on 9-24-2008 7:17 AM Bob Hoffman spake the following:> Well, I finally did it..and used centos.
> I started out in 1997 with my little website with not much on it. It was a
> shared host account. Eventually I added some more sites and got to grow out
> and went to this new fangled thing called VPS.
> Lots of problems plagued me throughout that experience, some on ensim
> control panel, some on others. When chost.net (think that was their name)
> blew up (1999 ?) and I lost my sites I moved to OLM.
> Finally got big enough to go to the dedicated thing. My own server, managed
> by the hosting company.
> Years of that turned stale as recumbent issues of updating and control
> panels just made it not so good.
> I made the plunge and built my own server and colocated it. Only problem,
> which software. I decided on rhel, but found the support so stunningly
> unknowledgable I moved to centos since it made no difference free or paid,
> no tech support is really there anyway. And I do not like redhat having
> access to my servers like that.
> It was a long long trial by fire to learn sysadmin with linux. But lessened
> by the huge amount of pre-setups that are done with a centos install. I
> at web pages and books that talk about untarring, installing and compiling,
> and just pass right by them (scared one day I may have to do that stuff).
> It was not easy making the jump. Especially deciding not to use a control
> panel. However, today, just minutes ago, I moved the final website from the
> dedicated host to my own server and cancelled the account.
> It is just a wonderful and elated feeling to know I have a good server with
> redundancy, great raid mirror, awesome software, great company updating
> security patches and a great company that repackages that for me from
> redhat.
> So far, other than the hardships of learning how to build the dang
> with a ton of poorly instructed programs, centos has been sturdy, stable,
> and works like a charm, almost out of the box!!
> I would never want to repeat the experience of learning this stuff for the
> first time...never. But now that I passed what I hope is the last hard bump
> in the road, I can finally get some sleep, go outside, and start
> more websites.
> Thanks centos.
> And yes. I am compiling all my notes from start to finish on this webserver
> project and intend to print a book with a step by step...but only for
> centos. Eventually make it one big wiki site too.
> Thanks for everyone who helped, everyone who yelled, everyone who flamed,
> everyone who just laughed, and everyone who supported.
> Today, I am free from hosting companies! Hooooo- Aaaaaaaah!!!!
> And a big thank you to the team at Centos who take the time to package up
> the redhat binaries and make them work correctly...and for adding the
> updates so quickly to the mirrors. I hope my book will bring more people to
> centos as a perfect solution for a webserver.
> Gonna go to bed now...finally over.
If you make some money on your book, toss a little back to aid those who made
it all possible for you.
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