R help - Feb 2001

Wednesday February 28 2001
11:51PM 2 append output to an existing file
11:45PM 2 (off topic) Re: Notepad
10:17PM 1 print to file question
10:10PM 1 print()
9:46PM 1 redhat 7.0 trouble
8:51PM 2 Automating the job?
8:38PM 1 (off topic) Re: Notepad
3:18PM 2 re: Spatial stats: R vs. Splus
2:50PM 1 re: Spatial stats: R vs. Splus
1:30PM 0 axis fit to curve
3:55AM 1 Spider diagrams
3:12AM 1 windows() options
Tuesday February 27 2001
10:01PM 0 Using R for Data ... (was "Data Analysis and ...")
3:37PM 1 Generate temporary objects or not?
3:07PM 1 RCMD Beginner
1:12PM 0 Plotting
12:23PM 0 Cross-tabulation (was Newbie question: what are the advantages?)
11:29AM 6 How to read a text table? A bit of trouble with Using R - An Introduction
9:57AM 5 Newbie question: what are the advantages?
9:37AM 1 comments on documentation
9:27AM 2 Remove columns by name data[-c("subj","drug")]
8:51AM 1 R question
7:36AM 4 Post hoc tests
4:57AM 1 using fmod in C code to be loaded into R
3:41AM 0 minor error in "Writing R Extensions"?
Monday February 26 2001
11:14PM 1 trimmed correlations
8:36PM 1 trying to find the function banking()
7:49PM 1 t-test with indifference zone
7:22PM 1 output without labels and delimited by Tab
4:12PM 1 Difference between S-Plus & R 1.2.1
11:38AM 1 "untable" function
10:01AM 0 Holt-Winters code / time series
8:54AM 2 building packages in Windows under R 1.2.1
8:23AM 1 glm: family=exponential() or family=Gamma(alpha=1)?
1:18AM 2 R ignoring quantile() in source()d file
Sunday February 25 2001
11:55PM 2 newbie question
3:16AM 0 Options to plot.mca ?
Saturday February 24 2001
8:59PM 5 testing for integer
8:55AM 1 PMML- Predictive model markup language
3:34AM 0 Canonical Correspondence Analysis in R
1:40AM 1 mouse operation
Friday February 23 2001
8:20PM 1 as.formula and lme ( Fixed effects: Error in as.vector(x, "list") : cannot coerce to vector)
4:30PM 0 cross building
4:09PM 1 Postscript File Size
4:05PM 1 statistical help
3:53PM 0 Prevent killing an ESS *R* buffer unintentionally
10:56AM 3 Stuck in the Rd
7:38AM 0 Cox hazard
6:35AM 1 using the .C interface to call compiled C code
6:16AM 1 a couple of minor points about SHLIB
3:37AM 4 hclust question
Thursday February 22 2001
10:25PM 3 [newbie] Cox Baseline Hazard
7:09PM 0 Daggy function page
6:02PM 0 Installing chron
3:40PM 1 bic.logit
12:44PM 1 R-1.2.0: bug report on fn table
11:11AM 4 Setting elements in data frame
10:24AM 2 Problem with tcltk listbox
8:37AM 1 Graphical parameters in perspective plot
8:21AM 1 cex= and plot(), title(), mtext()
Wednesday February 21 2001
11:46PM 0 merging 2 lists by common variable
10:48PM 1 glm predict problem with type = "response"
7:14PM 0 title problem with postscript()
3:29PM 1 Specification of factors in tapply
1:53PM 0 Validation set in nnet
9:19AM 1 Gradient field from loess
8:18AM 1 How to DataFrame[..==..] <- NA ?
3:01AM 0 finding a contributed function
12:09AM 0 Editor-based Programming interfaces for R?
Tuesday February 20 2001
8:43PM 1 "firstthat"?
5:55PM 0 R for SPC
4:24PM 1 c++
3:15PM 0 interrupted (and multiple) plots
3:13PM 0 dyn.load() and dyn.unload() under Windows
2:05PM 1 interrupted plots
1:40PM 1 can't get summary() in loop
9:04AM 4 wait for user input
8:40AM 2 tcltk: testing for widgets?
Monday February 19 2001
11:15PM 1 means by column after split
2:22PM 2 problems sourcing in vs interactive
1:56PM 1 Package installing
8:22AM 4 self documenting workspaces, and the proper role of the dot
8:22AM 2 "locking" functions
12:46AM 1 ghostscript errors
Sunday February 18 2001
9:26PM 3 Rcmd
10:11AM 2 No subject
2:27AM 1 confused about names()
Saturday February 17 2001
6:13PM 1 Krebs for R (was canonical correspondence analysis)
3:28PM 0 Krebs for R (was Re: canonical correspondence analysis)
Friday February 16 2001
11:31PM 0 wireframes
9:53PM 12 canonical correspondence analysis
5:32PM 1 command line R; readline history
5:09PM 2 bug in step()?
1:40PM 2 vector heap is too small
4:49AM 1 Sub_scribe and a question
2:33AM 0 polygon border colors
Thursday February 15 2001
6:09PM 1 ML for gamma distribution
4:04PM 2 Reading single precision floats from binary file
2:48PM 1 cointegrating regression
2:03PM 1 Updated introductory text
1:42PM 0 Problem with setenv R_LIBS
1:23PM 1 Re: Question "kill-buffer"
1:19PM 2 deviance vs entropy
12:16PM 0 Quoting Issues in RODBC SQL Queries
8:47AM 4 package dependence
1:57AM 4 R with multiple processors
Wednesday February 14 2001
6:48PM 1 Statistic web
5:19PM 1 .Renviron files win windows
4:08PM 0 Good books for learning R?
3:54PM 2 help with tcltk
1:30PM 0 No subject
10:09AM 2 assignment function
5:48AM 1 agreg() function
3:33AM 1 silly question about spec
Tuesday February 13 2001
11:59PM 1 bandpass filters in R
11:27PM 2 run R under DOS prompt
10:18PM 0 bootstrapping
9:46PM 0 handle date variables
9:22PM 1 Which.min bug?
8:53PM 1 pass a string to a function
5:47PM 1 Pareto Chart in R
3:51AM 3 xfig boxplot (polygon) bug??
12:21AM 1 How to get xlim & ylim afterwards...
Monday February 12 2001
8:30PM 2 supsmu vs. ppr
7:31PM 0 Minumum descent path between to peaks
7:14PM 1 What version to choose...
7:08PM 2 Installation
3:50PM 2 CensorReg
2:31PM 2 RODBC and connection parameters
12:50PM 1 3d plots?
11:21AM 1 logistic regression with percentages
10:30AM 1 Packaging
8:25AM 0 no constant lm adjusted for overall mean
3:55AM 2 Where can I download the MASS package
Sunday February 11 2001
10:33PM 3 Library MASS -- polr function
10:15PM 2 splitting up optional args
5:47PM 6 embedding R?
Saturday February 10 2001
7:32PM 1 How to compute the power of a two-sample t-test (one-sided)?
7:11AM 1 match.call() and do.call()
4:05AM 3 Scatterplot - symbols coded by factor
Friday February 9 2001
9:54PM 1 demo(tkttest) exits with error messages
9:27PM 1 link R to VB
4:06PM 1 starting values for uniquenesses in factanal()
12:15PM 0 Re: [Rd] dnbinom(,size<1,)=0 (PR#842)
9:37AM 0 installing R from RPMs
9:04AM 3 install R from RPM
Thursday February 8 2001
10:23PM 1 Install from source
8:53PM 2 nstall.packages
7:01PM 2 What is R?
1:52PM 2 Test for multiple contrasts?
4:23AM 4 eps file not positioned properly in latex document
Wednesday February 7 2001
9:08PM 1 Summary: Removing "row.names"
7:03PM 1 removing trailing spaces
4:06PM 5 zero inflated poisson and censored-continuous models
1:15PM 2 Literature needed
9:14AM 3 Goodness of fit to Poisson / NegBinomial
8:52AM 0 My fault: nlme: fixed=lKe+lKa+lV~1 fails, fixed=lV+lKe+lKa~1, works
8:38AM 0 nlme: fixed=lKe+lKa+lV~1 fails, fixed=lV+lKe+lKa~1, works
6:52AM 1 Re: failed rpm installation of R 1.2-1 (fwd)
5:04AM 0 failed rpm installation of R 1.2-1
1:36AM 1 R on MacOS X
Tuesday February 6 2001
7:36PM 2 barplots with pictex
8:45AM 0 Spatial Analysis and Modelling job in Brisbane, Australia
5:18AM 0 follow-up
5:08AM 0 Fwd: Re: RWin 1.2.1: Can't access sample datasets, e.g. MASS
5:03AM 0 install packages to R ported to Windows
3:42AM 1 corrupt data.frame
12:07AM 3 RWin 1.2.1: Can't access sample datasets, e.g. MASS
Monday February 5 2001
8:33PM 4 Removing "row.names"
6:11PM 2 variable pattern
4:40PM 1 Bar widths in barplots don't change
3:57PM 1 packages, help
3:52PM 1 SVD of complex matrices
2:52PM 0 Build R as a shared library
2:03PM 0 Read.table
1:07PM 1 read.table("clipboard")
11:26AM 1 get vector data from contour
Sunday February 4 2001
8:20PM 1 quinModel S != R
Saturday February 3 2001
9:18PM 0 CLT
8:39PM 1 Random Nos
7:48PM 1 callback environment for Tk buttons
Friday February 2 2001
8:11PM 1 test for end of file?
3:10PM 2 History
2:35PM 0 out of memory?
2:34PM 0 No subject
12:19PM 3 R problem
7:22AM 1 Finding a gsub like function in S+ 2000
Thursday February 1 2001
7:56PM 1 Generalized Error Distribution (Exponential Power) CDF?
4:31PM 3 Error in download pkg
4:02PM 3 Rotated mtext
9:48AM 1 postscript and lty
4:22AM 1 constructing a vector from a dataframe and another vector
4:12AM 1 R works in KDE but not in Gnome
3:14AM 3 summary() vs mean()