Dandan wrote in post #971381:> Hey anyone,
> I''m using htmldoc-0.2.3 on ruby 1.8.7 and I''m struggling
to get it
> working. I''ve created the following ruby file and get the
> error:
> ------
> require ''rubygems''
> require ''htmldoc''
> pdf = PDF::HTMLDoc.new
> pdf.set_option :outfile, "/tmp/outfile.pdf"
> pdf << ''test text''
> if pdf.generate
> puts "Successfully generated a PDF file"
> else
> puts pdf.result[:output]
> end
> ----
> Error:
> /Users/dandan/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302/gems/htmldoc-0.2.3/lib/
> htmldoc.rb:182:in `execute'': Invalid program path: htmldoc
> (PDF::HTMLDocException)
> from /Users/dandan/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302/gems/htmldoc-0.2.3/lib/
> htmldoc.rb:154:in `generate''
> from pdf.rb:17
> To attempt to fix this I added
> PDF::HTMLDoc.program_path =
> gems/htmldoc-0.2.3''
> Running the script again I get the output from pdf.result[:output]:
> sh: /Users/dandan/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302/gems/htmldoc-0.2.3: is a
> directory
> Has anyone else experienced this problem and has a solution. I''m
> guessing I''m giving the wrong program path but I''m not
sure which path
> I should be giving.
> Thanks abundantly for any help!
> Dan
Step on is to confirm that you have the htmldoc executable installed.
`which htmldoc` should return the location of the binary. The gem only
wraps calls to the executable, so doing point it back to itself.
If you have htmldoc installed, then check path issues.
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