I've been having these really annoying issues ever since I started to configure SAMBA with Windows XP. As it seems the XP-machine detects the SAMBA-share on occasions, and even manages to connect to it; but only for a while. I have found no clue whatsoever why it connects only "sometimes". It seems that when the Windows XP machine is just booted, it normally gets access to the Linux-machine, but after just a while it looses the access. I'm also running a Windows 98SE-machine on the very same network, however the connection between Linux <---> Windows98SE seems to be flawless. It detects, browses, downloads, etc. without the slightest problem. To go back to the issue, I'm on a 10Mbit Broadband connection, and my IP is assigned by DHCP, I'm always on the same C-net. Locally the network runs at 100Mbit... (switched), and here's what's strange. WHEN I run regular TCP-transfers to the Linux system (such as FTP, etc.) ; the transferrate is relevant to that of a 10Mbit connection (it seems as it goes "outside" the LAN, and connects that way. _BUT_ when I get 'connected' on SAMBA, it accelerates and behaves like a 100Mbit network. As I said, these occasions occur erratically; so I cannot really find a common denominator. Sometimes it happens just when I transfer the very "last" of the files (over FTP). My first conclusion is that there's something wrong with the Windows XP configuration, but I seem to have tried most of the "logical solutions"... I've switched off NetBIOS, NetBEUI, (and ON, in all combinations), but it doesn't seem to do anything but either limit the percentage to 0 (zero) when I manage to connect. I've also tried using: \\samba.host.ext\ ; and that doesn't work (I suppose it has to do with my ISP has blocked port 139, to prevent people from accessing eachothers shares across apartments) I've tried to remove the external TP-connection, but to no avail. I really believe that it has to do with Windows XP. Someone told me it had to do with LmCompatibilityLevel... but I cannot draw any conclusions there either. I've really tried to find a solution, but I just can't do it. I really need some help here =( fisk@enquilon.lir.dk <for direct e-mail>