R devel - May 2011

Tuesday May 31 2011
7:29PM 1 Comment on build and INSTALL
11:35AM 1 Projection Pursuit Index
8:34AM 1 assignInNamespace and new bindings
Monday May 30 2011
3:54PM 1 Query super- and subclasses of a class: is there a better way than to use 'completeClassDefinition()'
12:36PM 1 Table Figures and Listings
Saturday May 28 2011
12:53PM 0 Nested design
Friday May 27 2011
1:13PM 1 Reference Classes/S4 Classes: can method dispatch check superclasses BEFORE resorting to method for "ANY"?
Thursday May 26 2011
8:26PM 1 Statistical mode
8:18PM 2 NaN, Inf to NA
5:56PM 0 Reference Classes: strange behavior when trying to change class def in the same R session
5:12PM 0 Reference Classes: getter and setter functions/methods and possible shortcuts
3:15PM 1 Is it possible to define a function's arguments via a wildcard in 'substitute()'?
2:40PM 1 serialization of external pointers
Wednesday May 25 2011
7:20PM 0 Curry: proposed new functional programming, er, function.
5:10PM 1 External special functions (SPECIALSXP)
Saturday May 21 2011
1:04AM 1 non-R package development
Friday May 20 2011
4:04PM 2 Calling Rscript from Makevars
Thursday May 19 2011
12:47PM 1 r-2.13 fails make check
12:45PM 2 Error in svg() : cairo-based devices are not supported on this build
12:15PM 1 Feature request: extend functionality of 'unlist()' by args 'delim=c("/", "_", etc.)' and 'keep.special=TRUE/FALSE'
10:25AM 1 IDWT - Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform
Wednesday May 18 2011
9:07AM 1 Max likelihood using GPU
Tuesday May 17 2011
7:36PM 0 lines.loess method - in order to make the plotting of loess consistent with that of lowess
2:50AM 1 R crashes if "toFile" given "~/" in Linux envirnonment
Saturday May 14 2011
10:47PM 1 By default, `names<-` alters S4 objects
12:46PM 0 obscure error message from splines::ns
7:30AM 2 calling "exists" function inside another function is not working
Friday May 13 2011
5:00PM 1 RProfmem output format
1:13PM 0 readTableHead refers to itself as readTableHeader in some messages
Thursday May 12 2011
5:55PM 3 Reproducible use case for R crash after updating R
5:02PM 1 Recursively parsing srcrefs
3:12PM 0 Generic Function for dffits?
2:33PM 0 Milestone: 3000 packages on CRAN
12:25PM 0 Renjin - R for the JVM - new milestone released
Wednesday May 11 2011
7:08PM 4 How to document man/*.Rd pages with images?
10:18AM 1 RCMD check fails on "checkin installed package size"
9:36AM 2 New code in R-devel: Rao score test for glm.
7:11AM 0 stats:::biplot.prcomp: Scaling, typo in the help file?
Tuesday May 10 2011
11:44PM 1 Reference Classes copy(shallow=FALSE) unexpected behavior.
3:26PM 1 Time-machine typo
2:35PM 0 Debugging warnings
1:38PM 0 Which higher-order function
Monday May 9 2011
11:15PM 0 Examples for performance studies
8:45PM 0 winbuilder temporary down
8:49AM 5 Fortran Symbol Name not in Load Table
Sunday May 8 2011
4:25PM 0 Devel version of R CMD build may create packages with incomplete doc/ directories
3:41PM 0 Warning when drop is missing
7:25AM 1 anova.lm fails with test="Cp"
Friday May 6 2011
6:21PM 1 cerr and cout not working calling c++ from R
5:24PM 1 Create and access several instances of a C++ class from R
5:23PM 0 cerr and cout not working
3:04PM 3 fortan common block
Thursday May 5 2011
6:31PM 1 matrix not positive definite (while it should be)
2:50PM 1 problem with location of libraries 64-bit (opensuse)
9:28AM 1 what's R save terminal flag?
Wednesday May 4 2011
7:39PM 1 Reference Classes: replacing '.self' with an .Rda image of '.self' from within a method? (was replacing '.self' with an .Rda image of '.self' from within a method?)
3:46PM 6 tkrplot not working in R 2.13.0
1:09PM 1 General "nil" reference class object
12:38PM 2 Capturing the complete unevaluated expression corresponding to function (body + formals)
12:26PM 3 Error in .Fortran Call
12:26PM 4 Recursive objects
8:49AM 0 proposal for package that creates the isomarginal family of two-way contingency tables
Tuesday May 3 2011
11:44PM 4 Wishlist: write R's bin path to the PATH variable and remove the version string in the installation dir under Windows
11:12AM 1 R CMD build - will reset the timestamps of all files in a package
10:35AM 1 [R] Sweave stops when opening X11 device fails
Monday May 2 2011
11:59PM 1 Location of Internal Code
7:21PM 1 Capturing the expression representing the body of a function
6:32PM 2 Source for bash_completion.d/R?
6:13PM 1 raw connections: reading does not alter current position pointer
4:03PM 0 Replacing '.self' with an .Rda image of '.self' from within a method?
3:47PM 0 R 2.13 segfault with range()
2:40PM 0 write.csv and match.call
1:53PM 2 Using substitute to access the expression related to a promise