R help - Sep 2002

Monday September 30 2002
8:54PM 0 using step function in functions
7:46PM 1 Problems installing Package with r 1.5.1
3:22PM 4 2 plots sharing axis / combining factors
2:38PM 1 New version of ipred package
1:46PM 0 split.screen problem
12:20PM 3 R installation on Linux
9:32AM 0 resampling from matrix using multivariate probabilities
8:57AM 5 Chi-Square Distribution Plots
7:14AM 2 Memory problem
6:18AM 2 "Rcmd SHLIB" does not work
4:51AM 2 Decompose numerical factor into orthog. poly parts
Sunday September 29 2002
4:58PM 1 Runnin R prorams from a command line
2:38PM 2 Question on gee library
7:07AM 2 Problem on minima
Saturday September 28 2002
2:13AM 1 Getting .Python to Work Under Windows
Friday September 27 2002
10:57PM 1 Subsetting Matrix
9:43PM 2 question regarding lm and logLik in R
9:17PM 0 RE: new patched version of randomForest
7:23PM 3 Retaining regularly used add-ons
7:00PM 1 R1.5.1,tcltk,IRIX
6:36PM 1 Bits of scientific notation in write.table() output
4:33PM 2 Polymars
4:20PM 2 How to apply SSfpl with binary data
2:49PM 3 Inverting polygon
2:05PM 3 ? Exact pattern matching in GREP ?
1:46PM 2 modifying GUI settings
12:40PM 0 Undefined reference in R-1.5.1 under Mac OS X 10.2.1 Jaguar
11:55AM 3 xtable()
9:33AM 0 aov versus lme
6:30AM 2 par() function problem
3:25AM 0 Response surface methodology
2:19AM 8 Longer synonym for R?
1:50AM 4 r-help search
Thursday September 26 2002
10:55PM 0 Discretized Gamma distribution?
9:01PM 0 rpart with large data sets.
8:50PM 1 download problem!
8:06PM 0 Binary features
7:24PM 3 tcltk - command=function()
1:54PM 0 glm.fit() and binomial family
1:50PM 1 T-Value, ties and the wilcox.test()
10:17AM 3 Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 12:13:33 +0200
1:26AM 0 Warning: could not send message for past 4 hours
12:43AM 4 Lists to vectors...
Wednesday September 25 2002
11:49PM 2 response surface
7:51PM 5 CART vs. Random Forest
7:40PM 0 Complex demodulation - Purely a time series question
7:19PM 1 large data set issues
3:20PM 0 image maps
12:16PM 0 manova random effects
11:44AM 0 Summary Short Courses- Information
11:15AM 10 Reading complicated data file
9:31AM 2 Re-ordering the order of lattice graphics panels
1:59AM 1 rbind(NULL,NULL) and simplex()
Tuesday September 24 2002
11:41PM 1 Vanishing tick marks using bwplot (lattice)
6:19PM 4 extracting elements from summary(aov object)
5:06PM 1 Threaded R-Java
3:04PM 1 R_Libs in .Renviron?
12:52PM 2 order with NAs
12:27PM 2 Iterative data.frame
12:03PM 2 help with bootstrap
11:34AM 4 print(), paste()
10:17AM 2 latex-signs in plots?
8:30AM 5 extracting real parts of eigenvalues
Monday September 23 2002
10:22PM 4 How do I change plot colors in bwplot
7:59PM 0 arima() in package ts.
6:35PM 3 New version of gregmisc package
3:26PM 1 calling a DLL/shared lib from R directly?
3:11PM 2 R crash with internet2.dll
2:58PM 3 Newbie: Subsets of data frame
2:54PM 3 Running R in the background
10:24AM 3 Problems with tcltk package
4:50AM 2 Change page in postscript()
3:57AM 4 Overall Title in par(mfrow)
Sunday September 22 2002
11:05PM 3 binom.test()
6:44AM 1 Dalgaard's book
3:33AM 2 Daglaard's book
Saturday September 21 2002
11:48AM 2 need help for eval()
Friday September 20 2002
6:27PM 1 warning in binomial analysis
7:32AM 1 Trouble in running Rcmd --check on Windows 2000.
Thursday September 19 2002
7:02PM 1 How to call stored procedure from RODBC?
3:19PM 0 DXF-Format
3:06PM 0 rotation promax
1:00PM 1 problem with CAIV
10:55AM 0 tools-Sweave reference?
10:53AM 0 Pixmap package for Windows
9:46AM 5 how to use if statement in function correctly
8:36AM 1 Use of font with accents in graphs
7:38AM 2 Rounding
Wednesday September 18 2002
10:14PM 2 Help on sorting
9:38PM 1 attach()ing User-Defined Classes with Complex Structures
8:18PM 1 Calling Java functions from R???
7:30PM 2 Use of Apply to Change Values in Dataframe
6:03PM 0 Rgui.exe crashed with update.packages()
4:36PM 0 how to do nested MANOVA?
1:54PM 1 memory allocation
1:37PM 3 All permutations
12:48PM 5 newbie question: p.values in a column
12:37PM 2 comparing elements in a vector
9:59AM 0 anotating splitted plots
9:49AM 3 problem in deparse(substitute())
3:46AM 2 More on list to data frame (was: Re: List to Data Frame
3:22AM 0 Call kmeans R function from MFC program
Tuesday September 17 2002
10:45PM 0 legend in image
4:47PM 2 Common R/S Idioms - Swapping Rows or Cols in a Matrix
2:39PM 1 ActiveTcl Version
10:07AM 0 barplot
8:13AM 2 grid.legend - lines
1:28AM 2 write R scripts
12:50AM 2 legend in image()
Monday September 16 2002
8:26PM 2 how to fit just a fixed effects model?
4:03PM 0 Interpolating variables into quoted strings
2:49PM 0 RMySQL trouble
1:44PM 0 extracting intercepts from lme model summaries
1:14PM 2 : Update on R GUI's ??
10:48AM 0 Short Courses- Information??
4:40AM 2 TclTk Again
2:37AM 1 TclTk
1:46AM 0 installing SEM package on macOS 9.x
Sunday September 15 2002
9:50PM 1 printing graphics window on Mac OS 9.2
6:00PM 7 loess crash
5:37PM 1 lattice with print(..., more=) and multiple graphics files
5:34PM 0 Thanks for help on EMMIX
5:35AM 0 R CMD SHLIB ignores changes in header files
4:25AM 0 Congrats to Brian, Bill, and Peter
Saturday September 14 2002
10:12PM 2 OT: Compiling EMMIX
4:14PM 1 ts/structTS question
1:45PM 0 missing data data set needed
3:11AM 0 R-version of haplo.score uploaded to CRAN
2:28AM 1 missing data dataset needed
Friday September 13 2002
6:43PM 0 Analyzing Mass Spectrometer data with R
6:24PM 1 design package (plot problems)
2:57PM 2 Sorting problem
2:42PM 1 Contrasts in ANOVA table
2:30PM 4 tcltk documentation
12:17PM 2 Multiple random effects inlme?
9:54AM 0 Sample size for factorial clinical trials with survival endpoints
9:38AM 1 R and database access
8:46AM 1 lattice: postscript with colors
4:22AM 0 rref() for R
1:17AM 3 subset
Thursday September 12 2002
8:03PM 0 Questions on Installing SJava0.65 to Windows 98
4:59PM 4 normal score transform
12:55PM 1 dropterm, binomial.glm, F-test
11:14AM 1 DBI / MySQL problems
10:35AM 2 data in legend
10:33AM 1 Problem with indexing
Wednesday September 11 2002
10:51PM 2 lattice package syntax error
8:30PM 1 StructTS questions
6:28PM 2 changepoint analysis
6:27PM 1 lme with/without varPower - can I use AIC?
5:48PM 3 accolade
5:09PM 1 subsetting an ordered factor
4:49PM 1 .Renviron and Renviron.site (on Windows XP)
4:15PM 1 rational approximations to the normal cdf
3:00PM 2 fitting a linear mixed effects model
1:52PM 1 Import SAS dataset error
1:02PM 1 R 1.5.0 on Jaguar?
10:56AM 1 axis with negative values
10:32AM 0 Contrasts with interactions
8:43AM 1 Problem with leaps (long)
7:48AM 0 .Last.lib() not called when quit()-ing
3:08AM 1 one question about title
1:24AM 1 Question about spatial statistics
Tuesday September 10 2002
10:20PM 4 legend outside axes of image or other plot
9:50PM 3 print
9:33PM 1 Get the value of 'save' from quit() in .Last()
7:32PM 3 capturing the result of print in a variable?
3:52PM 2 No subject
3:10PM 2 Readline problem.
2:21PM 1 adding a method to a class
2:08PM 1 R on Jaguar?
12:35PM 2 Problems with rbind
7:20AM 2 Hat values for generalized additive models
6:25AM 0 Error messages of nlme
1:50AM 2 Inquiry about codes for Time Series
Monday September 9 2002
10:56PM 1 Plots by subject
6:30PM 1 impulse response function
5:59PM 1 reshape
4:46PM 1 getting variable names into formulas
4:40PM 0 Function: VECM (Johansen)
4:04PM 2 lapply-related question
2:09PM 1 multiple "keys" in Trellis plots?
8:35AM 3 help with rcorr in Hmisc
8:01AM 0 Re: [S] First max of a vector
7:15AM 1 Re: Biplot function of PCA
6:28AM 1 Monotonic interpolation
3:46AM 3 loading data from a specified directory
Sunday September 8 2002
2:58AM 2 Error on "Load source file" of iESS
Friday September 6 2002
7:39PM 1 Installing splancs_2.01-9 on Red Hat Linux 7.3
6:30PM 3 Histogram Ranking
2:18PM 1 string manip
1:47PM 1 printing from windows() device when running R under ESS
1:02PM 1 Main R Project and CRAN sites down?
12:58PM 1 Scope problems - passing an argument from one function to another (LME) within
8:04AM 2 Using Anova Sums of Squares
7:53AM 1 acutally a statistics question
6:39AM 2 Estimating parameters of a linear model
2:57AM 2 R memory question (fwd)
Thursday September 5 2002
8:11PM 2 Version 1.5.1 STILL failing make check.
7:26PM 1 Read.table question
5:29PM 4 line thickness in plots
3:40PM 1 Trouble installing packages in Gentoo Linux
1:34PM 1 QUEST algoritm in R?
9:35AM 1 rcorr in Hmisc
9:04AM 2 how to return indexes
8:58AM 0 Cox model and irregulary observed time-dependent covariate
6:35AM 0 AW: Passing dynamic sql statement to RODBC functions
5:53AM 7 data mining for R
4:42AM 1 Help with perm.test please
Wednesday September 4 2002
9:40PM 1 Passing dynamic sql statement to RODBC functions
9:30PM 1 readline doesn't work even thou cled=TRUE
4:32PM 1 scaling-centering a vector using an index
2:44PM 2 classification table in logistic regression
1:17PM 1 Manipulation of plot data in export file or 'in memory'
11:46AM 1 monte-carlo white noise test
11:32AM 0 SJava memory managment
9:23AM 1 Installing and updating libraries
9:08AM 2 y-axis in hist()
8:29AM 3 logical and NA
3:19AM 3 strange things with eval and parent frames
Tuesday September 3 2002
11:57PM 1 predict.lm with missing data
10:45PM 0 gee, missing data
7:45PM 2 Version 1.5.1 failing make check.
6:58PM 1 Problem adding a class to a POSIX vector
4:30PM 1 Properly initializing a plot
4:14PM 1 Bindata package problems
3:19PM 3 Getting all R packages
12:59PM 2 Problem with SJava sample "JavaRCall"
3:03AM 0 RE:
2:11AM 1 t(xmat)
12:19AM 0 No subject
Monday September 2 2002
10:20PM 1 reshape()
5:35PM 0 Coplot graph manipulation
2:34PM 2 ifelse behavior
1:42PM 1 formula for a mixed model ANOVA
8:15AM 0 tests for equal CV
6:50AM 1 Coplot graph size manipulation
6:14AM 0 Re: Recursive AR
Sunday September 1 2002
11:44PM 0 effect size
7:35PM 2 Converting the columns of a data frame to numeric