vector with a sequence starting from 1 to sum of all the values of the raster data and length(the same length as the sum). In another data frame (G) I have got a vector with the environment variables (G$xseq and G$yseq). How can I combine the x and y coordinates with tha raster data to form a data.frame? length(G$xseq)=3099 length(G$yseq)=5032 rastername=rst length(rst)=(3099*5032) Next question: I would like to broaden every unit in rst in the following way: rst2<-c(rep(rst[1:1], times=rst[1:1]), rep(rst[2:2], times=rst[2:2] ... up to the end. Length like mentioned will be sum(rst). How can I do that? I appologise for the clumsy language. I hope you will understand this mail.