R help - Apr 2016

Saturday April 30 2016
11:23PM 3 Removing NAs from dataframe (for use in Vioplot)
11:16PM 0 Removing NAs from dataframe (for use in Vioplot)
10:49PM 0 CTree to obtain segmented data
10:34PM 0 Data Issues with ctree/glm and controlling classification parameters
9:38PM 3 how to use AND in grepl
7:58PM 4 Removing NAs from dataframe (for use in Vioplot)
6:47PM 2 How to print the frequency table (produced by the command "table" to Excel
5:48PM 1 3D surface plot
5:41PM 0 Install R (version 3.2.5) in CentOS platform
4:00PM 1 selection columns by type, ie, numeric
1:55PM 1 Could not find function "pointsToRaster"
1:43PM 0 tcltk: click and return table cell index
1:25PM 0 Graphlet degree distribution agreement in
12:16PM 0 Package to work with weight based data
11:35AM 0 Could not find function "pointsToRaster"
10:22AM 2 Issue installing packages - Linux
8:28AM 3 Could not find function "pointsToRaster"
7:25AM 1 Declaring All Variables as Factors in GLM()
2:40AM 0 Unexpected scores from weighted PCA with svyprcomp()
Friday April 29 2016
9:59PM 0 Improper configuration
9:26PM 2 Improper configuration
7:40PM 0 clock24.plot/radial plot: Fixed
6:39PM 0 selecting columns from a data frame or data table by type, ie, numeric, integer
6:25PM 1 How to access the latitude & longitude for UK post codes in R
5:50PM 0 selecting columns from a data frame or data table by type, ie, numeric, integer
5:42PM 2 tcltk: click and return table cell index
4:19PM 2 selecting columns from a data frame or data table by type, ie, numeric, integer
9:48AM 0 [Rd] paths for install and libraries?
3:35AM 2 lm() with spearman corr option ?
Thursday April 28 2016
11:41PM 2 paths for install and libraries?
6:10PM 0 New book: Beginner's Guide to Zero-Inflated Models with R
5:57PM 0 Snowfall - Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) with sfClusterApplyLB()
4:32PM 2 Package to work with weight based data
4:17PM 1 polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
2:50PM 0 polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
1:38PM 0 Robust clustered errors for probit ordinal regression analysis
1:06PM 1 Linear Regressions with constraint coefficients
12:48PM 0 Linear Regressions with constraint coefficients
12:45PM 1 polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
12:42PM 2 Linear Regressions with constraint coefficients
12:31PM 0 Antwort: RE: Interdependencies of variable types, logical expressions and NA
11:51AM 0 Create a new variable and concatenation inside a "for" loop
7:41AM 0 Interdependencies of variable types, logical expressions and NA
7:07AM 4 Interdependencies of variable types, logical expressions and NA
6:59AM 0 New R package on CRAN: RZabbix - easy and direct communication with 'Zabbix API'
4:37AM 1 how to donate software to R community
4:10AM 0 polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
2:00AM 1 Same sum, different sets of integers
1:10AM 0 Same sum, different sets of integers
Wednesday April 27 2016
8:22PM 0 R Script Template
8:18PM 3 Create a new variable and concatenation inside a "for" loop
8:17PM 4 polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
7:57PM 0 Create a new variable and concatenation inside a "for" loop
7:29PM 2 odd behavior of numeric()
6:54PM 0 error.crosses
6:49PM 1 error.crosses
4:26PM 0 using foreach function with gtrendsR
3:46PM 3 Same sum, different sets of integers
2:25PM 3 Create a new variable and concatenation inside a "for" loop
2:12PM 1 Random effects in package mgcv
12:54PM 1 difference between require and library
12:48PM 1 AKIMA or translating to FORTRAN a R function calling a FORTRAN routine
12:35PM 0 New package: bridgedist (v 0.1.0)
12:14PM 2 R Script Template
11:59AM 0 Using Foreach for downloading data
9:45AM 1 Approximate taylor series
8:44AM 1 Antwort: RE: Missing Values in Logical Expressions
8:08AM 1 Determine if a set of x and y-latitude points are inside of a polygon using R
7:58AM 0 New package: msmtools (v1.0)
4:56AM 0 (windows) opening document with particular exe file
Tuesday April 26 2016
11:14PM 0 How to print the frequency table (produced by the command "table" to Excel
10:35PM 2 How to print the frequency table (produced by the command "table" to Excel
10:11PM 0 From NUM to INT
9:25PM 2 From NUM to INT
9:21PM 1 table , exclude - count the frequency in a data frame but exclude one value
8:51PM 0 Predicting probabilities in ordinal probit analysis in R
8:36PM 0 From NUM to INT
7:20PM 0 vectors of equations in ode / desolve
6:04PM 0 survival::clogit, how to extract residuals for GOF assessment
5:59PM 0 From NUM to INT
5:11PM 5 From NUM to INT
3:59PM 0 Linear Regressions with constraint coefficients
3:49PM 0 Linear Regressions with constraint coefficients
3:29PM 2 Linear Regressions with constraint coefficients
2:51PM 1 Linear Regressions with constraint coefficients
12:39PM 5 Linear Regressions with constraint coefficients
12:25PM 0 Penalised spline regression
11:08AM 1 Issue while building xtable on R on Ubuntu 15.04
10:03AM 0 Haplotype network appearance
9:13AM 0 Missing Values in Logical Expressions
8:09AM 3 Missing Values in Logical Expressions
6:44AM 0 Antwort: Fw: Re: Creating variables on the fly (SOLVED)
6:41AM 1 ylim in barplot()
2:53AM 1 Using read.csv() to import data
Monday April 25 2016
10:34PM 1 Num to INT
7:16PM 0 ylim in barplot()
6:09PM 1 how to create initial configuraton for isoMDS
4:17PM 0 use switch or function in connecting different cases.
2:53PM 2 ylim in barplot()
9:32AM 1 Please assist -- Unable to remove '-' character from char vector--
7:09AM 0 Please assist -- Unable to remove '-' character from char vector--
6:45AM 0 Splitting Numerical Vector Into Chunks
6:35AM 3 Please assist -- Unable to remove '-' character from char vector--
1:02AM 2 R: use switch or function in connecting different cases.
Sunday April 24 2016
9:45PM 0 New package: weightr (v. 1.0.0)
9:15PM 0 assign color to subsets
9:05PM 0 Using read.csv() to import data
8:58PM 0 Fwd: Re: Using read.csv() to import data
8:30PM 4 Using read.csv() to import data
7:18PM 1 assign color to subsets
6:37PM 0 assign color to subsets
6:30PM 0 multiplication by groups
5:42PM 0 Inserting a blank row to every other row
5:39PM 2 How to take a multidimensional data set to higher dimensions using R?
4:26PM 0 Dividing rows in groups
4:13PM 0 Inserting a blank row to every other row
3:53PM 2 Inserting a blank row to every other row
3:21PM 0 Inserting a blank row to every other row
12:02PM 2 Inserting a blank row to every other row
11:51AM 0 CRAN package check results tabulated ... wasRe: Number of package in Ubuntu
11:16AM 0 Interactive ggvis plot - question
4:46AM 3 Dividing rows in groups
4:36AM 0 multiplication by groups
Saturday April 23 2016
8:16PM 4 assign color to subsets
7:43PM 1 Java memory error when reading a small xlsx file
4:09PM 1 subset by multiple letters condition
3:59PM 2 Data Frame Column Name Attribute
2:43PM 2 CRAN package check results tabulated ... wasRe: Number of package in Ubuntu
1:56PM 0 Number of package in Ubuntu
11:37AM 1 Plotting a large time series
12:33AM 0 S4 non-virtual class with no slots? [SOLVED]
Friday April 22 2016
8:38PM 2 S4 non-virtual class with no slots?
7:47PM 1 installation problem on Ubuntu
7:24PM 0 clock24.plot/radial plot
7:04PM 2 clock24.plot/radial plot
6:51PM 4 Number of package in Ubuntu
6:47PM 1 Finding Highest value in groups
6:08PM 1 Unique Ordering
3:52PM 4 Creating variables on the fly
3:47PM 0 non-numeric argument to binary operator problem in stock analysis
3:42PM 0 Finding Highest value in groups
3:08PM 0 Unexpected values obtained when reading in data using ncdf and ncdf4
2:38PM 0 subset by multiple letters condition
2:37PM 0 New Package on CRAN: wbstats
2:28PM 0 subset by multiple letters condition
2:13PM 0 Finding Highest value in groups
1:51PM 2 Finding Highest value in groups
1:42PM 2 subset by multiple letters condition
10:41AM 2 Problem installing/loading packages from Africa
10:30AM 0 clock24.plot
9:15AM 1 npudens(np) Error missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
8:32AM 2 Unexpected values obtained when reading in data using ncdf and ncdf4
7:52AM 0 R - Understanding output of the Knoxtest (Package (surveillance))
6:42AM 0 clock24.plot/radial plot
2:45AM 0 installation problem on Ubuntu
1:34AM 0 R2BayesX help
Thursday April 21 2016
11:49PM 1 Vegemite Function is Cowardly refusing
10:28PM 0 Data reshaping with conditions
8:23PM 2 installation problem on Ubuntu
7:37PM 0 installation problem on Ubuntu
3:49PM 2 Error using RPostgreSQL
2:41PM 1 plot 8 functions on one graph?
8:44AM 2 clock24.plot/radial plot
7:23AM 0 rPref 1.0 - Computing Pareto Optima and Database Preferences
4:58AM 1 Mailing List
4:53AM 0 Data reshaping with conditions
4:23AM 2 Data reshaping with conditions
Wednesday April 20 2016
11:22PM 0 Data reshaping with conditions
10:48PM 0 overlay two facet_grid
10:01PM 2 overlay two facet_grid
7:49PM 0 Splitting Numerical Vector Into Chunks
6:51PM 1 Solving sparse, singular systems of equations
6:01PM 0 Solving sparse, singular systems of equations
4:36PM 1 installation problem on Ubuntu
4:07PM 2 Parsing and counting expressions in .txt-files
3:19PM 1 Reading Multiple Output Variables
3:01PM 0 Solving sparse, singular systems of equations
2:59PM 0 Solving sparse, singular systems of equations
2:45PM 0 Add a vertical arrow to a time series graph using ggplot and xts
2:37PM 1 Use multiple cores on Linux
1:40PM 3 Splitting Numerical Vector Into Chunks
11:38AM 1 Merge sort
11:22AM 6 Solving sparse, singular systems of equations
8:25AM 0 Matrix: How create a _row-oriented_ sparse Matrix (=dgRMatrix)?
6:23AM 2 Merging Data Sets with Full Outer Join
6:06AM 0 simulation in R
5:48AM 2 simulation in R
5:03AM 2 Data reshaping with conditions
4:55AM 0 UpSetR
3:53AM 0 Interquartile Range
1:02AM 0 XLConnect Package
12:29AM 2 Interquartile Range
12:24AM 0 Interquartile Range
12:07AM 2 Interquartile Range
Tuesday April 19 2016
11:25PM 0 Interquartile Range
10:59PM 2 Creating two new variables conditional on retaining values from previous rows
9:51PM 0 Merge sort
9:04PM 2 Matrix: How create a _row-oriented_ sparse Matrix (=dgRMatrix)?
8:10PM 0 installation of dplyr
7:57PM 2 Interquartile Range
7:47PM 3 installation of dplyr
7:39PM 2 Merge sort
7:18PM 0 Interquartile Range
6:41PM 0 Problem with X11
6:28PM 0 Problem with X11
5:31PM 2 Interquartile Range
5:30PM 0 Interquartile Range
5:25PM 2 Interquartile Range
3:57PM 1 Interquartile Range
3:34PM 0 Interquartile Range
3:23PM 3 Problem with X11
3:20PM 0 Interquartile Range
2:56PM 5 Interquartile Range
12:41PM 0 Indicator Species analysis; trouble with multipatt
10:47AM 0 Indicator Species analysis; trouble with multipatt
6:57AM 0 (Small) programming job related to network analysis
2:02AM 0 Interquartile Range
1:25AM 0 problem on simulation code (the loop unable to function effectively)
1:15AM 2 Interquartile Range
12:25AM 0 problem on simulation code (the loop unable to function effectively)
Monday April 18 2016
11:35PM 2 heatmap2 error key
9:09PM 0 as.Date: fixed
8:33PM 3 Indicator Species analysis; trouble with multipatt
8:28PM 0 Add a vertical arrow to a time series graph using ggplot and xts
8:21PM 2 lists and rownames
7:25PM 1 ZINB multi-level model using MCMCglmm
5:57PM 0 Sum of Numeric Values in a DF Column
5:44PM 1 as.Date
5:43PM 2 Sum of Numeric Values in a DF Column
5:07PM 0 Sum of Numeric Values in a DF Column
4:48PM 3 Sum of Numeric Values in a DF Column
4:20PM 1 project test data into principal components of training dataset
1:54PM 0 as.Date
1:09PM 4 as.Date
12:28PM 0 Survival 2.39
10:03AM 0 R [coding : do not run for every row ]
7:48AM 1 'nlme' package not compiling
7:45AM 0 Help using R Sensitivity
7:21AM 0 R [coding : do not run for every row ]
7:05AM 3 R [coding : do not run for every row ]
6:54AM 0 R [coding : do not run for every row ]
Sunday April 17 2016
9:45PM 0 Last
7:09PM 0 use hjust or vjust with dendextend
5:59PM 2 R [coding : do not run for every row ]
4:56PM 1 Solved: Communication in for() loop (Linux version)
1:43PM 2 Last
4:12AM 3 Trying to understand cut
3:07AM 0 Trying to understand cut
2:38AM 2 Trying to understand cut
2:22AM 0 Bug in by() function which works for some FUN argument and does not work for others
Saturday April 16 2016
7:44PM 0 How to delete Locked files in Mac
7:09PM 2 How to delete Locked files in Mac
6:58PM 1 Twitter Hashtag
6:15PM 0 Mean of hexadecimal numbers
4:33PM 1 Mean of hexadecimal numbers
4:03PM 0 Mean of hexadecimal numbers
3:56PM 0 Mean of hexadecimal numbers
3:27PM 2 Mean of hexadecimal numbers
3:20PM 0 Mean of hexadecimal numbers
1:42PM 1 a replace for subset
1:30PM 0 Equivalent in R of the Contains operator in SAS
1:18PM 2 Equivalent in R of the Contains operator in SAS
1:16PM 1 Social Network Simulation
1:01PM 0 a replace for subset
12:47PM 5 Mean of hexadecimal numbers
12:45PM 3 a replace for subset
9:39AM 2 Problem: No p-value for a point-baserial correlation with R
9:03AM 2 Bug in by() function which works for some FUN argument and does not work for others
7:08AM 1 A Neural Network question
2:06AM 1 R [loop statement ]
12:58AM 2 faster way to use filter this
Friday April 15 2016
10:44PM 0 Decision Tree and Random Forrest
10:09PM 1 Decision Tree and Random Forrest
9:47PM 1 help on moving data from local to HDFS using RODBC in R
8:07PM 1 Multicollinearity & Endogeniety : PLSPM
7:33PM 0 Odds Ratio and OR CI
6:25PM 0 Need Help to solve an Error in R
5:08PM 0 R stops responding/communicating in for loop (lengthy description of issue)
3:40PM 0 aggregate combination data
3:34PM 0 Difficulty with LRSM Rasch analysis with eRm package in R.
1:07PM 1 Need Help to solve an Error in R
12:15PM 0 simple interactions
11:58AM 4 simple interactions
11:19AM 0 2016 Modern Modeling Methods Conference
11:00AM 0 a replace for subset
10:02AM 3 Need Help to solve an Error in R
8:54AM 0 Bug in by() function which works for some FUN argument and does not work for others
8:16AM 4 Bug in by() function which works for some FUN argument and does not work for others
5:49AM 1 Heteroscedasticity in a percent-cover dataset
1:52AM 1 nlm() giving initials as estimates of parameters
Thursday April 14 2016
9:36PM 0 Bug in by() function which works for some FUN argument and does not work for others
9:33PM 3 Unequal column lengths
8:14PM 4 Bug in by() function which works for some FUN argument and does not work for others
8:14PM 1 a replace for subset
7:53PM 0 DataControl and DCARContControl functions
6:11PM 0 help with OR confidence interval using probit link
4:39PM 1 R 3.2.5 is released
12:33PM 2 Microsoft R Server
10:39AM 2 New member
7:55AM 0 [FORGED] calculate sampel size?
7:47AM 2 Error messages when start first time R: "You're using a non-UTF8 locale, therefore only ASCII characters will work."
7:28AM 3 calculate sampel size?
1:12AM 3 Decision Tree and Random Forrest
Wednesday April 13 2016
10:45PM 0 Decision Tree and Random Forrest
10:02PM 4 Decision Tree and Random Forrest
9:30PM 0 Decision Tree and Random Forrest
9:11PM 3 Decision Tree and Random Forrest
9:08PM 0 Decision Tree and Random Forrest
8:41PM 0 reduced set of alternatives in package mlogit
8:40PM 2 Decision Tree and Random Forrest
7:25PM 0 on the output of constrOptim()
3:03PM 0 formula argument evaluation
7:49AM 0 R 3.2.4-revised is released
6:59AM 2 formula argument evaluation
6:33AM 1 No color in plotting
5:06AM 0 could not find function in mempry inside foreach loop
4:58AM 0 could not find function in mempry inside foreach loop
4:51AM 0 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
1:30AM 0 error: contextstack overflow
Tuesday April 12 2016
11:42PM 0 error: contextstack overflow
8:34PM 0 ggplot2
5:53PM 0 Documentation: Was -- identical() versus sapply()
5:02PM 2 ggplot2
4:44PM 0 Documentation: Was -- identical() versus sapply()
3:31PM 3 Documentation: Was -- identical() versus sapply()
3:30PM 2 Documentation: Was -- identical() versus sapply()
3:20PM 0 formula argument evaluation
3:09PM 2 formula argument evaluation
3:06PM 0 Documentation: Was -- identical() versus sapply()
2:52PM 0 Documentation: Was -- identical() versus sapply()
1:21PM 4 Documentation: Was -- identical() versus sapply()
12:11PM 2 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
12:06PM 0 [FORGED] Re: [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
11:51AM 0 Dispatch issue in package check?
11:45AM 0 [FORGED] Re: [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
11:35AM 0 [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
11:15AM 0 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
11:08AM 0 formula argument evaluation
10:25AM 0 R integration with SAP-HANA and SQLScripting
10:24AM 3 formula argument evaluation
9:58AM 2 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
5:17AM 1 Random Forest classification
3:34AM 2 [FORGED] Re: [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
2:45AM 0 [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
2:18AM 2 [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
1:30AM 1 Dissimilarity matrix and number clusters determination
1:09AM 0 [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
12:37AM 0 [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
12:25AM 6 [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
Monday April 11 2016
11:49PM 0 [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
10:44PM 0 Intro GAM and GAMM course: Singapore
9:48PM 0 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
7:36PM 5 [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
4:30PM 0 [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
3:03PM 1 [VC++ calling R] How to create a real-time interactive ticking time-series chart using dygraph via RInside?
1:50PM 2 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
1:20PM 1 Correlation between package output
10:12AM 0 R cannot allocate a vector of size 5.4mb
8:48AM 2 Query about use of format in strptime
7:47AM 0 Query about use of format in strptime
7:22AM 3 Query about use of format in strptime
Sunday April 10 2016
11:32PM 0 what is the faster way to search for a pattern in a few million entries data frame ?
10:51PM 0 what is the faster way to search for a pattern in a few million entries data frame ?
10:32PM 0 logistic regression with package 'mice'
10:00PM 0 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
8:45PM 2 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
7:27PM 5 what is the faster way to search for a pattern in a few million entries data frame ?
6:40PM 0 what is the faster way to search for a pattern in a few million entries data frame ?
6:03PM 2 what is the faster way to search for a pattern in a few million entries data frame ?
5:31PM 0 R.squared in summary.lm with weights
5:10PM 0 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
4:38PM 2 R.squared in summary.lm with weights
1:23PM 0 unbalanced number of rows
11:26AM 1 working with unequal rows
11:12AM 2 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
10:57AM 0 unbalanced number of rows
10:11AM 0 R.squared in summary.lm with weights
12:20AM 0 How to print the graphs in landscape/portrait orientation (revised)
Saturday April 9 2016
11:51PM 1 Run script R
9:58PM 3 How to print the graphs in landscape/portrait orientation
9:44PM 0 fast way to search for a pattern in a few million entries data frame
8:29PM 0 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
8:27PM 2 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
7:14PM 1 Quantmod abline and axis configuration
7:04PM 1 assign
6:18PM 0 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
5:46PM 2 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
5:34PM 0 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
4:11PM 1 Solution to communicating with UDP and other interfaces (under Linux) using R
4:07PM 2 R.squared in summary.lm with weights
3:13PM 2 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
12:42PM 1 [FORGED] Generating random data with non-linear correlation between two variables
12:37PM 0 Arguments to utils:::menuInstallPkgs
12:14PM 2 Arguments to utils:::menuInstallPkgs
11:09AM 0 [FORGED] Generating random data with non-linear correlation between two variables
10:48AM 3 [FORGED] Generating random data with non-linear correlation between two variables
10:27AM 3 [FORGED] Re: identical() versus sapply()
10:20AM 0 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
10:08AM 0 [FORGED] Generating random data with non-linear correlation between two variables
4:24AM 0 identical() versus sapply()
3:46AM 1 [FORGED] Generating random data with non-linear correlation between two variables
2:53AM 0 assign
2:21AM 3 assign
Friday April 8 2016
10:24PM 2 identical() versus sapply()
9:18PM 2 sorting of files using system
6:57PM 4 Generating random data with non-linear correlation between two variables
6:45PM 0 R.squared in summary.lm with weights
6:44PM 1 Rcmdr will not load
5:17PM 0 Is this a bug in quantmod::OpCl?
4:12PM 0 Is this a bug in quantmod::OpCl?
3:46PM 0 p-value or the t-test value
1:54PM 1 write a function inside the summation in a more condensed form
1:54PM 3 Generating Hotelling's T squared statistic with hclust
12:24PM 2 Adding Two-Headed Arrow in map legend
12:23PM 0 Subject: tcl-tk error on Suse Linux R install
11:28AM 2 R.squared in summary.lm with weights
10:57AM 0 R.squared in summary.lm with weights
7:40AM 0 simple question on data frames assignment
5:13AM 0 [R ] help in if else in connect the simulation in normal and gamma distribution.
2:44AM 1 why data frame's logical index isnt working
2:29AM 0 why data frame's logical index isnt working
1:50AM 0 simple question on data frames assignment
1:49AM 0 simple question on data frames assignment
1:46AM 3 why data frame's logical index isnt working
Thursday April 7 2016
10:39PM 2 Using a function with apply Error: undefined columns selected
9:51PM 0 R.squared in summary.lm with weights
9:21PM 4 R.squared in summary.lm with weights
8:25PM 0 using apply to a data frame
4:09PM 2 Storing output of loop into list()
3:31PM 1 Question about R Ver.2.7.2 compatible with JAVA 8
3:04PM 0 simple question on data frames assignment
2:57PM 0 dynamic reports with sweave: error when compiling the tex-file
2:31PM 2 simple question on data frames assignment
1:43PM 2 simple question on data frames assignment
1:41PM 2 simple question on data frames assignment
1:17PM 0 simple question on data frames assignment
11:57AM 4 simple question on data frames assignment
11:52AM 0 simple question on data frames assignment
11:41AM 4 simple question on data frames assignment
11:32AM 1 dynamic reports with sweave: error when compiling the tex-file
9:26AM 1 Analyze a file
4:09AM 1 identifying outliers
Wednesday April 6 2016
7:02PM 0 Revolutions blog: March 2016 Roundup
6:50PM 0 Descriptive Statistics of time series data
6:31PM 1 Optimization max likelihood problem
4:37PM 0 HTML help -- as a single document for the entire package
4:12PM 0 Plotting data on a map
4:06PM 0 HTML help -- as a single document for the entire package
3:57PM 2 HTML help -- as a single document for the entire package
3:54PM 0 R-dvel [robustness Simulation study of 2 sample test on several combination of factors ]
3:54PM 0 R simulation help pls
2:27PM 1 Extracting windows from time series
2:13PM 0 Memory problem
1:57PM 0 Memory problem
12:44PM 1 Memory problem
12:18PM 0 Memory problem
11:50AM 1 Descriptive Statistics of time series data
11:39AM 4 Memory problem
10:34AM 0 Problem with <= (less than or equal): not giving the expected result
9:37AM 0 HTML help -- as a single document for the entire package
9:20AM 1 Plotting data on a map
9:07AM 0 Good pointers for understanding the R language implementation
8:17AM 3 HTML help -- as a single document for the entire package
8:05AM 0 Issue while building xtable on R on Ubuntu 15.04
4:00AM 0 R-dvel [robustness Simulation study of 2 sample test on several combination of factors ]
2:17AM 2 Is this a bug in quantmod::OpCl?
12:05AM 0 Fwd: as.Date gives NAs when transforming from factor
Tuesday April 5 2016
11:58PM 1 Heatmap Colnames
11:53PM 3 Fwd: as.Date gives NAs when transforming from factor
5:29PM 0 Is that an efficient way to find the overlapped , upstream and downstream rangess for a bunch of rangess
5:27PM 2 Is that an efficient way to find the overlapped , upstream and downstream ranges for a bunch of ranges
5:23PM 2 Specifying path to a windows server
3:31PM 1 Good pointers for understanding the R language implementation
3:26PM 1 Good pointers for understanding the R language implementation
2:32PM 1 Problem with <= (less than or equal): not giving the expected result
2:07PM 0 Problem with <= (less than or equal): not giving the expected result
1:00PM 0 RWeka Error
12:46PM 3 Problem with <= (less than or equal): not giving the expected result
12:31PM 0 Problem with <= (less than or equal): not giving the expected result
12:14PM 8 RWeka Error
11:34AM 5 Problem with <= (less than or equal): not giving the expected result
11:00AM 0 R-dvel [robustness Simulation study of 2 sample test on several combination of factors ]
10:45AM 0 use one way ANOVA to select genes
8:24AM 0 R cases on predictive maintenance
1:15AM 5 R-dvel [robustness Simulation study of 2 sample test on several combination of factors ]
Monday April 4 2016
7:28PM 1 Test for Homoscedesticity in R Without BP Test
7:19PM 0 Find the dataset(s) that contain(s) non-ASCII characters
7:10PM 0 Test for Homoscedesticity in R Without BP Test
5:57PM 0 multiple bar plot annotation text labelling
5:10PM 0 Fligner-Killeen test on binary data
4:35PM 0 Using final sample weight in survey package
4:22PM 2 Evaluating an expression
4:00PM 0 question about probplot in e1071 package
3:51PM 0 question about probplot in e1071 package
3:19PM 2 question about probplot in e1071 package
2:18PM 1 minimal attributes to get se.fit
1:17PM 0 Using R for cURL commands,Message-ID:
11:00AM 2 multiple bar plot annotation text labelling
10:29AM 0 Rcmdr loading issue
10:16AM 0 Does this code execute the bagging correctly ?!
9:48AM 4 Fligner-Killeen test on binary data
8:40AM 4 Test for Homoscedesticity in R Without BP Test
4:57AM 0 R cases on predictive maintenance
4:45AM 0 Question about function DrawDensity3D {VecStatGraphs3D}
4:01AM 2 Using final sample weight in survey package
Sunday April 3 2016
10:22PM 0 p values from GLM
8:44PM 1 apply mean function to a subset of data
2:44PM 2 use one way ANOVA to select genes
6:24AM 2 before-after control-impact analysis with R
2:40AM 2 File 1 is not in sorted order Error
1:11AM 0 row.names(), rownames(), colnames(), names() ...?
12:54AM 2 row.names(), rownames(), colnames(), names() ...?
Saturday April 2 2016
11:13PM 0 apply mean function to a subset of data
11:00PM 0 p values from GLM
9:40PM 1 R model developing & validating - Open to Discussion
6:47PM 0 BCa Bootstrap confidence intervals
6:46PM 3 apply mean function to a subset of data
4:51PM 0 p values from GLM
4:07PM 2 p values from GLM
3:58PM 1 Extending the beta period for R 3.3.0 till April 25, Final release on May 3
12:01AM 0 p values from GLM
Friday April 1 2016
10:46PM 6 p values from GLM
10:26PM 0 p values from GLM
10:14PM 2 p values from GLM
4:32PM 3 TensorFlow in R
4:08PM 1 How to convert XML file to R Data Frame?
3:44PM 1 (no subject)
2:54PM 1 reduced set of alternatives in package mlogit
2:05PM 1 Using R for cURL commands
1:40PM 0 reduced set of alternatives in package mlogit
8:01AM 1 How to speed up my program
3:43AM 1 [DKIM] Batch Installer for R [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
12:11AM 0 Compute the Gini coefficient