Rails - Dec 2010

Friday December 31 2010
11:52PM 1 Parsing params (one of the params value has ampersand)
11:11PM 0 XML object output
10:03PM 1 Preserving state across a "back"
9:47PM 6 HTTP Accept header wildcard breaks rails app
9:21PM 0 uninitialized constant RPXNow::UserIntegration
6:04PM 0 Problems connecting Postgres-pr with rails 2.3.5 on windows 7
4:12PM 1 WickedPDF - wrong number of arguments
3:53PM 1 How to create a rails engine in 3.x
10:06AM 2 why observer can't fire in rspec? help .
8:15AM 5 Model's boolean attribute always being set to true?
7:58AM 9 Headers in ActiveResource
6:45AM 1 problem about accepts_nested_attributes_for
Thursday December 30 2010
11:20PM 2 a form that calls JS only (w/no POST or GET)?
11:17PM 7 problem with accepts_nested_attributes_for and reject_if
11:00PM 1 find_in_batches + query_cache = bloat
9:56PM 3 Customize validation output
8:21PM 2 help with associating a couple of models
6:38PM 1 Rails devise STI or polymorphic, when having many models?
5:45PM 2 Exception notification & data security
5:10PM 5 Code to update all fields and columns in table with specific value?
4:39PM 6 validates_inclusion_of doesn't match constant
4:26PM 5 Rails Engine Questions
3:50PM 3 rake db:seed with has_many through (m:n with seperate table)
1:40PM 4 Updated attributes
1:10PM 0 Netbeans and SQLSERVER +debugger
9:31AM 0 We get error, when inserting new record. in rails 1.2.3 & ruby 1.8.6
5:44AM 0 Select Tag
4:25AM 0 Ever thought about rewriting Facebook in Ruby?
1:29AM 3 highlighter
12:41AM 1 htmldoc gem gives 'invalid program path'
12:32AM 13 redgreen unittest with Rails 3 + Ruby 1.9.2
12:21AM 1 how to use the new mailer inside a model
Wednesday December 29 2010
9:21PM 1 activeldap anyone using?
7:33PM 7 Help needed understanding "fields_for" and resultant controller code
7:11PM 0 installing ruby 1.9.2 with rails 3 on redhat 5.5
3:26PM 3 Simple Contact Form - ActiveRecord without a table
11:41AM 0 newbie needs advise: from prawnto to htmldoc (googlemaps)
7:52AM 6 Issue rendering fields_for in 1 to 1 mapping nested model form view
7:09AM 0 [JOBS] RoR Developer needed
6:44AM 18 HTML5 video not played in ipad
6:32AM 1 Problem with Jruby xslt
3:10AM 1 Rails & SQL Server 2005
1:10AM 5 Beginer: Question about routing on Rails 3
Tuesday December 28 2010
11:36PM 1 Mongrel not starting up for new apps, but is fine on old
10:50PM 0 [JOBS] "King of the Web" looking for serious Rails chops!
10:19PM 2 gem install of rails-3.0.3 on ruby-1.8.7-p330 gives rdoc error
9:40PM 1 Has many association with finder_sql
7:47PM 13 Is my routing wrong?
3:35PM 2 and localhost:3000
3:01PM 4 best practices for sub-modules and sub-views?
1:54PM 4 Lost in Queries (n:m followed by 1:n)
12:09PM 8 Strange behaviour of console with non English symbols
9:20AM 1 Jruby script / generate jdbc in NetBeans?!?!?
8:25AM 1 (unknown)
4:06AM 1 Access Metadata from JPEG?
3:50AM 1 acts_as_list - can you use it "twice" for a model, like one using :position and another using :rank?
2:57AM 14 cerating multiple cjeck boxes using array
2:18AM 0 HABTM associated record presence validation
1:24AM 8 sqlite3 Failed to build gem native extension
1:07AM 5 Using Mocha to stub value assignments
Monday December 27 2010
11:26PM 2 XMPP instead of HTTP
11:17PM 1 Encoding Help!
10:40PM 4 Hyperlinks not rendering properly
8:30PM 1 Paperclip polymorphic styles
6:37PM 5 Has anyone benchmark the use of helpers
4:42PM 5 Is apostrophe (') something special in a regex if at end?
3:48PM 0 RCov excluding views and including comments
2:07PM 5 Testing and Fixture Replacements
2:02PM 0 highcharts gem for rails3,lazyhighchart 1.0.8
12:27PM 3 git deployment - more simple than capistrano
11:59AM 4 Crazy routes
4:58AM 6 RVM Issue
Sunday December 26 2010
10:44PM 4 what happens between http requests?
4:37PM 1 Testing BigDecimal and sum
4:32PM 0 Problem with nested forms in Rails 3 with remote true
2:21PM 0 Railstutorial.org - Integration Test breaking on webrat visit root_path
12:15PM 1 Sqlite gem not found with rails3
2:31AM 1 Vidoe, webrick, Apache(?)
12:25AM 3 Sinatra send my https redirects to http
Saturday December 25 2010
10:54PM 6 undefined local variable or method?
10:10PM 1 How does rails know how to find my movie?
8:33PM 1 Playing video works in IE8 and not in FireFox
8:07PM 3 hosting
8:05PM 0 [JOBS][CO-FOUNDER] Been touched by tough divorce? Unusual consumer SU seeks...
3:36PM 1 Advanced search without database
3:23PM 7 I sit possible to write it in one line ? Array init + Array loading
12:49PM 0 What would be a best association for this?
8:47AM 5 rails installation error
8:16AM 5 Forcing a download rather than playing a .wm
5:31AM 3 installing rvm and using it
4:59AM 1 DataMapper and DataTime problem
Friday December 24 2010
11:14PM 20 How to test the layout of a controller?
8:32PM 2 buildr Windows 7 64 bit problems
2:20PM 0 Getting Google Image search to work within Rails
2:14PM 0 Merry Christmas and Prosperous Hacking Year 2011
12:58PM 0 rails_best_practices 0.6.0 released
11:36AM 0 keep getting "undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) " in new server
9:12AM 1 Dropdownbox
8:23AM 24 installed rails 2.3.9 but keep getting rails 2.3.2
6:37AM 1 Spree drag and drop: not recognizing JS
2:19AM 9 Plugin Installing Issue
Thursday December 23 2010
9:49PM 0 update a foreign key in an association table
8:54PM 0 logserver with log4r
8:51PM 4 MySQL update BLOB
8:21PM 2 Rails 3 - polymorphic associations problem with ActiveRecord::Relation
5:40PM 3 rails/ruby test - error report without line numbers
4:44PM 0 [JOB] Jr. OS Developer, Greenwich, CT | 65k
4:09PM 0 MongoMapper with ActiveModel - Rails 3
3:12PM 0 has_many :through full stack help
12:18PM 5 Does using :render => :partial breaks the MVC separation during an ajax call
10:43AM 1 No such file to load error
9:32AM 0 WiceGrid 0.6 for Rails 2 and 3.0.0.pre1 for Rails 3 are released
9:32AM 2 One form, multiple models, custom validation
8:34AM 1 Barry Flower is out of the office
6:04AM 1 Views showing HTML to the user
4:16AM 4 Active Record Relations and Nesting
3:34AM 36 Weird issue with converting floats to integer
3:17AM 6 Difference between rake test:units and individually running ruby -I test test/unit/something_test.rb ?
1:30AM 3 Saving records from multiple tables
1:16AM 0 Any opinions on Javascript/CSS minifying gems?
Wednesday December 22 2010
9:32PM 2 Rails2 routing guide?
9:28PM 2 Please help with installing mysql gem to linux machine w/ xampp
8:31PM 1 nested attributes form
7:47PM 1 'No route matches' error with select_tag
7:40PM 10 Dreamhost Rails upgrade troubles
7:38PM 5 rvm, rails and sqlite
5:12PM 2 Scheduling Plugin
4:31PM 6 Running Rails 2 and Rails 3 side by side on Obuntu
3:56PM 9 javascript code execution on all pages except one.
3:36PM 1 Devise restrict concurrent login
3:23PM 2 Rspec test callbacks error
1:55PM 0 Rails 3 + ajax partial send data (:with or :submit removed)
12:59PM 3 regarding installation
12:52PM 3 Question re Non Standard ID and Restful routes.
11:27AM 2 newbies in rails need some material for online study
8:29AM 4 Connection to database
7:37AM 3 select_tag without selected="selected" clause
5:36AM 8 Shoulda issue: no more "should have_instance_methods" ?
3:45AM 4 Having trouble with Devise /OmniAuth
12:18AM 1 Rails (Javascript?): Does an outline viewer exist?
12:07AM 2 Rails - JSON object with an array?
12:00AM 0 image_tag and send_data
Tuesday December 21 2010
10:03PM 2 Consider using bundle exec? How do I resolve this error "You have already activated rspec-core..."
9:46PM 4 Where to find bookmark in controller
8:19PM 8 Rails - escape_javascript without all the \n\n\n\n\n
8:17PM 2 ArgumentError database.yml
8:05PM 5 Issues doing an insert into mysql
7:41PM 3 Request for comment on post on SEO QuickStart for Rails
7:36PM 1 story based Integration test
6:50PM 3 rails 3 cleaning sub menu html
6:10PM 2 ActiveRecord relationship ID change
6:05PM 5 Rails, Ruby, haml, metaprogramming problem
5:30PM 1 Need suggestion
5:17PM 9 Duration
4:28PM 0 liquid include error please help
3:51PM 43 Where put require
3:31PM 1 Errors on installing Rails on windows 7 (32 bit)
2:48PM 6 Problem with validates uniqueness and accented characters
1:33PM 10 associations / json and doing things right
12:20PM 2 difference between attr_accesor and attr_accesible
11:03AM 1 rubyzip install error
10:34AM 4 Trainee in ruby on rails need some help
4:25AM 1 Bundler behind a proxy
3:28AM 2 Shoulda Question: how to test validates_inclusion_of...?
12:41AM 5 Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id
12:27AM 0 Store Locator
Monday December 20 2010
9:30PM 1 Writing to a CSV with Faster::CSV
9:08PM 0 Looking for contributors for project: acts_as_facebook_object
7:12PM 3 Rails 3.0.3 Generator NoMethodError On Existing Project
2:54PM 0 Oracle + Full-text search in Rails
1:16PM 12 How to start application from cmd.exe at windows startup ???
11:14AM 2 The Rails3 way for in-place editing
10:33AM 0 Server won't start on using authlogic-oauth2
6:31AM 4 Subselection by URL
6:20AM 1 Check whether link present nor not using cucumber
4:46AM 0 Using 'match' in the routes.rb file - how do you get to admin/something? (Rails 3)
4:44AM 2 rails 3 helpers
3:06AM 0 Implementing Facebook's new Registration Tool
2:42AM 7 unpacking ruby-odbc
2:12AM 2 mongrel_rails crashing on new RoR 3.0.3 app - Huh?
1:11AM 11 rails code to sql
1:03AM 5 rails 3 routes
12:45AM 6 Create SOAP Webservice with Rails 3
12:35AM 0 fork paperclip validations depending on associated model
Sunday December 19 2010
10:33PM 0 favicon.ico (shortcut icon) & Internet Explorer 8 & rails
1:15PM 11 Routes: How would default routes be defined manually?
3:02AM 0 Help: File Size defining with Cucumber Watir.
Saturday December 18 2010
11:57PM 0 Missing template index.erb when do rake doc:guides
10:44PM 0 detecting IE in HTML; Where to place favicon.ico?
10:32PM 0 [JOBS] Senior Ruby on Rails Developer position in San Francisco, CA
9:54PM 5 Is there a simple test for "am I at the root or not" in a view?
4:42PM 13 Get back routes the old way
3:07PM 2 using passenger, nginx for dev testing
7:13AM 6 My rails application on Debian
5:05AM 12 Using sequences in factory_girl_rails - can you not have a sequence call in different factories?
12:17AM 1 simple form problem
Friday December 17 2010
10:19PM 1 flash[;notice] not display after redirection
9:47PM 7 Having problems with rails connectivity to postgres (libpq?)
7:23PM 1 Devise with many models
6:28PM 2 how to get starting with rails
6:18PM 1 cardmagic / contacts to import email contacts (GMAIL,Y!, etc...)
5:39PM 2 calendar_date_select_tag
5:02PM 13 Can't get postgresql working
4:24PM 28 jruby here?
4:03PM 4 symbol look up errors
12:42PM 4 looking for best rails hosting
12:36PM 11 Database deploying in production
9:47AM 2 Log Filtering Sensitive Data
9:28AM 0 Get same tweets but faked as random twitter users (test)
2:06AM 2 preserving carriage returns
2:03AM 9 model fields
Thursday December 16 2010
10:02PM 2 No render in Beginning Rails 3
9:49PM 3 How does ActiveRecord translate parameter hash to values of a class instance's properties
8:56PM 2 ruby on rails - Video upload And video chat questions
8:24PM 1 active merchant - payal
7:55PM 2 XML behaviour issue
6:16PM 3 Problem with Command Prompt
6:06PM 11 help with favicon_link_tag undefined
5:45PM 5 html tag id from variable
5:34PM 1 Devise com mais de um model
4:35PM 10 redirect_to an non rails url with params
3:53PM 3 Multiple record update and validation
1:52PM 12 Capybara + radio buttons
11:51AM 0 Rails3 active support not loading required dependencies?
11:46AM 7 Refining an ActiveRecord search
11:20AM 0 Debugging problem with abstract class
11:19AM 0 MassAssignmentSecurity for multiple contexts
9:23AM 1 Ambiguous match error for Cucumber
6:38AM 2 Start with Cucumber
6:37AM 0 How do I debug ruby 1.9.2p0 in NetBeans?
6:14AM 5 ror hosting providers?
5:16AM 13 form_tag not passing a js call in Rails3
2:59AM 2 A Ruby Mixin Question
12:50AM 7 Best way to do a find_by_or_create based on an attribute?
Wednesday December 15 2010
9:43PM 4 rails training?
9:25PM 6 Mysql query optimization for order condition
8:17PM 0 Removing one logging entry from production log
7:52PM 0 Trouble with routes, scope and locale
7:27PM 8 simple average question with mysql
7:07PM 4 distance_of_time_in_words shows {{count}} days instead of showing actual days
6:31PM 3 ORA-12514: TNS:listener d oes not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor (OCIEr
5:49PM 3 Combining partials
4:19PM 2 Error reverse engineering MySQL with RMRE
2:24PM 9 How to relate model with self value?
2:13PM 17 I18n in model validations: Possible or not?
1:58PM 3 Spreadsheet gem character encoding
1:03PM 0 [JOBS] Web Application Architect/Developer for Education Company
12:00PM 13 Spreadsheet MVC
10:25AM 2 comma gem
8:01AM 2 skip password validation in authlogic
5:10AM 0 Sequence of the delayed job execution
3:43AM 5 Having trouble testing :( "superclass mismatch" and can't load "test_helper"
1:15AM 2 f.error_messages not replacing variables in production
Tuesday December 14 2010
10:17PM 8 Using Shoulda with Test/Unit in Rails 3
9:45PM 2 Rails 3 failing on a multipart request
8:05PM 4 Custom form error messages
8:05PM 2 Google analytics getting appended to url
7:16PM 1 New to Ruby on Rails Please Help!
6:52PM 1 Testing scopes with proxy_options in Rails 3
5:23PM 1 render behaviour in controller action
4:30PM 4 Change primary_key column name
4:22PM 9 UTF-8 String.strip bug (and several over methods)
4:17PM 0 respond_to_parent and Rails 3
3:50PM 0 Looking for Sr. RoR Engineers in Atlanta, GA or Boulder, CO
3:35PM 3 Problem with relations
3:12PM 3 appeler le resultat d une page rails dans du html
12:56PM 6 Ruby and Windows Azure
12:12PM 5 Cucumber + Capybara - web sessions
11:08AM 3 Thinking Sphinx
11:01AM 1 how to get array of search results using wikipedia plugin?
9:12AM 5 Build associated model confusion
3:25AM 0 Multipart upload thru J2Me fail
1:08AM 1 Need help with Rails form creation
Monday December 13 2010
11:53PM 0 looking for ror dev for adult project
11:46PM 3 NoMethodError undefined method `password' for #<User:0x102295b28>
11:21PM 6 Which associations?
10:58PM 6 Localized Month Name from Integer
10:05PM 14 factory_girl question
9:54PM 9 created_at, updated_at and MSSQL
9:00PM 0 "Load Including Associations" and "create_time_zone_conversion_attribute?"
5:55PM 33 Redirect and passing params?
4:27PM 10 Rails with macports or brew
12:57PM 1 Hire Expert ROR Developer
11:51AM 4 Juggernaut command not found
10:45AM 4 Unknown action in Rails App
Sunday December 12 2010
10:39PM 1 Running ImageMagick on Windows and Linux under Rails
10:31PM 3 Merging Activerecord databases
8:51PM 3 Toto blog date issue - production only, localhost fine
7:39PM 1 In Test/Unit Dir.glob is Rails root but to require a file must assume "Rails_root/test/"
7:04PM 2 Consuming linked data on rails
6:38PM 18 Do associations work both ways?
5:30PM 5 Fixtures and unit tests - no such file to load
8:59AM 0 strange message format on validation error
6:12AM 0 Using a Gem as a library of models
5:47AM 1 PGError: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xa0
1:11AM 3 Test/Unit integration test w Capybara - how to manually set data in the test
Saturday December 11 2010
10:57PM 2 Up argument '= model.save' needs to be a number error -- Debugging in server - Rails 3, 1.9.2
9:53PM 2 Problem using rvm in bash script
8:31PM 0 Strange error uploading file
7:53PM 0 Rails 3 - Delayed_Job (collectiveidea), trying to Delay Mailers - Error: NoMethodError (undefined method `delay' for UserMailer:Class):
5:58PM 1 Rails 3 request dispatch cycle
2:25PM 2 group_by user_id
1:37PM 3 Problem with mysql2
1:28PM 0 Problems with Railroad
11:17AM 2 Where Webkit stores CSS
10:38AM 1 How to Run Two Ruby on Rails application at a time
9:50AM 3 Why doesn't Heroku show the Rails default page?
4:13AM 0 Anyone need full time work in Los Angeles
3:46AM 1 ajax :update option with Rails 3
1:41AM 0 aasm 2 columns
Friday December 10 2010
11:56PM 1 no Ruby script found in input (LoadError)
11:27PM 0 Re: newbie: rest-routes + custom action - fixed
11:14PM 1 newbie: rest-routes + custom action
11:10PM 2 Change gem in bundler
10:34PM 0 Encoding issues when uploading files
9:09PM 4 background jobs , comparison esp for sending emails
8:02PM 2 Help specing simple controller
7:01PM 1 heroku_herocutter + jammit - Anyone here use these?
6:50PM 8 ActiveRecord aliases 'id' to primary key
6:35PM 1 rails - loading lib folder files
4:10PM 2 News: Heroku bought: Salesforce wants some Ruby love: $212m goes a long way
4:09PM 3 Having trouble installing Devise gem on Mac, please help!
1:51PM 2 graphic plugin
8:37AM 1 rails3 - S3 - paperclip Setup Problem
8:27AM 1 how to start ruby on rails
8:00AM 3 `require': no such file to load -- activerecord
4:52AM 0 Fwd: [ruby-nyc] Paul Dix: Thundergod
4:40AM 5 Rails/ruby seems to be interpreting the content in "render :file" request
1:08AM 2 has_many, conditions overrride
12:35AM 1 Rails + Heroku + Jammit
Thursday December 9 2010
10:57PM 1 storing user content securely
9:00PM 2 Skip validation on nested attribute
8:46PM 2 I18n translate: one, other more?
8:17PM 5 Cant create project from cmd
6:34PM 1 validate_on_update not highlighting fields
6:20PM 9 Server problems...really Weird
6:13PM 0 Developers Wanted
5:20PM 1 erb_variable and migrating old rails app 2.0.2 --> 2.1 -->.
5:20PM 1 [OT] Embed xml doc within an xml doc from untruted source?
3:53PM 15 Rails 3 Active Record query returns "undefined method `loaded?' for #<Array:0x126a4c>"
3:29PM 2 Route mapping?
3:07PM 4 best way to sync with external database
2:54PM 8 no route matches
1:59PM 4 Mail filters like functionality in Ruby on Rails
12:20PM 0 invoke rake tasks
12:20PM 3 Where is my file?
9:57AM 6 view data in single line
9:09AM 7 Changing tablename without changing modelname
9:01AM 0 Re: How to use unicorn server on Rails 3 [Solved]
6:09AM 7 Merging multiple hashes as single hash
2:34AM 1 ActiveRecord syntax for multiple joins on same table?
Wednesday December 8 2010
10:03PM 3 JavaScript include order
9:59PM 2 Rails 3. deployment with Bundler
9:25PM 3 How to use unicorn server on Rails 3
6:26PM 7 Rails 3 too slow?
5:07PM 0 ActiveRecord serialize field and SerializationTypeMismatch
4:41PM 1 Help on install act_as_ferret on windows XP
4:12PM 6 jruby on rails scheduling options
2:02PM 0 how to get access token facebook
1:09PM 0 rails 3 with oracle
12:32PM 4 Error while installing the mysql gem
11:48AM 3 Dot Printer and Jasperreports dont work
11:35AM 2 managing a lengthy process with periodic page updates
11:08AM 1 NoMethodError: `bytesize' for 200:Fixnum (with Rails-3.0.3)
10:30AM 1 Integration tests for an existing Rails application.
7:35AM 6 rake aborted! nosuch file to load -- java
7:04AM 1 configuration issue (Uninitialized constant Aftimagr (NameError) )
Tuesday December 7 2010
10:57PM 1 Misleading depreciation warning for form_for
9:49PM 8 rails with postgresql
9:03PM 3 PayPal notifications - Rails 3.
9:00PM 1 i created my first helper method and it works, but should this be in a helper, or controller?
8:50PM 5 Caching for layout variables
8:34PM 5 Jedit + plugin ruby/rails + RVM
7:25PM 7 style question: "update or create" active record
6:52PM 6 Can't install Rails 3.0
6:42PM 10 Advice on data design idea
6:19PM 3 Use assert_select to test for the occurence of a string
6:06PM 7 I can't start Webrick
5:37PM 10 Raw SQL in Migration
2:39PM 0 cygwin rvm and jruby
1:38PM 8 Search Fullname, in two fields firstname, lastname.
11:47AM 0 Is this error related to connection pool
9:57AM 2 Need to add path to routes.rb
7:19AM 1 Accessing url_for from a custom helper classccdaææææøøøæøæ"¥00
7:13AM 2 ROR and Drupal
5:50AM 2 Design Question - re: Polymorphic association
5:28AM 3 saravanan
5:27AM 5 beginning web development with ror, how?
4:47AM 3 Proper way to back out a bad migration?
2:31AM 1 fields_for and one out of many from association
12:43AM 0 select helpet selected value after failed save
Monday December 6 2010
11:36PM 2 Uninstalling RoR form a Mac
10:21PM 2 Best way to do testing / load seed data?
7:04PM 57 Which RoR to run on Mac OS X for a particular RoR app.
5:44PM 0 Problem uploading files (possibly an OS X issue?)
5:44PM 3 Emacs tips
4:36PM 1 How to use a partial in multipart/alternative emails (HTML and plain text)
4:11PM 10 testing chapter: agile web dev withrails
2:27PM 15 Windows new installation - Always problems
2:25PM 1 SQL codes on Controller
1:45PM 1 Savage Beast plugin + rails 3.0.1
12:30PM 2 Again on facebook
10:44AM 1 Group chat plugin or gem
10:28AM 5 iframe for Ruby on Rails
10:05AM 2 Routing Error
4:25AM 4 saving attachment and images to database
4:11AM 8 How to add facebook javascript sdk to rails app
3:38AM 2 rails float type number does not work right
2:54AM 9 Handling File on Upload
2:36AM 0 Rspec: `should': uninitialized constant RSpec::Expectations (NameError)
2:17AM 1 Best way to get a trending/popular list?
Sunday December 5 2010
10:59PM 1 :confirm not working in my button_to
10:28PM 1 rails3 render partial with unobtrusive js
9:42PM 2 Free web host
9:02PM 3 Strange problem with CSV and funny chars
6:19PM 0 ActionMailer - Adding an attachment from S3
3:35PM 7 missing attribute during initialization
10:42AM 0 What's difference between builder and template?
9:30AM 14 Remove bundler
8:35AM 2 create new object in nested model
4:01AM 2 RAILS3: method => :delete STOPPED working! (& CONFIRMATION is ignored)
3:08AM 10 Nested categories, nesting has_many :through a HABTM relationship
2:41AM 2 Verbosity of p
12:41AM 0 gems don't get found
12:15AM 0 Rails - Using Tempfile to write on Heroku?
Saturday December 4 2010
9:40PM 2 Getting currency unit for a given locale
4:35PM 7 updating attributes in active record - simple q I think!
4:33PM 2 test a non active_record class in models directory in rails 3?
3:35PM 0 web brick error
2:38PM 1 Processing a file of structured data of unknown origin
1:58PM 4 scoped query generating superfluous SELECT COUNT(*)?
10:33AM 0 & character sumbitted from frontend appears as &amp;amp;
8:59AM 4 DB Migration problem
6:31AM 0 Problem while export to xls using spreadsheet gem in rails for Server
3:19AM 11 Where is my db file?
1:16AM 0 Timebank needs Ruby Techie
Friday December 3 2010
9:27PM 1 what is best practice for record::notfound?
8:51PM 4 Order of Validation for Associated Models
8:49PM 0 Rake Routes project_attachment_path
8:22PM 10 Overriding or aliasing name of column in legacy database using Rails/ActiveRecord
7:26PM 1 render :json not setting content type (Rails 3.0.3)
7:08PM 1 email notification
6:52PM 0 Help: FireWatir learning resources
5:29PM 2 Rails 3 console ...
4:45PM 17 production.log is always empty
2:19PM 3 Bundler, Capistrano and Gemfile
11:06AM 1 undefined method `events' for nil:NilClass when using accepts_nested_attributes_for
4:50AM 2 Routing issue
Thursday December 2 2010
10:52PM 2 Help understanding ActiveResource
9:51PM 3 Help: How do I sign my mails with DKIM in Rails?
9:50PM 4 Text presentation on Mac and PC
8:07PM 9 Data aggregation, client vs server side?
6:31PM 3 creating button to run function
4:39PM 0 Can't get CanCan to restrict view of items
4:21PM 1 how to change value of a form text field using javascript or rjs
2:52PM 1 Rails app as SAML Identity Provider?
2:45PM 0 Thinking Sphinx sorting problem
2:28PM 8 CanCan issue when being very specific
2:07PM 7 Rails 3 + Authlogic not working all of a sudden
1:01PM 0 Problems with attachments
12:28PM 4 how to redirect to ERROR page /500.html in rails
12:21PM 9 How do I make a simple redirect site in ruby?
11:14AM 9 Ruby on Rails to PHP
10:20AM 0 how to delete duplicate files
9:41AM 1 [JOBS] Seeking RoR person for occasional site maintenance
6:30AM 0 Set-Cookie in rails 2 and rails 3
6:28AM 5 persisting complex (and possibly large) objects
12:53AM 3 Lazy loading issue (I think) - what's up with this ?
12:03AM 1 cannot install ruby-debug-base
Wednesday December 1 2010
10:18PM 1 Having trouble with CanCan
9:44PM 10 How to Redirect from http://mysite.com to https://www.mysite.com on Herok
6:07PM 0 Rails 3 load order?
5:01PM 6 Mongrel, .htaccess, cpanel, rewrite, Mongrel::HttpParserError
4:30PM 12 How to test sort order in named (or default) scope
3:39PM 13 Redirect to edit form after update
12:36PM 1 Prawn : undefined method `make_table'
11:36AM 1 What is "Ruby on Rails" in your Language?
11:31AM 2 Develop Facebook app using rail
7:32AM 6 template not rendering (unable to retrieve data)
7:13AM 0 Thinking sphinx + rails 3 issue in results set