try to quote the special LaTeX symbols, eg
## add more here if needed
sani <- function(x) gsub("_", "\\\\_", x)
so your example:
<<echo=false, results=hide>>#mytitlevar <- "Stuff" #
case 1, everything is find
mytitlevar <- "Stuff_first" # case 2, f is turned into sub-text
sani <- function(x) gsub("_", "\\\\_", x)
\title{MyTitle: \\ \Sexpr{sani(mytitlevar)} }
Regards, Sven
2010/11/16 Ralf B <ralf.bierig at>:> I am using \Sexpr to include a variable in a title of a Sweave document:
> \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
> <<echo=false, results=hide>>> #mytitlevar <-
"Stuff" # case 1, everything is find
> mytitlevar <- "Stuff_first" # case 2, f is turned into
> @
> \title{MyTitle: \\ \Sexpr{mytitlevar} }
> \begin{document}
> \maketitle
> \end{document}
> When doing this, the variable seems to be subject to interpretation by
> LaTeX. The variable in case #2 causes the 'f' of
'Stuff_first' to be
> printed as sub-text because of the leading underscore. Is there a way
> to turn the variable value (the text) into a form so that it is not
> interpreted and/or Sweave? I understand that this perhaps more of a
> LaTeX question than an R question...
> Thanks,
> Ralf
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