For over a year now we have used SAMBA to give Win9x access to our RH Linux 7.x fileserver. Our office is small and we like to keep things simple so we went with plain authentication. If we login we can get on to the fileserver, access shares and our 'home' accounts that we created. If we type the wrong password we are no authenticated but we can still surf the web and browse the network neighborhood. This was and still is fine for the type of office we run. We are now looking at moving to Windows 2000 (not our choice as MS rams W2K licences down our throats from OEM's). So now we are looking at a setting up a PDC via Samba. I have read the FAQ's and there is a lot or resources on the Samba site. I am looking for either some more FAQ's / How-to's or even a good book recommendation. I simply need to add W2K authentication while maintaining the current system for Win9x users. Our office IT consultant is starting to see the non-MS side of the world so I need to make sure she has a warm fuzzy feeling about anything I suggest. She has suggested setting up a second server to act as a PDC for testing and possible a permanent home for the PDC. I personally don't buy the 'put each service on it's own box' mentality. Can I not run the PDC on the same system that I am trying to use as a server? The way I understand it is that the PDC stuff is separate from the normal samba share stuff (yes... stuff is a technical term). Any first impressions / ideas from all you smart people on this list? Thanks, Dan