Robin Hankin wrote:> Hi
> When using Sweave, most of my functions get called with complex
> arguments.
> They get typeset in with additions that I don't want; "1+1i"
> as "1 + (0 + 1i)"
> and I would rather have plain old "1+1i".
> Example follows:
> \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
> \title{A Test File}
> \author{Robin Hankin}
> \usepackage{a4wide}
> \begin{document}
> \maketitle
> A simple example:
> <<print=TRUE>>> f <- function(x){
> x+c(1,1+1i)}
> f(6+7i)
> @
> Question: why does \verb=c(1,1+1i)= get printed as
> \verb=c(1,1 + (0+1i))= ?
> And how can I stop it?
> \end{document}
> can anyone help me here?
The R parser only understands pure imaginary constants as complex
numbers. It parses 1+1i as the sum of the real constant 1 and the
complex constant 0+1i.
This isn't easy to work around. Sweave could special case these, or the
parser or deparser could, but it looks messy to me. I'd guess the best
solution would be if it happened in the parser (i.e. a real constant
plus an imaginary constant was folded into a complex constant), but
right now our parser doesn't do any sorts of optimizations like this.
It's not easy to add the first one, not least because the parser doesn't
know for sure that 1+1i really is a complex number: you might have
redefined the meaning of "+".
Maybe someone else has an answer to your 2nd question.
Duncan Murdoch