I have command-line character problems in Wine: some or all text sent from Wine
to my terminal is encoded as Shift-JIS, although my terminal uses UTF-8. This
makes it hard to read the text. Here's an example, caused by an attempt to
run a non-existing program:> user at localhost:~/.wine/drive_c$ wine cmd
> CMD Version 1.2.2
> C:\>ls
> wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ls.exe"
> ?t?@?C????????????????B
> C:\>
By doing "ls 2> file.txt", "exit", "iconv -f
shift-jis -t utf-8 file.txt", I can see that the message reads
"????L?dK?~[?" (meaning "file not found"), but it would be
nice if the message could be read directly from Wine without needing the extra
"iconv". Is there some way to change the character set of the terminal
output returned by Wine?