Hello all, Many games include a DirectX bundle in their installation setup, therefore the WINE DirectX implementation becomes overriden when we test games. However, not only this prevent the testing of WINE's DirectX implementation, the bundle they install is usually outdated. I was wondering therefore if preventing the DirectX install is possible, and if yes, would it be useful for WINE developers? Thanks for the insights!
Well, the fact that games install DirectX might be a bit confusing. In all cases (unless you really mess with wine dll overrides by hand in winecfg), the only thing we use from native DirectX are d3dx9_*.dlls which are helper dlls. These dlls contain functions to load bmp/jpg files into a texture, a shader compier, math utility functions and more. In all cases Wine's Direct3D9 dll is used for 3D rendering. We are working on improving our own d3dx9_*.dll files but it will take a long time before they are done and performance using native d3dx9_*.dll will likely be better.