Bill Simpson <wsi at> writes:
> If I source in the function (see below) calib(), I get:
> > source("papers/helle/threshold.r")
> > calib()
> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "energy" not found
> But if I cut and paste the code for calib() one line at a time into the R
> window it works fine.
> calib<-function()
> {
> contrast<-c(.01,.02,.0325,.055,.0775,.1,.125,.15,.175,.2)
> energy<-c(3.53189e-5,.000141275,.000373056,.0010684,.00212134,.00353189,
> .00551857,.00794675,.0108164,.0141275)
> plot(contrast,energy)
> fit<-nls(energy~a*contrast^2,start=list(a=.01))
> contrastfit<-seq(min(contrast),max(contrast),length=40)
> energyfit<-coef(fit)[[1]]*contrastfit^2
> lines(spline(contrastfit,energyfit))
> list(summary(fit))
> #for these data, energy=.3532 * contrast^2 s deg^s
> }
> What is wrong and how to fix? The problem seems to originate in nls()
> since the plot is produced OK: plot() can find the object
"energy". I
> think I have the nls() syntax right.
That's a problem with functions vs. command line entry, source() never
gets into it. It's the usual problem where a routine gets confused
about where it should get its variables from. Easiest way is to add an
explicit data= argument to the nls call:
[Surely you realize that that model is not really nonlinear at all?]
The default value for data= in nls() is list(), which gets in trouble
varIndex <- sapply(varNames, function(varName, data, respLength) {
length(eval(, data))%%respLength == 0
}, data, length(eval(formula[[2]], data)))
since the eval(..., data) constructs will look in the list, then in
the *current* environment.
Defaulting to data=environment(formula) looks like it might work
better. Or maybe one should have eval(..., data, parent.frame()).
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at FAX: (+45) 35327907
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