Hi. I want to use ACL on my RH-9.0 box (x86), so I got ext3 ACL patch from acl.bestbits.at and tried to apply it to the kernel that ships with RH (2.4.20-8). The patching fails on some vm file so I got a vanila kernel 2.4.20, apply the patch and compile it. This works fine. Also RH-9.0 precompiled Samba 2.2.7 works fine with ACL. I connected to my share with WinXP and do some testing with ACLs. After setting some permisions I checked in UNIX console what happens and I got: ---- # ls -ald mydir; getfacl mydir drwxrwx--- 3 PDC\my_user PDC\Domain Users 4096 Apr 8 10:05 mydir mydir # file: mydir # owner: PDC\my_user # group: PDC\Domain Users user::rwx user:PDC\test01:rwx group::--- mask::rwx other::--- default:user::rwx default:user:PDC\test01:rwx default:group::r-- default:mask::rwx default:other::r-- ---- I don't understand why the directory has rwx permisions for the group - I removed 'Domain Users' from the security window, however it apears back with only 'special permision' set (what is this special permision)? I also removed the Everyone group, however it happens the same thing as with 'Domain Users'. What does ACL 'group::---' means ... does this mean that this is the 'default' permision for all groups? And what is the ACL 'mask::rwx'? What means ACLs that starts with 'default:'? Can I set inheritance somehow? << I want to force read permisions for a certain group on all directories and subdirectories (this group will not be a Domain group - I will add it localy on samba server)? How you backup such shares (I don't want to use star ... is there any tree-walk script that colects all ACLs and add them to the database for later use or do I have to implement such a script?). Regards, Dezo
>> Hi.>> I want to use ACL on my RH-9.0 box (x86), so I got ext3 ACL patch from >> acl.bestbits.at and tried to apply it to the kernel that ships >> with RH (2.4.20-8). The patching fails on some vm file so I got a vanila >> kernel 2.4.20, apply the patch and compile it. This works fine. Also >> RH-9.0 precompiled Samba 2.2.7 works fine with ACL. I thought the RH-9.0 kernel already had the bestbits patch applied. I guess I'm wrong. :( Greg PS: I'll look at the rest of your mail in a second. If I know anything, I'll post again.
Greg Freemyer wrote on Wednesday, 9 April 2003 9:45 a.m.:> I thought the RH-9.0 kernel already had the bestbits patch applied. > > I guess I'm wrong. :(>From what I read, they decided not to include it because there were someproblems with NFS (that have now been fixed, but too late for the 9.0 release). Cheers, Paul
On Tue, 8 Apr 2003 11:32:07 +0100 (GMT-1) Damir Dezeljin <programing@mbss.org> wrote:> I want to use ACL on my RH-9.0 box (x86), so I got ext3 ACL patch from > acl.bestbits.at and tried to apply it to the kernel that ships > with RH (2.4.20-8). The patching fails on some vm fileRed Hat, as many other vendors, does not use a vanilla-kernel but merge some many patches for release...> [...] > > What means ACLs that starts with 'default:'? > > Can I set inheritance somehow? << I want to force read permisions for > a certain group on all directories and subdirectories (this group will > not be a Domain group - I will add it localy on samba server)?acl.bestbits.at/faq.html> How you backup such shares (I don't want to use star ... is there any > tree-walk script that colects all ACLs and add them to the database > for later use or do I have to implement such a script?).acl.bestbits.at/using.html So long, Max -- The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. <Cpt. Picard, "The Drumhead", StarTrek TNG> homex.subnet.at/~max