 Timestamps in Migrations
3:33PM 3 Attachment_fu does not work with internet explorer?
3:19PM 6 Redirection
2:42PM 4 uploading image(very urgent)
1:59PM 3 RMagick installed BUT "no such file to load -- RMagick"
1:59PM 1 Problem with Active Web Service on InstantRails
1:51PM 0 How to clear page caches under public?
1:27PM 1 update and update_attribute woes
12:45PM 4 Non-conventional actions and Atom feeds
12:18PM 4 Problem in Print PDF by AJAX request
11:34AM 9 search multi dimensional arrays
9:33AM 1 timed events across time zones
9:26AM 2 Check_bo_tags collections
7:22AM 1 form_for question
7:20AM 3 How to find nil object error in the rails application?
7:10AM 6 Hi there
6:55AM 1 How to pass input for a function in webservice as XML?
6:33AM 6 Is there a way to import Exchange rates automatically?
6:30AM 0 http://groups.google.co.il/group/rubyonrails-talk/post?hl=iw
5:41AM 4 Displaying external url's
4:43AM 1 Finding RoR Developers
4:39AM 2 Inexplicable routing problem
3:15AM 0 Anyone using RailsProductGenerator ?
1:41AM 1 Best way to "flag" an item?
12:20AM 0 Nested Intervals
Friday April 18 2008
11:13PM 4 Load value in a date form field
11:08PM 2 MySQL Query - number of rows...
10:37PM 8 How about find(:exactly_one, ...)?
10:13PM 9 instance variable, ajax and partial
10:13PM 4 Howto run a non-app script in console
9:12PM 2 Remote form with cancel
8:37PM 2 has_one self reference
8:27PM 3 has_many and belongs_to with non-primary foreign keys
5:33PM 2 Writing database backed plugin tests.
4:14PM 6 restarting apps on reboot
4:10PM 2 Find all items which have these tags
2:56PM 1 Create FileColumn Image without a From
2:19PM 2 adding a action to a player
11:52AM 2 I get updated date in wrong format using atom feed helper
11:31AM 6 Tab highlighting and redirect_to
11:29AM 2 attachment_fu strange behaviour with file uploading
9:49AM 2 how to change mode
9:01AM 8 problems with link_to
8:48AM 3 Relating to records in same table
7:49AM 3 Sorting Helper issue
6:53AM 1 RAILS Plugin for Twain
6:38AM 2 deploying in local machine
6:24AM 1 Modify an AR model attribute before reading into form_for
6:13AM 1 ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method
6:10AM 0 sending mail from Mailer plugin is slow in development syst
5:53AM 3 Problems with displaying validation message
4:53AM 0 Newbea Restful Route ??/
3:01AM 7 How to make a 126 rails project when 2.02 is installed with windows
2:50AM 0 RORED
2:32AM 3 How to prevent user content from messing up my markup?
1:59AM 0 CapGun 0.0.1 released - super simple Capistrano deployment notifications
1:35AM 4 Number of times clicked
1:19AM 6 link_to_remote sumbit_to_remote
12:45AM 2 synchronize mongrel cluster
12:08AM 1 rails for dummies
Thursday April 17 2008
11:20PM 1 render / responds to parent / rjs question
10:43PM 1 redbox + will_paginate
9:46PM 0 Having problem with validates_presence_of fields in form when trying to also use ActiveScaffold (x-posted at ActiveScaffold group)
9:25PM 7 basic Rails 2.0 scaffold and commands question
9:21PM 1 Post and redirect from a controller
9:00PM 4 acts_as_paranoid is making me crazy
8:20PM 3 pre-load second level association?
8:12PM 5 Crazy Partials
8:04PM 2 Can't prepare test database
7:49PM 5 Can't handle <% if logged_in? %> when running for the first time
7:24PM 4 Do I need to use sessions if I don't store anything in them?
7:23PM 12 collection_select
7:13PM 1 VERY simple question moving to RAILS 2
6:20PM 1 Dynamic generation of routes based on db contents
6:12PM 4 static route
5:59PM 1 Model to jpg
5:54PM 2 Error
5:39PM 1 Callback Problem: Why to use self.var= instead of @var=
4:28PM 1 Getting acts_as_tree to work
3:48PM 0 link_to method doesn't work with shared css/javascript class
3:44PM 1 Database modeling
3:33PM 6 mod_rails fedora core
3:28PM 2 respond_to block being ignored?
2:50PM 1 PGP encryption from RoR?
2:49PM 1 forms without a database with Rails 2.0.2
2:30PM 1 Authorization plugin base_class method
2:29PM 1 Getting Started with Databases
1:38PM 1 adding errors to an autocomplete field and ensuring it is wrapped with fieldWithErrors
1:36PM 4 My CSS file won't show (even though everything says it should)
1:18PM 0 Google Calendar and putting events into calendars
12:56PM 0 requests
12:46PM 0 threads with shell scripts
12:44PM 9 Cleaning Rails' ugly HTML output
11:29AM 0 Testing request_routing?
11:09AM 3 Adding javascript inside create view
11:02AM 0 Rjs Type error when added jrails plugin into current RoR project
10:54AM 5 Problems with !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
10:53AM 2 JavaScripts don't show
10:36AM 2 Joining a Date and a Time together for migrations and miniformats
10:02AM 0 facebook_rails_controller_extensions
9:55AM 2 Actionmailer cant sent the mail
9:15AM 0 Image button coordinates not in form params
8:41AM 2 Java applet from RAILS application
8:24AM 8 undefined method `goals_against' for #<YAML::Object:0x5584864>
7:28AM 9 form_tag and a very simple form
6:34AM 1 form_remote_tag spewing JS error
6:27AM 2 country_select box with country code as value
6:26AM 0 R-o-R projects and Google Website Optimizer
6:10AM 0 Ruby on Rails Affiliates Program ?????
4:45AM 12 Occurred url_for ERROR mesasge while using will_paginate
4:00AM 0 Ruby Hero Awards
1:34AM 5 Uneditable Fields in edit form
Wednesday April 16 2008
11:05PM 1 How to dynamically set table_name of model object without concurrency issues?
10:40PM 2 undefined method exception if no data is present
10:39PM 3 Linking to "Next Entry >>" from the current Entry Page
10:10PM 1 RSA signing with Ruby OpenSSL
9:53PM 2 can't convert nil to string error: how to solve?
9:02PM 2 would love to solve 'rake doc:app' problem
9:00PM 1 include ActionController::Routing
8:50PM 2 script/generate resources
7:50PM 2 Ignoring errors
7:47PM 2 table look-up method advise please
7:43PM 4 Doing a radius/location search
7:36PM 4 ActiveRecord methods to work with indexes?
7:29PM 0 has_many :through & << & STI
7:26PM 1 render arguments :locals and :layout only available on partials?
7:22PM 2 design modeling question
6:37PM 8 Uploading error with attachment_fu and rmagick
5:52PM 5 How to install PHP and MySQL on Ruby (Webrick)
5:26PM 2 some new projects
5:16PM 6 Can I use conditions outside of find(...)?
4:41PM 2 Question about yaml. Thank you !!
4:23PM 5 Complex Forms
4:22PM 6 Java private variables in Ruby
4:15PM 1 Tutorial and Rails 2.0
4:06PM 6 Problem rendering within a table
3:42PM 10 Is Phusion Passenger (mod_rails) good for single app servers
3:23PM 3 MySQL gem segfault
2:54PM 2 QUICK QUESTION: Run a Ruby File inside of Model
2:27PM 8 Will acts_as_taggable_on_steroids and better_nested_set work together?
2:10PM 4 has_two, has_three, etc....
1:57PM 1 in_place_editor & security
1:57PM 1 Missing images cause routing errors??
1:51PM 1 in-line editing support for a table of data? sample code?
1:45PM 2 New mime type. Works in windows, fails in ubuntu
1:24PM 0 Remove Gmap marker using YM4R
12:42PM 0 how to configure rails app on non default port 443
11:37AM 2 rhtml files and routes
11:06AM 2 Need to browse a DAG
10:19AM 12 how to accomplish pagination in RoR
10:11AM 3 Top 3 Style
9:38AM 2 How can I do that with datetime?
7:32AM 2 about getting webservice from other website
6:44AM 1 AR - Delete m:n Associations when deleting Record
5:22AM 1 value as variable
5:16AM 4 How to does validates_uniqueness with option :unless work ?
5:10AM 4 accessing database in another rails app
4:46AM 9 instance variable in controller -> views with RJS?
3:39AM 0 Just-remind.us
3:38AM 0 Polymorphic associations on models with many names
3:20AM 2 newbie questions - create table and file browser?
2:22AM 2 Legacy DB table with double primary key
1:36AM 3 rake rails:freeze:gems failing
1:16AM 0 Authorization plugin problem
Tuesday April 15 2008
11:16PM 4 .htaccess to pass/ignore directory
10:41PM 6 Urgent Need For Ruby on Rails Developer - Los Angeles, CA
10:17PM 0 Revver video link and Javascript
10:16PM 1 acts_as_paranoid Unknown key(s): with_deleted
10:04PM 4 AR association question
9:45PM 5 AR performance weirdness
9:13PM 5 Tough modeling problem
9:08PM 3 Error when calling redirect_to (NoMethodError (undefined method `uri_https_url' for #<InvitesController:0x356a9d4>):)
9:08PM 0 Problem with creating custom generator
8:59PM 0 Dojo and Rails
8:53PM 4 trouble streaming images with send_data
8:48PM 1 trouble using send_data to stream image to browser
8:46PM 2 Help - Script this?
8:01PM 0 Scaffold views
6:40PM 4 InvalidAuthenticityToken exception when deleting cookies
6:31PM 0 Boxcar Conductor
6:29PM 0 ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken
5:14PM 4 Version Control (and gems)
5:10PM 2 environment.rb uninitialized constant when starting console
4:57PM 0 Why does it still call transaction items with transaction support turned off?
4:41PM 0 text tagging question
4:33PM 4 is there a way to outsource image uploads?
4:09PM 4 firendship representation in rails
4:07PM 0 help with template
3:54PM 1 Model Verification
3:44PM 1 Determining is a Partial is Rendering
3:34PM 1 Session variable error
3:00PM 2 Saving instance variables between GETs
2:20PM 0 routing problem: map.testroute ":param1/:param2-:param3-:param4.html"
2:06PM 2 NoMethodError in StoreController#add_to_cart
1:58PM 1 Reading Modified time of a file
1:56PM 10 How do you display your Flash messages in your layouts?
1:35PM 4 Best practice for showing ajax loader gif?
1:34PM 2 Find record with "null" column
1:19PM 0 How to cache dynamic CSS (RCSS)?
1:18PM 2 How to add a condition in a Select form tag ?
1:06PM 0 Namespaces - 2 times admin in path
12:50PM 9 2.0.2 memory footprint
11:56AM 0 How to get routing variables in model
11:43AM 8 Heavy queries stall application
11:10AM 0 redhillonrails_core plugin with Oracle DB
11:01AM 2 Having trouble running rails 2.0.2 on Leopard
10:49AM 0 Help with a blog application - search for words and score them.
10:42AM 1 How to call a java applet in rails application?
10:15AM 3 how can I exclude email texts from the log?
10:15AM 1 passing id in multi part form
10:02AM 3 Help me create primary_key with ActiveRecord::Migration
9:53AM 7 Single user editing and commit feature
9:34AM 0 magic
8:29AM 0 switching rails versions 2.0.2 <-> 1.2.5
7:45AM 2 problems getting the scaffold command working properly
7:27AM 11 OT: What do you use for ie6 pngfixes?
6:24AM 3 will Rails 2.0 support my 1.2 rails codes
6:21AM 4 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in BlogController#index
5:50AM 1 hosting rails app
5:15AM 3 Status bar - while controller action is time intensive
4:33AM 9 Newbie : homepage without referencing a controller
4:28AM 4 hyphen on columns name.. help.
2:47AM 1 help with background rb triggers!!!
1:12AM 3 Adding to an Array
12:39AM 1 crash reports
12:22AM 2 Asking for help passing variables with an observe_field
Monday April 14 2008
11:41PM 1 wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) when calling 0 argument web service call
11:20PM 3 Which server should our Rails website use?
10:46PM 9 scientific notation problem
10:37PM 1 onclick submit_button toggler?
10:36PM 2 interesting find: multiple file uploads stopped on Linux
10:00PM 9 stylesheet_link_tag
9:27PM 1 Storing arrays in db
9:22PM 1 All rails scripts running slow -- require_frameworks() probl
9:09PM 1 Simple Logging Customization
9:08PM 2 XML not rendered after upgrade to 2.0.2
8:28PM 0 Help solving a SystemStackError while testing
8:15PM 10 converting symbol to object
7:26PM 3 datetime_select custom input fields
7:26PM 0 Redirect console error to a log file
7:22PM 6 Dynamic Form Clicking
7:09PM 1 I got an uninitialized constant error, help!!
6:28PM 0 mongrel_upload_progress issues
6:25PM 5 OT: How to make this code prettier?
4:52PM 8 Ruport 1.6 and Murdoch 1.0
4:48PM 0 Rails Job - Smallish Project - Need Developer!
2:57PM 3 action mailer default template/location - DONT WANT
1:44PM 4 What does "||=" mean?
1:31PM 1 Averaging
12:36PM 7 Attributes not being santised
12:35PM 14 help with auto_complete
11:44AM 1 AR and Oracle table names
11:33AM 5 Multiple has_many's
11:27AM 0 user script/runner
11:20AM 2 Problems with nil object
10:59AM 0 Job - Open source architect / Ruby on Rails developer - France, Paris Area
10:58AM 3 reference other table
10:40AM 1 Job Opportunity - Ruby on Rails Developer - London
10:16AM 0 Problem displaying joined table search results
10:02AM 5 bring out an some size window when click a link in an ajax
10:01AM 0 acts_as_taggable_on_steroids and cached_tag_list
8:34AM 3 Ruby on Rails application scope
8:02AM 2 Plugin: include vs. base.send :include
7:31AM 0 destroy_all returns
7:25AM 1 Oracle Adapter with DateTime conversion not working
6:53AM 0 synchronizing updates when reusing rails apps
4:30AM 0 error trying to import é
3:16AM 1 routes.rb: regular expression /i (case insensitive) doesn't work?
3:08AM 1 Blog (Typo) integration with other websites
2:09AM 3 AVG Free Edition reporting digest.so as a Trojan
2:00AM 2 Agile Web Deveopment+rails 2.0.2
1:26AM 2 how to add a dynamic value for a tag's id attribute
Sunday April 13 2008
9:01PM 4 Translating international characters
8:06PM 7 Rails and Dojo
7:41PM 9 Rails editor
7:24PM 6 oscommerce modeling question
7:09PM 1 How Toggle Show/Hide Button Image and Action ?
6:26PM 0 Looking for a Rails programmer.
5:57PM 0 Anyone with experience using Typo for blogs?
5:41PM 4 extending a model outside of its file
5:38PM 0 scaffolding and date_select issues
5:28PM 2 link_to_remote still looks for view.html.erb?
3:20PM 2 Migration Problem
3:13PM 0 Wireless Spy Camera Pen
2:58PM 1 Quick question with restful_authentication and validations
2:35PM 1 RESTful habtm
2:35PM 20 uninitialized constant
2:24PM 5 Callback's question
1:56PM 1 Route namespace and link_to.
1:17PM 0 CSS and images cannot be read on server when deployed
12:24PM 0 How to Choose an Unlimited Web Hosting for free
12:05PM 2 Help with Apache2 and stylesheet
10:47AM 3 The best way to send generated numbers to an email address
10:25AM 1 mod_rails: Anybody got a minimal Apache configuration file?
10:02AM 3 Routing error for .css, .js, image files. Others fine.
9:38AM 4 passenger (mod_rails)
9:17AM 1 DROP INDEX ....
8:37AM 3 Can't get simple link_to_remote to work
8:16AM 4 How to handle uploaded files in HA cluster?
7:03AM 2 access model from rake
5:26AM 2 Is Amazon s3 always this slow?
5:24AM 8 Brand new to rails: can't get databases to work
5:12AM 6 destroy w/ params and :dependent => destroy
2:55AM 4 rSpec, controller, restful route problem
2:28AM 2 help redirect_to funciton
2:11AM 1 backgroundrb - Connection refused
1:20AM 1 ActiveRecord models stored in globals lose methods
Saturday April 12 2008
9:56PM 2 cant find session user_id while using restful_authentication
9:41PM 1 index.html.erb
9:33PM 0 Problem with some characters
8:34PM 1 Show Referer URL in logs?
7:30PM 0 Developers Developers Developers
6:37PM 0 Ruby on Rails Job Opportunity
6:09PM 1 Getting Started problem
4:35PM 2 help with logic in controller.
4:03PM 1 displaying an acts_as_tree tree?
4:02PM 0 Loading time
3:52PM 3 Help -Ultrasphinx::UsageError (Invalid class name "Product")
3:26PM 12 sqlite3.dll problem
3:19PM 1 How to manage multiple databases?
3:19PM 0 RoR + Google Gears on Windows Mobile
12:12PM 1 Any Free Trial shared hosting offer with mod_rails..?
10:52AM 0 routing subdomain request
10:30AM 3 RJS scroll to DOM object
7:24AM 1 Open Source Project Written in Rails 2.0
4:08AM 1 acts_as_tree undefined method?
2:24AM 2 mysql gem install error on Mac OS X - 'ulong' undeclared error
Friday April 11 2008
11:25PM 1 Possible to add request IP column in session table ??
10:44PM 0 Newly sourced plugin very slow to install
10:28PM 1 polymorphic associations wrong when used with inherited class?
9:59PM 0 Problem with Multi-Level Partials and observe_field Updates
9:54PM 7 Check variable defined and not nil
7:56PM 4 Senior Ruby on Rails Developer Positions
7:33PM 4 annoying find thingy
7:22PM 46 Mod_Rails Released - Post your Thoughts
7:17PM 1 Recording a web-app UI session
7:03PM 4 simple active record modeling question
5:59PM 7 Job in Las Vegas
5:45PM 0 expiring cache outside controller (e.g. in rake tasks)
5:39PM 0 Cross Site Sniper 0.3.1
5:32PM 2 Validating an ActiveRecord object and its has_many :through associations
5:06PM 2 sortable_element - issue with passing parameter with the method called from the :url => :action
4:47PM 1 problem with session
4:01PM 1 Multi-user multi-company design
3:25PM 0 textmate-like autocomplete
2:52PM 1 database adaptor password in production.log
2:33PM 0 Built in helper for "xx characters remaining" on textbox?
2:07PM 2 Deleting a db record in a "tree-like" model structure
2:02PM 2 Web 2.0 Platform with Ruby
1:28PM 2 Deployed version acting different than desktop version?
1:09PM 1 stubbing method which adds error to model
10:55AM 4 Array as Hash value
10:46AM 2 issues on Net:HTTP
10:25AM 7 How can I handle multiple models saves in a single transactional
10:01AM 0 routes.rb: can I use case-insensitive regular expressions?
9:59AM 0 When the Observer in ROR should be preferred ??
9:56AM 0 Runtime selection of Database.
9:32AM 0 Jasper Reports in ROR
8:56AM 0 Active Record Sessions only work on localhost
7:28AM 7 Net::SMTPAuthenticationError
6:40AM 1 Net::SMTPSyntaxError
5:56AM 0 Strange behavior with lighttpd
5:35AM 1 Discussion Group & Chat Plugin
5:21AM 4 request routing plugin and subdomain share process
5:15AM 1 Legacy db and hyphen on column name issue.
5:13AM 8 newbie in ROR need help about its javascript
3:57AM 0 Memory Leaks
Thursday April 10 2008
11:40PM 2 General question, HTTP post/upload system
11:16PM 2 Converting CMYK to RGB using *magick
11:16PM 1 How to: use one form for updating an entry which the user specifies by.e.g., click on it.
10:44PM 0 Seeding data for Rails migrations - suggestions
10:44PM 6 RoR book free copy!
9:58PM 6 Refreshing the view from the controller
9:53PM 0 polymorphic question w/r/t acts_as_taggable plugin use
9:25PM 2 Testing an action behind HTTP Authentication
9:15PM 4 Can RoR replace a Clipper app?
8:32PM 3 option_groups_from_collection_for_select with a ActiveRecord::Base single object
7:34PM 4 bypass attachment_fu on update?
7:24PM 4 Creating an email array based off search results
7:01PM 3 indexing table
6:53PM 4 Only one of six
5:26PM 1 Development to Production
5:11PM 4 mysql connection goe away
4:59PM 2 how to transfer object in pages?
4:49PM 1 axioms
4:49PM 1 The sum of all fears
4:36PM 1 how to implement blog archive
3:50PM 0 Synchronizing a table to a spreadsheet
3:38PM 5 Help Adding "class method" to model
3:18PM 3 RoR Developers
3:15PM 4 Serialize object and store into database
2:54PM 0 Active Record Delete if not in
2:45PM 2 Mac MySQL issues
2:27PM 0 Ruby on Rails Rock Star Needed!
2:17PM 2 Advice on testing
2:07PM 5 Extjs Alternatives?
2:00PM 3 New to ruby, Need help
1:54PM 5 Problem with text_field_with_auto_complete Pt 2
1:42PM 5 Rails Transactions
1:39PM 5 Extending Bluecloth/Redcloth
1:25PM 1 open_id_authentication
1:22PM 4 OT: Redmine and GIT
1:17PM 7 Trouble installing ruby-debug
12:43PM 1 handle incoming mail
12:28PM 6 Using create, update and validation
12:21PM 4 (Yet another) Noob design question
12:21PM 2 Making decision in RJS?
12:19PM 3 problem with ActiveRecord and ActionWebService?
11:15AM 2 How i setup my developed rails application on facebook?
10:15AM 5 Google Calendar API
9:46AM 1 Generating fully qualified URL based on the server
9:44AM 4 Can ruby support send http request or call other programs written in like c or c# or Java?
9:07AM 1 how to use alt and title for href to a mehtod
8:56AM 1 reg: before_filter
7:17AM 0 Amazon S3 and Rails
7:05AM 1 C, C++ codes in rails applications ??
5:22AM 3 editing error page content.
5:10AM 1 Using OCI on Radrails
5:05AM 1 Custom Routes making permanent URLs with redirects
4:27AM 3 backgroundrb issues
3:48AM 1 Initializing a Global Instance of a Ruby Class
3:17AM 7 gem error on Vista
3:13AM 6 how to make google map form data with ruby
2:18AM 1 how do i generate a pdf file use pdf???
2:05AM 3 migration changed :first row of table
1:12AM 23 hello world
1:03AM 2 Ajax Request Caching by Timestamp?
12:56AM 5 Complex Form
12:31AM 5 Remote install of 1.2.6
12:01AM 1 First look
Wednesday April 9 2008
11:38PM 0 associating has_many through on create
10:19PM 3 Merge error?
10:11PM 13 submitting an ajax form via javascript not rendering
9:24PM 0 Substruct 1.0.a3 released. RoR e-commerce, cms, shopping cart
8:42PM 1 help re recording/replaying (i.e. automating) HTTP interactions to a web-site???
8:33PM 7 repeating form
8:21PM 4 Strange error. Don't know what to ask....
8:06PM 4 Type with two references to the same table
7:56PM 2 Ruby on Rails competitive technologies?
6:40PM 2 Are all helpers accessible to all controllers?
6:26PM 8 Help with a query - no comments in 90 days
6:24PM 2 Howto pass hashes in params?
6:11PM 0 mongrel cluster "Desc " failed error
5:31PM 8 ROR+PHP+shopping cart
5:30PM 3 How to get the right template
5:00PM 2 undefined method 'auth' for MyLibrary:Class
4:50PM 1 How best to reach out to Ruby developers in the Bay Area?
4:10PM 0 PDF::Writer add_text_wrap
3:51PM 2 Help with migrations and backward-incompatible model changes
3:49PM 0 Understanding ActionMailer::Base.new
3:45PM 11 Rake tasks not writing to log file anymore
3:30PM 2 Rails Profiling problems with RubyProf
3:02PM 8 updated 'gem'-unintialized constant ActiveRecord??
2:55PM 4 how to set up multiple primary key in the rails migrate?
2:51PM 5 Update view after insert
2:41PM 0 NY panel discussion - seeking Rails representative
2:23PM 6 Multiple Model Creat idiom question
2:22PM 2 Need to cache the hashtable
1:49PM 3 help with model relationship for Product/Bill of Materials
1:21PM 2 rake doc:plugins
12:53PM 2 Ruby on Rails drop down help
12:42PM 1 How to pass a value from one action to another?
12:33PM 2 Loading ActiveRecord associations by hand
12:15PM 3 customizing error page
12:06PM 4 SMS's - whats the cheapest way to send/receive SMS's to/from a Ruby on Rails application?
12:00PM 1 bank integration? - any plugins available to assist in this?
11:30AM 6 Using Ruby on Rails with existing database
11:21AM 0 Question to David Heinemeier Hansson
11:19AM 0 Question to
10:54AM 1 time stamp display in the view
10:10AM 0 edge release 9200 breaks app - SystemStackError
10:07AM 3 Is Ruby better?
9:42AM 4 Filtering find by values in associated models?
9:28AM 1 first step for a legacy db
9:03AM 0 how to send data from controller to javascripts function
8:06AM 9 how to call javascript from a view
7:17AM 0 YAML fixtures - type detection
7:08AM 8 JRuby and Ruby integration
6:52AM 1 Smarter forms?
6:45AM 0 add_primary_key
6:02AM 5 extracting image data
5:52AM 2 binary file to BLOB
5:51AM 2 how to use actionmailer use gmail smtp????
5:38AM 1 Issues with restful_authentication
5:32AM 5 intermittent BJ errors
4:05AM 2 sitemap for RoR
3:01AM 5 Dynamic SQL Queries
3:00AM 3 List of popular Rails Plugins?
2:37AM 5 Peculiar Hpricot error in Rails app
1:25AM 6 existing databases
Tuesday April 8 2008
11:39PM 0 git-users mailing list
10:04PM 2 Activemerchant UK payments
9:37PM 1 Hello, my fellow ROR users/developers
8:41PM 6 Running scripts from a controller
7:58PM 3 ActionMailer Reply-To Header
7:28PM 0 writting on text_field
6:43PM 3 pass content of Array to helper
6:37PM 3 remote_function problem
6:26PM 2 Integration of TagCow into SmugMug
6:24PM 5 Changes in a Production Environment
5:55PM 5 sort_by DESC
5:40PM 0 how can I print the name of the current layout?
5:36PM 1 Multiple Models In One Form
4:02PM 3 how to output text containing html markup without having the browser render the html
4:02PM 25 I do feel scaffold is a bit broken
3:53PM 1 Help with primary_key_prefix_type
3:34PM 2 Admin section in rails
3:16PM 0 ActiveRecord API documentation
3:14PM 1 Problem with has_many
3:13PM 0 Select helper
2:57PM 0 Updating a Page Param using Observe Field
2:56PM 0 Help building view to pass query to controller
2:34PM 0 Disable view rendering in functional tests
2:16PM 0 about the fields_for tag
1:52PM 4 textmate pulling wrong gems in leopard
12:13PM 0 cool hi
9:56AM 5 can't store object in session
9:55AM 0 String escape sequences in Test environment
9:06AM 4 updating only one column in a table
8:44AM 1 validation on "date"
7:55AM 1 Site problems
7:01AM 4 Design question: working with data from external source
6:39AM 2 Integrating C# component
6:22AM 0 Planet Facebook.rb News - Get Your Ruby Blog Stories About Facebook & Friends Included
6:02AM 0 foreign_key to foreign_key mapping
5:31AM 3 404 page not found error
5:06AM 3 app no longer responding...
3:36AM 2 Shipping information from fedex/ups
3:28AM 4 degrees of separation
3:01AM 4 case insensitivity in assert
2:52AM 0 Image broken
2:49AM 7 SQLite3 error
1:45AM 4 newbie question - rjs updating a table cell
1:32AM 0 Obsidian Released
12:44AM 1 JavaScriptGenerator in separate .js file, not a view
12:42AM 2 Showing the source code
Monday April 7 2008
10:48PM 19 Entering statistics
9:07PM 1 best javascript calendar
8:38PM 3 HAML problems
8:28PM 5 Associations errors
8:15PM 5 Who knows a Rails Instant Messanger ?
7:43PM 2 Simple active record issue. I must be missing something.
7:42PM 0 link_to only links to current controller?
7:34PM 8 Has and belongs to many
7:21PM 0 Nesting a singular resource
5:12PM 0 How to get thousands of people to send you $20 each!
4:30PM 0 rails: command not found
3:53PM 5 Problem with text_field_with_auto_complete
3:28PM 1 the associations model save error
3:19PM 1 custom sql query
3:12PM 5 How do I code this anchor tag as a link_to in Rails?
2:52PM 2 fixtures subdirectories
2:40PM 0 remote_form_for problem
2:32PM 0 Action to receive file in request body
2:18PM 4 access association data via instance variable
2:00PM 0 AJAX and master/slave architecture
1:09PM 1 Problem with Productized Rails Application
12:40PM 16 Excel to XML
8:56AM 2 setting model attributes
8:21AM 7 Saving attribute
8:19AM 0 Crash uploading file on HTTPS/SSL rails project
6:48AM 1 Pulling my hair out: complex collection_select
5:56AM 5 button position
4:35AM 4 Help: odd results from many-to-many self-referential relationship with attribute in join table
3:05AM 1 here's some badly designed code
1:43AM 1 respond_to not detecting RJS
1:28AM 3 response_assertions.rb: TypeError: can't convert Hash into String
1:07AM 0 Rounds
12:39AM 4 Beginning Programmer
Sunday April 6 2008
11:10PM 0 Lone Star Rubyconf 2008 - Now Accepting Speaker Proposals
10:39PM 5 Post from controller
9:55PM 0 Job Posting - San Francisco - Developer Needed
9:24PM 2 multiple belongs_to a single model
8:52PM 2 RESTful Named Routes
8:17PM 6 Problem installing mysql gem
6:26PM 5 Trouble installing Rails 1.2.6
5:29PM 4 Is there a way to define "sub models" in Rails?
2:11PM 2 selection lists
1:48PM 6 Ho to develop an application RoR tutorial
12:47PM 1 ActionWebService Logging - Huge!
11:08AM 10 about the form_for ..
9:56AM 10 mysql gem
9:23AM 9 Preserving POST request body across authentication
7:42AM 2 Caching js
4:57AM 4 Create and run multiple rails apps from within a rails app
2:28AM 1 Scrambling objects ID's for users
12:39AM 1 Need a great grid control? Try Flexigrid on Rails
12:10AM 1 Fleximage v2
Saturday April 5 2008
11:24PM 3 form_remote_tag and RJS
10:36PM 2 avoiding inserting and removing fixtures in testing
10:15PM 2 Count games
9:19PM 3 MySQL Unit Test Login Failure
8:01PM 0 Installing Instant Rails over existing Ruby Installation
6:26PM 2 form.select with :onChange event help
3:56PM 2 delay before Field.focus?
1:55PM 2 model select and non-model select_tag
1:29PM 5 dynamic select list @www.stonemind.net
12:51PM 3 How can hide a div?
12:18PM 0 London Ruby User Group - 14th April 2008
12:00PM 1 How to call a dll file from rails application?
9:11AM 2 Single avatar upload: attachment_fu or file_column?
8:20AM 3 "interning empty string" error in test setup
6:32AM 6 Unit Tests do not migrate correctly
5:58AM 0 Crystal Reports in ROR application
5:46AM 1 Problems getting file upload to work on rails 2.0.2
4:49AM 4 importing data and Time.parse
4:30AM 2 Assigning Show method to a field on Index/list views
3:37AM 0 Lost: libruby1.8.so.1.8
3:19AM 10 Array Count
1:18AM 1 Custom routes issue
Friday April 4 2008
11:23PM 1 Urgent help needed! "uninitialized constant" error.
10:21PM 0 Date.to_s format with time_ago_in_words
9:36PM 0 [Job] ROR Developer Job - Palo Alto, CA - A2Z Development (An Amazon.com Company)
9:26PM 0 [ANN} log_buddy 0.0.2 released
9:21PM 0 Manually installing
8:23PM 2 in a migration, how to specify 'self.down' if self.up drops a table
8:14PM 2 Design question REST join table.
8:08PM 1 Oracle connection problem
7:45PM 2 how do you model an article that has an author and readers w/ the same User model?
7:35PM 2 can't install rails. gem zlib crc error
7:15PM 12 How to? Wire a join relation create
6:57PM 1 How to password protect CRUD pages
6:53PM 3 How to handle exception in format.xml
6:40PM 3 Weird Issue with Rails 2.0.2+???
5:44PM 1 Assign Time
5:08PM 1 Ruport - How to set page size?
4:59PM 8 Storing to database from rspec
4:52PM 2 project announcement: iTunesRails
4:31PM 2 Project Launch Announcement: SimpleLien.com
4:29PM 0 "Desc " failed, does it exist? error
4:11PM 5 How to access / output the contents of an array?
4:09PM 2 TransactionError
3:52PM 1 Where to host my open source Rails web app?
3:31PM 1 how do I display an image from a rails app in another site?
3:16PM 4 Ruby setup on mac
2:17PM 0 named_scope and ordering
2:09PM 5 white_list and advanced tag filtering
2:07PM 0 Find that includes :group and :order or :distinct
2:05PM 5 has_and_belongs_to_many Problem
2:04PM 3 help with Json1.1.2.gem error gem_make.out ?
1:41PM 2 generating a event
1:11PM 8 Blogs - Mephisto, Typo and ...
12:49PM 0 acts_as_ferret multi model search
12:45PM 1 employments example using Rich associations :through
11:54AM 0 Accessing a dll file from rails application
11:53AM 2 validation for at least one record in database
11:41AM 2 How to integrate a scanner to rails application
10:31AM 2 Proper way to replace ActiveRecord methods for all Models.
10:13AM 0 session with oracle
8:19AM 1 Rails > email campage software available?
7:23AM 0 RJS problem for redirect from controller
7:13AM 5 cannot install rfacebook plugin
5:33AM 10 Problems with copying and deleting with table relations
5:14AM 1 rails unit testing removes foreign key constraints in test database?
4:09AM 4 were to put a method
4:03AM 6 validates_numericality_of :not_equal_to
3:27AM 0 Make Money Online
3:14AM 0 SQL Server on Linux (Rails 2.0.2)
2:51AM 4 New to RoR, need help with the application in Agile Web Development....
2:49AM 4 Auto Complete Problems
2:48AM 1 Problem when i try deploy mephisto
2:46AM 4 AJAX based data grid for Rails App? Is there any code/approach I can leverage?
2:43AM 0 New to RoR, need help with the application in Agile Development....
1:11AM 0 win32/service error
Thursday April 3 2008
11:40PM 1 How do I do this for models ?
10:59PM 0 Spree - Full commerce solution for Ruby on Rails
10:30PM 1 Problem with UUID generated in partial not being unique
9:43PM 0 draggable_element Messing up CSS for IE7
8:29PM 2 Convert Flash to Image
7:48PM 4 render partial as full template
7:12PM 3 Editable drop down menu
7:03PM 3 rjs-file: javascript shown instead of executed - mime-type?
6:57PM 0 how did you integrate RJB and 3rd party java files into your rails app?
6:23PM 0 google substruct + copying plugin_assets from vendor to public
6:09PM 2 newbie struggling with associations and url passing
5:35PM 8 passing parameters on rails
4:49PM 3 Naive question
4:16PM 3 validation problem! please help!!!!
2:53PM 3 hmmmm..sounds so simple but....
2:43PM 3 urgent help -----onchange is not working
2:14PM 0 Гимнастический коврик для аэробики (спортивный коврик для фитнеса) (Брадекс)
1:57PM 4 Eager loading or Lazy loading
1:54PM 2 some help with deleting from the objects with dependencies
1:00PM 7 Noob Question - Migrations
12:10PM 0 Importing (bootstrapping) the initial data from fixtures(.yml) with foreign keys in Rails 2.0
11:08AM 2 Change the value stored in inheritance_column
10:54AM 4 form.select undefined method
10:47AM 0 text_field autocomplete onchange is not working ?
10:07AM 1 Updating the same record without change
10:05AM 0 pagination problem
10:05AM 0 Reading "created_at" from XML
9:37AM 3 somebody help me to get previous page url in RoR
9:36AM 3 Overloading and wrapping an association method
9:33AM 5 link_to_remote with href option - syntax help needed
9:15AM 7 set a default value to a "text/blob" field at creation?
8:50AM 2 Mapping a model to a table to some records of the table
8:06AM 0 can't apply styles to string from external source
7:45AM 4 Invoking Javascript function in views
7:35AM 5 Is there a rails Gimp plugin?
6:52AM 5 used send_data() for downloading xml file, How to ask location 4 the download
6:07AM 3 Invalid Authenticity Token after redirect
4:53AM 0 google picasaweb implement
4:06AM 3 Branchable migrations -- A plugin to let you organize your migrations
1:04AM 3 best practices?
12:37AM 2 Simple Pagination Question
12:07AM 2 ActiveResource - pointing to my own app hangs
Wednesday April 2 2008
11:26PM 3 Rails plugin for inviting people in your GMail, Yahoo, ... address book?
11:00PM 1 Where is Rails 2.0.2 documentation? Especially debugging docs
10:44PM 1 WTF?!? activerecord-sqlserver-adapter gem not available!
9:59PM 1 Error in my_thread_global_end() when running rake db:migrate
9:55PM 0 Rendering RJS
9:28PM 4 options_from_collection_for_select
9:19PM 3 404 only when link_to_remote but not when using link_to
9:12PM 4 Who can fix my query syntax?
9:00PM 3 wowzza just launched...breaking news 20,000 members already
8:31PM 3 duplicating and back up
7:34PM 2 ruby script/plugin update not working
7:13PM 1 ruby on rails restful path not working (savage beast)
6:40PM 1 international payments
5:30PM 2 Autocomplete for searching using id and lists
5:28PM 7 looking for something similar to in_groups_of but not really
5:17PM 1 <%= yield %> displays previous render's <%= yield %>
4:34PM 3 Problem using Javascript with Rails
4:16PM 0 RoR Careers?
3:47PM 3 Routing and default module
3:37PM 4 Consuming a RESTful webservice in Rails
3:23PM 9 Testing for Form Submission?
3:20PM 1 Validation strip html tags?
2:23PM 4 Blank option with select tag
2:03PM 2 Code that executes only once when server starts up
1:52PM 1 Help with routes and auto-generated methods
1:49PM 1 urgend question for using REGEXP in find-query
1:45PM 2 groups functionality
1:12PM 5 Add Migration in Edge not adding requested columns
12:46PM 0 SystemStackError: stack level too deep in activemerchant
12:30PM 0 property management / budget software in ruby on rails?
12:30PM 4 Ruby Mendicant Project Selected
12:11PM 0 attachment_fu and with_image on existing entries
10:38AM 1 Edit method and request.put? check
10:36AM 3 Apache+FastCGI working dir problem
10:07AM 1 :scope (validates_uniqueness) question
9:06AM 7 will not create new row in table
8:57AM 2 dynamic changing forms
8:52AM 0 Problems when using custom primary key value
8:45AM 1 How do I scan a directory tree using a Rake task?
8:00AM 0 Ferret query
6:59AM 1 Session help
6:27AM 9 application.html for website in 2 languages?
6:26AM 5 to_json failing with column named y
6:16AM 1 Logs - Rendering + DB don't add up to Completed?
4:27AM 0 [SOC] Google Summer of Code Discussion (Deadline extended!!)
4:23AM 7 Two alias_method_chain calls: first works second doesn't
3:56AM 9 Problem getting the most recent has_many associated object
3:51AM 7 Foregin Key PostgreSQL, indexing?
3:27AM 1 acts_as_state_machine
3:15AM 5 PHP and Ruby Code Integration Problem
3:13AM 0 How to call secure web service using ruby?
1:10AM 0 help with DRY captcha
12:36AM 0 Lone Star Rubyconf 2008 - Call for Papers
12:23AM 0 foreign_key problems
Tuesday April 1 2008
11:58PM 1 in_place_edit
10:58PM 0 Search problem
10:51PM 4 Authenticity token lying around...
10:49PM 5 Help running new application, Webrick not starting properly
10:23PM 1 What is the filename for Netbeans 6.0.1 in Linux?
9:55PM 0 Rjb::load attempt leads to mongrel abort, uninitialized constant error message
9:53PM 0 Non numeric IDs in member resources
9:21PM 1 using label tags in scaffold views...how to get the method name?
8:50PM 1 Running ruby app with instant rails
8:31PM 0 activerecord-sqlserver-adapter Gems Not Found HELP!!
8:08PM 0 Find from a list with combo/select ?
8:02PM 1 how to prevent a value from ever changing
7:39PM 2 Sortable list search
7:37PM 0 Memory Consumption
7:34PM 1 "Undefined method merge" when using sweeper
7:26PM 0 Seed -- a seed data/fuzzing plugin
6:49PM 8 Memory Consumption issues
6:08PM 4 REST standard actions: why does "new" action have a .xml flavor?
5:55PM 2 Rails Mail ISSUE
5:33PM 1 Write file with binary mode on linux
5:17PM 2 Another validation question
4:20PM 2 undefined method 'find' error
3:55PM 2 Functional Testing - page actions
3:40PM 0 AJAX Issue
3:36PM 0 Sr. Ruby on Rails Developer Needed, 100% Telecommute!
3:14PM 1 Context sensitive edit/new action
3:08PM 0 News About Rails
2:54PM 2 restful authentication => login, nothing happens?
2:48PM 1 Using migration methods in applications.
2:45PM 3 RESTful updates, redirects and context
2:44PM 0 Model - syntax error
2:34PM 5 Ruby on Crack
11:58AM 1 link via image map
10:45AM 4 Help on setting up a existing project for development local
10:30AM 1 COBOL_ON_COGS (Yet Another Rails Knockoff)
10:01AM 10 Recalcitrant CSS background-image
9:58AM 0 Google api Marker images not showing
9:08AM 1 model_auto_completer 1.5.0
9:06AM 8 form tag multipart
9:03AM 0 Trouble with package structure
8:53AM 0 builder.rb:48 - Cannot allocate memory
8:48AM 0 Creating an object and uploading a file in a single form
8:47AM 0 Translation in database
8:44AM 1 Help on New Breed Java/Rich Internet Technologies
8:16AM 4 Email address in url generates "no route" error
8:09AM 3 Get information from multiply tables
6:51AM 0 Error Message Problem
5:48AM 1 Google map performance issue
4:58AM 9 Mongrel + internal server error
4:30AM 1 plugin announcement: acts_as_fu
4:24AM 4 Managing Google Calendar Integration
4:04AM 12 undefined method `time_zone=' on Rails on Mac OS X
3:35AM 3 Logical deletion by extending has_many associations
3:09AM 1 Trouble converting string to int
2:58AM 1 Navigation Problems
2:14AM 2 Seeing 404 and 500 errors
1:44AM 0 Oh btw...this might be ridiculous, but I've created a Netbeans group with google
1:40AM 1 Trying to put Rails app into a war file to deploy on Glassfish