A new version of kernlab has just been released. kernlab is a kernel-based Machine Learning package for R. kernlab includes the following functions: o ksvm() : Support Vector Machines for classification, regression, novelty detection, native multi-class classification, support for class-probability output and confidence intervals in regression. o gausspr() : Gaussian Processes for classification and regression o lssvm() : Least Squares Support Vector Machines for classification o rvm() : Relevance Vector Machines for regression o specc() : Spectral Clustering o kkmeans() : Kernel k-means clustering o ranking() : Kernel-based ranking method o onlearn() : Kernel-based Online Learning algorithms for classification, novelty detection and regression o kpca() : Kernel Pricipal Components Analysis o kcca() : Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis o kfa() : Kernel Feature Analysis o sigest() : Hyperparameter estimation for the Gaussian and the Laplacian kernels o inchol() : Incomplete Cholesky decomposition method o csi() : Cholesky decomposition with side information o ipop() : Interior point-based Quadratic Optimizer Kernlab also includes a range of functions enabling the easy implementation of new kernel methods including functions for computing commonly used kernel expressions (e.g. kernel matrix, kernel expansion, etc.) and implementations of nine kernels (e.g. Linear, Gaussian, Polynomial, Sigmoid, Laplace, String kernels, etc.) which can be used with any of the functions included in the package. Ready computed kernel matrices and user defined kernel functions can also be used. kernlab is based on the S4 object model. A vignette describing a large portion of the functions and features is included. cheers Alexandros _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at stat.math.ethz.ch stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-packages