Rails - Jan 2011

Monday January 31 2011
10:01PM 3 Which State Machine?
8:55PM 4 What is the number of Ruby instances needed on a server?
8:38PM 4 Unique Serial Number Generation and Locking
6:56PM 0 Rails Installation Error
5:44PM 0 Conexão de rails com sql server 2000
5:33PM 1 Conection Rails with Sql Server 2000
5:12PM 5 Extract text from PDF file
4:34PM 6 Suggestion to reduce number of junk hierarchical 'if loops'
3:27PM 0 Rails 3 - Translation of Error header doen't work
2:10PM 1 Send POST request to external server
11:27AM 1 Links issue when url not linked to a file
11:09AM 3 Webmail application in ROR
10:10AM 1 URL validation
9:09AM 1 find objects in many_to_many (:through) relation
8:10AM 2 Recommended workflow
2:48AM 13 Strange rake error with config.cache_classes
Sunday January 30 2011
9:01PM 0 attempting to update to ruby 1.9.2 in cygwin on Win 7 x64 with 1.8.7 installed
7:44PM 0 How to create this link
6:40PM 4 Application Helper Problem
6:06PM 2 Instal MySQL gem problem
6:00PM 0 Design/Implementation question on record (de)activation and view state preserving
11:18AM 4 Mysql issue with rails 3 and Ruby 1.9.2
12:51AM 9 Access parent object instance variable
12:05AM 6 beginner question: database relationships
Saturday January 29 2011
10:56PM 3 Find User by Token
9:16PM 0 Vacancy Senior Ruby on Rails Developer (Kyiv)
3:54PM 0 acts_as_versioned + optimistic locking
3:47PM 4 newbie: defined?(Rails)
3:40PM 3 seeking guidance: writing effective tests for externally sourced data
12:54PM 0 Error In Installating Ruby Enterprise Edition in RHEL5.4.
9:23AM 1 need help on rails route
3:14AM 1 js insert this.value into id
1:16AM 0 Customizing with plugin - config.cache_classes = true breaks override
Friday January 28 2011
11:45PM 1 Tricky Model association
11:17PM 3 different load order in rails console vs rspec tests?
4:38PM 8 One to many ralationships
3:30PM 1 Bug/Feedback/Suggestion report gem?
2:54PM 7 How to use validates?
2:39PM 2 Listing routes from controller
11:35AM 1 link_to_remote in Rails 3
10:07AM 4 how to write some search functionality in ror
9:49AM 14 production and development - differing behaviour
9:49AM 1 Webbots and Rails Technique
8:59AM 2 how to solve this problems gracefully
7:28AM 5 mysql quotation wonky
6:33AM 1 problem with carrtographer plugin for google map
6:08AM 0 Rspec Testing Controller that Posts to Another Controller
2:13AM 1 Sending email with attachment
Thursday January 27 2011
10:42PM 0 Run code after response has been sent
9:24PM 9 Why use send when you can call the method directly?
9:16PM 9 Unexpected behavior with YAML
6:58PM 3 Symbols not recognized after nesting routes - NoMethodError in Timesheets#new
6:29PM 1 performance question
5:13PM 0 scraped_resource
4:23PM 39 Netbeans dumps Rails
2:23PM 1 recent activemerchant examples needed or perhaps another solution
12:44PM 1 Help with looping through groups of radio buttons
12:41PM 1 Bantik-Seer Gem Usage
11:54AM 2 UI Development
8:38AM 0 Two Rails Applications with one Login page
7:02AM 0 Jquery Prev is not working
6:49AM 0 selenium commands to selense script
4:48AM 12 how to create console application
3:34AM 0 Is this a bug of accepts_nested_attributes_for ?
1:47AM 2 GeoIP gem working locally but not on server
Wednesday January 26 2011
11:48PM 1 Reading session cookies with javascript
10:48PM 13 undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class
9:51PM 0 Rails 3 with Facebook
9:43PM 19 link_to :method => :delete doesn't?
9:25PM 1 Routing and form problem
6:52PM 0 [Rails 2.3.10] uninitialized constant ActionController::AbstractResponse
5:56PM 1 urgent requiment of ror developer
5:30PM 0 Is form_for method routes to "create" action by default ?
4:52PM 2 ActiveRecord dynamic attribute methods
4:03PM 4 Dependant destroy with altered _id name in join table
3:02PM 1 Different styles in loop
2:50PM 2 has many through and STI
1:48PM 4 question about records count.
12:36PM 1 Abstracting a form
7:47AM 0 Merge two different projects
4:26AM 6 Beginner "rails new" question
2:51AM 0 loganathan sellappa wants to chat
Tuesday January 25 2011
11:03PM 1 unexpected kRESCUE, expecting kEND
10:59PM 0 Having a form to change multiple events
10:08PM 1 Help with libxml-ruby and SAX parser
9:57PM 0 Rails 3 - Helping with a Commenting Module
2:25PM 0 I get ActiveSupport::StringInquirer when running rails application from inside Glassfish 3.0.1
2:02PM 0 win7,ruby1.9.2p136. gem install rails not working.
11:46AM 2 Radmine
8:26AM 3 using master(single) template for all view pages
6:39AM 1 Need som help where to look, has_many or ?
5:44AM 1 Question about accepts_nested_attributes_for and reject_if
4:13AM 5 Development mode locally is unexplainable slow
2:42AM 4 Factory Girl, Spork and Cucumber - duplicate model classes
2:05AM 2 Using a gem file in application?
1:39AM 2 Trouble with bundler
12:41AM 2 what does self.get do?
12:39AM 3 Add syntactic sugar for array '<<' method on my own method?
12:04AM 19 Macbook Air 13" for Rails Dev
Monday January 24 2011
11:44PM 2 login session code
11:27PM 0 Ruby-on-Rails Software Engineer - Petalumna, CA
10:22PM 1 Rails Accessing an Uploaded File and Saving it to PaperClip
10:19PM 3 Possible bug in Rails 3.0.3 form_for?
7:03PM 1 spec_helper.rb not being created?
6:45PM 2 Dynamically rename div id?
6:03PM 3 CSV::parse with named columns error on Heroku
4:44PM 4 Git Issue/Permission Denied
4:25PM 11 Can't get login to work
4:13PM 1 segmentation fault on RMagick2
3:47PM 6 chnging colour of table rows
1:53PM 0 ActionController is not missing constant Assertions!
1:46PM 4 Magick::Image , no size & Amazon S3
1:44PM 3 Change label names in Rails application
12:48PM 10 confused on how to associate models.
12:01PM 1 passing multiple arguments in resque scheduler
10:49AM 2 Seeing what has changed in ActiveRecord
10:09AM 4 Project Management Tool with Git integration
7:47AM 1 Web App to track exceptions from your Rails Applications
6:06AM 0 Regarding Datagrid
5:32AM 1 CodeFest - Online Coding Festival by Computer Engineering Society, IT-BHU
4:57AM 0 actionpack-3.0.3/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/rescue.rb
2:36AM 1 Rails 3 - act as tree
2:18AM 0 Call for proposals to Red Dirt RubyConf
1:32AM 5 Rails novice with a new project!
1:28AM 13 Rails dbconsole not working
Sunday January 23 2011
10:42PM 4 Printing join table
10:22PM 0 Looking for Programmers in Silicon Valley Foray :)
9:28PM 10 Routing error
9:21PM 1 Force UTF-8 encoding
9:13PM 0 Bundle installs/Cannot run dbconsole
9:08PM 0 Builder + form_for helper
6:35PM 2 RedCloth 4.1.1 vs. 4.2.3 - weird behaviour with notextile
1:25PM 0 Validation weird behaviour
10:38AM 0 how can I set attribute of join model in a has many through association?
8:20AM 0 Google Calendar - calendar image
1:58AM 0 Adding Ruby, Ruby-on-Rails to XAMPP
1:33AM 3 Update params in 2 models
12:31AM 2 How I do to run Rails on Apache?
Saturday January 22 2011
8:08PM 0 ANN: drifter and drifter-rails
7:17PM 2 Installation
6:51PM 0 table of contents in RDiscount
6:23PM 0 rendering json for a child model with multiple parent models
5:39PM 2 libxml-ruby sax parsing open-uri
3:13PM 40 has_many :through best practices.
10:25AM 4 Relationship modelling problem
9:29AM 0 Dynamic routes
12:06AM 7 Rails: Developing on Win7?
Friday January 21 2011
11:25PM 7 Problem with relative URLs and AJAX requests.
11:03PM 0 Preventing AR from appending fully qualified database name to query
10:22PM 3 Trouble sending email image attachment with rails
10:03PM 6 - Model Inheritance
7:56PM 2 VARCHAR becomes BINARY
6:49PM 2 What's the rails way to display data from multiple models on one page
4:05PM 0 How to add dynamics routes in my app
2:50PM 3 File Column open tmp file
11:40AM 1 Webrick not giving me any output
6:05AM 4 Regex, size check inside a Controller's method.
4:22AM 1 what's up with rails
Thursday January 20 2011
10:40PM 2 NoMethodError
7:32PM 1 where does 'bundle install' store executables?
6:56PM 0 [Belgium] Rails Hackathon
6:03PM 2 PUT request via HTTPS not handled properly
3:49PM 0 Rails 3 reload! broken - potential fixes?
2:55PM 3 Wrong information
2:40PM 2 [HAML + RAILS 3] cannot output the html from my view helper... just output a string
2:04PM 4 Comment.all returns array of what?
1:06PM 11 RSpec / Cucumber painfully slow Rails 3 OSX
5:01AM 5 How to communicate with salesforce
4:15AM 1 Cartographer in a new Avatar! , now supports Google Maps 3 & Rails 3 [Ruby5 Podcast : http://bit.ly/fSWCfh]
4:08AM 3 How to copy views from development db to test db while running rake ?
3:33AM 2 New To Rails
2:29AM 3 Making destroy_all work faster.
Wednesday January 19 2011
11:58PM 4 validates_presence_of problem
11:14PM 2 Routes not working
11:07PM 1 flash message shown after ajax request
9:10PM 1 Ugly output when running tests
8:19PM 0 Jobs
6:26PM 1 Email Suffix Matching Helper
6:02PM 1 extend an acts_as plugin
3:56PM 4 There aren't server in the script folder
2:42PM 6 rake aborted! can't convert Hash into String
12:19PM 2 establish_connection only on need
11:13AM 3 LoadError html/sanitizer
6:53AM 0 cucumber step for radio button
6:38AM 0 [JOB] Social Games | Front-end developer | Tokyo startup
4:14AM 2 Active Record Join does not return catesian product
1:38AM 2 InvalidURIError - how to clean up URIs before using .open()
12:23AM 0 SQL driver won't load
12:23AM 2 Is a way to output 'puts' or 'print'
12:14AM 1 Managing two similar Ruby on Rails projects using Subversion
Tuesday January 18 2011
11:45PM 4 Multiple roles of a user with STI
10:00PM 2 Trouble deploying with Bundler and mixed Ruby server
9:32PM 2 install will_paginate 3.0pre2
8:32PM 3 Ruby on Rails on Kylin 2.1 (麒麟操作系统2.1)
6:52PM 3 Rails way of constructing an url with post parameters of a form
5:49PM 1 Changing gmap marker icons while onclick
5:13PM 1 Routing Issue
4:59PM 6 undefined method `screen_name' for #<User:0x13027a3>
3:37PM 0 gem encoding issue
2:55PM 18 ActiveRecord Select
2:30PM 6 Implementing a Frontend/Backend structure
1:33PM 6 ActiveRecord Session Store problem with AuthLogic
10:03AM 0 rails 3 render xml irrespective of request.format
10:02AM 3 RMagick Installation error
7:51AM 1 [OT] logo for application.
6:50AM 7 self.variable vs. @variable
2:31AM 1 problem when installing latest rails
Monday January 17 2011
11:48PM 0 Design question about versions/revisions with a deep hierarchy
10:20PM 0 Rails Combo Box
9:21PM 4 Mocking 3rd party API in Rails
6:26PM 4 Download Instructions Unnecessarily Complicated, Probably Wrong for Ruby 1.9+
6:09PM 8 which rails hosting?
5:51PM 4 Factory Girl and attr_accessor with validation
4:32PM 6 Can't install mongrel with ruby 1.9.2p136
2:42PM 1 Installing Ruby 1.9.1 on CentOS
2:32PM 0 Instally Ruby 1.9.1 on CentOS
2:28PM 3 Problem freezing Rails 2.3.10 release
1:34PM 3 Getting Hostname in mailer view
11:27AM 0 multithreaded (threadsafe) not working for requests to the same url
10:35AM 14 Rails on Windows, so slow
10:02AM 16 Dynamic class creation at runtime
9:54AM 0 spawn and model error
9:22AM 0 Radiant with Rails 3
5:57AM 3 Rails 3: Using local timezone on DB
5:41AM 4 hi guys
5:36AM 0 Form action not sending to create action
5:04AM 2 Fwd: Java vs. RoR
12:00AM 0 storing large string from browser
Sunday January 16 2011
11:11PM 4 tracking the shopping cart for an unregistered user
10:14PM 9 Javascript call in Controller
8:53PM 0 sqlite3 1.3.3 Released
4:01PM 0 Seeking talks on Rails plugins to be presented at Red Dirt RubyConf
3:28PM 4 persistence by reachability
2:55PM 0 Redmine with Bitnami stack beginner question
12:31PM 1 Before and After Filters/Functions for Rails Routes
11:57AM 3 Rails 3, RSpec, Factory Girl results in NameError: uninitialized constant
9:28AM 2 ActionController::RoutingError (undefined method `has_many' for
8:34AM 4 Best practice for root?
3:05AM 0 Help
2:14AM 1 nube-Simple Question
Saturday January 15 2011
11:50PM 1 Adaptive Learning for Ruby on Rails
7:48PM 0 Merb exception stack
6:14PM 4 Problems using postgresql (postgres-pr) gem
5:50PM 4 Best practices for email delivery in production
2:18PM 4 looking for watchers, contributors - open source CMS with social elements
7:50AM 1 need help
6:41AM 0 NoMethodError: undefined method `more_results' for #<Mysql>
5:44AM 3 is Rails3 sorting Hashes?
5:36AM 8 Learning Rails wth tutorial - can't pust to Heroku
4:47AM 3 respond_with javascript
2:10AM 0 edge rails 3.1beta
1:37AM 2 Many to Many and Related Records
12:49AM 3 has_many :through with Single Table inheritance
Friday January 14 2011
7:31PM 1 rails trying to load prototype in production
7:22PM 2 Immediate Interview - Backend / Front End Software Engineer with Ruby on Rails (6 Position) - Boston, MA
6:46PM 1 Help: Pop-up for facebook creditental
5:33PM 0 need facebook connect for restfull authendication
5:17PM 0 Urgent Need@@@@@@QA Tester
4:54PM 0 Server Details
3:39PM 2 Why won't write_attribute(:price, value*100) work in the console?
12:04PM 5 What happened to periodically_call_remote?
9:59AM 0 [Rail3] How to construct full-text search for habtm associations
9:28AM 0 How to convert BinaryString to save in ImageFile at public path
6:29AM 2 Rspec autotest error
3:41AM 2 Unable to install rubygems
12:46AM 17 text box value in the confirmation popup
Thursday January 13 2011
10:55PM 1 Can available RAM be increased for a rake task?
10:28PM 2 send_file works on Rails2,SSL - except for IE7/6
9:42PM 5 Re rendering a page with an additional Param
8:51PM 13 Problem with displaying my XML response from API in view
8:10PM 2 collection_select problem
8:05PM 4 Vestal Versions and attr_accessors
8:01PM 0 Why does rdoc sometimes not install?
7:53PM 2 razor view engine
7:22PM 5 undefined method `xss_terminate'
7:02PM 0 FW: Immediate Interview - Backend / Front End Software Engineer with Ruby on Rails (6 Position) - Boston, MA
6:55PM 5 How to install jqgrid-rails3
6:46PM 9 [RVM,Ubuntu]ruby installed from rvm doesn't work
5:15PM 0 Rails 3, SQL for Association - enabling a union, Arel?
4:58PM 2 Combining two joins (via named_scopes) fails if traversing classes are STI subclasses
1:19PM 6 Is this thing here a helper or a model, or something else?
11:12AM 6 model optimization.
7:40AM 3 permissions and authorization
6:44AM 4 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid
5:46AM 4 Please advise on render:partial form.
4:10AM 1 injecting minitest/spec into IntegrationTest?
1:34AM 2 before_filter problem
Wednesday January 12 2011
10:54PM 14 WickedPDF vs PDFKit vs. Prawn, etc.
10:07PM 0 Encoding error when trying to write file
4:45PM 2 undefined method 'xxx' for {}:Hash rake db:migrate
4:06PM 0 multiple fields_for on has_many relationship?
3:10PM 0 iPhone and Rails 3.0
2:40PM 3 TrackHistory: An easy way to track changes
2:28PM 2 auto save option in assoications
1:21PM 1 gem and rails3: LoadError
1:07PM 0 read .eml files
11:46AM 6 Running Spork with rspec in Rails 3 on Windows 7
10:44AM 13 ActionController::UnknownAction
10:20AM 9 Rails 3 + mongodb => test problems
9:37AM 7 has_many :through=>one
9:12AM 2 ActiveRecord session store in Rails 3
8:04AM 6 flash messages in locale file, what' worng?
6:41AM 9 How to get geo location with the help of IP address
12:00AM 2 Stuck with Rails 3 on ubuntu
Tuesday January 11 2011
11:54PM 4 Large (300mb - 1gb) file uplods?
11:39PM 4 JOB: coders/developers needed for social commerce site. Board consists of public company CEOs, VC founder and NFL athlete
10:24PM 0 ARel 2.0.7 beta
10:14PM 11 Scheduled tasks on rails
9:02PM 9 Can I omit respond_with.
8:58PM 1 Back link implementation question/problem
8:04PM 18 refactoring models
6:57PM 11 Executing action without reloading
4:47PM 15 PostgreSQL aggregate function inconsistent (returns strings)
2:17PM 0 observe_field in Rails 3
12:56PM 0 Chat functionality
11:41AM 3 Beginner in Rails Apps
11:23AM 9 strange rspec problems checking model validations
10:58AM 0 sproutcore.
10:54AM 2 Customising resourceful routes in Rails 3
7:03AM 4 Multiple Array Declarations.
6:39AM 3 Non commercial solution to import contacts from google/hotmail/yahoo/etc
5:25AM 0 Help!! please- can not work with firewatir
3:41AM 1 deploying with capistrano and bundler
2:13AM 0 Weird Rails 3 Route Problem
12:51AM 6 (JOB) Ruby on Rails Developers- Strongmail , Redwood Shores, CA
12:30AM 9 How to filter db column(s) from log.
Monday January 10 2011
11:15PM 1 Login connection between two websites
9:57PM 0 Request object inside ActiveSupport
9:51PM 0 Ruby on Rails (Full Time, or contract to hire!) Longmont / Boulder, CO
8:38PM 6 Live, Online, Ruby and Rails Teacher
5:59PM 1 What's the current state for captchas? (negative or otherwise)
5:36PM 0 RE: ruby on rails develop in los angeles and maybe other location
5:24PM 6 Marshal/un-Marshal problem
4:45PM 2 Would love to hear feedback regarding my first Rails project
3:42PM 0 file upload - is it manadatory to have image processors?
3:39PM 4 Strange timestamps in server log
3:07PM 7 IE empty params
2:46PM 8 Creating a Dynamic/Custom form
1:01PM 0 rails3's default unit tests is not working
12:59PM 6 how to test after_commit rspec
12:26PM 27 best ui toolkit?
12:09PM 1 pdf attachment not working rails3
9:19AM 0 UTF-8 routes.rb and Passenger vs. Mongrel/WEBrick
Sunday January 9 2011
4:04PM 0 Clarification on best practice (nested ressources and routes)
1:52PM 10 setup Mysql / rails 3.0.3 Snow leopard 32bit
1:10PM 4 Routes problem in form
8:49AM 3 Updating an attribute from a POST request
6:52AM 1 wiki in rails?
4:20AM 2 Data in my object but not the db - help!
12:32AM 9 How to process hacking attempts?
Saturday January 8 2011
10:18PM 4 Help How to create DSL for conditional validations
8:37PM 9 options_for_select.
8:17PM 4 Markdown parser for auto html link
5:55PM 3 Rails on hosting server upgraded to 2.3.5 and my app broke
1:40PM 9 Ruby on Rails certification(s)
12:56PM 1 Flash :notice in redirect_to not working in some cases?
7:31AM 2 Net::HTTP URI.parse
6:38AM 1 arel circular relationship question/problem
5:32AM 1 Paperclip custom Interpolation in url
4:10AM 6 Need help in Installing Rails 3.0.3
4:06AM 2 Manipulating attributes between database retrieval and return from finder
12:27AM 0 Work Available - Direct Hire for a great ROR Backend Dev
12:19AM 1 rake problem
Friday January 7 2011
10:20PM 3 Iterate through hash children
9:18PM 13 assign values to attributes.
7:22PM 2 prompt for select_tag.
4:48PM 6 Correct way to search datetime column by date
4:36PM 2 How can I set a base route for rails?
4:04PM 5 belongs_to and callbacks
1:30PM 1 remove useless code
1:27PM 1 When a Rails server saves an object, this is not visible in my concurrent integration test
11:39AM 3 Is = needed in <%= when using form_for?
5:31AM 2 Can Redis2Go replace memcahe?
3:29AM 0 no such file to load -- spec/rake/spectask
3:26AM 1 Task with a legacy schema nightmare.
3:20AM 5 Deployment issues
12:02AM 0 ruby script/console error
12:01AM 0 [JOBS] Web Services Engineer - Seattle, WA
Thursday January 6 2011
11:57PM 0 [JOBS] Front-End Web Application Engineer - Seattle, WA
11:12PM 11 Your template plugins/extensions for new project?
10:36PM 0 parse.rb:33: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.7 Hpricot
10:15PM 0 Can I force an update to nested attributes to always save new children?
9:57PM 2 Problem with acts_as_taggable_on
9:54PM 2 Running methods on a class in gem
9:03PM 10 jQuery vs Prototype re: Rails' helpers
8:46PM 1 Send email with delayed job
8:40PM 0 Devise login with user or admin models and Basecamp style subdomains
8:28PM 10 rails console not working with my application
7:23PM 21 Ruby on Rails for Healthcare systems
7:00PM 2 Falied to create jruby instance errror message
6:30PM 0 RubyNation CFP and Tix Available Now!
6:00PM 14 Forceing PUST vs. POST in form
4:49PM 7 Document preview
4:18PM 2 Issue with setting up of Phusion
3:53PM 5 Change Route for Controller
12:20PM 1 Is mislav-will_paginate-v2.3.14 thread safe ?
12:08PM 4 Not able to insert value in rails console
10:18AM 8 Looking for Examples
9:48AM 2 Problem in the rubyonrails getting started tutorial
7:58AM 0 issue with the attachment_fu on sinatra with rails 3
7:55AM 0 problem with attachement_fu on sinatra
7:16AM 1 Invalid argument - https://graph.facebook.com/19292868552
2:50AM 2 Link_to parameters
2:16AM 3 [Rails 3] link_to_remote, no action
Wednesday January 5 2011
9:45PM 18 Best Practice
8:51PM 3 DIV partial update question
5:38PM 23 How to make this SQL Query?
5:22PM 3 Validations issue
5:10PM 7 Rails 3.0.3 - can't render in json
4:33PM 1 Rails, Advanced Email Processing
2:35PM 2 undefined method `model_name' for ActiveRecord::Relation:Class
1:28PM 3 Finding the previous / next item
12:53PM 3 rvm and phusion passenger
12:18PM 7 ajax history.
11:48AM 3 Update XML file from another XML file
11:31AM 0 Can't Dup NilClass
11:26AM 3 Re: Abridged summary of rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFFw@public.gmane.org - 67 Messages in 25 Topics
11:21AM 5 rake cucumber aborts after successfull feature scenarios
10:21AM 16 Nicedit (rich text editor)
9:39AM 4 cucumber stories for Ajax in rails3
8:52AM 5 find_or_create : how to know the resulting operation ?
7:31AM 1 error
12:59AM 2 where to put (and how to require) sub-classes
Tuesday January 4 2011
8:29PM 3 Help with div ...
7:36PM 5 _path vs. _url
6:54PM 11 Problems with ActiveRecord after certain amount of columns in table
6:17PM 0 J2EE and Ruby on Rails Senior Software Engineer - Contract - Berkeley, CA
3:23PM 9 recommended HTTP client?
1:16PM 6 Custom response headers
8:48AM 2 Interaction between redirect_to and session variable
7:47AM 0 youtube videos listing on rails app
6:00AM 1 Problem with "date_select" form helper
4:10AM 5 link_to displaying html instead of link
1:58AM 1 Passing an argument
12:50AM 0 Looking for an expert to finish up a soical network project...
12:34AM 1 Rails 3 application name
12:32AM 4 adding missing days to array of users created by day
Monday January 3 2011
11:49PM 4 Strange AR issue
10:08PM 4 Treating NULL in DB as false.
9:24PM 6 Can't POST using Ruby 1.9.2 -- get Apache error.
7:34PM 0 Freelance Ruby Developer Needed!
7:14PM 0 online video chat with flash, rails
5:56PM 2 Rails, Javascript, and CSS
3:34PM 2 Adding style to model (paperclip)
3:09PM 2 Problem with a calculation as an action
1:52PM 0 MagicRuby is nearly full and group room rate ends TODAY!
1:18PM 2 Handling migrations with multiple databases in Rails
11:21AM 4 How to get soap4r to not bother verifying SSL certificate (verify_mode none)?
11:16AM 0 inline formsets?
10:37AM 8 Heroku, needs constant AppController updates?
10:12AM 4 Changes method: displayed nil to blank change
8:38AM 1 Rails3 I18n locale in urls
8:33AM 7 a few "best practices" questions
6:03AM 4 What's your thinking on Heroku's acquisition by Salesforce?
4:41AM 0 paypal chained payment
3:55AM 1 I can not read cookie values when I try to access a method from a RoR Application to another RoR Application
3:05AM 0 San Francisco "Gay Techies" Group started on LinkedIn
Sunday January 2 2011
11:44PM 1 After upgrading to Rails 3, getting errors in Rails 2 app
11:15PM 6 Database Design
9:21PM 3 how to has_many User::Role?
7:08PM 12 Get a value from previous page
3:24PM 1 fb-connect -Missing client_id parameter
1:42PM 6 validate sub models in parent model?
5:07AM 7 Rails, .swf, .flv
3:08AM 4 active record callback
2:32AM 10 SSL on Rails & nginx: Filter chain halted
1:33AM 3 ajax not working in rails 3
Saturday January 1 2011
5:18PM 0 In-place edit with Rails3
1:06PM 4 heroku SQL columnName problems
6:58AM 1 capistrano, gitosis and remote cache
12:06AM 5 Error on manual install of GEM using Ruby 192p136 + Ubuntu 10.10