Rosa Oliveira
2016-Apr-14 18:11 UTC
[R] help with OR confidence interval using probit link
Howdy everyone I?m trying to get Odds ratio and OR confidence intervals using a probit model, but I'm not getting. Do you think you can help me? I?m new with R L naive = summary(glm([,7]$age,family=binomial(link=probit))) naive_answer = c(naive$coefficients[,1:3]) #naive estimates for #alpha (first 4 collumns: intercept; beta_intercept, beta_slope and age) and #and SE(last 4 collumns: intercept; beta_intercept, beta_slope and age) OR.naive = exp(1.6*coef(naive)) (till here works, the problem is with the confidence interval) I tried to get the Standard error from the variance, but I?m not sure if this can be done as I?ve done. Var_coef <- 1.6^2*var(coef(naive)) SE_coef <- Var_coef/sqrt(nsample) ########## I thi k this is correct OR.naive.inf <- exp(OR.naive - (1.96 * SE_coef)) OR.naive.sup <- exp(OR.naive + (1.96 * SE_coef)) if I used logit link I would get the CI with confint(na?ve) command, but with probit I don't think so. Is there a way? What should I do? Atenciosamente, Rosa Oliveira -- ____________________________________________________________________________ Rosa Celeste dos Santos Oliveira, E-mail: rosita21 at <mailto:rosita21 at> Tlm: +351 939355143 Linkedin: <> ____________________________________________________________________________ "Many admire, few know" Hippocrates