On 6 April 2011 at 12:00, Dario Strbenac wrote:
| Hello,
| There seems to be a minor conflict of interesting in R CMD check. It creates a
log directory, then gives a WARNING about it being there:
| * using log directory /home/darstr/Repitools_github/pkg/Repitools.Rcheck
| * using R version 2.13.0 RC (2011-04-05 r55310)
| * using platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
| * using session charset: UTF-8
| ... ...
| * checking package subdirectories ... WARNING
| Found the following directory(s) with names of check directories:
| ./Repitools.Rcheck
| Most likely, these were included erroneously.
| ... ...
It usually means that you ran 'R CMD check' once before _inside_
which usually fails, and you then went up a directory and did it again.
Folks used to upload archives like that to CRAN which is why this is now
checked for.
Warnings are your friends. And, just like good friends, they sometimes go in
misterious ways...
Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com