If you've got a win2k machine lying around somewhere...
Navigate to the printers share on the server. Right click on
one of the printers and go to properties. It may ask if you want to
install the drivers locally. Say no. Then in the "Advanced" tab of
the properties page, there is a button called "New Driver". Click on
that and you can add the drivers just as if you were adding them to a
win2k machine. I also read somewhere that you can use the "additional
drivers" button under sharing, but I've never had to do so.
You will have to be logged in as a printer admin to do this.
> -Larry Engleman
> The Burgiss Group
> 201-795-5144
-----Original Message-----
From: David Sweeney [mailto:dave@emtex.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 10:00 AM
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] Samba/Cups Newbie question...
I think that this is more a Samba query than a Cups one, as far as I can
tell from the
documentation anyway... I am running samba-2.2.5-1 and cups-1.1.16, I
have these
installed and working correctly... I have 50+ PC's (mixture of WinNT,
Win2k, WinXP
and Win9x/ME) printing to 6 queues on the server, 5 of these are RAW
queues printing
via lpd and ipp, and the other is a socket connected HP printer which
uses the HP ppd.
My question is how do I set up samba for "automatic driver download"?
have searched
the newsgroups, looked through the man pages and the documentation but
figure it out... I have started to get to grips with the rpcclient and
what it does but can't
quite figure out the rest...
Here is how I think it should be done but I can't get it to work...
1. get hold of the windows (or other OS/architecture) driver and extract
it to the printer driver
directory that I specify in samba.
2. use rpcclient to adddriver specifying architecture, printer name,
driver file name, config file,
help file and driver files.
Can someone tell me where there is a step by step guide or offer me a
few pointers?
Many thanks,
"Understand the fundamental concept that opinions are like belly buttons:
we all have one but they don't hold much water..."
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