Hello and thanks a lot for your quick reply.
Robert Gentleman wrote:>
> On Sat, Mar 09, 2002 at 10:38:57PM +0000, Arne Mueller wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've just started R, and I'm getting a bit mad using it.
I've managed to
> Well, you could stop -- we provide full refunds and things like Excel
> are supposedly easy to use :-).
I've tried Excel, Cricket Graph for Mac, SigmaPlot and Gnuplot. Either
of these programs does what I realy want, and most of them fail to write
proper encapsulated postscript (excpet for gnuplot off course). I'm
writing up my thesis and take the opportunity to learn a little bit
about R - I'm sure it'll be very useful for me once I've learned the
basic stuff.
> > produce a barplot with the labels for the ytick marks placed
> > horizontally (perpendicular to the y-axis) usiing par(las=1). The
> > problem is that most of my labels are in part beyond the plotting area
> > because they are rather long (e.g. "H. sapiens", "D.
melanogaster" ...).
> >
> > What is the easiest way to solve this problem, can I (somehow)
> > re-scale
> The easiest solution is to use shorter labels :-). The second easiest
> might be to use the mar option, ?par will give you the man page
> for all the par options. This will probably look funny. You can also
> the font etc either via cex or directly.
Ahh, the mar option seems to be exaclty what I'm looking for, just tired
it (successfully ;-). Very good!
But now I've another problem - thelegend of the plot. By default it's
placed in the upper right corner, and I've managed to place it where I
want (e.g. just below the plot using 'horiz'). Unfortunately I cannot
get the sourrounding box for the legend and the small coloured boxes for
the legend, alothough I'm using the 'filled' option.
> If you include an example that the rest of us can run that
> reproduces your problem it makes it a little easier to figure out
> just what you want.
Ok, I'm not usre what's the best way to send thge code + data but
basically what I've done:
mx is my data matrix from which I'd like to produce a stacked bar chart.
> mx
H. sapiens C. elegans D. melanogaster S. cerevisiae E. coli
structure "39" "30" "31"
"31" "47"
function "38" "28" "29"
"33" "38"
any homology "15" "19" "12"
"13" " 8"
non globular " 2" " 6" " 8"
" 5" " 2"
orphan " 6" "17" "20"
"18" " 5"
M. tuberculosis B. subtilis V. cholerae A. pernix P.
structure "43" "46" "45"
function "26" "33" "36"
any homology "15" "10" " 8"
" 7"
non globular " 7" " 3" " 3"
"12" "
orphan " 9" " 8" " 8"
"33" "
M. jannaschii A. aeolicus H. pylori M. genitalium
structure "44" "49" "44"
function "27" "33" "36"
any homology "13" " 5" "16"
" 6"
non globular " 4" " 4" " 1"
" 1"
orphan "12" " 9" " 3"
" 2"
these are the colors of each of the 'stacked' bars per
row> colors
[1] "red" "blue" "green" "yellow"
> par(mar=c(7,7,0,1), las = 1, xpd=TRUE)
> legend(-10, -3, legend.text, fill=colors, y.intersp=2, horiz=TRUE)
> barplot(mx, beside=FALSE, horiz=TRUE, axes=TRUE, axisnames=TRUE,
xlab="fraction of proteome [% of residues]", col=colors)
The legend labels appear correctly but the symbols don't (no symbols at
all). I thought if the filled argument is set small squares are
displayed ... . The problem is that one does not know which bar colours
belongs to which category.
I'm using R 1.1.1 under Suse linux 7.1.
Maybe you've got an idea what goes wrong here. Thanks again for a lot
for your kind help.
Arne Mueller
Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory
Imperial Cancer Research Fund
44 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London WC2A 3PX, U.K.
phone : +44-(0)207 2693405 | fax :+44-(0)207-269-3534
email : a.mueller at icrf.icnet.uk | http://www.bmm.icnet.uk
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