Hi all,
I am trying to install Caseware Working Papers 2008 (a standard audit program
used by auditors to create financial statements) on Ubuntu Netbook 10.4 using
WINE. The program itself has been installed successfully. In order to make full
use of the program, templets also have to be installed using their own
extraction (*.cwp). These templets install using scripts that is registered in
the regedit.exe (i think). I have tried to install these templets, and they do
install 95%, but then bomb trying to register these scripts. The reason I know
it is the scripts is that I have tried to run the program with the installed
templets and it crashes telling me that the scripts have not been
Therefore, my question: how does Wine manage registering scripts into
regedit.exe? Is there a way around this so that I can make this work?
PS: Will I encounter the same problem if I had to install Pastel Partner?
I thank you in advance for the time taken and await a soon reply.
Kind regards,