R help - May 2000

Wednesday May 31 2000
9:39PM 2 Installing add on packages
6:29PM 2 subset of matrix vs data frame
11:37AM 0 commenting lines (was Drawing Trig Function)
6:28AM 0 Dynamic ordered probit models
Tuesday May 30 2000
11:54PM 3 FFT (fast fourier transform) function
8:40PM 7 Drawing Trig Function
11:43AM 6 heap size trouble
Monday May 29 2000
5:31PM 1 Getting a vector of list component components...
5:05PM 2 scoping problems?
5:02PM 8 a question about sgeostat
4:04PM 0 including ESS and R packages in the SuSE Linux distribution
3:13PM 0 Latex & R
12:40PM 2 LaTeX \varrho
8:14AM 1 survey methods
6:52AM 1 computing ranks in subgroups
Sunday May 28 2000
4:19PM 10 NA in C/C++
Friday May 26 2000
2:43PM 5 Invalid Page fault - R ver 1.0.0 on Windows98 SE
9:31AM 5 3D plotting
Thursday May 25 2000
8:28PM 1 RPgSQL at SourceForge
2:38PM 4 Needed: Understading runif() output :-)
9:39AM 9 problem on upgrading to RH6.2 (was problem with ts pack
9:15AM 3 axis function
12:11AM 1 Plotting Time Series
Wednesday May 24 2000
7:17PM 4 problem with ts package
3:59PM 0 Followup: Re: Interaction Plots in R
3:44PM 1 Problem w/cygwin1.1 (maybe)
3:33PM 0 thanks for sample() suggestion
12:53PM 3 no warning with NULL component in data.frame
10:52AM 3 order() results
7:55AM 2 RODBC
Tuesday May 23 2000
6:37PM 2 glmm library
2:21PM 3 std.error of coefficients in lm
Monday May 22 2000
10:46PM 0 Installing MASS Package
6:57PM 1 Selecting a random sample
6:13PM 3 .rpm files
6:11PM 3 What is an rpm
4:56PM 5 backslash
11:34AM 2 [?] ARIMA in R
1:50AM 6 handling dates
Sunday May 21 2000
2:05PM 4 Problem with MCLUST
Saturday May 20 2000
5:08PM 17 error with princomp
Friday May 19 2000
11:24PM 2 rmeta Package
9:18PM 1 New R core member
7:54PM 1 Check if directory exists
6:27PM 1 using Rprintf with NT
3:30PM 3 Japanese in R
3:28PM 2 New Versions
10:08AM 0 No subject
9:23AM 2 spatial functions
2:54AM 0 environment and scoping
12:00AM 3 environments and lexical scoping (conceptual issues)
Thursday May 18 2000
10:46PM 0 Control of box and staple width in boxplot()
9:50PM 0 Hosmer-Lemeshow test
3:21PM 2 RdConv.bat under NT 4.0
2:14PM 0 Partitioning matrices and drop
8:51AM 1 tutorial "R pour les débutants" is available on CRAN
6:57AM 2 attach (S-style)?
6:46AM 1 Fortran Code in R
2:44AM 0 Robust Regression
Wednesday May 17 2000
11:01PM 0 Kind words about R in political science lists
8:52PM 1 Introductory Statistics
6:37PM 1 alternative to stop()?
4:00PM 1 data.frame <- table
2:59PM 1 ? Plot
2:41PM 0 R from CGI script.
1:40PM 1 R under windows 3.1x
1:04PM 3 parameter estimation
10:59AM 0 Euclidean distance definition
10:53AM 2 Trying to get xlim to do what I want
8:32AM 1 crosstabs
3:01AM 0 [Re: GPS data import into R]
Tuesday May 16 2000
10:18PM 1 iterative scaling
9:26PM 4 How do I add fitted curves to coplots?
7:03PM 1 GPS data import into R
10:40AM 4 C code: how to handle *double as a matrix t[] []
Monday May 15 2000
5:09PM 1 L1 Norm
1:25PM 2 2D fellows
12:19PM 1 Robust location and scatter
10:33AM 0 R on SuSE 6.3
9:33AM 1 Non linear regression using Levenberg-Marquardt method
Sunday May 14 2000
4:05PM 7 Setting up ESS 5.0
2:32PM 4 truncated regressor
Saturday May 13 2000
1:37PM 1 Help accessing functions
Friday May 12 2000
6:40PM 1 The incomplete gamma function
6:00PM 1 Geometric Distribution at prob=c(0,1)
3:37PM 1 outliers in boxplot
9:39AM 1 lev in smooth.spline
8:45AM 2 output in optim
Thursday May 11 2000
2:46PM 0 Asking for precisions (was : (No subject))
12:36PM 1 problems with lme
9:12AM 1 noise poser spectral density
7:55AM 0 Outlier detection in non normal multivariate distribution
7:21AM 4 Plotting in R
3:55AM 1 ''dtrsl''?
Wednesday May 10 2000
11:56PM 8 Paper Size
9:24PM 0 Polynomial Distributed Lags?
6:41PM 1 To restore old par() in high-res graphics
5:41PM 0 No subject
1:41PM 0 profiles [was Re: Dispersion in ...]
11:27AM 4 Q: Problems with eigen() vs. svd()
10:24AM 0 xyz.coords
9:41AM 1 dll under VC++ (c++ code)
6:58AM 0 object.size()
6:04AM 1 MGARCH program
Tuesday May 9 2000
10:57PM 0 Plotting legend outside of plot region
7:00PM 1 help!! Java and R
3:12PM 9 Dispersion in summary.glm() with binomial & poisson link (fwd)
10:48AM 1 Work with sgeostat library!
10:47AM 0 Re: GUIs
9:09AM 9 Interaction Plots in R
5:31AM 0 A Regression Monograph Using R
4:46AM 0 A Regression that will use R for the Computations
12:12AM 4 Dispersion in summary.glm() with binomial & poisson link
Monday May 8 2000
11:25PM 9 using MANOVA in R
7:28PM 0 Sv: Using C/C++
7:15PM 2 pch=15 symbol of size=10 mm
2:19PM 0 anova question for repeated measurements
2:14PM 0 "Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS" has been published
10:27AM 1 Using C/C++
12:22AM 1 coercing NA to complex?
Sunday May 7 2000
6:06PM 1 lme for long.data
4:39PM 1 extracting a sub data frame by value of one of its columns
4:03AM 1 problems with outer (remainder of reply...)
2:46AM 0 Testing for warning inside functions
2:37AM 1 MetaPost device
Saturday May 6 2000
11:37PM 6 problems with outer
8:21PM 1 Problem with match.arg()
7:08PM 1 R Documentation(s) -- Summary
5:56PM 2 Compiling R without X?
Friday May 5 2000
9:01AM 3 Are multiple range tests (Duncan, Bonferroni, Tukey, ...) available in R?
4:08AM 0 RE:
Thursday May 4 2000
6:51PM 1 dput
4:29PM 0 About Omega in pda()
3:22PM 1 No subject
2:49PM 1 Nonlinear Inference Regions
12:01PM 2 dyn.load does not work
4:14AM 2 alas, no vecnorm
3:42AM 1 accessing Datasets
2:24AM 1 logistic regression example from Devore5
Wednesday May 3 2000
11:56PM 1 library() crashes R
10:48AM 3 :?alternative to loop
10:48AM 1 log-log plots
8:26AM 2 GLM available book recommendation
6:13AM 0 Combinatorics for nonparametric tests
Tuesday May 2 2000
11:11PM 0 evaluating a function on an array of values
6:57PM 0 tick marks problem solved (old version of R was problem)
5:52PM 2 sesonal time series forecasting
5:01PM 1 tick marks on mfrow=c(3,3) plot (with simple example)
4:29PM 1 Graph superimposition
4:06PM 16 R Documentation(s)
7:11AM 2 Variable names in model formula
Monday May 1 2000
10:55PM 1 Missing dependencies in installing R-base-1.0.0-1
9:05PM 6 including r code in a latex file
5:19PM 1 tick marks on mfrow=c(3,3) plot
2:39PM 1 solve vs. qr.solve
5:49AM 1 GAMs under R?