On 10/19/2010 08:33 PM, Dario Strbenac wrote:> Hello,
> I'm looking for a way to extract objects from what gets created when I
Sweave with driver = weaver(). I found where the .Rdata objects are, but when I
load one into R, I don't see anything that looks like the objects that were
created in that code chunk.
>> ls()
> [1] "cacheEnv" "DEPS" "SESSION"
> What can I try next ?
Hi Dario
Probably useful to ask the maintainer
packageDescription('weaver')$Maintainer. But from looking at the package
code I see
eval_and_cache <- function(sexpr, deps, cacheEnv, cachefile, quiet) {
if (!quiet)
cat(" COMPUTING... ", file=stderr())
## We want to pick up inherited stuff during the eval. So no
## parent=emptyenv().
eval(sexpr, envir=cacheEnv)
DEPS <- deps
SESSION <- sessionInfo()
save(cacheEnv, DEPS, SESSION, file=cachefile)
if (!quiet)
cat("done.\n", file=stderr())
load_from_cache_env <- function(fromEnv, toEnv, hash, sym2hash, updated) {
## The 'updated' arg is a logical flag. TRUE indicates that
## syms in fromEnv were retrieved from cache but had to be
## recomputed because of a dependency mismatch. This is allows
## us to detect second order dependency mismatch where the
## expression doesn't change, but we've recomputed.
syms <- ls(fromEnv)
for (sym in syms) {
assign(sym, fromEnv[[sym]], envir=toEnv)
assign(sym, list(hash=hash, updated=updated), envir=sym2hash)
so would guess that 'cacheEnv' is a environment that contains the result
of evaluating the code in the chunk.
Hope that helps,
> --------------------------------------
> Dario Strbenac
> Research Assistant
> Cancer Epigenetics
> Garvan Institute of Medical Research
> Darlinghurst NSW 2010
> Australia
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